995 resultados para Carpotroche brasiliensis
From February, 1981 to May, 2001, 63 children under 15 y old (ages 2 - 15 y, median = 8 y, mean ± 1 SD = 8 ± 3 y) presenting 70 episodes of Paracoccidioidomycosis were admitted. The main clinical manifestations and laboratory features observed upon admission were: lymph node enlargement (87.1%), fever (75.7%), weakness (48.6%), pallor (41.4%), hepatomegaly (40%), splenomegaly (35.7%), anemia (90%), hypergammaglobulinemia (88.5%), eosinophilia (75.5%) and hypoalbuminemia (72.5%). Moderate to severe malnutrition was detected in 35.7% of the episodes (Gomez's criterion). Radiographic and technetium studies showed bone lesions in 20 of the episodes, most of them being multiple lytic lesions, involving both long (70%) and plain bones (30%). First line treatment consisted of an association of sulfametoxazole-trimethoprin, which was used, exclusively, in 50 episodes. Follow-up of hemoglobin levels, number of eosinophils in the peripheral blood, albumin and gammaglobulin serum levels revealed significant sequential improvement one and six months after hospital admission, being quite useful to evaluate treatment effectiveness. Six patients died (9.3%) and four developed sequelae (6.3%) . In conclusion, the juvenile and disseminated forms can be observed in about 70% of the episodes of PCM occurring in children younger than 15 y old, most of them presenting with a febrile lymphoproliferative syndrome associated to anemia, eosinophilia and hypergammaglobulinemia.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a common disease in Latin America but it is rare in organ transplant recipient patients. We report on a case of such mycosis in a renal transplant recipient. The patient presented with a large lung cavity on the left lower lobe, a rare radiological presentation of paracoccidioidomycosis. Unusual clinical and radiological manifestations of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection can occur in immunocompromised patients.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a chronic granulomatous disease that induces a specific inflammatory and immune response. The participation of nitric oxide (NO), a product of the inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme (iNOS), as an important fungicidal molecule against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been demonstrated. In order to further characterize the Oral Paracoccidioidomycosis (OP), we undertook an immunohistochemical study of iNOS+, CD45RO+, CD3+, CD8+, CD20+, CD68+ cells and mast cells. The samples were distributed in groups according to the number of viable fungi per mm². Our results showed weak immunolabeling for iNOS in the multinucleated giant cells (MNGC) and in most of the mononuclear (MN) cells, and the proportion of iNOS+ MN/MNGC cells in the OP were comparable to Control (clinically healthy oral tissues). Additionally, our analysis revealed a similarity in the number of CD4+ cells between the Control and the OP groups with higher numbers of fungi. These findings suggest that a low expression of iNOS and a decrease in the CD4+ T cells in OP may represent possible mechanisms that permit the local fungal multiplication and maintenance of active oral lesions.
Adrenal involvement by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was described at necropsies and in many clinical studies, but only in adults. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate adrenal function in children with paracoccidioidomycosis. Twenty-three children with the systemic form of paracoccidioidomycosis were evaluated and divided in two Groups: Group A (n = 8) included children before treatment and Group B (n = 15) children after the end of treatment. Plasma cortisol (basal and after ACTH test), ACTH, renin activity, aldosterone, sodium and potassium were measured. They were within normal range in all cases, except for renin activity and aldosterone, which were elevated in some cases. Group A patients showed basal and post-ACTH cortisol levels significantly greater than Group B patients. The results showed that adrenal function was not compromised in these children with paracoccidioidomycosis.
Twenty-two cases of nocardial infections were diagnosed in our city between 1977- 1998. All patients whose clinical specimens showed Nocardia spp. at Gram stain, which were further confirmed by culture, were selected to be included in the study. Data from patients who were cured were compared with those from patients who died by statistical tests using EPIINFO version 6.04 software. Six isolates were identified as Nocardia asteroides complex, one as Nocardia asteroides sensu stricto and other as Nocardia brasiliensis. We had 17 cases of lung nocardiosis, being one out of them also a systemic disease. Other four cases of systemic nocardiosis were diagnosed: nocardial brain abscesses (one); nocardiosis of the jejunum (one); multiple cutaneous abscesses (one); and a case of infective nocardial endocarditis of prosthetic aortic valve. One patient had a mycetoma by N. brasiliensis. Fifteen (68.2%) out of 22 patients were immunosuppressed, being most (93.3%) by high-doses corticotherapy. Mortality by nocardial infection was 41%; mortality of systemic nocardiosis was 60%. Nocardiosis has a bad prognosis in immunosuppressed patients and also in non-immunosuppressed patients if the diagnosis is delayed. We propose that the delay in diagnosis should be examined in larger series to document its influence in the prognosis of the disease.
A larva migrans cutânea representa uma das dermatoses mais frequentes nos turistas que regressam de países tropicais e sub-tropicais. O agente mais frequente é a larva Ancylostoma brasiliensis que habita no intestino de cães e gatos. Os humanos são afetados quando contatam com solo contaminado com os excrementos de animais infetados. Apresentamos o caso de uma professora, 39 anos de idade, natural e residente em Portugal que, após regressar de férias no Nordeste do Brasil, refere dermatose localizada à 4ª prega interdigital e porção adjacente do dorso dos pés, constituída por várias lesões eritematosas, pruriginosas, de trajecto serpiginoso, compatíveis com larva migrans cutânea. O quadro regrediu após terapêutica com Albendazol. Devido à maior frequência de fluxos migratórios na atualidade, as dermatoses tropicais podem tornar-se mais frequentes nos países de clima temperado. Salienta-se a importância do aconselhamento dos turistas para a prevenção desta dermatose, nomeadamente através do uso de calçado protetor.
This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of paracoccidioidal infection by intradermal reaction (Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity, DTH) to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in rural areas in Alfenas, Southern Minas Gerais (MG) State, Brazil, and to assess risk factors (gender, occupation, age, alcohol intake and smoking) associated with infection. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study using intradermal tests with gp 43 paracoccidioidin in 542 participants, who were previously contacted by local health agents and so spontaneously attended the test. Participants underwent an interview by filling out a registration form with epidemiological data and were tested with an intradermal administration of 0.1 mL of paracoccidioidin in the left forearm. The test was read 48 hours after injection and was considered positive if induration was greater than or equal to 5 mm. Out of 542 participants, 46.67% were positive to the skin test. Prevalence increased in accordance with an increase of age. There was statistical significance only for males. Occupation, alcohol intake and smoking habits were not significantly associated with the risk of paracoccidioidomycosis infection. There is relevance of paracoccidioidomycosis infection in such rural areas, which suggests that further epidemiological and clinical studies on this mycosis should be done in the southern part of Minas Gerais State.
SUMMARY Sporothrix schenckiiwas reclassified as a complex encompassing six cryptic species, which calls for the reassessment of clinical and epidemiological data of these new species. We evaluated the susceptibility of Sporothrix albicans (n = 1) , S. brasiliensis (n = 6) , S. globosa (n = 1), S. mexicana(n = 1) and S. schenckii(n = 36) to terbinafine (TRB) alone and in combination with itraconazole (ITZ), ketoconazole (KTZ), and voriconazole (VRZ) by a checkerboard microdilution method and determined the enzymatic profile of these species with the API-ZYM kit. Most interactions were additive (27.5%, 32.5% and 5%) or indifferent (70%, 50% and 52.5%) for TRB+KTZ, TRB+ITZ and TRB+VRZ, respectively. Antagonisms were observed in 42.5% of isolates for the TRB+VRZ combination. Based on enzymatic profiling, the Sporothrix schenckii strains were categorized into 14 biotypes. Leucine arylamidase (LA) activity was observed only for S. albicans and S. mexicana. The species S. globosaand S. mexicanawere the only species without β-glucosidase (GS) activity. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of virulence and resistance among species of the genus Sporothrixin further studies.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), is the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. There are few reports in the literature about the disease damages during pregnancy and the consequences to the fetuses and breeding. This study evaluated the implications of PCM during pregnancy on offspring and mothers in Wistar rats. Groups of rats were submitted to systemic Pb infection, by intraperitoneal infusion, and mated 30 days after the infection date. Immediately after birth, rats and neonates were sacrificed to obtain organs for standard histological examination, morphometric analysis, fungi recovery by plating (CFU) and dosing of anti-Pb antibodies by ELISA. There were no stillbirths or miscarriages, however, the fetuses from infected pregnant rats had lower body and organ weight but the fertility rate was 100%. The largest number of CFU was recovered from the organ of pregnant rats, the pathological examination revealed more severe infection in the same group, further on the largest number of granulomas and fungal field. It can be concluded that the PCM was more severe in the group of pregnant rats, with implications to the weight of offspring.
SUMMARYThe epidemiological characteristics of paracoccidioidomycosis were reviewed and updated. The new endemic areas in Brazil were discussed in the section regarding the geographic distribution of the mycosis. Subclinical infection with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was discussed on the basis of skin test surveys with antigens of the fungus, seroepidemiological studies, and disease cases outside Latin America. Large case series permitted a comparison of the prevalence of the mycosis in different regions, its estimated incidence and risk factors for the development of the disease. Aspects modulating the expression of the clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis are also presented. This review also deals with diseases associated with the mycosis, opportunistic paracoccidioidomycosis, lethality, mortality and infection and disease in animals.
SUMMARYParacoccidioidomycosis (PCM), caused by Paracoccidioides spp, is an important endemic mycosis in Latin America. There are two recognized Paracoccidioides species, P. brasiliensis and P. lutzii, based on phylogenetic differences; however, the pathogenesis and disease manifestations of both are indistinguishable at present. Approximately 1,853 (~51,2%) of 3,583 confirmed deaths in Brazil due to systemic mycoses from 1996-2006 were caused by PCM. Antifungal treatment is required for patients with PCM. The initial treatment lasts from two to six months and sulfa derivatives, amphotericin B, azoles and terbinafine are used in clinical practice; however, despite prolonged therapy, relapses are still a problem. An effective Th1-biased cellular immune response is essential to control the disease, which can be induced by exogenous antigens or modulated by prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines. Stimulation of B cells or passive transference of monoclonal antibodies are also important means that may be used to improve the efficacy of paracoccidioidomycosis treatment in the future. This review critically details major challenges facing the development of a vaccine to combat PCM.
SUMMARYConsidered to be an emerging endemic mycosis in Latin America, paracoccidioidomycosis is characterized by a chronic course and involvement of multiple organs in immunocompromised hosts. Infection sequelae are mainly related to pulmonary and adrenal insufficiency. The host-parasite interaction results in different expressions of the immune response depending on parasite pathogenicity, fungal load and genetic characteristics of the host. A few controlled and case series reports have shown that azoles and fast-acting sulfa derivatives are useful treatment alternatives in milder forms of the disease. For moderate/severe cases, more prolonged treatments or even parenteral routes are required especially when there is involvement of the digestive tract mucosa, resulting in poor drug absorption. Although comparative studies have reported that shorter treatment regimens with itraconazole are able to induce cure in chronically-infected patients, there are still treatment challenges such as the need for more controlled studies involving acute cases, the search for new drugs and combinations, and the search for compounds capable of modulating the immune response in severe cases as well as the paradoxical reactions.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is the most common endemic mycosis in Latin America. The etiological agents, which comprise two species, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and P. lutzii, are thermodimorphic fungi that usually affect previously healthy adults. They primarily involve the lungs and then disseminate to other organs. Such mycosis is rare in organ transplant recipients; there have been only three cases reported in literature, until now. We report a case of PCM in a renal transplant recipient with an unusual dermatological presentation.
Este é a primeira de uma série de publicações sobre os triatomíneos do Estado da Bahia, com base nos dados obtidos na inspeção de 889.972 domicílios de 11.045 localidades do Estado, nos anos de 1957 a 1971, quando se coletaram 33.588 exemplares do hemíptero. Foram identificadas 18 espécies pertencentes a 4 gêneros, conforme a seguir e relatado. Triatoma rubrovária, referida em antiga citação, não mais ocorre no Estado. Triatoma bahiensis perdeu sua validade específica, sendo considerada apenas urna variedade de T. pessoal. Existem também variedades de outras espécies, as quais serão estudadas com mais detalhes noutros trabalhes futuros. Panstrongylus megistus é principalmente abundante na faixa litorânea do Estado, com florestas latifoleadas, onde as condições de umidade são elevadas e oclima, é tropical quente e úmido. É a espécie considerada de maior importância na transmissão da Doença de Chagas na Bahia. T. brasiliensis foi encontrada comumente nas áreas de clima estépico com vegetação xerófila. A sua presença em áreas de clima, tropical quente e úmido, foi traduzida como sendo uma variedade da espécie. O seu encontro em áreas de florestas latifoleadas úmidas com clima de selvas, foi aceito como devido, possivelmente, ao transporte mecânico. Verificou-se que T. infestans, antes limitada ao paralelo 16° nos climas mesotérmicos está se disseminando, provavelmente por ação mecânica para áreas possuidoras de características climáticas diversas. T. sórdida foi encontrada somente nas áreas de clima seco seguindo de uma maneira geral o curso dos rios. T. rubrofasciata permaneceu com sua distribuição limitada a duas cidades coloniais na zona litorânea, rarefazendo-se nestes últimos anos, provavelmente devido a higienização por que passam os locais de sua antiga penetração. O gênero Rhodnius que é representado pelo R. negletus, constou de um só exemplar coletado num domicílio, em zona de clima, estéptico com vegetação xerófila. Do género Psamolestes, foi considerada como a única espécie ocorrente o F. tertius. Esta espécie está disseminada por todo o Estado, dependendo provavelmente a sua distribuição da dos ninhos das aves nos quais colonizam. As seguintes espécies também ocorrem, porém em menor densidade, às vezes sendo representadas por achados fortuitos, e tem limitadas áreas de distribuição no Estado: P. diasi. P. geniculatus, P. lutzi, T. costalimai, T. lenti, T maculata, T. melanocephala, P. pessoai, T. petrochii e T. tíbíamacuiata.
Diversas espécies de triatomíneos foram alimentadas em cão, tatu e camundongos infectados pelo T. cruzi, para verificação de suas susceptibilidades. Em cão T. infestans e P. megistus se infectaram melhor. Em tatus T. iníestans e T. brasiliensis acusaram melhores índices de infecção, enquanto em camundongos as espécies de Rhodnius e T. brasiliensis foram as melhores infectadas. A positividade dos xenos não pareceu obrigatoriamente relacionada com a riqueza da parasitemia evidenciada através da hemoscopia direta. A positividade dos xenos em camundongos variou de 26 a 96%. Quando a mesma espécie de triatomineos foi usada em tipos diversos de animais, pareceu haver uma tendência para apresentarem diferentes taxas de infecções, de acordo com o animal empregado. Dessa forma, a susceptibilidade dos triatomíneos poderia estar dependente dos fatores: cepa do tripanosoma, espécie e fase do triatomíneo e o tipo do animal infectante.