964 resultados para Canals -- Ontario -- History -- Sources.


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Pro gradu-tutkielma tutkii demokratian ja turvallisuuden paradoksia Pakistanissa esitellen kuusi tekijää, jotka vaikuttavat kyseiseen paradoksiin. Näitä tekijöitä ovat historiallinen kehitys; eliittihallinto; taloudellinen kehitys; Pakistanin poliittisten tekijöiden demokratian eri määritelmät; opetuksen puuttuminen; ja valtataistelu hallituksen, armeijan, tiedustelupalvelun, oikeusjärjestelmän, poliittisten puolueiden sekä eri heimojen, uskonnollisten ja etnisten ryhmien välillä. Tutkimus tarkastelee myös sitä miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat demokratian kehitykseen Pakistanissa. Keskeinen argumentti on, että länsimainen demokratia ei esiinny eikä toimi Pakistanissa vallitsevissa oloissa, etenkin historiallisen kehityksen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden takia. Pro gradu-tutkielma käyttää sekundäärisiä lähteitä, kuten kirjoja, artikkeleita, maaraportteja, kommentaareja sekä omiin kokemuksiin perustuvia havaintoja Pakistanin matkalta 2010-2011. Keskeiset teoriat gradussa ovat Guillermo O’ Donnelin delegaattidemokratia sekä Duncan McCargon eliittihallintoteoria, jotka yhdessä selittävät historiallista kehitystä ja eliittihallinnon dynamiikkaa, mitkä johtavat paradoksiin. Kautta historian armeija on hallinnut Pakistania, ja siviilihallinto on ainoastaan neljä kertaa onnistunut olemaan vallassa, mutta silloinkin siviilihallinto päättyi korruptioväitteisiin tai armeijan vallankaappaukseen. Armeijahallinnoille on luonteenomaista hyvät suhteet USA:n, positiivinen taloudellinen kehitys ja vakaus, kun taas siviilihallinnot ovat epävakaita ja korruptoituneita. Tämä kehitys on paradoksin tausta, joka rakentuu turvallisuuspoliittisen tilanteen pohjalle eli hallitusten ja muiden tekijöiden yritykseen löytää vastapaino Intian uhalle. Tämä on ollut keskeinen huoli kelle tahansa poliittiselle päättäjälle itsenäisyydestä lähtien. Loputon valtataistelu eri poliittisten tekijöiden kesken sekä eliittihallinto pitävät yllä paradoksia, koska eliitit ovat kiinnostuneempia oman valtansa säilyttämisestä kuin kansan tahdon huomioonottamisesta. Koska valtaosa ihmisistä ei ole koulutettuja, he ovat paljolti kiinnostuneita omasta selviytymisestään, ja tämän takia sekä kansa että eliitit suosivat armeijahallintoa, koska se tuo vakautta ja taloudellista kehitystä. Sen vuoksi vallitsevissa oloissa demokratian tulevaisuus Pakistanissa näyttää huonolta, koska liberaalidemokratian vaatimukset eivät täyty puoliksi vapaan oikeussysteemin, puoliksi vapaan lehdistön, valtavan korruption ja monien ihmisoikeusloukkauksien takia unohtamatta armeijan ja tiedustelupalvelun sekaantumista siviilihallintoon.


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Important issues of water and thermal history affecting ion transport in a representative plastic crystalline lithium salt electrolyte: succinonitrile (SN)-lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) are discussed here. Ionic conductivity of electrolytes with high lithium salt amounts (similar to 1 M) in SN at a particular temperature is known to be influenced both by the trans-gauche isomerism and ion association (solvation), the two most important intrinsic parameters of the plastic solvent. In the present study both water and thermal history influence SN and result in enhancement of ionic conductivity of 1 M LiClO4-SN electrolyte. Systematic observations reveal that the presence of water in varying amounts promote ion-pair dissociation in the electrolyte. While trace amounts (approximate to 1-15 ppm) do not affect the trans-gauche isomerism of SN, the presence of water in large amounts (approximate to 5500 ppm) submerges the plasticity of SN. Subjugating the electrolyte to different thermal protocol resulted in enhancement of trans concentration only. This is an interesting observation as it demonstrates a simple and effective procedure involving utilization of an optimized set of external parameters to decouple solvation from trans-gauche isomerism. Observations from the ionic conductivity of various samples were accounted by changes in signature isomer and ion-association bands in the mid-IR regime and also from plastic to normal crystal transition temperature peak obtained from thermal studies. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Shannon cipher system is studied in the context of general sources using a notion of computational secrecy introduced by Merhav and Arikan. Bounds are derived on limiting exponents of guessing moments for general sources. The bounds are shown to be tight for i.i.d., Markov, and unifilar sources, thus recovering some known results. A close relationship between error exponents and correct decoding exponents for fixed rate source compression on the one hand and exponents for guessing moments on the other hand is established.


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The life-history of Neurospora in nature has remained largely unknown. The present study attempts to remedy this. The following conclusions are based on observation of Neurospora on fire-scorched sugar cane in agricultural fields, and reconstruction experiments using a colour mutant to inoculate sugar cane burned in the laboratory. The fungus persists in soil as heat-resistant dormant ascospores. These are activated by a chemical(s) released into soil from the burnt substrate. The chief diffusible activator of ascospores is furfural and the germinating ascospores infect the scorched substrate. An invasive mycelium grows progressively upwards inside the juicy sugar cane and produces copious macroconidia externally through fire-induced openings formed in the plant tissue, or by the mechanical rupturing of the plant epidermal tissue by the mass of mycelium. The loose conidia are dispersed by wind and/or foraged by microfauna. It is suggested that the constant production of macroconidia, and their ready dispersal, serve a physiological role: to drain the substrate of minerals and soluble sugars, thereby creating nutritional conditions which stimulate sexual reproduction by the fungus. Sexual reproduction in the sugar-depleted cellulosic substrate occurs after macroconidiation has ceased totally and is favoured by the humid conditions prevailing during the monsoon rains. Profuse microconidiophores and protoperithecia are produced simultaneously in the pockets below the loosened epidermal tissue. Presumably protoperithecia are fertilized by microconidia which are possibly transmitted by nematodes active in the dead plant tissue. Mature perithecia release ascospores in situ which are passively liberated in the soil by the disintegration of the plant material and are, apparently, distributed by rain or irrigation water.


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The demographic history of India was examined by comparing mtDNA sequences obtained from members of three culturally divergent Indian subpopulations (endogamous caste groups). While an inferred tree revealed some clustering according to caste affiliation, there was no clear separation into three genetically distinct groups along caste lines. Comparison of pairwise nucleotide difference distributions, however, did indicate a difference in growth patterns between two of the castes. The Brahmin population appears to have undergone either a rapid expansion or steady growth. The low-ranking Mukri caste, however, may have either maintained a roughly constant population size or undergone multiple bottlenecks during that period. Comparison of the Indian sequences to those obtained from other populations, using a tree, revealed that the Indian sequences, along with ah other non-African samples, form a starlike cluster. This cluster may represent a major expansion, possibly originating in southern Asia, taking place at some point after modern humans initially left Africa.


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In the past few years there have been attempts to develop subspace methods for DoA (direction of arrival) estimation using a fourth?order cumulant which is known to de?emphasize Gaussian background noise. To gauge the relative performance of the cumulant MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) (c?MUSIC) and the standard MUSIC, based on the covariance function, an extensive numerical study has been carried out, where a narrow?band signal source has been considered and Gaussian noise sources, which produce a spatially correlated background noise, have been distributed. These simulations indicate that, even though the cumulant approach is capable of de?emphasizing the Gaussian noise, both bias and variance of the DoA estimates are higher than those for MUSIC. To achieve comparable results the cumulant approach requires much larger data, three to ten times that for MUSIC, depending upon the number of sources and how close they are. This is attributed to the fact that in the estimation of the cumulant, an average of a product of four random variables is needed to make an evaluation. Therefore, compared to those in the evaluation of the covariance function, there are more cross terms which do not go to zero unless the data length is very large. It is felt that these cross terms contribute to the large bias and variance observed in c?MUSIC. However, the ability to de?emphasize Gaussian noise, white or colored, is of great significance since the standard MUSIC fails when there is colored background noise. Through simulation it is shown that c?MUSIC does yield good results, but only at the cost of more data.


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Analytical and numerical solutions have been obtained for some moving boundary problems associated with Joule heating and distributed absorption of oxygen in tissues. Several questions have been examined which are concerned with the solutions of classical formulation of sharp melting front model and the classical enthalpy formulation in which solid, liquid and mushy regions are present. Thermal properties and heat sources in the solid and liquid regions have been taken as unequal. The short-time analytical solutions presented here provide useful information. An effective numerical scheme has been proposed which is accurate and simple.


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The similar to 2500 km-long Himalaya plate boundary experienced three great earthquakes during the past century, but none of them generated any surface rupture. The segments between the 1905-1934 and the 1897-1950 sources, known as the central and Assam seismic gaps respectively, have long been considered holding potential for future great earthquakes. This paper addresses two issues concerning earthquakes along the Himalaya plate boundary. One, the absence of surface rupture associated with the great earthquakes, vis-a-vis the purported large slip observed from paleoseismological investigations and two, the current understanding of the status of the seismic gaps in the Central Himalaya and Assam, in view of the paleoseismological and historical data being gathered. We suggest that the ruptures of earthquakes nucleating on the basal detachment are likely to be restricted by the crustal ramps and thus generate no surface ruptures, whereas those originating on the faults within the wedges promote upward propagation of rupture and displacement, as observed during the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, that showed a peak offset of 7 m. The occasional reactivation of these thrust systems within the duplex zone may also be responsible for the observed temporal and spatial clustering of earthquakes in the Himalaya. Observations presented in this paper suggest that the last major earthquake in the Central Himalaya occurred during AD 1119-1292, rather than in 1505, as suggested in some previous studies and thus the gap in the plate boundary events is real. As for the Northwestern Himalaya, seismically generated sedimentary features identified in the 1950 source region are generally younger than AD 1400 and evidence for older events is sketchy. The 1897 Shillong earthquake is not a decollement event and its predecessor is probably similar to 1000 years old. Compared to the Central Himalaya, the Assam Gap is a corridor of low seismicity between two tectonically independent seismogenic source zones that cannot be considered as a seismic gap in the conventional sense. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present multifrequency Very Large Array (VLA) observations of two giant quasars, 0437-244 and 1025-229, from the Molonglo Complete Sample. These sources have well-defined FR II radio structure, possible one-sided jets, no significant depolarization between 1365 and 4935 MHz and low rotation measure (\ RM \ < 20 rad m(-2)). The giant sources are defined to be those with overall projected size greater than or equal to 1 Mpc. We have compiled a sample of about 50 known giant radio sources from the literature, and have compared some of their properties with a complete sample of 3CR radio sources of smaller sizes to investigate the evolution of giant sources, and test their consistency with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. We find an inverse correlation between the degree of core prominence and total radio luminosity, and show that the giant radio sources have similar core strengths to smaller sources of similar total luminosity. Hence their large sizes are unlikely to be caused by stronger nuclear activity. The degree of collinearity of the giant sources is also similar to that of the sample of smaller sources. The luminosity-size diagram shows that the giant sources are less luminous than our sample of smaller sized 3CR sources, consistent with evolutionary scenarios in which the giants have evolved from the smaller sources, losing energy as they expand to these large dimensions. For the smaller sources, radiative losses resulting from synchrotron radiation are more significant while for the giant sources the equipartition magnetic fields are smaller and inverse Compton lass owing to microwave background radiation is the dominant process. The radio properties of the giant radio galaxies and quasars are consistent with the unified scheme.


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We consider the problem of compression via homomorphic encoding of a source having a group alphabet. This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation, where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can at times improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. The functions of interest are those which could be represented by the binary operation in the group. We first consider the case when the source alphabet is the cyclic Abelian group, Zpr. In this scenario, we show that the set of achievable rates provided by Krithivasan and Pradhan [1], is indeed the best possible. In addition to that, we provide a simpler proof of their achievability result. In the case of a general Abelian group, an improved achievable rate region is presented than what was obtained by Krithivasan and Pradhan. We then consider the case when the source alphabet is a non-Abelian group. We show that if all the source symbols have non-zero probability and the center of the group is trivial, then it is impossible to compress such a source if one employs a homomorphic encoder. Finally, we present certain non-homomorphic encoders, which also are suitable in the context of function computation over non-Abelian group sources and provide rate regions achieved by these encoders.


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Road transportation, as an important requirement of modern society, is presently hindered by restrictions in emission legislations as well as the availability of petroleum fuels, and as a consequence, the fuel cost. For nearly 270 years, we burned our fossil cache and have come to within a generation of exhausting the liquid part of it. Besides, to reduce the greenhouse gases, and to obey the environmental laws of most countries, it would be necessary to replace a significant number of the petroleum-fueled internal-combustion-engine vehicles (ICEVs) with electric cars in the near future. In this article, we briefly describe the merits and demerits of various proposed electrochemical systems for electric cars, namely the storage batteries, fuel cells and electrochemical supercapacitors, and determine the power and energy requirements of a modern car. We conclude that a viable electric car could be operated with a 50 kW polymer-electrolyte fuel cell stack to provide power for cruising and climbing, coupled in parallel with a 30 kW supercapacitor and/or battery bank to deliver additional short-term burst-power during acceleration.


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The specified range of free chlorine residual (between minimum and maximum) in water distribution systems needs to be maintained to avoid deterioration of the microbial quality of water, control taste and/or odor problems, and hinder formation of carcino-genic disinfection by-products. Multiple water quality sources for providing chlorine input are needed to maintain the chlorine residuals within a specified range throughout the distribution system. The determination of source dosage (i.e., chlorine concentrations/chlorine mass rates) at water quality sources to satisfy the above objective under dynamic conditions is a complex process. A nonlinear optimization problem is formulated to determine the chlorine dosage at the water quality sources subjected to minimum and maximum constraints on chlorine concentrations at all monitoring nodes. A genetic algorithm (GA) approach in which decision variables (chlorine dosage) are coded as binary strings is used to solve this highly nonlinear optimization problem, with nonlinearities arising due to set-point sources and non-first-order reactions. Application of the model is illustrated using three sample water distribution systems, and it indicates that the GA,is a useful tool for evaluating optimal water quality source chlorine schedules.


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We consider the problem of compression of a non-Abelian source.This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation,where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can often improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. Let G be a non-Abelian group having center Z(G). We show here that it is impossible to compress a source with symbols drawn from G when Z(G) is trivial if one employs a homomorphic encoder and a typical-set decoder.We provide achievable upper bounds on the minimum rate required to compress a non-Abelian group with non-trivial center. Also, in a two source setting, we provide achievable upper bounds for compression of any non-Abelian group, using a non-homomorphic encoder.


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During lightning strike to a tall grounded object (TGO), reflections of current waves are known to occur at either ends of the TGO. These reflection modify the channel current and hence, the lightning electromagnetic fields. This study aims to identify the possible contributing factors to reflection at a TGO-channel junction for the current waves ascending on the TGO. Possible sources of reflection identified are corona sheath and discontinuity of resistance and radius. For analyzing the contribution of corona sheath and discontinuity of resistance at the junction, a macroscopic physical model for the return stroke developed in our earlier work is employed. NEC-2D is used for assessing the contribution of abrupt change in radii at a TGO-channel junction. The wire-cage model adopted for the same is validated using laboratory experiments. Detailed investigation revealed the following. The main contributor for reflection at a TGO-channel junction is the difference between TGO and channel core radii. Also, the discontinuity of resistance at a TGO-channel junction can be of some relevance only for the first microsecond regime. Further, corona sheath does not play any significant role in the reflection.