988 resultados para Camponeses e trabalhadores da terra


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Our study considers the natural resources of the Miombo forests in Cabo Delgado from a broad ecosystems perspective. Thus, our view goes beyond the disciplinary approaches of forestry, agronomy, biology or zoology, and also of the social sciences, namely anthropology, history, sociology, political science or economics. The present study aims to establish a dialogue and create synergies between Miti Ltd. – the logging company and owner of the forest concessions – as well as government and state structures at the various levels and the communities – through the Committees on Natural Resources – in order to promote the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems. The research methodology we used can broadly be described as moderated transdisciplinary interaction for action-research based on the approach known as Learning for Sustainability (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learning-for-Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx). The research methods used include: LforS seminars; field work; forests observations focusing, among others, on ecosystems, trees, wildlife, and burned areas; visits to farms; and interviews. We conducted both collective interviews and individual interviews, including with key informants. The main results indicate that members of the Committee on Natural Resources have a dual attitude: their statements defend the paradigm of sustainable use of natural resources as well as their own immediate monetary gain. They are willing to apply the values, concepts and theories of sustainable development that underpin the establishment of Committees on Natural Resources if they are paid for their work or if they can derive direct benefits from it, i.e. if they can earn a salary or allowance. If this does not happen, however, they are willing to allow actors to engage in illegal hunting or logging activities. This dual attitude also exists in relation to forestry operators. If the concession workers pay the committee members in cash or provide goods, they can run their business even if they violate the law. Natural forest regeneration in Nkonga and Namiune already shows the impact of such use. Although there are many saplings that could basically ensure continuous regeneration under sustainable management, repeated burning is damaging the young trees, deforming them and killing a great number of them. Campaigns against uncontrolled fires are ineffective because the administrative and political authorities have a dual attitude as well and are also part of the group that uses resources to their own profit and benefit. There are institutional structures within the administration, populations, and communities to perform regulating functions, create and implement rules, punish offenders, and oversee resource use. However, they feel that since they are not paid for performing these functions, they do not have to do so. This attitude shows a lack of awareness, but also indicates a situation where everyone seeks to derive maximum benefits from existing resource use patterns. Anything goes.


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A Carta da Terra é uma proposta ética universal, que defende a igualdade de direitos de cidadania a todos os seres do planeta Terra. Foi desenvolvida para expandir a discussão ética na contemporaneidade e substituir a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. A Carta trata abertamente de temas como o consumo desenfreado e a inclusão econômica. Ainda assim, é um documento pouco difundido e aplicado. Prova disso é que a deontologia do campo jornalístico é fundamentada na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, considerada obsoleta após a formulação da Carta da Terra. Levando isso em conta, este artigo investiga os Princípios Internacionais da Ética Profissional no Jornalismo, o contexto histórico da Carta da Terra e a responsabilidade social dos jornalistas. Tal investigação tem o objetivo de propor a atualização da deontologia do campo jornalístico, por meio da substituição da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos pela Carta da Terra, como paradigma de princípios éticos; e discutir novas formas de empreender a responsabilidade social no campo jornalístico. Além da discussão teórica, os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo sobre a aplicação dos princípios da Carta no jornalismo ilustram a proposta do artigo


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En el marco de una investigación más amplia que examina en forma comparada los oficialismos de Lula en Brasil y de Kirchner en Argentina durante 2005-2006, el presente trabajo se propone estudiar, la relación que algunos movimientos sociales mantuvieron con el gobierno, como parte integral o como aliados del mismo, en el período consignado. En ese sentido, el Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), en Brasil, y organizaciones como la Federación Tierra y Vivienda (FTV), el Frente Transversal Nacional y Popular, el Movimiento Evita, y Libres del Sur, en Argentina, constituyen uno de los distintos sujetos de dos conjuntos oficialistas que difícilmente puedan ser caracterizados, como se hacía en el pasado, como "partido oficial" o "coaliciones de partidos". Los oficialismos en cuestión no sólo aglutinan en su seno a un conglomerado muy heterogéneo de actores políticos individuales y de dirigentes de múltiples fuerzas y sellos partidarios -con sus respectivas redes de poder territorial-, sino que incluyen también a estas organizaciones populares, protagonistas de históricos procesos de amplia movilización y lucha social. ¿Qué identidad reivindican esas organizaciones en su apoyo al gobierno? ¿Cómo conciben su propio rol dentro del oficialismo? ¿Cómo definen a ese conjunto al que pertenecen o se asocian? ¿Cuál es su relación con el presidente?


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This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually


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This article is dedicated to the study the ways of appropriation of land in the south border of Brazil, in the first half of the century XIX. The historiography has, for tradition, associated the appropriation of large tracts of land, in Rio Grande do Sul, with royal donations. That would have been made, mainly, in the form of 'sesmarias' donations. However, a more detained study shows than the public concessions were just one among other forms of appropriation of the land used by families that accomplished a voracious accumulation of lands. Among other sources, inventories post mortem, registrations of concessions of lands and official correspondences are used. The main analysis focus relapses on the municipal district of Alegrete, between 1800 and 1870


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This article attempts to discuss on concept of moral economy, presenting the case of "pequenos lavradores" (quatters) in Rio de Janeiro' landscape between 1945-1964. In the first place, the focus falls on the discussion of anthropologists as Klaas and Ellen Woortman about that concept. In the second, I make a verification one of how moral economy one has been expressed by "pequenos lavradores" in you fight for the land. My hypothesis is that moral economy one not is only a set of values, but it play too an important rule in the establishment of a political speech one and of your social identity. The sources explored are newspapers, peasant meeting documents and letters envoy to the President Getúlio Vargas.


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En el marco de una investigación más amplia que examina en forma comparada los oficialismos de Lula en Brasil y de Kirchner en Argentina durante 2005-2006, el presente trabajo se propone estudiar, la relación que algunos movimientos sociales mantuvieron con el gobierno, como parte integral o como aliados del mismo, en el período consignado. En ese sentido, el Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), en Brasil, y organizaciones como la Federación Tierra y Vivienda (FTV), el Frente Transversal Nacional y Popular, el Movimiento Evita, y Libres del Sur, en Argentina, constituyen uno de los distintos sujetos de dos conjuntos oficialistas que difícilmente puedan ser caracterizados, como se hacía en el pasado, como "partido oficial" o "coaliciones de partidos". Los oficialismos en cuestión no sólo aglutinan en su seno a un conglomerado muy heterogéneo de actores políticos individuales y de dirigentes de múltiples fuerzas y sellos partidarios -con sus respectivas redes de poder territorial-, sino que incluyen también a estas organizaciones populares, protagonistas de históricos procesos de amplia movilización y lucha social. ¿Qué identidad reivindican esas organizaciones en su apoyo al gobierno? ¿Cómo conciben su propio rol dentro del oficialismo? ¿Cómo definen a ese conjunto al que pertenecen o se asocian? ¿Cuál es su relación con el presidente?


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This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually