974 resultados para COLLAGEN TYPE I
The scenario considered here is one where brain connectivity is represented as a network and an experimenter wishes to assess the evidence for an experimental effect at each of the typically thousands of connections comprising the network. To do this, a univariate model is independently fitted to each connection. It would be unwise to declare significance based on an uncorrected threshold of α=0.05, since the expected number of false positives for a network comprising N=90 nodes and N(N-1)/2=4005 connections would be 200. Control of Type I errors over all connections is therefore necessary. The network-based statistic (NBS) and spatial pairwise clustering (SPC) are two distinct methods that have been used to control family-wise errors when assessing the evidence for an experimental effect with mass univariate testing. The basic principle of the NBS and SPC is the same as supra-threshold voxel clustering. Unlike voxel clustering, where the definition of a voxel cluster is unambiguous, 'clusters' formed among supra-threshold connections can be defined in different ways. The NBS defines clusters using the graph theoretical concept of connected components. SPC on the other hand uses a more stringent pairwise clustering concept. The purpose of this article is to compare the pros and cons of the NBS and SPC, provide some guidelines on their practical use and demonstrate their utility using a case study involving neuroimaging data.
Engagement of TNF receptor 1 by TNFalpha activates the transcription factor NF-kappaB but can also induce apoptosis. Here we show that upon TNFalpha binding, TNFR1 translocates to cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts, where it associates with the Ser/Thr kinase RIP and the adaptor proteins TRADD and TRAF2, forming a signaling complex. In lipid rafts, TNFR1 and RIP are ubiquitylated. Furthermore, we provide evidence that translocation to lipid rafts precedes ubiquitylation, which leads to the degradation via the proteasome pathway. Interfering with lipid raft organization not only abolishes ubiquitylation but switches TNFalpha signaling from NF-kappaB activation to apoptosis. We suggest that lipid rafts are crucial for the outcome of TNFalpha-activated signaling pathways.
Les phacomatoses regroupent des maladies du développement du neurectoderme, engendrant des manifestations cutanées ou du système nerveux central. Les symptômes de ces maladies peuvent affecter les individus atteints à différents moments de leur vie. Il s'agit de maladies, héréditaires ou congénitales, qui sont transmises de façon variable. Effectivement, certaines, telles que la neurofibromatose, la sclérose tubéreuse ou la maladie de von Hippel-Lindau sont autosomiques dominantes, alors que d'autres, telles que la maladie de Sturge-Weber sont sporadiques. Des transmissions autosomiques récessives liées à X ou des formes mosaïques existent également. Une revue de la littérature, comprenant les cinq phacomatoses les plus fréquemment vues par un neurochirurgien (neurofibromatose de type I et II, sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville, maladie de Sturge-Weber-Krabbe, maladie de von Hippel-Lindau) a été effectuée en se centrant sur le diagnostic, la variabilité de la symptomatologie selon l'âge du patient et son traitement. Les cas de patients adultes et pédiatriques vus aux consultations de neurologie et neurochirurgie de l'hôpital de Lille (France) et Lausanne (Suisse), de 1961 à nos jours, ont été revus pour illustrer les différentes pathologies rencontrées, selon l'âge des patients atteints. Le phénotype de ces maladies se modifie avec l'âge, car les gènes incriminés sont des gènes impliqués dans la différentiation tissulaire et sont activés à des âges différents suivant les tissus. Le rôle du neurochirurgien sera variable selon l'âge et le syndrome du patient. Il importe de connaître les variations du phénotype de ces maladies avec l'âge ainsi que les conséquences à long terme des traitements pour proposer au patient un suivi neurochirurgical personnalisé. Phacomatoses, or neurocutaneous disorders, are a group of congenital and hereditary diseases characterized by developmental lesions of the neuroectoderm, leading to pathologies affecting the skin and the central nervous system. There is a wide range of pathologies affecting individuals at different moments of life. The genetics is variable: while neurofibromatosis 1 and 2, tuberous sclerosis and von Hippel-Lindau disease are all inherited as autosomal dominant traits, Sturge-Weber syndrome is sporadic. Other neurocutaneous disorders can be inherited as autosomal recessive traits (i.e., ataxia-telangiectasia), X-linked (i.e., incontinentia pigmenti) or explained by mosaicism (i.e., hypomelanosis of Ito, McCune-Albright syndrome). In this review, we discuss the major types of neurocutaneous disorders most frequently encountered by the neurosurgeon and followed beyond childhood. They include neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2, tuberous sclerosis, Sturge-Weber syndrome and von Hippel-Lindau disease. In each case, a review of the literature, including diagnosis, genetics and treatment will be presented. The lifespan of the disease with the implications for neurosurgeons will be emphasized. A review of cases, including both pediatric and adult patients, seen in neurosurgical practices in the Lille, France and Lausanne, Switzerland hospitals between 1961 and 2007 is presented to illustrate the pathologies seen in different age-groups. Because the genes mutated in most phacomatoses are involved in development and are activated following a timed schedule, the phenotype of these diseases evolves with age. The implication of the neurosurgeon varies depending on the patient's age and pathology. While neurosurgeons tend to see pediatric patients affected with neurofibromatosis type 1, tuberous sclerosis and Sturge-Weber syndrome, there will be a majority of adult patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease or neurofibromatosis type 2
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) has led to the discoveries of many common variants associated with complex human diseases. There is a growing recognition that identifying "causal" rare variants also requires large-scale meta-analysis. The fact that association tests with rare variants are performed at the gene level rather than at the variant level poses unprecedented challenges in the meta-analysis. First, different studies may adopt different gene-level tests, so the results are not compatible. Second, gene-level tests require multivariate statistics (i.e., components of the test statistic and their covariance matrix), which are difficult to obtain. To overcome these challenges, we propose to perform gene-level tests for rare variants by combining the results of single-variant analysis (i.e., p values of association tests and effect estimates) from participating studies. This simple strategy is possible because of an insight that multivariate statistics can be recovered from single-variant statistics, together with the correlation matrix of the single-variant test statistics, which can be estimated from one of the participating studies or from a publicly available database. We show both theoretically and numerically that the proposed meta-analysis approach provides accurate control of the type I error and is as powerful as joint analysis of individual participant data. This approach accommodates any disease phenotype and any study design and produces all commonly used gene-level tests. An application to the GWAS summary results of the Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) consortium reveals rare and low-frequency variants associated with human height. The relevant software is freely available.
Introduction An impaired ability to oxidize fat may be a factor in the obesity's aetiology (3). Moreover, the exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation rate (MFO) was lower in obese (O) compared with lean (L) individuals (4). However, difference in fat oxidation rate (FOR) during exercise between O and L remains equivocal and little is known about FORs during high intensities (>60% ) in O compared with L. This study aimed to characterize fat oxidation kinetics over a large range of intensities in L and O. Methods 12 healthy L [body mass index (BMI): 22.8±0.4] and 16 healthy O men (BMI: 38.9±1.4) performed submaximal incremental test (Incr) to determine whole-body fat oxidation kinetics using indirect calorimetry. After a 15-min resting period (Rest) and 10-min warm-up at 20% of maximal power output (MPO, determined by a maximal incremental test), the power output was increased by 7.5% MPO every 6-min until respiratory exchange ratio reached 1.0. Venous lactate and glucose and plasma concentration of epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), insulin and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) were assessed at each step. A mathematical model (SIN) (1), including three variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to characterize fat oxidation (normalized by fat-free mass) kinetics and to determine Fatmax and MFO. Results FOR at Rest and MFO were not significantly different between groups (p≥0.1). FORs were similar from 20-60% (p≥0.1) and significantly lower from 65-85% in O than in L (p≤0.04). Fatmax was significantly lower in O than in L (46.5±2.5 vs 56.7±1.9 % respectively; p=0.005). Fat oxidation kinetics was characterized by similar translation (p=0.2), significantly lower dilatation (p=0.001) and tended to a left-shift symmetry in O compared with L (p=0.09). Plasma E, insulin and NEFA were significantly higher in L compared to O (p≤0.04). There were no significant differences in glucose, lactate and plasma NE between groups (p≥0.2). Conclusion The study showed that O presented a lower Fatmax and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at moderate, intensities. This may be linked to a: i) higher levels of insulin and lower E concentrations in O, which may induce blunted lipolysis; ii) higher percentage of type II and a lower percentage of type I fibres (5), and iii) decreased mitochondrial content (2), which may reduce FORs at high intensities and Fatmax. These findings may have implications for an appropriate exercise intensity prescription for optimize fat oxidation in O. References 1. Cheneviere et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 2. Holloway et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 3. Kelley et al. Am J Physiol. 1999 4. Perez-Martin et al. Diabetes Metab. 2001 5. Tanner et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002
Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF) has a selective effect on angiogenic vessels in tumours. Given that it induces vasoplegia, its clinical use has been limited to administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs. When combined with the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. In melanoma, the complete response (CR) rate is around 80% and the overall objective response rate greater than 90%. In soft tissue sarcomas that are inextirpable, ILP is a neoadjuvant treatment resulting in limb salvage in 80% of the cases. The CR rate averages 20% and the objective response rate is around 80%. The mode of action of TNF-based ILP involves two distinct and successive effects on the tumour-associated vasculature: first, an increase in endothelium permeability leading to improved chemotherapy penetration within the tumour tissue, and second, a selective killing of angiogenic endothelial cells resulting in tumour vessel destruction. The mechanism whereby these events occur involves rapid (of the order of minutes) perturbation of cell-cell adhesive junctions and inhibition of alphavbeta3 integrin signalling in tumour-associated vessels, followed by massive death of endothelial cells and tumour vascular collapse 24 hours later. New, promising approaches for the systemic use of TNF in cancer therapy include TNF targeting by means of single chain antibodies or endothelial cell ligands, or combined administration with drugs perturbing integrin-dependent signalling and sensitizing angiogenic endothelial cells to TNF-induced death.
Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who survive surgery often present impaired neurodevelopment and qualitative brain anomalies. However, the impact of CHD on total or regional brain volumes only received little attention. We address this question in a sample of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), a neurogenetic condition frequently associated with CHD. Sixty-one children, adolescents, and young adults with confirmed 22q11.2 deletion were included, as well as 80 healthy participants matched for age and gender. Subsequent subdivision of the patients group according to CHD yielded a subgroup of 27 patients with normal cardiac status and a subgroup of 26 patients who underwent cardiac surgery during their first years of life (eight patients with unclear status were excluded). Regional cortical volumes were extracted using an automated method and the association between regional cortical volumes, and CHD was examined within a three-condition fixed factor. Robust protection against type I error used Bonferroni correction. Smaller total cerebral volumes were observed in patients with CHD compared to both patients without CHD and controls. The pattern of bilateral regional reductions associated with CHD encompassed the superior parietal region, the precuneus, the fusiform gyrus, and the anterior cingulate cortex. Within patients, a significant reduction in the left parahippocampal, the right middle temporal, and the left superior frontal gyri was associated with CHD. The present results of global and regional volumetric reductions suggest a role for disturbed hemodynamic in the pathophysiology of brain alterations in patients with neurodevelopmental disease and cardiac malformations.
Hierarchical clustering is a popular method for finding structure in multivariate data,resulting in a binary tree constructed on the particular objects of the study, usually samplingunits. The user faces the decision where to cut the binary tree in order to determine the numberof clusters to interpret and there are various ad hoc rules for arriving at a decision. A simplepermutation test is presented that diagnoses whether non-random levels of clustering are presentin the set of objects and, if so, indicates the specific level at which the tree can be cut. The test isvalidated against random matrices to verify the type I error probability and a power study isperformed on data sets with known clusteredness to study the type II error.
The prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in cystic fibrosis patients ranges from 2 to 8% and glucose intolerance up to 15%. In recent years, lung transplantation has helped to prolong life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients and represents 10 to 30% of all indications for lung transplantation. The postoperative need for immunosuppressive therapy using diabetogenic agents has decompensatory effects on glucose regulation and will probably increase the number of insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients. We report the case of an insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patient transplanted with a combined islet-lung allograft. The pre-transplantation C-peptide level was below 0.04 nmol/l and preoperative insulin requirement was some 100 U per day. A sequential bipulmonary lung transplantation was performed and, using the pancreas of the same donor, we isolated and purified the islets of Langerhans by a modified automated method. We obtained 232,200 islets equivalent, which were injected into the liver by portal embolization. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the insulin requirement decreased to 50% of the preoperative need and the C-peptide value increased to normal values and remained with the normal range during a follow-up period of 15 months. In conclusion, we believe that, besides type I diabetic patients, insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients with a negative C-peptide value could also be good candidates for combined islet-lung allotransplantation.
The TGF-β homolog Decapentaplegic (Dpp) acts as a secreted morphogen in the Drosophila wing disc, and spreads through the target tissue in order to form a long range concentration gradient. Despite extensive studies, the mechanism by which the Dpp gradient is formed remains controversial. Two opposing mechanisms have been proposed: receptor-mediated transcytosis (RMT) and restricted extracellular diffusion (RED). In these scenarios the receptor for Dpp plays different roles. In the RMT model it is essential for endocytosis, re-secretion, and thus transport of Dpp, whereas in the RED model it merely modulates Dpp distribution by binding it at the cell surface for internalization and subsequent degradation. Here we analyzed the effect of receptor mutant clones on the Dpp profile in quantitative mathematical models representing transport by either RMT or RED. We then, using novel genetic tools, experimentally monitored the actual Dpp gradient in wing discs containing receptor gain-of-function and loss-of-function clones. Gain-of-function clones reveal that Dpp binds in vivo strongly to the type I receptor Thick veins, but not to the type II receptor Punt. Importantly, results with the loss-of-function clones then refute the RMT model for Dpp gradient formation, while supporting the RED model in which the majority of Dpp is not bound to Thick veins. Together our results show that receptor-mediated transcytosis cannot account for Dpp gradient formation, and support restricted extracellular diffusion as the main mechanism for Dpp dispersal. The properties of this mechanism, in which only a minority of Dpp is receptor-bound, may facilitate long-range distribution.
Inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta production is central to the innate immune defects that give rise to certain autoinflammatory diseases and may also be associated with the generation of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T (Th17) cells that mediate autoimmunity. However, the role of the inflammasome in driving adaptive immunity to infection has not been addressed. In this article, we demonstrate that inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta plays a critical role in promoting Ag-specific Th17 cells and in generating protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis infection. Using a murine respiratory challenge model, we demonstrated that the course of B. pertussis infection was significantly exacerbated in IL-1R type I-defective (IL-1RI(-/-)) mice. We found that adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA), a key virulence factor secreted by B. pertussis, induced robust IL-1beta production by dendritic cells through activation of caspase-1 and the NALP3-containing inflammasome complex. Using mutant toxins, we demonstrate that CyaA-mediated activation of caspase-1 was not dependent on adenylate cyclase enzyme activity but was dependent on the pore-forming capacity of CyaA. In addition, CyaA promoted the induction of Ag-specific Th17 cells in wild-type but not IL-1RI(-/-) mice. Furthermore, the bacterial load was enhanced in IL-17-defective mice. Our findings demonstrate that CyaA, a virulence factor from B. pertussis, promotes innate IL-1beta production via activation of the NALP3 inflammasome and, thereby, polarizes T cell responses toward the Th17 subtype. In addition to its known role in subverting host immunity, our findings suggest that CyaA can promote IL-1beta-mediated Th17 cells, which promote clearance of the bacteria from the respiratory tract.
Cell polarization relies on small GTPases, such as Cdc42, which can break symmetry through self-organizing principles, and landmarks that define the axis of polarity. In fission yeast, microtubules deliver the Tea1-Tea4 complex to mark cell poles for growth, but how this complex activates Cdc42 is unknown. Here, we show that ectopic targeting of Tea4 to cell sides promotes the local activation of Cdc42 and cell growth. This activity requires that Tea4 binds the type I phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit Dis2 or Sds21, and ectopic targeting of either catalytic subunit is similarly instructive for growth. The Cdc42 guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor Gef1 and the GTPase-activating protein Rga4 are required for Tea4-PP1-dependent ectopic growth. Gef1 is recruited to ectopic Tea4 and Dis2 locations to promote Cdc42 activation. By contrast, Rga4 is locally excluded by Tea4, and its forced colocalization with Tea4 blocks ectopic growth, indicating that Rga4 must be present, but at sites distinct from Tea4. Thus, a Tea4-PP1 landmark promotes local Cdc42 activation and growth both through Cdc42 GEF recruitment and by creating a local trough in a Cdc42 GAP.
Impairment of lung liquid absorption can lead to severe respiratory symptoms, such as those observed in pulmonary oedema. In the adult lung, liquid absorption is driven by cation transport through two pathways: a well-established amiloride-sensitive Na(+) channel (ENaC) and, more controversially, an amiloride-insensitive channel that may belong to the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel family. Here, we show robust CNGA1 (but not CNGA2 or CNGA3) channel expression principally in rat alveolar type I cells; CNGA3 was expressed in ciliated airway epithelial cells. Using a rat in situ lung liquid clearance assay, CNG channel activation with 1 mM 8Br-cGMP resulted in an approximate 1.8-fold stimulation of lung liquid absorption. There was no stimulation by 8Br-cGMP when applied in the presence of either 100 μM L: -cis-diltiazem or 100 nM pseudechetoxin (PsTx), a specific inhibitor of CNGA1 channels. Channel specificity of PsTx and amiloride was confirmed by patch clamp experiments showing that CNGA1 channels in HEK 293 cells were not inhibited by 100 μM amiloride and that recombinant αβγ-ENaC were not inhibited by 100 nM PsTx. Importantly, 8Br-cGMP stimulated lung liquid absorption in situ, even in the presence of 50 μM amiloride. Furthermore, neither L: -cis-diltiazem nor PsTx affected the β(2)-adrenoceptor agonist-stimulated lung liquid absorption, but, as expected, amiloride completely ablated it. Thus, transport through alveolar CNGA1 channels, located in type I cells, underlies the amiloride-insensitive component of lung liquid reabsorption. Furthermore, our in situ data highlight the potential of CNGA1 as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of diseases characterised by lung liquid overload.
The root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is a biocontrol agent of soil-borne plant diseases caused by fungal and oomycete pathogens. Remarkably, this plant-beneficial pseudomonad is also endowed with potent insecticidal activity that depends on the production of a large protein toxin termed Fit (for P. fluorescens insecticidal toxin). In our present work, the genomic locus encoding the P. fluorescens insect toxin is subjected to a detailed molecular analysis. The Fit toxin gene fitD is flanked upstream by the fitABC genes and downstream by the fitE gene that encode the ABC transporter, membrane fusion, and outer membrane efflux components of a type I protein secretion system predicted to function in toxin export. The fitF, fitG, and fitH genes located downstream of fitE code for regulatory proteins having domain structures typical of signal transduction histidine kinases, LysR-type transcriptional regulators, and response regulators, respectively. The role of these insect toxin locus-associated control elements is being investigated with mutants defective for the regulatory genes and with GFP-based reporter fusions to putative promoter regions upstream of the transporter genes fitA and fitE, the toxin gene fitD, and the regulatory genes fitF and fitH. Our preliminary findings suggest that the three regulators interact with known global regulators of biocontrol factor expression to control Fit toxin expression and secretion.
Kahneman and Tversky asserted a fundamental asymmetry between gains and losses, namely a reflection effect which occurs when an individual prefers a sure gain of $ pz to anuncertain gain of $ z with probability p, while preferring an uncertain loss of $z with probability p to a certain loss of $ pz.We focus on this class of choices (actuarially fair), and explore the extent to which thereflection effect, understood as occurring at a range of wealth levels, is compatible with single-self preferences.We decompose the reflection effect into two components, a probability switch effect,which is compatible with single-self preferences, and a translation effect, which is not. To argue the first point, we analyze two classes of single-self, nonexpected utility preferences, which we label homothetic and weakly homothetic. In both cases, we characterize the switch effect as well as the dependence of risk attitudes on wealth.We also discuss two types of utility functions of a form reminiscent of expected utility but with distorted probabilities. Type I always distorts the probability of the worst outcome downwards, yielding attraction to small risks for all probabilities. Type II distorts low probabilities upwards, and high probabilities downwards, implying risk aversion when the probability of the worst outcome is low. By combining homothetic or weak homothetic preferences with Type I or Type II distortion functions, we present four explicit examples: All four display a switch effect and, hence, a form of reflection effect consistent a single self preferences.