969 resultados para COLD-FORMED STEEL BEAMS


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In the present investigation, unidirectional grinding marks were attained on the steel plates. Then aluminium (Al) pins were slid at 0.2°, 0.6°, 1.0°, 1.4°, 1.8°, 2.2° and 2.6° tilt angles of the plate with the grinding marks perpendicular and parallel to the sliding direction under both dry and lubricated conditions using a pin-on-plate inclined sliding tester to understand the influence of tilt angle and grinding marks direction of the plate on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. It was observed that the transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction depend primarily on the grinding marks direction of the harder mating surface. Stick-slip phenomenon was observed only under lubricated conditions. For the case of pins slid perpendicular to the unidirectional grinding marks stick-slip phenomenon was observed for tilt angles exceeding 0.6°, the amplitude of which increases with increasing tilt angles. However, for the case of the pins slid parallel to the unidirectional grinding marks the stick-slip phenomena was observed for angles exceeding 2.2°, the amplitude of which also increases with increasing tilt angle. The presence of stick-slip phenomena under lubricated conditions could be attributed to the molecular deformation of the lubricant component confined between asperities.


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Wear of etched near-eutectic aluminium silicon alloy slid against a steel ball under ambient is explored. The sliding velocity is kept low (0.01 m/s) and the nominal contact pressure is varied in a 15-40 MPa range. Four stages of wear are identified; ultra mild wear, mild wear, severe wear and post severe oxidative wear. The first transition is controlled by the protrusions of silicon particles, projecting out of the aluminium alloy matrix. Once these protrusions disappear under pressure and sliding, oxidation and bulk energy dissipation mechanisms take over to institute transitions to other stages of wear. The phenomenological characteristics of wear stages are explored using a variety of techniques including nanoindentation, focused ion beam milling, electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical interferometry. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oil droplets are dispersed in water by an anionic urfactant to form an emulsion. The lubricity of this emulsion in steel/steel interaction is explored in a ball on flat nanotribometer. The droplet size and charge are measured using dynamic light scattering, while the substrate charge density is estimated using the pH titration method. These data are combined to calculate the DLVO forces for the droplets generated for a range of surfactant concentration and two oil to water volume ratios. The droplets have a clear bi-modal size distribution. The study shows that the smaller droplets which experience weak repulsion are situated (at the highest DLVO barrier) much closer to the substrate than thebigger droplets, which experience the same DLVO force, are. We suggest that the smaller droplets thus play a more important role in lubricity than what the bigger droplets do. The largest volume of such small droplets occurs in the 0.5 mM-1 mM range of surfactant concentration and 1% oil to water volume ratio, where the coefficient of friction is also observed to be the least. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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There has been increasing interest on various properties and applications of electronically conducting polymers. Polyethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) is an interesting polymer of this type as it exhibits very high ionic conductivity. In the present study, PEDOT has been electrochemically deposited on stainless steel (SS) substrate for supercapacitor studies. PEDOT/SS electrodes prepared in 0.1M H2SO4 in presence of a surfactant, sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), have been found to yield higher specific capacitance (SC) than the electrodes prepared from neutral aqueous electrolyte. The effects of concentration of H(2)SO4(,) concentration of SDS, potential of deposition, and nature of supporting electrolytes used for capacitor studies on SC of the PEDOT/SS electrodes have been studied. SC values as high as 250 F/g in 1M oxalic acid have been obtained during the initial stages of cycling. However, there is a rapid decrease in SC on repeated charge-discharge cycling. Spectroscopic data reflect structural changes in PEDOT on extended cycling. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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1. Accumulation of ubiquinone in the livers of rats exposed to a cold environment was shown to be due to both decreased catabolism during the entire experimental period and increased synthesis during an intermediate stage (10–20 days). 2. The increased endogenous synthesis in the cold-exposed rats was eliminated when ubiquinone accumulated in the liver after exposure for 40 days (coinciding with cclimatization), or by absorption of the exogenous dietary supply, possibly by the mechanism of end-product regulation.


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A theoretical solution for the gravitational stresses in single span deep beams using Fourier series has been given. Numerical results for different span to depth ratios are given and these have been compared with the photoelastic results given by Saad and Hendry [1], and the finite difference results of Chow et al. [2,3].


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Havupuiden erikoismuotoja on käytetty koristekasveina jo vuosisatoja ympäri maailmaa. Niitä on lisätty pääsääntöisesti pistokkaista ja varttamalla. Suomessa kotimaisten metsäpuidemme erikois-muotoja on kartoitettu ja kerätty kokoelmiin järjestelmällisemmin 1960-luvulta alkaen. Taimisto-viljelijät, puutarhasuunnittelijat ja kotipuutarhurit ovat olleet enenevässä määrin kiinnostuneita näistä kotimaisista kestävistä havukasveista. Yli 90 prosenttia markkinoillamme olevista havukas-veista tuodaan ulkomailta, joten on selvää, että niiden talvenkestävyydessä on ongelmia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kotimaisille erikoismuodoille sopivia lisäysmene-telmiä ja siten edistää kotimaisen havukasvituotannon mahdollisuuksia. Aineistona kokeissa oli kotimaisia erikoismuotoja metsäkuusesta (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) ja kotikatajasta (Juniperus communis L.), tavallisia metsäkuusia sekä kahdeksan ulkomaista havupuutaksonia. Lisäysmene-telmistä tutkittiin varttamista ja pistokaslisäystä ja kokeet suoritettiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimipaikoissa Lopen Haapastensyrjässä sekä Punkaharjulla. Varttamiskokeessa vertailtiin koti-maisen kuusen erikoismuotokloonien varttamisen onnistumista. Pistokaskokeissa tutkittiin geno-tyypin, emopuun iän, pistokasoksan sijainnin sekä hormonikäsittelyn vaikutusta havukasvien pis-tokkaiden juurtumiseen. Tavalliset metsäkuuset toimivat kontrolleina. Tutkimus osoitti, että varttaminen onnistui erinomaisesti kaikilla erikoismuotoklooneilla. Ovat-ko vartteet esteettisesti katsottuna koristekäyttöön sopivia, jää vielä seurattavaksi. Pistokaskokeis-sa havaittiin, että juveniilisuus vaikutti pistokkaiden juurtumiseen, mutta iäkkäistäkin puista lisää-minen onnistuu, kunhan genotyyppi on sopiva. Keskimäärin alaoksat juurtuivat paremmin kuin latvuksen yläosista otetut pistokasoksat, mutta vain yhdellä kloonilla ero oli tilastollisesti merkit-sevä. Hormonikäsittely heikensi selvästi kotimaisen kuusen ja katajan pistokkaiden juurtumista, mutta ulkomaisiin havupuulajeihin käsittelyllä ei ollut vaikutusta. Kotimaisen havukasvituotannon pohjaksi pitäisi tehdä kloonivalintaa, jossa koristearvon lisäksi otettaisiin huomioon myös kloonin lisättävyys. Taimien tuottaminen pistokkaista on selvästi edul-lisempaa kuin vartteiden tuottaminen, joskin varte kasvaa myyntikuntoon nopeammin kuin pisto-kastaimi. Pistokastaimi on kuitenkin omajuurinen ja stabiilimpi kasvutavaltaan kuin varte. Tämä korostuu etenkin kääpiömuotoja tuotettaessa.


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Surface topography has been known to play an important role in the friction and transfer layer formation during sliding. In the present investigation, EN8 steel flats were ground to attain different surface roughness with unidirectional grinding marks. Pure Mg pins were scratched on these surfaces using an Inclined Scratch Tester to study the influence of directionality of surface grinding marks on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. Grinding angle (i.e., the angle between direction of scratch and grinding marks) was varied between 0 degrees and 90 degrees during the tests. Experiments were conducted under both dry and lubricated conditions. Scanning electron micrographs of the contact surfaces of pins and flats were used to reveal the surface features that included the morphology of the transfer layer. It was observed that the average coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation depend primarily on the directionality of the grinding marks but were independent of surface roughness on the harder mating surface. In addition, a stick-slip phenomenon was observed, the amplitude of which depended both on the directionality of grinding marks and the surface roughness of the harder mating surface. The grinding angle effect on the coefficient of friction, which consists of adhesion and plowing components, was attributed to the variation of plowing component of friction. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A two-stage pulse tube cryocooler (PTC) which produces a no-load temperature of similar to 2.5 K in its second stage at an operating frequency of 1.6 Hz has been designed and fabricated. The second stage of the system provides a refrigeration power of similar to 250 mW at 5.0 K. The system uses stainless steel meshes (mesh size 200) along with lead (Pb) granules and combinations of Pb, Er3Ni, and HoCu2 as the first and second stage regenerator materials, respectively. Experimental studies have been carried out on different pulse tube configurations by varying the dimensions of the pulse tubes and regenerators to arrive at the best one, which leads to the lowest no-load second stage cold head temperature. Using this configuration, detailed experimental studies have been conducted by varying the volume percentage ratios of the second stage regenerator materials such as HoCu2, Er3Ni, and Pb (with an average grain size of similar to 250 mu m). This article presents the results of our experimental studies on cryocoolers with the regenerator material arranged in layered structures. Comparative studies have also been presented for specific cases where the regenerator materials are arranged as a homogeneous mixture in the second stage. The experimental results clearly indicate that the design of PTCs should use only layered structures of regenerator materials and not homogenous mixtures.


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The Cold War era was characterized by ideological struggles that had a major impact on economic decision-making, and also on management practice. To date, however, these ideological struggles have received little attention from management and organizational scholars. To partially fill this research gap, we focus on the role of the media in these ideological struggles. Our starting point is that the media both reflect more general societal debates but also act as an agency promoting specific kinds of ideas and ideologies. In this sense, the media exercise significant power in society; this influece, however, is often subtle and easily dismissed in historical analyses focusing on political and corporate decision-making. In this article, we focus on the role of business journalism in the ideological struggles of the Cold War era. Our case in point is Finland, which is arguably a particularly interesting example due to its geo-political position between East and West. Our approach is socio-historical: we focus on the emergence and development of business journalism in the context of the specific struggles in the Finnish political and economic fields. Our analysis shows how the business journalists struggled between nationalist, pro-Soviet and pro-West political forces, but gradually developed into an increasingly influential force promoting neo-liberal ideology.


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In this work, a method is proposed for rolling contact fatigue crack propagation analysis using contact and fracture theories in conjunction with fatigue laws. The proposed method is used in the fatigue analysis of rocker and roller–rocker bearings of a railway open web girder bridge which is instrumented with strain gages. Using a contact algorithm based on the minimum energy principle for bodies in rolling contact with dry friction, the normal and tangential pressure distribution are computed. It is seen that the most critical location of a crack in bearings is at a point very close to the contact region, as expected.


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In this work, a method is proposed for rolling contact fatigue crack propagation analysis using contact and fracture theories in conjunction with fatigue laws. The proposed method is used in the fatigue analysis of rocker and roller-rocker bearings of a railway open web girder bridge which is instrumented with strain gages. Using a contact algorithm based on the minimum energy principle for bodies in rolling contact with dry friction, the normal and tangential pressure distribution are computed. It is seen that the most critical location of a crack in bearings is at a point very close to the contact region, as expected. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Small additions of Cu to the SUS 304H, a high temperature austenitic stainless steel, enhance its high temperature strength and creep resistance. As Cu is known to cause embrittlement, the effect of Cu on room temperature mechanical properties that include fracture toughness and fatigue crack threshold of as-solutionized SUS 304H steel were investigated in this work. Experimental results show a linear reduction in yield and ultimate strengths with Cu addition of up to 5 wt.% while ductility drops markedly for 5 wt.% Cu alloy. However, the fracture toughness and the threshold stress intensity factor range for fatigue crack initiation were found to be nearly invariant with Cu addition. This is because the fracture in this alloy is controlled by the debonding from the matrix of chromium carbide precipitates, as evident from fractography. Cu, on the other hand, remains either in solution or as nano-precipitates and hence does not influence the fracture characteristics. It is concluded that small additions of Cu to 304H will not have adverse effects on its fracture and fatigue behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most of the structural elements like beams, cables etc. are flexible and should be modeled as distributed parameter systems (DPS) to represent the reality better. For large structures, the usual approach of 'modal representation' is not an accurate representation. Moreover, for excessive vibrations (possibly due to strong wind, earthquake etc.), external power source (controller) is needed to suppress it, as the natural damping of these structures is usually small. In this paper, we propose to use a recently developed optinial dynamic inversion technique to design a set of discrete controllers for this purpose. We assume that the control force to the structure is applied through finite number of actuators, which are located at predefined locations in the spatial domain. The method used in this paper determines control forces directly from the partial differential equation (PDE) model of the system. The formulation has better practical significance, both because it leads to a closed form solution of the controller (hence avoids computational issues) as well as because a set of discrete actuators along the spatial domain can be implemented with relative ease (as compared to a continuous actuator).