971 resultados para CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes -- immunology


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OBJECTIVE: To identify interstitial cells (ICs) in the wall of the rabbit urethra using antibodies to the Kit receptor, and to examine their location, morphology and relationship with nerves and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), as studies of enzymatically isolated cells from the rabbit urethra have established that there are specialized cells that show spontaneous electrical activity and have morphological properties of ICs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Urethral tissues from rabbits were fixed, labelled with antibodies and examined with confocal microscopy. Some specimens were embedded in paraffin wax and processed for histology. Histological sections from the most proximal third and mid-third region of rabbit urethra were stained with Masson's Trichrome to show their cellular arrangement. RESULTS: Sections from both regions had outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of SM, and a lamina propria containing connective tissue and blood vessels; the lumen was lined with urothelial cells. The mid-third region had a more developed circular SM layer than the most-proximal samples, and had extensive inner longitudinal SM bundles in the lamina propria. Labelling with anti-Kit revealed immunopositive cells within the wall of the rabbit urethra, in the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis. Double-labelling with an antibody to SM myosin showed Kit-positive cells on the boundary of the SM bundles, orientated parallel to the axis of the bundles. Others were in spaces between the bundles and often made contact with each other. Kit-positive cells were either elongated, with several lateral branches, or stellate with branches coming from a central soma. Similar cells could be labelled with vimentin antibodies. Their relationship with intramural nerves was examined by double immunostaining with an anti-neurofilament antibody. There were frequent points of contact between Kit-positive cells and nerves, with similar findings in specimens double-immunostained with anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). CONCLUSION: Kit-positive ICs were found within the SM layers of the rabbit urethra, in association with nerves, on the edge of SM bundles and in the interbundle spaces. The contact with nNOS-containing neurones might imply participation in the nitrergic inhibitory neurotransmission of the urethra. PMID: 17212607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Skin-draining LN contain several phenotypically distinguishable DC populations, which may be immature or mature. Mature DC are generally considered to have lost the capacity to acquire and present newly encountered Ag. Using antibody-opsonized liposomes as Ag carriers, we show that mature DC purified from skin explants are able to efficiently capture liposomes, process Ag encapsulated within them and activate Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. Explant DC from mice with Langerhans cells (LC) expressing the primate diphtheria toxin receptor that were exposed to diphtheria toxin in vivo presented Ag as well as explant DC from wild-type mice, indicating that LC are not required and dermal DC are probably responsible for this presentation. We further show that all DC subtypes from LN that capture opsonized Ag are capable of cross-presenting it to CD8(+) T cells. Induction of additional maturation in vivo by LPS or treatment with double-stranded RNA did not alter the Ag presentation capacity of the skin or LN DC subtypes. These results suggest that mature DC present in skin-draining LN may play an important role in the induction of primary and/or secondary immune responses against Ag delivered to the LN that they take up by receptor-mediated endocytosis.


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beta-Defensins are antimicrobial peptides that contribute to the innate immune responses of eukaryotes. At least three defensins, human beta-defensins 1, 2, and 3 (HBD-1, -2, and -3), are produced by epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract and are active toward Gram-positive (HBD-3) and Gram-negative (HBD-1, -2, and -3) bacteria. It has been postulated that the antimicrobial activity of defensins is compromised by changes in airway surface liquid composition in lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), therefore contributing to the bacterial colonization of the lung by Pseudomonas and other bacteria in CF. In this report we demonstrate that HBD-2 and HBD-3 are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by the cysteine proteases cathepsins B, L, and S. In addition, we show that all three cathepsins are present and active in CF bronchoalveolar lavage. Incubation of HBD-2 and -3 with CF bronchoalveolar lavage leads to their degradation, which can be completely (HBD-2) or partially (HBD-3) inhibited by a cathepsin inhibitor. These results suggest that beta-defensins are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by host proteases, which may be important in the regulation of beta-defensin activity. In chronic lung diseases associated with infection, overexpression of cathepsins may lead to increased degradation of HBD-2 and -3, thereby favoring bacterial infection and colonization.


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Gene gun immunization, i.e., bombardment of skin with DNA-coated particles, is an efficient method for the administration of DNA vaccines. Direct transfection of APC or cross-presentation of exogenous Ag acquired from transfected nonimmune cells enables MHC-I-restricted activation of CD8(+) T cells. Additionally, MHC-II-restricted presentation of exogenous Ag activates CD4(+) Th cells. Being the principal APC in the epidermis, Langerhans cells (LC) seem ideal candidates to accomplish these functions. However, the dependence on LC of gene gun-induced immune reactions has not yet been demonstrated directly. This was primarily hampered by difficulties to discriminate the contributions of LC from those of other dermal dendritic cells. To address this problem, we have used Langerin-diphtheria toxin receptor knockin mice that allow for selective inducible ablation of LC. LC deficiency, even over the entire duration of experiments, did not affect any of the gene gun-induced immune functions examined, including proliferation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, IFN-gamma secretion by spleen cells, Ab production, CTL activity, and development of protective antitumor immunity.


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Cho SH, Naber K, Hacker J, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Biofilm production in Staphylococcus epidermidis is an important virulence factor that is mediated by the expression of the icaADBC operon. In this study 41 S. epidermidis isolates obtained from catheter-related urinary tract infections were analyzed for the presence of the icaADBC operon and biofilm formation. Eighteen of 41 isolates (44%) were shown to carry ica-specific DNA, but only 11 isolates (27%) produced biofilms spontaneously under normal growth conditions. Upon induction by external stress or antibiotics, biofilm formation could be stimulated in five of seven ica-positive, biofilm-negative isolates, indicating that the icaADBC expression was down-regulated in these strains. Genetic analyses of the ica gene clusters of the remaining two ica-positive, biofilm-negative strains revealed a spontaneous ICAC::IS256 insertion in one strain. Insertion of the element caused a target site duplication of seven base pairs and a biofilm-negative phenotype. After repeated passages the insertion mutant was able to revert to a biofilm-forming phenotype which was due to the precise excision of IS256 from the icaC gene. The data show that icaC::IS256 integrations occur during S. epidermidis polymer-related infections and the results highlight the biological relevance of the IS256-mediated phase variation of biofilm production in S. epidermidis during an infection.


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beta1,4-galactosyltransferase V (GalT V; EC can effectively galactosylate the GlcNAcbeta1-->6Man arm of the highly branched N-glycans that are characteristic of glioma. Previously, we have reported that the expression of GalT V is increased in the process of glioma. However, currently little is known about the role of GalT V in this process. In this study, the ectopic expression of GalT V could promote the invasion and survival of glioma cells and transformed astrocytes. Furthermore, decreasing the expression of GalT V in glioma cells promoted apoptosis, inhibited the invasion and migration and the ability of tumor formation in vivo, and reduced the activation of AKT. In addition, the activity of GalT V promoter could be induced by epidermal growth factor, dominant active Ras, ERK1, JNK1, and constitutively active AKT. Taken together, our results suggest that GalT V functioned as a novel glioma growth activator and might represent a novel target in glioma therapy.


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Recent progress in laboratory-based electron-ion scattering is reviewed, and the sensitivity of observed interference structure as a probe of collision dynamics is discussed. The extension of our use of positive ions as scattering targets to photon-ion interactions is demonstrated with the first ion-beam measurements for the fragmentation of a molecular ion, H-2(+), using intense femtosecond laser pulses.


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The viability of using beams of molecular ions as a target for strong field fragmentation studies using intense ultra-short laser pulses is demonstrated. In this way the production mechanism for multiply charged ions in strong fields may be elucidated.