1000 resultados para César Vallejo
Abstract: A case of dengue virus 3 (DENV-3) genotype I infection with neurological manifestations occurred in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais in October 2012. The serotype was detected by PCR, and the genotype was assessed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the C-prM region. The virus causing neurological manifestations clustered with other sequences of DENV-3 genotype I. Because neurological manifestations of DENV are possibly misdiagnosed in Brazil, this study serves as an alert of the importance of DENV diagnoses in CNS infections.
OBJECTIVE: To assess knee flexor-extensor muscular strength in elderly women with no previous history of musculoskeletal disorders on the lower limbs using an isokinetic dynamometer, in order to obtain data that could be used as a comparative parameter in the evaluation of elderly women with knee disorders, thus facilitating a better rehabilitation of these patients. METHODS: Twenty-six volunteers aged 75 to 83 years were studied using a Cybex® 6000 isokinetic dynamometer. The chosen angular velocity was 60 º/s, and concentric exercise was used for either flexion or extension. The studied parameters were: peak torque, angle of peak torque, and flexor-extensor torque rate. RESULTS: There were no differences between dominant (D) and nondominant (ND) knee peak torque values. This was true for both flexor (D = 42.46 ± 9.09 Nm / ND = 40.65 ± 9.38 Nm) and extensor (D = 76.92 ± 13.97 Nm / ND = 77.65 ± 15.21 Nm) movements. The descriptive statistical analysis of the values obtained for the flexor-extensor peak torque rate and for the angle of occurrence of peak torque was the same for the dominant and nondominant sides. CONCLUSIONS: The values of peak torque for the contralateral side can be used as a reference during rehabilitation of elderly women with acute disease of the knee, and the angular velocity of 60 º/s is proper and safe for isokinetic assessment of elderly people.
Liver transplantation is now the standard treatment for end-stage liver disease. Given the shortage of liver donors and the progressively higher number of patients waiting for transplantation, improvements in patient selection and optimization of timing for transplantation are needed. Several solutions have been suggested, including increasing the donor pool; a fair policy for allocation, not permitting variables such as age, gender, and race, or third-party payer status to play any role; and knowledge of the natural history of each liver disease for which transplantation is offered. To observe ethical rules and distributive justice (guarantee to every citizen the same opportunity to get an organ), the "sickest first" policy must be used. Studies have demonstrated that death has no relationship with waiting time, but rather with the severity of liver disease at the time of inclusion. Thus, waiting time is no longer part of the United Network for Organ Sharing distribution criteria. Waiting time only differentiates between equally severely diseased patients. The authors have analyzed the waiting list mortality and 1-year survival for patients of the State of São Paulo, from July 1997 through January 2001. Only the chronological criterion was used. According to "Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo" data, among all waiting list deaths, 82.2% occurred within the first year, and 37.6% within the first 3 months following inclusion. The allocation of livers based on waiting time is neither fair nor ethical, impairs distributive justice and human rights, and does not occur in any other part of the world.
Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors comprise a rare group of gastrointestinal tract wall tumors that have long been a source of confusion and controversy, especially in terms of pathological classification, preoperative diagnosis, management strategies, and prognosis. This report describes the clinical manifestations and management of 2 rectal leiomyomas and reviews the pertinent literature. Case 1: A 44-year-old woman was admitted reporting a nodule in the right para-anal region for the previous 2 years. At proctological examination, a 4-cm diameter fibrous mass situated in the para-anal region that produced an arch under the smooth muscle on the right rectal wall just above the anorectal ring was noted. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed the lesion and detected no other abnormalities. Surgical treatment consisted of wide local resection of the tumor through a para-anal incision, with no attempts to perform lymphadenectomy. Case 2: A 40-year-old male patient was admitted reporting constant anal pain for 4 months. He presented a 3-cm submucosal nodule at the anterior rectal wall just above the dentate line. After 2 inconclusive preoperative biopsies, transanal resection of the tumor was performed. Histological analysis of the specimen showed a benign leiomyoma. A review of the literature is presented, emphasizing some clinical and therapeutic aspects of this unusual rectal tumor.
This article proposes an investigation of the history and memory of the Carnation Revolution through the lens of contemporary art. Drawing upon the argument according to which history and memory are investigated by visual artists by means other, but no less relevant, than those of professional historians, this article will argue for the importance of attending to the visual, auditory, textual, object- and research-based ways in which artists from several generations and geographies have been unearthing the repressed histories and memories of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and of anticolonial struggles, decolonization and post-independence nation-building in Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau and Angola. The discussion focuses on several works by Ângela Ferreira, but attention will also be paid to precursors in imaging the Revolution, such as Ana Hatherly, and to a younger generation of artists such as Filipa César, Kiluanji Kia Henda and Daniel Barroca.
Resultados preliminares sobre a periodicidade e taxa de crescimento de Cardeiro (Scleronema micranthum Ducke, Bombacaceae) são apresentados. Observou-se ama periodicidade de crescimento. As taxas de incremento são correlacionadas aos resultados referidos da Guiana Francesa.
O "chá de bugre", Casearia sylvestris Sawartz tem sido popularmente usado com várias finalidades. Mais recentemente lhe tem sido atribuído características abortivas. Esta possibilidade levou-nos a avaliar a toxicidade dos extratos brutos de suas folhas e os efeitos no útero sobre a motilidade espontânea e as contrações induzidas pela ocitocina. A dose letal média do extrato aquoso a quente é de 1,792g de resíduo por quilo de peso, para camundongos albinos. Com a solução aquosa do extrato etanólico observamos, "in vitro", na motilidade espontânea uterina de ratos aumento da freqüência de contração e do tonus basal e diminuição da amplitude de contração; na curva dose-resposta à ocitocina, diminuição da resposta máxima e aumento da dose efetiva média. O extrato aquaso a frio produziu, na motilidade espontânea uterina, aumento de todos os parâmetros observados; na curva-dose-resposta à ocitocina, também aumentou a resposta máxima, diminuindo, entretanto, sua dose efetiva média. Os resultados sugerem que os extratos de folhas de C.sylvestrissão capazes de modificar a atividade uterina "in vitro". Estes dados poderiam explicar o uso abortivo.
Este trabalho analisa dados de 6 anos (1980-1985) de observações da fenologia de cinco indivíduos arbóreos da espécie Diplotropis purpures (Rich.) Amsh. var. coriacea Amsh., da família Leguminosae, subfamília Papilionoideae, localizados na Reserva Florestal Ducke. Determinou-se a época, duração e freqüência das fases reprodutivas, bem como o tipo de mudança foliar. A espécie apresentou a fase de floração na estação seca. A fase de frutificação foi observada no meio da estação seca e início da estação chuvosa. A duração média da fase de floração foi de 6 meses e a fase de frutificação 7 meses. Ao nível de espécie, o padrão de ocorrência da fase de floração e frutificação foi anual à irregular. Porém, ao nível de indivíduo, o padrão de comportamento foi irregular. Quanto ao tipo de mudança foliar, a espécie apresentou características de ser semi-caducifólia durante a floração, na época seca.
Foram estudadas as funções de distribuição Beta, Gama e Weibull em dez hectares de floresta tropical úmida de terra-firme da Madeireira Dois Mil, localizada no município de Itacoatiara, Amazonas, Brasil. Foram medidas todas as árvores com DAP 20 cm num total de 2.035 indivíduos. Para avaliar a função que melhor ajustou a distribuição de diâmetros nesta floresta foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e a Análise gráfica dos resíduos. O menor valor de "D" do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi encontrado para a função Weibull, seguido da função Beta e por último da função Gama. As funções Weibull e Beta foram significativas ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, mas a Gama foi não significativa. Pela análise gráfica dos resíduos foi encontrado também melhor resultado para a função Weibull, pois não apresentou pontos discrepantes, ocorrendo para todas as classes uma variância uniforme dos pontos em torno da linha. Desta forma, a função Weibull foi a que apresentou melhor ajuste. A função Beta pode ser utilizada, porém para algumas classes podem ocorrer subestimativas. A função Gama não é recomendada.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Relatório de estágio de mestre em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
The addition of salt to the water has been used to mitigate stress and improve survival in fishes. This study investigated the effects of sodium chloride (0.0, 1.0, 3.0 and 6.0 g/l) on levels of plasma cortisol, glucose, tryacilglycerol, total protein, hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte number, liver glycogen and lipid, and muscle lipid in adult matrinxã(Brycon amazonicum) after a 4-h transport and during a 96-h recovery period. Fish were sampled before and after transport, and 24 and 96 h of the recovery period. Plasma cortisol was higher than initial condition immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 3.0 and 6.0 g/l of salt. A similar pattern was observed for blood glucose but fish transported in water with 0.0, 1.0 and 3.0 g/l of salt needed more than 24 h to return to the initial condition. Liver glycogen was lower after transport in fish not exposed to salt. Hemoglobin, erythrocyte number, total plasma protein and liver lipid did not change during the experiment but hematocrit was lower after transport in all treatments and returned to pre-transport values in 24 h. Reductions of muscle lipid and plasma tryacilglycerol were observed during the recovery period in fish from all treatments. The results show that 6.0 g/l NaCl added to the transport water reduce the stress responses and a 96-h recovery period is needed if no salt is used to mitigate the stress.
One of the major challenges in the development of an immersive system is handling the delay between the tracking of the user’s head position and the updated projection of a 3D image or auralised sound, also called end-to-end delay. Excessive end-to-end delay can result in the general decrement of the “feeling of presence”, the occurrence of motion sickness and poor performance in perception-action tasks. These latencies must be known in order to provide insights on the technological (hardware/software optimization) or psychophysical (recalibration sessions) strategies to deal with them. Our goal was to develop a new measurement method of end-to-end delay that is both precise and easily replicated. We used a Head and Torso simulator (HATS) as an auditory signal sensor, a fast response photo-sensor to detect a visual stimulus response from a Motion Capture System, and a voltage input trigger as real-time event. The HATS was mounted in a turntable which allowed us to precisely change the 3D sound relative to the head position. When the virtual sound source was at 90º azimuth, the correspondent HRTF would set all the intensity values to zero, at the same time a trigger would register the real-time event of turning the HATS 90º azimuth. Furthermore, with the HATS turned 90º to the left, the motion capture marker visualization would fell exactly in the photo-sensor receptor. This method allowed us to precisely measure the delay from tracking to displaying. Moreover, our results show that the method of tracking, its tracking frequency, and the rendering of the sound reflections are the main predictors of end-to-end delay.