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Biomass gasification is an important method to obtain renewable hydrogen, However, this technology still stagnates in a laboratory scale because of its high-energy consumption. In order to get maximum hydrogen yield and decrease energy consumption, this study applies a self-heated downdraft gasifier as the reactor and uses char as the catalyst to study the characteristics of hydrogen production from biomass gasification. Air and oxygen/steam are utilized as the gasifying agents. The experimental results indicate that compared to biomass air gasification, biomass oxygen/steam gasification improves hydrogen yield depending on the volume of downdraft gasifier, and also nearly doubles the heating value of fuel gas. The maximum lower heating value of fuel gas reaches 11.11 MJ/ N m(3) for biomass oxygen/steam gasification. Over the ranges of operating conditions examined, the maximum hydrogen yield reaches 45.16 g H-2/kg biomass. For biomass oxygen/steam gasification, the content of H-2 and CO reaches 63.27-72.56%, while the content Of H2 and CO gets to 52.19-63.31% for biomass air gasification. The ratio of H-2/CO for biomass oxygen/steam gasification reaches 0.70-0.90, which is lower than that of biomass air gasification, 1.06-1.27. The experimental and comparison results prove that biomass oxygen/steam gasification in a downdraft gasifier is an effective, relatively low energy consumption technology for hydrogen-rich gas production.


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A pipeline with a bypass is widely used for the pneumatic conveying of material. The double-tube-socket (DTS (R)) technology, which uses a special inner bypass, represents the current state of the art. Here, a new methodology is proposed based on the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to predict the energy consumption of DTS conveying. The predicted results are in good agreement with those from pilot-scale experiments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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猪场废水COD浓度高、氨氮浓度高、悬浮物浓度高,已成为农村面源污染的主要来源,并严重威胁到农村饮用水安全。猪场废水氨氮浓度高、处理难度大,如何采用经济高效的方法,去除氨氮使其达到排放标准,一直是猪场废水处理中面临的重要难题。 厌氧氨氧化是近年受到国内外水处理研究者广泛关注的新型生物脱氮技术,具有不需要外加有机碳源、节省供氧量、降低能耗等优点。虽然国内外研究者对厌氧氨氧化过程的脱氮机理、厌氧氨氧化菌的生理生化特性等进行了多方面的研究,但已有的报道大多以模拟废水为研究对象,以猪场废水为研究对象的报道,在国内外文献中极少有报导。 本论文以猪场废水为主要研究对象,考察了猪场废水的亚硝化过程、厌氧氨氧化的启动过程,并对亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化联合用于猪场废水脱氮进行了探索。 1.论文首先研究了猪场废水的亚硝化过程,考察了废水水质和主要运行条件对亚硝化过程的影响。实验表明:(1)亚硝化阶段反应时间为8到10h时,出水中氨氮和亚硝酸盐浓度比可达到1:1~1:1.23,满足厌氧氨氧化反应对二者比例的要求;达到前述要求时,氨氮去除率达到58.3~65.6 %,亚硝化率在整个过程均保持在97 %以上,COD去除率在59.2~68.6 %;(2)曝气量(溶解氧)对亚硝化过程影响显著,随着曝气量增大,达到厌氧氨氧化要求的氨氮与亚硝酸盐氮浓度比例所需水力停留时间τ越短,pH出现明显下降的时间越短;(3)τ对应的pH在7.8~8.1之间,无需进行pH调节即可满足厌氧氨氧化反应对pH的要求;(4)氨氮和COD降解过程遵循一级反应动力学,氨氮和COD降解的速率常数分别为0.0656~0.0724 1/h和0.0491~0.0664 1/h。 2.在进行亚硝化过程研究的同时,以模拟废水为试验对象,进行厌氧氨氧化启动研究。以反硝化污泥和养殖厂储水池厌氧底泥的混合污泥作为接种污泥,历时大约100天,培育出具有厌氧氨氧化活性的污泥,氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮最高进水浓度分别为223.8 mg/L和171.4 mg/L,去除率最高分别达48%和41.5%,此时二者消耗比例为1.33:1。 3.在猪场废水的亚硝化研究完成和厌氧氨氧化过程初步启动成功后,在模拟废水中逐步加入猪场废水的亚硝化处理出水,逐步实现亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化的组合。亚硝化出水添加到厌氧反应器后,厌氧氨氧化反应仍可继续进行,且去除效率逐步提高。研究发现添加的亚硝化出水中携带的亚硝化细菌在厌氧氨氧化菌膜外层生长并累积,增加了厌氧氨氧化反应基质的传质阻力,妨碍了厌氧氨氧化效率的提高。 4.亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化实际工程应用探索中,生物接触氧化池可在有效去除废水中的有机物的同时实现亚硝化,出水中氨氮和亚硝酸盐比例平均为1.10,可满足后续厌氧氨氧化的要求;在适宜的进水浓度和温度下,ABR池出现了厌氧氨氧化启动的迹象;研究同时发现,水质的波动和气温的变化是工程中影响厌氧氨氧化菌活性的重要因素。 论文的主要创新点在于:(1)以猪场废水为研究对象,以实现厌氧氨氧化为目标,对亚硝化过程进行了比较详细的考察,获得了亚硝化出水满足厌氧氨氧化要求的工艺条件,通过对其COD和氨氮降解过程的考察,得出亚硝化阶段COD降解和氨氮去除的动力学模型;(2)对亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化处理猪场废水进行了探索,确立了影响其污染物去除率稳定的重要因素。 论文的上述研究成果,为厌氧氨氧化技术的实用性研究提供理论依据。 Piggery wastewater, which is characterized by high concentration of COD、ammonium and suspend substance, has become a most important source of non-point source pollution and also severely threats drinking water security in rural area. How to discharge piggery wastewater with the ammonium concentration meeting standard by economical and effective method? This is the most urgent problem in piggery wastewater treatment. As a new biological nitrogen removal technology, Anammox process has been paid more and more attention by researchers all over the world. Anammox has advantages of no need of organic carbon addition, low oxygen consumption and energy consumption. Plenty of investigations have been carried out to the mechanism, physiological and biochemical characteristic of bacteria about Anammox. Most of researches focused on synthetic wastewater, there is rare report about its application in piggery wastewater. In this paper,experimental studies were performed to investigate Sharon process in treatment of piggery wastewater,the start up process of Annammox using synthetic wastewater were studied, the feasibility of applying Sharon-Anammox process in the nitrogen removal of piggery wastewater was evaluated. 1. Sharon process of piggery wastewater was firstly investigated to analyze the effects of water quality and main running parameters, which meet the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio requirement of successive Anammox. Results showed: (1)During Sharon Process,after 8~10 hours’ reaction the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio in effluent reached 1:1.0~1:1.23, when the removal percentage of NH4+-N was 58.3~65.6 %, a semi-nitration rate of above 97 % was achieved during the process; meanwhile 59.2~68.6 % of the COD was also removed. (2)The aeration rate(oxygen) had obvious effect on the hydraulic retention time(τ) which met the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio requirement of Anammox. As aeration rate increased, the hydraulic retention time(τ) was shortened. (3) The pH corresponding to τ was between 7.8 and 8.1, thus it needed no artificial adjustment. (4) The reduction of ammonia and COD followed the first-order reaction kinetics. The velocity constants of ammonia and COD were 0.0656~0.0724 1/h and 0.0491~0.0664 1/h, respectively. 2. The startup of Anammox process using the artificial wastewater was performed simultaneously with Sharon. The aim was to investigate the running parameters of Anammox and make foundation for the combination stage. By using the mixture of denitrifying sludge and anaerobic sludge in tank of the breeding factory, sludge of Anammox activity was cultivated in UASB after 100 days. The removal percentage of NH4+-N and NO2-N were up to 48% and 41.5%, respectively, when the NH4+-N and NO2-N influent concentration were 223.8 mg/L and 171.4 mg/L, respectively, the NH4+-N and NO2-N removal rate was 1.33:1. 3. After investigation of Sharon and startup of Anammox, effluent of Sharon process was added into the synthetic wastewater to combine Sharon and Anammox step by step. It took some time after the addition of Sharon effluent that Anammox reaction continued and the removal rate kept increasing. It indicated that nitrifying bacteria were carried by the Sharon effluent cumulated in the outer layer of Anammox. This enhanced transfer resistance of Anammox reaction and the increasing removal rate was restrained. 4. In the bio-contact oxidation pond of practical project, Sharon process were carried out successfully and organic compounds were removed effectively. An average NO2-N/ NH4+-N rate of 1:1.0 was achieved in the effluent, which met the requirement of successive Anammox. Under condition of suitable influent concentration and temperature, there was evidence that Anammox could start up in ABR. The variety of wastewater and temperature had great affects on Anammox activity in practical engineering. Innovation of this paper: (1) The Sharon process for treating piggery wastewater was discussed in details. Technological parameters that met requirement of Anammox were obtained. The dynamic models of COD and ammonium removal in the process were educed. (2) Sharon-Ananmmox for treatment of piggery wastewater was investigated, and the primary influencing factors was studied. This paper could be a theoretical consult for research of Anammox utility.


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畜禽废水是农村水环境污染的主要来源之一,其处理的难点在于脱氮。传统生物脱氮法具有能耗高、需大量外加碳源等缺点,开发低成本、高效率的新型生物脱氮技术具有重要意义。 本研究将短程硝化反硝化和厌氧氨氧化两种脱氮新技术结合,让前者为后者创造去除可降解COD、降低总氮负荷、调整pH、调整氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度比例等进水条件,而后者可在无需外加碳源的条件下进一步脱氮,二者结合可成为高氨氮、低C/N废水脱氮的新途径。 试验以低碳氮比猪场废水为研究对象,首先进行了短程硝化反硝化预处理研究,同时启动并运行调控厌氧氨氧化反应器,最后以经过短程硝化反硝化预处理的猪场废水为进水,进行厌氧氨氧化脱氮考察。实验表明:(1)短程硝化反硝化作为厌氧氨氧化的预处理工序是可行的。猪场废水通过短程硝化反硝化,可以达到基本去除可生化COD、部分脱氮、控制出水氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度之比在1︰1左右、pH在7.5~8.0的目的, COD和总氮平均去除率分别为64.3%、49.1%,出水可达到厌氧氨氧化反应的进水要求。(2)采用模拟废水启动厌氧氨氧化反应器,经过5个月左右的运行调控,反应器启动成功并稳定运行,最高总氮去除率为87.1%,总氮容积去除率最高达到0.14kg/m3.d;整个稳定阶段,氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮的变化量之比为1︰1.21︰0.33。(3)经过短程硝化反硝化预处理的猪场废水厌氧氨氧化脱氮效果稳定,氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、总氮、COD的平均去除率分别为93.0%、99.4%、84.6%、18.1%,处理效果与模拟废水处理系统相比无明显变化。(4)经过短程硝化反硝化预处理后,猪场废水中残留有机物成分在厌氧氨氧化反应过程中无显著变化,主要为酯类和烷烃类物质;残留有机物对厌氧氨氧化效果无明显影响。(5)采用PCR技术进行特殊功能菌种检测,结果表明模拟废水处理系统和猪场废水处理系统的菌群中均含有厌氧氨氧化菌和好氧硝化菌;通过blast比对,厌氧氨氧化菌扩增序列与未培养的Planctomycetales菌和Candidatus Brocadia fulgida菌16S rRNA部分序列相似性分别为95%、90%。(6)MPN法菌种计数结果显示,模拟废水处理系统和猪场废水处理系统的菌群中均含有硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌和少量反硝化菌,实验条件下的微生物系统是一个厌氧氨氧化菌与好氧硝化菌、反硝化菌共存的系统。 Poultry wastewater is one of the main source of water pollution in rural areas,and nitrogen removal is the most difficult part in treating poultry wastewater. There are some disadvantages in traditional nitrogen removal, such as high energy consumption and more additional organic carbon. It is important to develop ecolomical and efficient technologyies. Shortcut nitricfication/denitrification, as a pretreatment process, was combined with Anammox in this research, so that part of total nitrogen and most degradable COD could be removed by the former, and further nitrogen removal could be implemented by the latter. The combination of the two technologies was a new approach to treat wastewater with high ammonium and low C/N. Piggery wastewater with low C/N was treated in lab-scale experiment. Firstly, shortcut nitrification/denitrification was investigated, and Anammox reactor was started up successfully at the same time. Then piggery wastewater after pretreatment was treated by Anammox. The results showed :(1) It was feasible to take nitrification/denitrification as the pretreatment process of Anammox. By using this process, part of total nitrogen and COD were removed, the ratio of ammonium and nitrite reached around 1︰1 and the pH was about 7.8, which were favorable for Anammox. The average removal percentage of COD and total nitrogen were about 64.3% and 49.1%, respectively. (2) Simulated wastewater was used to start up Anammox reactor. The reactor was started up successfully within 5 months and stable performance was achieved. The highest nitrogen removal reached 87.1% and the biggest volumetric total nitrogen removal rate reached 0.14kg/m3.d. The average ratio of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate was 1:1.21:0.33. (3)Taking the effluent of shortcut nitrification/denitrification as the influent, the nitrogen removal efficiency of Anammox was stable, and the the average removal percentage of ammonium, nitrite, total nitrogen and COD were 93.0%, 99.4% , 84.6% and 18.1%, respectively, which had little difference with that by using simulated wastewater..(4) After pretreatment, the residual organic carbon in piggery wastewater showed no obvious change during the Anammox process, and the main organic compounds were saturated hydrocarbon and ester, which had no obvious negative effect on Anammox process.(5) By PCR technology, the existence of Anammox bacteria was confirmed and the aerobic nitrifying bacteria was found to coexist as well. The result of blast showed that the identities of Anammox bacterium to part of 16S rRNA sequence of uncultured Planctomycetales bacterium and Candidatus Brocadia fulgida bacterium were 95% and 90%, respectively.(6)By MPN method, nitrite oxidizer, ammonium oxidizer and denitrification bacteria were detected in both simulated and piggery wastewater treatment system of Anammox, and the microorganism system was composed of Anammox bacteria,aerobic bacteria and denitrification bacteria together.


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Naphthene is generally considered difficult to convert in traditional pyrolysis, but the ring rupture becomes fairly easy with the presence of oxygen in the gas phase oxidative cracking of the model compound, cyclohexane. About 86.8% conversion of cyclohexane, 43.7% yield of light alkenes, 6.6% yield of benzene and 14.3% yield of CO could be obtained at 750 degreesC, at which temperature the pyrolysis of cyclohexane was negligible, while at 850 degreesC, the total yield of alkenes, benzene and CO was as high as 80% (50%, 12% and 18%, respectively) with 98% conversion of cyclohexane. The gas phase oxidative cracking process could be run in an autothermal way (cyclohexane/O-2 mole ratio of 0.69-0.8 in theory), which would minimize energy consumption and capital costs of the whole process. CO prevailed in the produced CO, and the yield Of CO2 was always below 1%, which means about 90% Of CO2 emission by fuel burning in pyrolysis would be saved. The gas phase oxidative cracking process appears to be an environmentally benign and efficient route for light alkene production with naphthene rich feedstocks. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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通过径流冲刷试验 ,运用能量守恒原理 ,分析了坡面土壤侵蚀率 (Dr)与径流能耗 (ΔE )之间的关系 ,建立了给定土壤条件下坡面土壤侵蚀率估算模型。结果表明 :坡面土壤侵蚀的发生具有一定的临界能量条件 ,以径流能耗作为土壤侵蚀形成的临界参数具有明确的物理意义 ,当径流能耗大于 7.387J时坡面开始有侵蚀发生


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This study examines the link between the economic growth and the environmental quality. Based on a panel data set, a N-shaped Environmental Kuzents Curve has been found for the sample period: a cubic relationship between per capita GDP and emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2). We also find that energy consumption is an important determinant of environmental degradation. The empirical results suggest that we should promote environmental protection as soon as possible.


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Based on the hypothesis of self-optimization, we derive four models of biomass spectra and abundance spectra in communities with size-dependent metabolic rates. In Models 1 and 2, the maximum diversity of population abundance in different size classes subject to the constraints of constant mean body mass and constant mean respiration rate is assumed to be the strategy for ecosystems to organize their size structure. In Models 3 and 4, the organizing strategy is defined as the maximum diversity of biomass in different size classes without constraints on mean body mass and subject to the constant mean specific respiration rate of all individuals, i.e. the average specific respiration rate over all individuals of a community or group, which characterizes the mean rate of energy consumption in a community. Models 1 and 2 generate peaked distributions of biomass spectral density whereas Model 3 generates a fiat distribution. In Model 4, the distributions of biomass spectral density and of abundance spectral density depend on the Lagrangian multipler (lambda (2)). When lambda (2) tends to zero or equals zero, the distributions of biomass spectral density and of abundance spectral density correspond to those from Model 3. When lambda (2) has a large negative value, the biomass spectrum is similar to the empirical fiat biomass spectrum organized in logarithmic size intervals. When lambda (2) > 0, the biomass spectral density increases with body mass and the distribution of abundance spectral density is an unimodal curve. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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As a kind of strategic resource,petroleum play an very important role in current social stability, economic development and state safety. Since 1993 China has turned from a net oil exporter into a net oil importer, the figure of imported oil increased from then on. In 2004 China's total energy consumption exceeded Japan’s, and ranked in the second place, just inferior to America. Today China is the world’s third-largest importing nation, accounting for 6% of world imports and 8% of world consumption. Comparing with other strategic petroleum reserve schemes, underground oil storage possess many advantages, such as security, economy, less pollution, save land, suited for strategic reserve and so on, so it is the most ideal form for strategic petroleum reserve. In the background of China Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program started just now, this paper choose Circum-Bo sea region as a study area, and do some system study on the underground oil storage caverns constructed in inter-large granite rock masses in Circum-Bo sea region. On the foundation of a great amount of information come from both home and abroad, firstly this paper analysed the principle, economy, cavern shape, profile dimension, and gain some cognizances and logos, as follows: ①Hard rock mass such as granite is the major rock, in which underground oil storage are constructed; ②Unlined underground oil storage caverns had been wide spread used as a sort of oil storage form abroad, there already exist a suit of skilled experience and technologies to prevent oil product from leaking; ③Compared with surface tanks, underground oil storage cavern possess predominance in economy clearly. In general, it will be more economical when the storage capacity exceed 50000m3. The quality of rock mass is the most important factor for underground storage cost, however such as hydrogeology, storage capacity, the number of storage galleries, the length, storage product, mechanical equipments, geographic location also influent the cost. In designed depth of the underground storage, the rock mass of Jinzhou mainly belong to class Ⅱ, but parts with dykes, clayization alteration, and dense joints are Ⅲ, Ⅳ; ④Now, there are few underground oil storages span more than 25m in both abroad and home. The examples of some ancient underground works and modern underground excavation with wide span surely give us many precious elicitations to construct more great unlined storage caverns, when the rock mass quality is good, cavern shape and construction method also are proper, it is quite possible to construct underground oil storage cavern with span more than 30m . The main axis orientation of Jinzhou underground oil storage cavern is NW direction, the cavern's elevation locate between -53msl and -76msl. The storage's total volume is about 3×106m3, composed of 8 parallel galleries with 950m length, the pillars between them are 45m, and every two of galleries form one unit, which can deposit 75×104m3 for each unit. The product will be stored are Saudi light and Saudi medium crude oil, the main cavern's section is 411.5m2, with 23m height and 19m width. According to the principle and technique of engineering geomechanics, this study supply a sort of system scientific thinking and method for sitting location of underground oil storage in granite region: ① On the foundation of the earth crust stability sub-zone appraise of Circum-Bo sea region, farther research concerning granite distribution, genesis, geological period and fault structure are conducted in stable areas, generally, this paper select Liaoxi, east shore of Liaotung peninsula and Jiaotung peninsula as target areas for underground oil storage regions, where Mesozoic granite is magnitude; ②After roundly comparison in facts of geologic structure, engineering geology, hydrogeology, topography, transportation and so on of three granite distributed areas, at last, selecting Jingzhou granite zone in Liaoxi out as an ideal construction area; ③ Detailed investigation is conducted in the southeast of Baimashi in Jingzhou development district, the final field. Ultrasonic Borehole Television, as a major way to collect original information of borehole rock mass were used, which is very effective to appraise the quality of deep rock mass; ④ According to the field data of tectonic stress, rock mass quality, the spatial distribution of fracture water, some optimum designs in cross section, axial direction and cavern span have been designed for the underground oil storage cavern layout in Jinzhou. To understand the characteristics of swelling alteration rock in Jinzhou granite mass, collected abundant swelling alteration rock engineering examples in granite, which study them in detail, concluded the swelling alteration rock distribute nearly everywhere in China, intruded medium-basic dykes alteration, along discontinuities and mineral hydrothermal alteration with genesis of granite are three main forms clayization alteration rock in granite rock mass. In Jinzhou field, from macro to micro studied the swelling rock which induced by mid-basic dyke intrusion, with weak swelling. In conclusion, this paper conclude the distribution rule and features of expansion alteration rock in filed, and advise some technical suggestions for excavation at swelling alteration rock part. The main features of this paper: ①In the process of site selection, investigation and design, a suit of technique and method of engineering geomechanics metasynthesis were formed, which is significative to guide the large scale underground oil storage cavern sitting location, investigation and design in granite rock mass; ②The detailed discussion on the engineering geology problems in granite mass, such as weathering crust, faults, dykes and clayization alteration rock, are useful for other projects in aspects of site selection, engineering geology evaluation and stability estimation; ③The summary and integration of the genesis, type, countermeasure relate to swelling alteration rock, also is likely to be used for other underground oil storage caverns constructed in swelling alteration granite. In conclusion, this study is meaningful for guiding the large scale underground oil storage for site selection, investigation and design in granite rock mass.


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Reducing the energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by carefully scheduling the operations of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of other elements of the network such as tank levels, or explicitly by specifying the time during which each pump is on/off. The traditional representation of explicit schedules is a string of binary values with each bit representing pump on/off status during a particular time interval. In this paper, we formally define and analyze two new explicit representations based on time-controlled triggers, where the maximum number of pump switches is established beforehand and the schedule may contain less switches than the maximum. In these representations, a pump schedule is divided into a series of integers with each integer representing the number of hours for which a pump is active/inactive. This reduces the number of potential schedules compared to the binary representation, and allows the algorithm to operate on the feasible region of the search space. We propose evolutionary operators for these two new representations. The new representations and their corresponding operations are compared with the two most-used representations in pump scheduling, namely, binary representation and level-controlled triggers. A detailed statistical analysis of the results indicates which parameters have the greatest effect on the performance of evolutionary algorithms. The empirical results show that an evolutionary algorithm using the proposed representations improves over the results obtained by a recent state-of-the-art Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for pump scheduling using level-controlled triggers.


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Low-Power and Lossy-Network (LLN) are usually composed of static nodes, but the increase demand for mobility in mobile robotic and dynamic environment raises the question how a routing protocol for low-power and lossy-networks such as (RPL) would perform if a mobile sink is deployed. In this paper we investigate and evaluate the behaviour of the RPL protocol in fixed and mobile sink environments with respect to different network metrics such as latency, packet delivery ratio (PDR) and energy consumption. Extensive simulation using instant Contiki simulator show significant performance differences between fixed and mobile sink environments. Fixed sink LLNs performed better in terms of average power consumption, latency and packet delivery ratio. The results demonstrated also that RPL protocol is sensitive to mobility and it increases the number of isolated nodes.