892 resultados para Breastfeeding in literature.


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O uso de microondas no processamento e obtenção de materiais tem adquirido nos últimos anos crescente interesse por parte de diversas áreas do conhecimento como a química e a engenharia de materiais. Neste sentido, aparatos especialmente projetados têm começado a ser descritos na literatura como reatores e câmaras de processamento a microondas visando aplicação na pesquisa e na indústria. em particular o uso de fornos de microondas domésticos em atividades científicas tem se mostrado de interesse dado uma série de novas aplicações, simplicidade e baixo custo. O presente trabalho reporta um dispositivo desenvolvido a partir de um forno de microondas doméstico, capaz de efetuar sínteses e processamentos de sólidos mesmo quando os materiais envolvidos não possuem susceptibilidade as microondas. O novo dispositivo tem sido utilizado com sucesso na síntese de óxidos metálicos e, em especial na sinterização e ordenamento de redes cristalinas de filmes finos.


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A carência de informações na literatura sobre a amostragem de folhas da gravioleira, particularmente, a definição da posição da folha na copa das árvores e das folhas nos ramos ainda é um fator limitante para a diagnose foliar dessa cultura. Objetivando determinar a parte da planta indicada para a amostragem de folhas e a avaliação do estado nutricional da gravioleira conduziu-se um experimento no Campo Experimental da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Agroindústria Tropical, em Pacajus (CE), no período de março a abril de 2003. Colheram-se folhas de três posições da copa (terço superior, terço médio e terço inferior) e três posições no ramo (folhas da parte apical, mediana e basal) e determinaram-se os teores de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn. Os resultados permitem sugerir que os teores de minerais das folhas da parte mediana da copa das árvores e na posição mediana do ramo refletem melhor o estado nutricional da frutífera.


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as forças plantares nos dedos dos pés de mulheres com hálux valgo e/ou pés planos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo mulheres com hálux valgo e/ou pés planos confirmado através de análise radiográfica. Mediram-se as forças plantares, utilizando plataformas de forças. Coletaram-se estas forças com as mulheres descalças e em posição ereta, por três medidas sendo obtida uma média. Os dados foram adquiridos através da ponte amplificadora Spider 8 da HBM e analisados através do programa Catman®. Obtiveram-se as medidas de forças dos dedos de ambos os pés e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student segundo a presença de hálux valgo e pés planos; a associação entre essas deformidades foi estimada pelo teste exato de Fischer bicaudal, a significância estatística adotada foi alfa = 5%. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas no estudo, vinte mulheres com presença ou não de hálux valgo. As forças médias encontradas mostraram-se maiores no 5º dedo em relação ao 1º dedo de ambos os pés (p< 0,05) em ambas as situações. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo encontraram-se, ao contrário de outros trabalhos, forças no 5º dedo maiores que no 1º em ambos os pés.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a situação do aleitamento materno em 2004 no município de Botucatu, SP, e identificar sua tendência nos últimos 10 anos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, no qual foram comparados os resultados de 3 inquéritos populacionais transversais (1995-1999-2004), metodologicamente semelhantes, sobre a situação do aleitamento materno em crianças menores de 12 meses. Os dados foram obtidos em Campanhas de Multivacinação, a partir de questionário contendo um recordatório da alimentação das crianças no dia anterior à pesquisa. Para identificar a tendência dos diferentes tipos de aleitamento (aleitamento materno exclusivo, aleitamento materno predominante e aleitamento materno), foram comparadas as prevalências, segundo faixas etárias selecionadas (0-1 mês, 0-4 meses, 0-6 meses e 0-12 meses), nos 3 inquéritos. Os resultados foram submetidos a teste estatístico (teste z) para verificação das diferenças entre proporções. RESULTADOS: Para as crianças menores de 4 meses, houve aumento progressivo e de grande magnitude (19,1% em 1995 e 36,9% em 2004) do aleitamento materno exclusivo e diminuição do aleitamento materno predominante - diferenças estatisticamente significantes. O mesmo ocorreu para as crianças menores de 6 meses: 13,0% em aleitamento materno exclusivo em 1995, 29,6% em 2004, representando 128,0% de aumento. Com relação ao aleitamento materno, tanto para as crianças menores de 4 meses, quanto para as menores de 6 meses e de 1 ano, houve pequeno aumento de prevalência, mas as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes. A duração mediana do aleitamento materno exclusivo aumentou 14 dias (82,0%) e do aleitamento materno 85 dias (50,9%) no período de 10 anos. CONCLUSÃO: Com a elevação expressiva da prevalência de crianças menores de 6 meses em aleitamento materno exclusivo e o aumento da mediana da amamentação exclusiva e da amamentação, pode-se afirmar que a evolução do aleitamento no município foi favorável. Entretanto, a situação em 2004 ainda está distante das recomendações atuais sobre alimentação infantil.


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The net isosteric heat and entropy of water sorption were calculated for plum, based on sorption isotherms obtained by the static gravimetric method at different temperatures (20 to 70 degrees C). The Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer model was applied to the experimental data giving a good agreement between experimental and calculated values. The net isosteric heat of water sorption, estimated by applying Claussius-Clapeyron equation to sorption isotherms, was found to be different for plum skin and pulp, mainly at low moisture contents, and could be well adjusted by an empirical exponential relationship. Plots of enthalpy in contrast to entropy provided the isokinetic temperatures for skin and pulp, indicating an enthalpy-controlled sorption process. Thermodynamic data on water sorption for plums are not found in literature, as opposed to prunes for which the data are abundant.


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Organic-inorganic hybrids, named di-ureasils and described by polyether-based chains grafted to both ends to a siliceous backbone through urea cross linkages, were used as hosts for incorporation of the well-known coordination complex of trivalent europium (Eu3+) ions described by the formula [Eu(TTA)(3)(H2O)(2)] (where TTA stands for thenoyltrifluoroacetone). By comparing with Eu3+-doped di-ureasil without complex form the new materials prepared here enhanced the quantum efficiency for photoemission of Eu3+ ions. The enhancement can be explained by the coordination ability of the organic counterpart of the host structure which is strong enough to displace water molecules in [Eu(TTA)(3)(H2O)(2)] from the rare earth neighbourhood after the incorporation process. High intensity of Eu3+ emission was observed with a low non-radiative decay rate under ultraviolet excitation. The quantum efficiency calculated from the decay of D-5(0) emission was 74%, which in the same range of values previously obtained for the most efficient Eu3+ coordination compounds reported in literature. Luminescence, X-ray absorption and infrared absorption results considered together leads to a picture where the first coordination shell of Eu3+ is composed of the 6 oxygen atoms of the 3 beta-diketonate ligands and 2 ether-like oxygen atoms of the host. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Pt-Ir microelectrode modified through one step, electropolymerization is proposed for the isocitrate amperometric biosensor construction. The enzyme (isocitrate dehydrogenase-ICDH), coenzyme (NADP(+)) and mediator (Meldola's Blue) were immobilized onto the microelectrode surface in one step from a PIPES buffer solution containing pyrrole. The optimized experimental conditions were 25 cycles of cyclic voltammetric in a solution containing 3.58 10(-5) mol l(-1) of mediator, 3.51 10(-4) mol l(-1) of coenzyme and 2.68 U ml(-1) of enzyme. In contrast to the biosensor for isocitrate reported in literature, just one enzyme was immobilized and no coenzyme addition in the solution of analysis was necessary. Catalytic currents were proportional to the isocitrate concentration between 7.7 10(-6) and 1.04 10(-4) mol l(-1), showing good repeatability. The detection limit of the proposed biosensor was 3.50 10(-6) mol l(-1), the response time was lower than 20 s, the lifetime was about 30 determinations and no significant interference of sugars and citric acid was verified. Orange juice samples were analysed by both methodology biosensor and spectrophotometric commercial kit, and the obtained results presented a good correlation. The data demonstrated that the developed biosensor is suitable for isocitrate determination in orange juice without matrix interferences. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Crystallization of binary InF3-MF2 and GaF3-MF2 (where M = Ba, Sr and Ca) glasses was studied. Characteristic temperatures and kinetic parameters E (activation energy) and n (Avrami exponent) were obtained. Stability against devitrification is discussed in terms of the above cited parameters and also of some others parameters proposed in literature. Optical properties (IR and upconversion emissions) are reported in different crystallized samples containing Nd3+. The main observation is that up conversion emission presents an enhanced sensibility to crystallization when compared to conventional emission. © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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We introduce a new hybrid approach to determine the ground state geometry of molecular systems. Firstly, we compared the ability of genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) to find the lowest energy geometry of silicon clusters with six and 10 atoms. This comparison showed that GA exhibits fast initial convergence, but its performance deteriorates as it approaches the desired global extreme. Interestingly, SA showed a complementary convergence pattern, in addition to high accuracy. Our new procedure combines selected features from GA and SA to achieve weak dependence on initial parameters, parallel search strategy, fast convergence and high accuracy. This hybrid algorithm outperforms GA and SA by one order of magnitude for small silicon clusters (Si6 and Si10). Next, we applied the hybrid method to study the geometry of a 20-atom silicon cluster. It was able to find an original geometry, apparently lower in energy than those previously described in literature. In principle, our procedure can be applied successfully to any molecular system. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Castleman's disease (CD) is an uncommon lymphoproliferative disorder that is morphologically and clinically heterogeneous. Both a localized benign variant and a multicentric form with systemic manifestations have been described. Although there are many published cases in literature, there are a few reports about this pathology in Brazil. We describe a patient with several manifestations of multicentric CD: lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, and hepatosplenomegaly. Pathological examination of excised cervical lymph node revealed its rarest form: a CD of the hyaline-vascular type in multicentric presentation.


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Network reconfiguration in distribution systems can be carried out by changing the status of sectionalizing switches and it is usually done for loss minimization and load balancing. In this paper it is presented an heuristic algorithm that accomplishes network reconfiguration for operation planning in order to obtain a configuration set whose configurations have the smallest active losses on its feeders. To obtain the configurations, it is used an approached radial load flow method and an heuristic proceeding based on maximum limit of voltage drop on feeders. Results are presented for three hypothetical systems largely known whose data are available in literature and a real system with 135 busses. In addition, it is used a fast and robust load flow which decreases the computational effort.


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Territorial behavior in hummingbirds minimizes competition through aggressive interactions, resulting in a dominance hierarchy among species and individuals. Interactions among seven hummingbird species visiting flowering eucalyptus in the Floresta Estadual near Rio Claro, São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil, were studied. Dominance was determined by weight and size with the largest species being the most dominant. Time spent in defense and the number of aggressive interactions were greater than recorded in literature, perhaps due to the relatively greater density of hummingbirds in the study area. Daily activity patterns differed among dominant and subordinate species, but were not correlated with either the quantity of available nectar or with nectar sugar concentration.


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Adult leaves of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) harvested during the time of budding had been used in the study of the leaf anatomy in the identification of the secretory structures. The material was fixed in FAA 50%, dehydrated in alcoholic series (ethyl), infiltrated in paraffin, sectioned at 13 mm, staining and later analyzed through optic microscopy. Also it was carried through a study in gaseous chromatography for attainment of the rude essential oil. Analyses of transversal sections of the leaf of Melissa officinalis, has identified the presence of two types of trichomes secretory: peltate and capitate, beyond the presence of trichome tector. Trichome capitate, identified in literature as (type I), presents variations in its morphology in relation to the cells number stalk and the head secretory cells number. The chromatographic analysis of the essential oil identified the presence of monoterpenes, in two major components, responsible for more than 87.8% of the relative composition in the rude oil, beyond sesquiterpenes in smaller proportions.


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Formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide are widely used in dentistry because of their antibacterial activities in root canal disinfection. However, the results of genotoxicity studies using these materials are inconsistent in literature. The goal of this study was to examine the genotoxic potential of formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide using mouse lymphoma cells and human fibroblasts cells in vitro by the comet assay. Data were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. The results showed that all compounds tested did not cause DNA damage for the tail moment or tail intensity parameters. These findings suggest that formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide do not promote DNA damage in mammalian cells and that the comet assay is a suitable tool to investigate genotoxicity.