989 resultados para Biron, Ernest-Ioann, 1690-1772.


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Det är helt naturligt att konsumenterna sprider marknadsinformation genom att sinsemellan prata om sina konsumtionserfarenheter. Även om man i marknadsföringslitteraturen betonar den konsumentdominerade informella marknadskommunikationens genuina karaktär jämfört med den företagsdominerade formella marknadskommunikationen, så har man rätt dåliga kunskaper om företagets möjligheter att systematiskt utnyttja denna typ av marknadskommunikation. Min analys tyder på att den beteendevetenskapliga och den företagsekonomiska word-of-mouth-forskningen anlägger olika perspektiv som inte möter varandra. Den beteendevetenskapliga word-of-mouth-forskningen har tydligare satt fokus på själva företeelsen informell marknadskommunikation, men perspektivet har inte varit speciellt företagsorienterat. Den företagsekonomiska word-of-mouth-forskningen har i sin tur varit betydligt tydligare fokuserad på möjligheterna att använda informell marknadskommunikation, men däremot har man inte fäst speciellt mycket uppmärksamhet vid själva företeelsen informell marknadskommunikation. Min kontribution till den vetenskapliga diskussionen om företagens möjligheter att systematisera utnyttjandet av informell marknadskommunikation består i att överbrygga denna dualism inom word-of-mouth-forskningen genom att anlägga ett företagsperspektiv på den sociala dynamiken för informell marknadskommunikation. Denna ansats har sin teoretiska förankring hos de s.k. moderna men bortglömda pionjärerna, med vilka jag avser Johan Arndt, Donald Cox och Ernest Dichters kontribution till den företagsorienterade word-of-mouth-forskningen redan i slutet av 1960-talet. Efter det har deras synpunkter och insikter varken förts vidare eller vidareutvecklats, vilket jag betraktar som ett bakslag för den företagsorienterade word-of-mouth-forskningen. Föreliggande studie har bidragit till word-of-mouth-forskningen på tre olika sätt: genom 1) bidrag baserat på litteraturanalys, 2) bidrag baserat på empirianalys och 3) bidrag baserat på begreppsligande av informell marknadskommunikation. Min litteraturanalys framställer word-of-mouth-forskningens uppkomst och utveckling i ny dager. Min empirianalys har genererat empiriska begrepp, dels för att beskriva informell marknadskommunikation som företeelse, dels för att beskriva företagens förfarande för att systematisera utnyttjandet av sådan marknadskommunikation. Den begreppsliga kontributionen accentueras i informell marknadskommunikation som ett samlingsbegrepp för olika typer av interkonsumentkommunikation.


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Under 1700-talets andra hälft hörde Sveriges nya fästningar i öst (Helsingfors, Sveaborg, Lovisa och Svartholm) till rikets största satsningar. Fästningsprojektet leddes med undantag av ett par avbrott av Augustin Ehrensvärd (1710 1772). När arbetet tog fart namngavs de enskilda fästningsverken i så gott som alla fall efter samtida personer. Under Ehrensvärds tid tillämpades denna namngivning på omkring femtio av Sveaborgs och Helsingfors fästningsverk samt på Lovisas och Svartholms totalt aderton verk. Genom personerna de knöts till berättar namnen en hel del om Augustin Ehrensvärds samtid och omvärld. Hur de gjorde det är denna avhandlings huvudfråga. Källmaterialet utgörs av relationsritningar och brev, medan de teoretiska ramarna står att finna i nätverksteori och onomastiska teorier om namnmönster. Ehrensvärd förklarade sin namngivningspraxis för sin överordnade, tronföljaren Adolf Fredrik, 1749 i samband med att Gustavssvärd med fästningsverk namngavs: tanken var att namnge bastioner efter de som bidragit till arbetets framgång och att namnge utanverk efter officerare vid fästningsbygget. Innebörden av Ehrensvärds ord framgår ur namnbeståndet. De största grupperna består av ämbetsmän och militärer. Med de som bidragit till arbetets framgång avsågs sålunda den lokala eliten: landshövdingar som involverats i fästningsbygget samt högre och lägre militärer som tjänstgjorde vid fästningarna. Redan från början syns en klar hierarki i namngivningen. Medan landshövdingarna och de högre militärerna tillägnades bastioner, fick de lägre officerarna se mindre fästningsverk namngivna efter sig, helt i enlighet med Ehrensvärds egen beskrivning. Utanför de ovan nämnda grupperna, hedrades en hel del personer som inte konkret hade engagerats i fästningsbygget. Denna namngivning kan förklaras å ena sidan inom ramen för Ehrensvärds sociala nätverk och å andra sidan mot bakgrund av riksdagspolitiken i frihetstidens Sverige. Av de två förklaringsmodeller bör Ehrensvärds personliga vänskaper ses som en bidragande orsak, medan de politiska motiven utgjorde en avgörande orsak. Som en del av Ehrensvärds nätverk kan de gynnare ses som hade stöttat Ehrensvärd under hans karriär samt hans närmaste medarbetare vid fästningsbygget, ofta officerer han själv handplockat. Namngivningens politiska aspekt syns i det stora antalet riksråd som tillägandes bastionnamn. Vid sidan om riksråden hedrades också talmän vid de samtida riksdagarna. En komparativ studie i namngivningen av fästningsverk vid samtida och äldre svenska fästningar framhäver Ehrensvärd som en innovativ namngivare. Fästningsverk namngivna efter kungligheter verkar ha varit en norm, som också Ehrensvärd anknöt till genom ett fåtal namn. Däremot var namn efter personer inte vanliga, vilket gav den Ehrensvärdska namngivningen en förhållandevis stark anknytning till samtiden. Denna aspekt bekräftas om namnen ses mot bakgrund av 1700-talets uppfattning om ära och äregirighetens samhälleliga nytta. I denna uppfattning syns bakgrunden till förekomsten av personer med både hög och låg status i Ehrensvärds namngivning. Sammanfattningsvis speglar namnen på de finska fästningsverken sin samtid genom den byråkratiska, militära och politiska elit de representerar samt genom motiveringen till dem.


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The 21st century poses many challenges for global sustainability. Among them, most importantly, the human race will encounter scarcity of raw materials and conventional energy resources. And, India may have to take the brunt of these problems as it is going to be the most populated region of the world with concomitant increase in energy demand and requirement of other resources. India will be the testing ground for introducing newer ways of green technology and innovative principles of resource management and utilization. With the vagaries of potential climate change gathering clouds in the background, Earth sciences will have a special and predominant role in guiding the society in prioritizing our resource discovery, utilization and their consumption and the upkeep of environment. On the fundamental level, Earth sciences are going through a most exciting phase of development as a born-again science. Technological breakthroughs including the satellite-based observations augur well for gaining new insights into Earth processes. A set of exciting fundamental problems that are globally identified will set the stage for an exhilarating period of new discoveries. Improvements in numerical and computer-based techniques will assist in modelling of Earth processes to unprecedented levels. India will have to take special effort in improving the existing experimentation facilities in the Earth science departments of the country, and also the general level of Earth science education to meet the global standards. This article presents an Earth science vision for the 21st century in an Indian context.


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Abstract: A wide range of compositions of grasses in the ternary Li2O-PbO-B2O3 glass system was prepared, and de and ac conductivity measurements were carried out on these glasses. The presence of lead leads to a decrease in de conductivities and an increase in the activation energies. This is likely to be due to the increase of the partial charges on the oxygen atoms and to the presence of the lone pair on the Pb atom; both of these factors impede lithium ion motion. The ac conductivity and dielectric behavior of these glasses support such a conjecture. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The conventional Cornell's source-based approach of probabilistic seismic-hazard assessment (PSHA) has been employed all around the world, whilst many studies often rely on the use of computer packages such as FRISK (McGuire FRISK-a computer program for seismic risk analysis. Open-File Report 78-1007, United States Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Washington 1978) and SEISRISK III (Bender and Perkins SEISRISK III-a computer program for seismic hazard estimation, Bulletin 1772. United States Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Washington 1987). A ``black-box'' syndrome may be resulted if the user of the software does not have another simple and robust PSHA method that can be used to make comparisons. An alternative method for PSHA, namely direct amplitude-based (DAB) approach, has been developed as a heuristic and efficient method enabling users to undertake their own sanity checks on outputs from computer packages. This paper experiments the application of the DAB approach for three cities in China, Iran, and India, respectively, and compares with documented results computed by the source-based approach. Several insights regarding the procedure of conducting PSHA have also been obtained, which could be useful for future seismic-hazard studies.


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The combustion synthesized Ag/CeO2 catalysts have been characterized by Extended Xray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the Ag K-edge. It has been found that Ag+ like species is present in 1% Ag/CeO2 catalyst, whereas mostly Ag metal clusters are found in 3% Ag/CeO2. The analysis of EXAFS spectra indicates that about one oxygen atom is coordinated to Ag central atom at a distance of 2.19 Angstrom in 1% Ag/CeO2 catalyst along with eight coordinated Ag-Ag bond at 2.86 Angstrom. The Ag-O bond is absent in 3% Ag/CeO2. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An enantiospecific formal total synthesis of (-)-ceratopicanol starting from the readily and abundantly available monoterpene (R)-limonene is described. A combination of Claisen rearrangement-intramolecular diazo-ketone cyclopropanation-regiospecific reductive cyclopropane cleavage reactions are employed for the stereo- and regiospecific generation of the two vicinal ring junction quaternary carbon atoms.


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CaxCu3Ti4O12 (x=0.90, 0.97, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.15) polycrystalline powders with variation in calcium content were prepared via the oxalate precursor route. The structural, morphological and dielectric properties of the ceramics fabricated using these powders were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope along with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and impedance analyzer. The X-ray diffraction patterns obtained for the x = 0.97, 1.0 and 1.1 powdered ceramics could be indexed to a body-centered cubic perovskite related structure associated with the space group Im3. The ESR studies confirmed the absence of oxygen vacancies in the ceramics that were prepared using the oxalate precursor route. The dielectric properties of these suggest that the calcium deficient sample (x = 0.97) has a reduced dielectric loss while retaining the high dielectric constant which is of significant industrial relevance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a physics-based simplified analytical model of the energy band gap and electron effective mass in a relaxed and strained rectangular 100] silicon nanowires (SiNWs). Our proposed formulation is based on the effective mass approximation for the nondegenerate two-band model and 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for energy dispersion relation of conduction band electrons and the valence band heavy and light holes, respectively. Using this, we demonstrate the effect of the uniaxial strain applied along 100]-direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] followed by a uniaxial one along the 100]-direction, respectively, on both the band gap and the transport and subband electron effective masses in SiNW. Our analytical model is in good agreement with the extracted data using the extended-Huckel-method-based numerical simulations over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain.


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We have postulated a novel pathway that could assist in the nucleation of soot particles through covalent dimerization and oligomerizations of a variety of PAHs. DFT calculations were performed with the objective of obtaining the relative thermal stabilities and formation probabilities of oligomeric species that exploit the facile dimerization that is known to occur in linear oligoacenes. We propose that the presence of small stretches of linear oligoacence (tetracene or longer) in extended PAH, either embedded or tethered, would be adequate for enabling the formation of such dimeric and oligomeric adducts; these could then serve as nuclei for the growth of soot particles. Our studies also reveal the importance of p-stacking interactions between extended aromatic frameworks in governing the relative stabilities of the oligomeric species that are formed. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) composites were fabricated via melt mixing followed by hot pressing technique. These were characterized using X-ray diffraction, thermo gravimetric, thermo mechanical, differential scanning calorimetry, fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Impedance analyser for their structural, thermal and dielectric properties. Composites were found to have better thermal stability than that of pure PMMA. However, there was no significant difference in the glass transition (T (g) ) temperature between the polymer and the composite. The appearance of additional vibrational frequencies in the range 400-600 cm(-1) in FTIR spectra indicated a possible interaction between PMMA and CCTO. The composite, with 38 vol% of CCTO (in PMMA), exhibited remarkably low dielectric loss at high frequencies and the low-frequency relaxation is attributed to the interfacial polarization/MWS effect. The origin of AC conductivity particularly in the high-frequency region was attributed to the electronic polarization.


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Composites comprising Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA) and CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) via melt mixing followed by hot pressing were fabricated. These were characterized using X-ray diffraction, thermo gravimetric, scanning electron microscopy, and Impedance analyzer for their structural, morphology, and dielectric properties. Composites were found to have better thermal stability than that of pure PMMA. The composite, with 38 Vol % of CCTO (in PMMA), exhibited remarkably low dielectric loss at high frequencies and the low frequency relaxation is attributed to the space charge polarization/MWS effect. Theoretical models were employed to rationalize the dielectric behavior of these composites. At higher temperatures, the relaxation peak shifts to higher frequencies, due to the merging of both beta and alpha relaxations into a single dielectric dispersion peak. The AC conductivity in the high frequency region was attributed to the electronic polarization. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 54:551-558, 2014. (c) 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Identification and analysis of nonbonded interactions within a molecule and with the surrounding molecules are an essential part of structural studies, given the importance of these interactions in defining the structure and function of any supramolecular entity. MolBridge is an easy to use algorithm based purely on geometric criteria that can identify all possible nonbonded interactions, such as hydrogen bond, halogen bond, cation-pi, pi-pi and van der Waals, in small molecules as well as biomolecules. The user can either upload three-dimensional coordinate files or enter the molecular ID corresponding to the relevant database. The program is available in a standalone form and as an interactive web server with Jmol and JME incorporated into it. The program is freely downloadable and the web server version is also available at http://nucleix.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/molbridge/index.php.


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During a lightning strike to ground or structure nearby, currents are induced in all conducting structures including tall towers. As compared to the case of a direct strike, these induced currents will be of much lower amplitude, however, appear more frequently. A quantitative knowledge on these induced currents will be of interest to instrumented and communication towers. A preliminary analysis on the characteristics of the induced currents was reported in an earlier work 1], which employed simplifications by neglecting the induced charge on the tower and also the contribution from the upward connecting leader. This work aims to make further progress by considering all the essential aspects in ascertaining the induced currents. For determining the field produced by the developing return stroke, a macro-physical model for the return stroke is employed and for the evaluation of the induced currents, an in-house time domain numerical electromagnetic code along with suitable modifications for incorporating the dynamics of upward leader is employed.