1000 resultados para Biological laboratories
Further steps are needed to establish feasible alleviation strategies that are able to reduce the impacts of ocean acidification, whilst ensuring minimal biological side-effects in the process. Whilst there is a growing body of literature on the biological impacts of many other carbon dioxide reduction techniques, seemingly little is known about enhanced alkalinity. For this reason, we investigated the potential physiological impacts of using chemical sequestration as an alleviation strategy. In a controlled experiment, Carcinus maenas were acutely exposed to concentrations of Ca(OH)2 that would be required to reverse the decline in ocean surface pH and return it to pre-industrial levels. Acute exposure significantly affected all individuals' acid-base balance resulting in slight respiratory alkalosis and hyperkalemia, which was strongest in mature females. Although the trigger for both of these responses is currently unclear, this study has shown that alkalinity addition does alter acid-base balance in this comparatively robust crustacean species.
Measurements of suspended particle matter (SPM) and turbulence have been obtained over five tidal surveys during spring and summer 2010 at station L4 (5025 degrees N 04.22 degrees W, depth 50 m), in the Western English Channel. The relationship between turbulence intensity and bed stress is explored, with an in-line holographic imaging system evaluating the extent to which material is resuspended. Image analysis allows for the identification of SPM above a size threshold of 200 pm, capturing particle variability across tidal cycles and the two seasons. Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, which exceeds 10(-5) W kg(-1), yields maximum values of bed stress of between 0.17 and 0.20 N m(-2), frequently resulting in the resuspension of material from the bed. Resuspension is shown to promote aggregation of SPM into flocs, where the size of such particles is theoretically determined by the Kolmogorov microscale, l(k). During the spring surveys, flocs of a size larger than lk were observed, though this was not repeated during summer. It is proposed that the presence of gelatinous, biological material in spring allows flocculated particles to exceed l(k). This suggests that under specific circumstances, the limiting factor on the growth of flocculated SPM is not only turbulence, as previously thought, but the presence or absence of certain types of biological particle.
We frequently require sensitive bioassay techniques with which to study the effects of marine contaminants at environmentally realistic concentrations. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve sensitivity and precision in an organism amenable to indefinite periods of laboratory culture. Results from different laboratories are often extremely variable: LC50 values for the same substance, using the same organism, may differ by two or even three orders of magnitude (Wilson, Cowell & Beynon, 1975). Moreover, some of the most sensitive bioassay organisms require nutrient media, which may alter the availability and toxicity of metals by complexing them (Jones, 1964; Kamp-Nielsen, 1971; Hannan & Patouillet, 1972) and often contain metal impurities at significant levels (Albert, 1968; Steeman Nielsen & Wium Anderson, 1970). The object of the work reported here has been to develop a technique by which these problems might be minimized or avoided. Hydroids were chosen as bioassay organisms for a variety of reasons. They are tolerant but sensitive to small variations in their chemical environment. Techniques for growing hydroids are simple and they can be cultured under conditions of near optimal temperature, salinity and food supply, thus minimizing the errors frequent in bioassay work arising from variations in the history of the test organisms, their size, sex or physiological state. An important source of variability in all work with organisms is that inherent in the genetic material, but with hydroids this can be avoided by the use of a single clone.