1000 resultados para Bande C


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氮素是大多数陆地生态系统初级生产力的主要限制因子。由于人类的工业和农业生产活动不断加剧,导致全球性氮沉降增加,使大多数生态系统氮素的可获得性增强。从而降低或消除了氮素对生态系统的限制作用,加速了生态系统生物地球化学过程,对物种多样性和生态系统结构与功能产生了显著的影响。但由于成土母质、气候条件、地形地貌、植被组成等的差异,不同生态系统类型对氮素增加的响应也不尽相同。欧洲和北美一些发达国家地区对于草地生态系统对于全球性氮沉降增加响应进行了较全面的研究,对于分布广泛的欧亚大陆草原研究相对不足。 本文研究选择对于欧亚大陆草原较具代表性的成熟羊草草原群落及该群落的退化类型为研究对象,从1999年开始,在这两类群落中选取地形相对平缓均一,植被组成一致的地段设置了施肥小区并进行持续氮素添加实验。本文研究了成熟和退化羊草草原群落物种功能特性与土壤微生物量C、N、P对氮素添加响应。 羊草群落中6种主要植物的地上生物量、种群密度、比叶面积、叶氮和叶绿素含量对于氮素添加响应以及各指标之间相关关系的分析表明:比叶面积、基于质量的叶片含氮量和叶绿素含量、叶绿素a和叶绿素b的比值等叶片水平上物种功能特性间的相互作用,共同影响和决定了种群密度和地上生物量对氮素添加的响应。羊草通过提高比叶面积、叶片叶绿素含量和含氮量、种群密度及个体生物量等多重调节功能对氮素添加做出响应。西伯利亚羽茅主要通过提高比叶面积、单位质量叶片的叶绿素含量和含氮量,以及株丛生物量,使其在群落占据优势。大针茅和冰草在提高比叶面积、叶片叶绿素含量和含氮量的调节能力相对较低,种群密度沿氮素添加梯度显著降低。黄囊苔草只能通过提高叶片叶绿素含量和含氮量对氮素添加做出响应,其叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值沿氮素添加梯度逐渐降低,种群密度和地上生物量也显著降低。糙隐子草的叶绿素a与叶绿素b比值沿氮素添加梯度显著降低,但由于糙隐子草具有较高的SLA,且对叶绿素、叶片含氮量的调节能力较强,氮素添加处理没有对其种群密度和地上生物量产生显著的影响。上述结果支持Tilman的光资源竞争假说和Knops等的物种替代假说。 成熟和退化羊草群落土壤微生物量、土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、速效氮、pH以及凋落物碳、氮、磷含量的测定结果表明:(1)成熟羊草群落表层土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷含量均随氮素添加量的增加而降低;退化羊草群落表层土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷含量沿氮素梯度表现出先增加而后降低的趋势;相关分析的结果显示各群落土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷均与土壤pH呈显著的正相关。(2)微生物量碳、氮、磷含量均随土层深度的增加而下将;而对照的微生物量碳、氮、磷含量则与土壤有机质含量呈显著正相关。(3)年度间降水量差异对土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷具有较大影响。综合上述研究结果,我们认为成熟羊草群落土壤微生物生长不受氮素限制,但退化群落不同;氮素添加导致的土壤酸化作用可能是两类群落表层土壤微生物量下降的主要因素,且这种影响主要集中在0-10cm的表层土壤;表层土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷对氮素添加的响应可能还受到其它因子(如生长季降水量)的影响;深层土壤微生物量较低主要是由于土壤有机质含量较低的缘故。


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A bioassay study was conducted using three organic pesticides to determine their comparative toxicity to fingerlings of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. There was wide variation in the toxicity of different pesticides with 24 hr LC sub(50) values ranging from 0.000403 to 0.294 mg/l. Endosulfan appeared to be the most toxic, whereas BHC was the least.


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C、N、P是生物地球化学循环中的重要元素,其可利用性和各元素之间的平衡关系将生态系统的物质循环有机统一为一个整体。化学计量生态学为研究这几种基本元素间的平衡提供了一个有力的理论框架。许多研究表明,过度放牧会改变生态系统的结构和功能,而放牧如何影响植物的C:N:P化学计量关系的却少见报道。本研究以内蒙古锡林河流域沿水分梯度分布的草甸、草甸草原、典型草原和沙地四种植被类型中的灰脉苔草(Carex appendiculata)、贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)、小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigid)、克氏针茅(S. krylovii)和榆树(Ulmus Pumila)疏林沙地8个草地群落为研究对象,对长期禁牧样地和自由放牧样地中273种植物,其中禁牧与放牧样地中的共有植物种为144个,测定了植物叶片C: N: P化学计量特征以及植株高度、丛幅面积、茎、叶和株(丛)生物量、茎叶比等功能性状,系统地研究了放牧对植物C:N:P化学计量特征和资源分配的影响。取得了如下主要研究结果和结论: 1. 放牧降低了植物叶片的C:N比,但增加了N:P比和C:P比。C:N:P 化学计量比的变化主要受叶片N和P含量变化的影响; 2. 植物C:N:P化学计量特征对放牧的响应同时受水分条件的制约。沿水分梯度分布的不同植被类型中,植物叶片C:N:P化学计量特征对放牧的响应不同。草甸群落中,植物叶片C含量显著降低,N和P含量显著增加;在草甸草原群落中,植物叶片C、P含量减少,N含量显著增加;而在典型草原群落中,植物叶片C、N和P含量均显著降低; 3. 在物种水平上,C、N、P含量对放牧的响应分为:显著增加、显著降低和没有显著变化三种类型。放牧影响下,植物叶片N含量和N:P比在显著升高的物种多于显著降低的,而叶片C含量、C:N和C:P显著降低的物种占的比例很小,表明植物对放牧适应策略与物种本身的生物学特性有着密切的关系。 4. 过度放牧使植物的植株高度、丛幅大小、株丛数、茎叶比和单株生物量均显著降低,即植物整体呈现小型化现象,进而导致群落初级生产力、茎和叶生物量下降。轻度放牧对物种的资源分配没有显著影响,单株(丛)生物量和群落茎、叶及总生物量均呈增加趋势,这与过度放牧的影响正好相反。 5. 过度放牧显著改变了物种的资源分配策略,使生物量向叶的分配比例增加,向茎的分配比例减少。资源优先向同化器官分配可能是草地植物对长期放牧干扰的一种重要适应对策。


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In order to evolve suitable electrical fishing gear for inland waters, preliminary experiments have been conducted to observe effect of a. c. currents on Catla catla at voltages of 30, 90 and 120, pH 7.3 and 8.4, temperature 48°F, 78°F and 105°F, distance between electrodes 25 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm, size range of fish 100 mm, to 235 mm. Apparatus used was a 5 kw; a. c. 60 cycles generator with resistance control. Larger sizes of fish were more prone to electric shock. Higher temperature increases the intensity of the shock, while variation of pH between 7.3 to 8.4 did not materially affect the intensity of the shock. Fishing with a mixed population of Catla catla and Ophicephalus punctatus gave a greater percentage of mortality for the latter.


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This paper describes how the A -if) formulation may be applied to determine the losses in the stator duct spacers of large a.c. motors. The model is described in terms of its geometry and boundary conditions. The novel aspects of the application of the formulation to this problem are explained. These include the modelling of fixed currents sources (the stator windings), the location of the necessary cut surfaces and the determination of their magnetic scalar potential differences, and the implementation of periodic boundary conditions for vector variables. Results are presented showing how the duct spacer losses vary with load, and with the relative permeability of the spacer material. The effects of modelling iron nonlinearity, of both the spacer and the steel laminations, are also illustrated. © 1996 IEEE.


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A systematic study has been made of the growth of both hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and silicon nitride (a-SiN) by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (ECR-PECVD). In the case of a-SiN, helium and nitrogen gas is injected into the system such that it passes through the resonance zone. These highly ionised gases provide sufficient energy to ionise the silane gas, which is injected further downstream. It is demonstrated that a gas phase reaction occurs between the silane and nitrogen species. It is control of the ratio of silane to nitrogen in the plasma which is critical for the production of stoichiometric a-SiN. Material has been produced at 80°C with a Si:N ratio of 1:1.3 a breakdown strength of ∼6 MV cm-1 and resistivity of > 1014 Ω cm. In the case of a-Si:H, helium and hydrogen gas is injected into the ECR zone and silane is injected downstream. It is shown that control of the gas phase reactions is critical in this process also. a-Si:H has been deposited at 80 °C with a dark conductivity of 10-11 Ω-1 cm-1 and a photosensitivity of justbelowl 4×104. Such materials are suitable for use in thin film transistors on plastic substrates.