1000 resultados para BOR syndrome
Metabolic syndrome represents a grouping of risk factors closely linked to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. At first, nuclear medicine has no direct application in cardiology at the level of primary prevention, but positron emission tomography is a non invasive imaging technique that can assess myocardial perfusion as well as the endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion--a surrogate marker of cardiovascular event rate--thus finding an application in studying coronary physiopathology. As the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is still unknown in Switzerland, we will estimate it from data available in the frame of a health promotion program. Based on the deleterious effect on the endothelium already observed with two components, we will estimate the number of persons at risk in Switzerland.
PURPOSE To evaluate the prevalence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients presenting initially with atypical chest pain and suspected to have pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute aortic syndromes (AAS). To evaluate the overlap between ACS, PE and AAS in routine practice and determine how many patients could have benefit from a single CT protocol to rule out ACS at the same time as PE and AAS. METHOD AND MATERIALS Our electronic hospital database revealed 1122 consecutive patients who underwent a thoracic CT angiography for PE or AAS from 2004 to 2006 (mean age, 63±13 years). Patients without chest pain were excluded from this study. Thus, 447 patients presented with isolated atypical chest were included in the analysis. All patients who underwent a thoracic CT scan previously received standard clinical care and were initially considered as non ACS. The final diagnosis was obtained by the hospital stay report. RESULTS Among the 447 patients with atypical chest pain, 25 (5.5%) were finally found to have ACS: 19 patients (4.2%) were suspected for PE and 6 (1. 3%) were suspected for AAS. There were 90 patients diagnosed to have PE, 89 (98.8%) of them were suspected for PE while only 1 (1%) was suspected for AAS. Eleven patients diagnosed to have AAS, 9 (82%) of them were suspected for AAS while 2 (18%) were suspected for PE. CONCLUSION In clinical practice, the overlap between PE, AAS and ACS is limited which make the triple rule-out studies less recommended to be done at the time being because of the high dose radiation. A double rule-out investigation is suggested to be done for patients being evaluated for atypical chest pain and suspected of having AAS or PE because of a significant overlap between the two entities as well it doesn't implicate any increment in radiation dose. CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION With 64-slice CT, coronary circulation and total chest can be evaluated at the same time offering new opportunitie for the evaluation of three major life-threatening conditions :ACS,PE and AAS.
Numerous algorithms originating from evidence-based medicine already exist; in spite of this, metabolic syndrome management remains problematical and needs to be improved. Specialists, working interactively and referring to clinical scenarios, pooled their specific areas of expertise in a transverse perspective of the metabolic syndrome management by the primary care physician. This concerted multidisciplinary approach has clearly revealed that a bio-psycho-social approach is absolutely essential in the management of this type of patients.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of introducing clinical practice guidelines on acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment elevation (ACS) on patient initial assessment. DESIGN: Prospective before-after evaluation over a 3-month period. SETTING: The emergency ward of a tertiary teaching hospital. PATIENTS: All consecutive patients with ACS evaluated in the emergency ward over the two 3-month periods. INTERVENTION: Implementation of the practice guidelines, and the addition of a cardiology consultant to the emergency team. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Diagnosis, electrocardiogram interpretation, and risk stratification after the initial evaluation. RESULTS: The clinical characteristics of the 328 and 364 patients evaluated in the emergency ward for suspicion of ACS before and after guideline implementation were similar. Significantly more patients were classified as suffering from atypical chest pain (39.6% versus 47.0%; P = 0.006) after guideline implementation. Guidelines availability was associated with significantly more formal diagnoses (79.9% versus 92.9%; P < 0.0001) and risk stratification (53.7% versus 65.4%, P < 0.0001) at the end of initial assessment. CONCLUSION: Guidelines implementation, along with availability of a cardiology consultant in the emergency room had a positive impact on initial assessment of patients evaluated for suspicion of ACS. It led to increased confidence in diagnosis and stratification by risk, which are the first steps in initiating effective treatment for this common condition.
OBJECTIVE: To explore how foot growth relates to musculoskeletal loading in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). STUDY DESIGN: In 37 children with PWS, foot length (FL) before and after 6 years of growth hormone therapy (GHT) was retrospectively evaluated with parental and sibling's FL, height, and factors reflecting musculoskeletal loading, such as weight for height (WfH), lean body mass (LBM; dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, deuterium labeled water), physical activity (accellerometry), and walk age. Because of the typically biphasic evolution of body mass and the late walk age in PWS, 2 age groups were separated (group 1, >2.5 years; group 2, < or =2.5 years). RESULTS: Children with PWS normalized height, but not FL after 6 years of GHT. Parental FL correlation with PWS's FL was lower than with sibling's FL. In group 1, FL positively correlated with WfH, LBM, and physical activity. In group 2, FL negatively correlated with age at onset of independent ambulation. Foot catch-up growth with GHT was slower in group 2 compared with group 1. CONCLUSION: In PWS, FL is positively associated with musculoskeletal loading. Small feet in children with PWS before and during long-term GHT may be more than just another dysmorphic feature, but may possibly reflect decreased musculoskeletal loading influencing foot growth and genetic and endocrine factors.
RESUME EN FRANÇAIS BUTS. Étudier les relations entre le diabète gestationnel (GDM) et le syndrome métabolique (MS), comme la résistance à l'insuline est une des caractéristiques des 'deux conditions. Analyser le dépistage du diabète dans le post-partum pour identifier les facteurs de risque associés au développement d'un diabète de type 2 ultérieur. MÉTHODES. Étude rétrospective de toutes les grossesses uniques diagnostiquées avec un diabète gestationnel à l'hôpital universitaire de Lausanne, pendant une durée de trois ans. La présence d'une obésité, d'une hypertension ou d'une dyslipidémie avant la grossesse définissent les composants du syndrome métabolique. RÉSULTATS. Sur 5788 grossesses, 159 patientes (2.7%) présentaient un diabète gestationnel. Des composants du syndrome métabolique étaient présents avant la grossesse chez 26% des patientes (n=37/144) : 84% (n=31/37) étaient obèses, 38% (n=14/37) présentaient une hypertension et 22% (n=8/37) une dyslipidémie. Le développement d'une hypertension gravidique était associé à l'obésité (OR=3.2, p=0.02) et à la dyslipidémie (OR=5.4, p=0.002). Septante-quatre patientes (47%) sont revenues pour l'HGPO dans le post-partum. Celle-ci était anormale chez 20 femmes (27%): 11 % (n=8) présentaient un diabète de type 2 et 16% (n=12) avaient une intolérance au glucose. Les facteurs de risque indépendants associés à une anomalie de la tolérance au glucose dans le post-partum étaient d'avoir plus de 2 valeurs anormales au test diagnostique durant la grossesse et présenter des composants du syndrome métabolique (OR=5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 et OR=5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS. Dans un quart des grossesses avec un diabète gestationnel, des anomalies métaboliques précèdent l'apparition de l'intolérance au glucose. Ces patientes présentent un haut risque de développer un syndrome métabolique et un diabète de type 2 ultérieurement. Là où le dépistage du diabète gestationnel n'est pas systématique, les praticiens devraient être avertis de ces risques métaboliques chez les patiente se présentant avec une obésité, une hypertension ou une dyslipidémie, afin de mieux les diagnostiquer et surtout de mieux les suivre et traiter après leur grossesse.
AIMS: To investigate the relationship of alcohol consumption with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a population-based study with high mean alcohol consumption. Few data exist on these conditions in high-risk drinkers. METHODS: In 6172 adults aged 35-75 years, alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 and ≥ 35 drinks/week or as non-drinkers (0), low-risk (1-13), medium-to-high-risk (14-34) and very-high-risk (≥ 35) drinkers. Alcohol consumption was objectively confirmed by biochemical tests. In multivariate analysis, we assessed the relationship of alcohol consumption with adjusted prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and insulin resistance, determined with the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). RESULTS: Seventy-three per cent of participants consumed alcohol, 16% were medium-to-high-risk drinkers and 2% very-high-risk drinkers. In multivariate analysis, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and mean HOMA-IR decreased with low-risk drinking and increased with high-risk drinking. Adjusted prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was 24% in non-drinkers, 19% in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 20% in medium-to-high-risk and 29% in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.005 vs. low-risk). Adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 6.0% in non-drinkers, 3.6% in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 3.8% in medium-to-high-risk and 6.7% in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.046 vs. low-risk). Adjusted HOMA-IR was 2.47 in non-drinkers, 2.14 in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 2.27 in medium-to-high-risk and 2.53 in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.04 vs. low-risk). These relationships did not differ according to beverage types. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol has a U-shaped relationship with the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and HOMA-IR, without differences between beverage types.
Background: Excessive mediastinal shift into the vacated thoracic cavity after pneumonectomy can result in dyspnea without hypoxemia by compression of the tracheobronchial tree, a phenomenon called postpneumonectomy syndrome. More rarely hypoxemia in upright position (platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, POS) after pneumonectomy can result from re-opening of an atrial right-to-left shunt through a patent foramen ovale (PFO) due to mediastinal distorsion. Review of literature also shows a unique report of pulmonary veins stenosis resulting in POS without intracardiac shunt after pneumonectomy. Methods: We report the case of a 32-year-old woman who presented POS 6 months after right pneumonectomy for destroyed lung post tuberculosis. Results: The patient described severe dyspnea disappearing when lying. SpO2 decreased from 94% when lying to 60% sitting. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) suspected a possible PFO. We first tried to highlight clinical repercussions of PFO by noninvasive exams. Hyperoxia shunt quantification was not tolerated because of increased dyspnea in sitting position. Contrast bubbles TTE was difficult because of the important mediastinal shift but identified only rare left heart bubbles with/without Valsalva both in lying and sitting position, excluding a significant right-to-left shunt. A lung perfusion scintigraphy (injection while sitting) confirmed the absence of systemic isotope uptake. Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (angio-CT) revealed a stretched but not stenosed left main bronchus, while the shift of the heart into the right cavity was major. Pulmonary angiography did not show embolism but revealed compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with impaired venous return to the right heart, as well as compression of the left pulmonary veins. There was no arteriovenous shunt. Cardiac MRI showed torsion of IVC at the level of the diaphragm, and strong atrial contraction contributing to a passive filling of the RV, while the right ventricle was normal. Right catheterism showed major hemodynamic disturbances with negative diastolic pressure in right heart cavities (atrium -12 mm Hg ventricle pressure -7 mm Hg). SaO2 measured in the pulmonary artery decreased from 58% when lying to 45% sitting. Conclusion: We described here an exceedingly rare and complex mechanism explaining POS after right pneumonectomy. Mediastinal repositioning with a silicone breast implant of appropriate size has been scheduled.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is useful in the evaluation of patients with lower right quadrant pain when the diagnosis is uncertain. The object of this study was to determine whether a normal appendix should be routinely removed at laparoscopy. We have decided to do this in children, men under the age of 30 and women of childbearing age. However we do not perform appendectomy in men over the age of 30, women over 50 and in immunodeficient patients. This is a working hypothesis and is the basis of an on-going prospective study in our unit
The diuretic and natriuretic responses to exogenous synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were evaluated in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) or nephrotic syndrome (NS). Patients were studied after an oral water load (8 ml/kg in CRF and 20 ml/kg in NS patients). A short intravenous bolus of either a placebo or ANP was administered when urine output was stable. In each group of patients, three doses of ANP were injected at 24 h intervals, i.e., 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 micrograms/kg in the CRF and 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0 micrograms/kg in the NS group. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored throughout the study and urinary volume and electrolyte excretion were measured every 20 min up to 3 h after the bolus. An acute and transient fall in blood pressure was observed immediately after the ANP injection. It was more pronounced in CRF than in NS patients. In CRF patients, ANP caused only a slight increase in urinary volume (13.5-44% over baseline) but a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion (45-114% over baseline). In NS patients, significant increases in both urine volume (60-105%) and sodium excretion (149-248%) were also found. In these latter patients, the renal response to ANP appeared to be better preserved. The hemodynamic and renal changes induced by ANP occurred mainly during the first 20 min following the ANP administration, when the peak plasma ANP levels were obtained. However, no clear dose-response effect could be evidenced in either group with the three doses of ANP chosen in this study.
Objectives: The study aims to assess the feasibility and midterm outcome of trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for coeliac artery compression syndrome (CACS).Design: Retrospective chart review involving four European vascular surgery departments and two surgical teams.Materials and methods: charts for patients who underwent laparoscopy for symptomatic CACS between December 2003 and November 2009 were reviewed. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) angiography and postoperative duplex scan and/or CT angiography were performed.Results: Eleven consecutive patients (nine women) with a median age of 52 years (interquartile range: 42.5-59 years) underwent trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for CACS. All patients had a history of postprandial abdominal pain; weight loss exceeded 10% of the body mass in eight cases. Preoperative CT angiography revealed coeliac trunk stenosis >70% in all cases. One patient had additional aortitis and inferior mesenteric artery occlusion, while another patient presented with an occluded superior mesenteric artery. Two conversions occurred (one difficult dissection and one aorto-hepatic bypass needed for incomplete release of CACS). The median blood loss was 195 ml (range: 50-900 ml) and median operative time was 80 min (interquartile range: 65-162.5 years). Symptoms improved immediately in 10/11 patients (no residual stenosis) while one remained unchanged despite a residual stenosis treated by a percutaneous angioplasty. Symptoms reappeared in one patient due to coeliac axis occlusion. The mean follow-up period was 35 +/- 23 months (range: 12-78 months).Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for treating median arcuate ligament syndrome is safe and feasible. Additional patients and a longer follow-up are needed for long-term assessment of this laparoscopic technique. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
First-degree atrio-ventricular (AV) block is defined as a PR interval longer than 200 ms. If too long, it can become clinically relevant and may mimic a pacemaker syndrome. We report the case of a young woman with a long PR interval, probably congenital, with episodes of syncope and dizziness since childhood. Pseudo-pacemaker syndrome is rare and is a Class IIa recommendation for a pacemaker implantation. A dual-chamber pacemaker was implanted and short AV delay was programmed, with rapid clinical improvement.
En pratique courante, les événements thrombotiques ne sont pas rares. Dans le suivi des grossesses, les gynécologues ont souvent affaire à des pertes foetles chez leurs patientes. Jusqu'à quel point ces événements peuvent-ils être considérés comme "banals" ? Quand et sur quels critères doit-on considérer la possibilité d'un syndrome des antiphospholipides ? Des efforts ont été réalisés ces dernières années en vue de mieux codifier ce syndrome, tant sur le plan du laboratoire, que clinique. En vue d'uniformiser ces éléments, une première conférence de consensus a eu lieu en 1999 à Sapporo, avec mise à jour en 2004 à Sydney. Ces quelques lignes font le point sur les éléments nouveaux liés à la classification actuelle et sur les éléments diagnostiques en découlant, en vue de retenir le diagnostic de syndrome des antiphospholipides de manière rigoureuse, et d'initier le traitement adéquat dans les différentes situations liées à ce syndrome. In current practice, the occurrence of thrombosis--venous or arterial--is not rare. Moreover, during the follow-up of pregnancies, gynecologists often have to deal with fetal losses of their patients. Up to which point can these events be considered as "ordinary"? When and on which criteria can we consider an antiphospholipid syndrome? Efforts have been put these last years to better codify the diagnosis of this syndrome, so much on the laboratory side as on the clinical side. With a view to standardize these elements, a first consensus conference took place in 1999 in Sapporo, with an update in 2004 in Sydney, that has recently been published. The goal of these lines is to focus on new elements connected to the actual classification and on the resulting diagnosis elements, with the aim of obtaining a diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome in a rigorous way, and to initiate the appropriate treatment in different situations linked to this syndrome