944 resultados para Autoritarismo - 1946


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A study of possible causes for extensive mortality of oysters in the Upper Chesapeake Bay was taken on by year-round monitoring of conditions during a two-year period.


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Collections were made in the summer of 1942 and again at different times in 1946 and 1947. Some collections were not sufficient in numbers to allow for proper identification, so the present paper does not give a complete list. Of the 20 identified species reported on in the paper, two are new to science and ten have not been reported previously for the United States.


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  早在20世纪三十年代,前人发现山旺中新世具有丰富的植物化石,枝叶、果实、花保存完好。1940年我国植物学家胡先骗与美国加州大学钱耐发表研究专著《中国山东山旺中新世植物群》,报道了30科61属84种植物,为最早系统地进行山旺植物研究的奠基之作,至今仍然具有很高的科学价值和国际影响。1946年布朗发表论文涉及山旺部分属种修订工作。1951年斯行健发表文章:评胡先骗与钱耐著“山东中新统植物群”, 对部分属种鉴定提出异议。1978年植物所与南古所老一辈科学家又作了大量补充与修订,完成合著《中国新生代植物》,该书对山旺植物群进行了系统整理,总计43科87属125种植物,奠定了 山旺植物群的基本面貌。此后,山旺植物群陆续有新的类群添加。目前所知山旺植物群主要以温带落叶植物为主混生了部分亚热带常绿和落叶阔叶植物。该植物群不仅种类繁多,数量丰富,而且保存完整,是我国新生代植物群中研究程度最好的代表。 尽管山旺研究已经取得如此丰富的成果,但是在Hu&Chaney (1940)研究山旺植物群之后的长达60年里( 1940-1999),关于山旺叶、果实与花的研究仅局限于外部的形态描述,缺乏对其进行细胞形态结构和角质层等结构植物学的实验分析研究,从而大大制约了对该植物群性质的理解和类群演化生物学的深入的研究。 近年来我们通过与国际国内同行的广泛合作,运用国际古植物学研究的新技术、新方法,如叶结构分析、角质层分析、细胞形态结构分析等,在光学显微镜与电子显微镜不同层次的观察上,将植物体外部形态学与内部细胞结构研究相结合,开展对山旺植物群的类群研究,取得了重要进展。我们首次成功提取了山旺植物“阿斯羌属”(As tronium)的角质层,并观察到气孔器结构,为该类群的正确修订提供了确凿的生物学证据,建立了化石新属钱耐属(Wang andManchester,2000)。山旺中新世地层中过去报道存在大量的“阿斯羌”花化石,为五个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花,果实球形,一枚,项生。这种生殖结构也普遍见于欧洲大陆的中新世地层和北美大陆美国的始新世地层中。欧洲人Heer在1859年提出它属于分布于东亚的旋花科的飞蛾藤属(Porana)植物; Weyland在1937年认为它应当是热带龙脑香科非洲马达加斯加岛屿特有分布的Mono tes属植物;美国人MacGinitie在1953年认为它属于分布于南美的漆树科的阿斯羌属(Astronium)植物,其确切系统位置众说纷纭。在中国新生代植物一书中,采用了美国人MacGinitie在1953年的观点,称之为阿斯羌花。斯行健先生认为是旋花科的飞蛾藤属植物。 我们调查了密苏里北京植物园标本馆馆藏的南美和非洲标本,以及哈佛大学标本馆的馆藏东亚标本,对上述科属现存植物的花结构进行了全面的详细研究。发现5个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花见于多个不同的科属类群,是一种趋同演化性状,而萼片脉纹与表皮细胞气孔器排列、果实形态与数目等特征在上述不同类群中极易区分。因而逐一排除了属于上述现存类群的可能性。我们研究的山旺与北美的化石标本显示的果实个体发育过程与现存植物苦木科苦木属(Picrasma)的果实发育相似,果实发育早期为5枚分离,后期3-4枚退化,仅1-2枚,通常为1枚球形果实留存,花瓣脱落,萼片宿存。但是,它们二者在果实形态与萼片表皮结构上,仍存在很大差异。现在认为它属于一个绝灭的植物类群,化石的系统位置尚无法放入现存的科属系统,可能接近于苦木科。因此,建立了一个化石新属钱耐属(Chaneya)。目前,该属包含二个种,一个分布于北美始新世地层,另一个分布于东亚中新世地层,欧洲的材料由于缺乏深入研究,尚无法确定归属。钱耐属在北半球第三纪地层中呈东亚北美间断分布。钱耐属的研究,不仅为探讨东亚与北美植物区系的联系和植物类群的分化历史提供了重要的证据(Wang and Manchester,2000),更为深入探讨山旺化石植物重要类群的结构与演化生物学研究提供了成功的范例。 山旺的榉属(Zelkova)是山旺植物群的一个常见分子。榉属是欧亚大陆分布的植物,现存6种,在欧亚大陆第三纪地层中发现了大量的榉属化石,包括果实与叶连生的枝条。在北美大陆虽然有榉属化石报道,但是由于缺乏果实,仅靠叶的特征难以令人信服,榉属是否存在于北美仍有争议( Manchester,1989;Manchester,个人通讯)。近年基于我们在山旺组发现和采集到大量的榉属离散叶片以及联生有果实和叶的生殖枝条的深入研究,获得了化石叶结构、表皮细胞、表皮毛、气孔器、核果的大量结构生物学信息。通过与奥地利维也纳大学的 Ferguson教授合作,建立了欧亚现存榉属6个种的生物学形态与结构信息参照系,古今对比结果清楚表明山旺榉的叶缘齿式结构及表皮特征组合最接近我国南部分布的Z. schneideriana,而不是Hu and Chaney (1940)建议的广布于东亚的Z serrata,也明显不同于欧亚大陆共有、分布于西亚伊朗和东欧高加索地区的Z. carpinifolia。常见于欧洲第三纪的翁格榉(Z. ungeri)在形态学更接近Z.carpinifolia。因此,山旺榉明显不同于翁格榉,有其独立的种级特征,应建立东亚中新世榉属的一新种一山旺榉(Z shanwangensis sp. nov.)。榉属在欧亚大陆上的种级分化可能至少在中中新世即已出现。 我们1995年报道了山旺中新世地层发现中国特有植物杜仲化石,并利用先进的电子显微镜设备,找到了确凿无疑的原位化石杜仲特殊胶丝结构直接证据。《美国植物学报》1997年发表文章评论这是目前我国唯一可靠的、保存有精美的胶丝细胞结构的杜仲化石。近年我们迸一步采用古今结合的方法,运用自创的“特有种气候分析法”,对中国重要特有植物杜仲开展了多学科综合研究,利用现存杜仲种子春季萌发需要特定温度的生理学研究结果,结合自然分布区的温度分布,定量恢复了山旺中新世古春季温度数值;该项研究工作的论文列入著名国际SCI刊物《美国植物学报》2003年1月第一期首篇文章。美国植物学报评审人评价:这是应用现代植物实验数据解决地质时期古气候学问题的一个极好例子,是经典之说“现代是(认知)过去的钥匙”的例证,更是当前古植物学研究的一个范例。该文作出的重要贡献体现在如下几个方面:1、提供了现代植物生理生态的实验数据;2、提供了古植物学研究需要的解剖学证据(胶丝);3、更正了古生物地理方面的一个假说(杜仲何时在中国出现); 4、提出了一个解答古气候学问题的新方法。 最后一点实际上也是最重要的一点。” 油杉属的研究显示该属现代有三个种,生活在东亚中国,越南和老挝。它曾经在北半球广泛分布,以球果、种鳞、具翅的种子、木材等形式保存在新生代第三纪地层中,如已经有报道的北美大陆美国俄勒冈渐新世和中新世,欧洲中部中新世,亚洲日本中新世和上新世,俄罗斯远东渐新世到中新世地层。本次山旺中中新世与美国俄勒冈渐新世Rujada flora发现的油杉,接近现存油杉属的属型种油杉。北美中新世和亚洲日本中新世和上新世报道了接近于现存种铁坚油杉的化石。这些证据反映了东亚与北美第三纪植物区系的联系远比今天密切,油杉在北美中新世末期后、在欧洲早更新世之后和在东亚日本上新世结束,在上述地区消失。油杉今天仅孑遗分布于东亚中国秦岭以南、雅砻江以东,长江以南及台湾、海南岛和越南、老挝等亚热带至热带北缘的低山、丘陵山区。山旺油杉的球果化石具有现存油杉和铁坚油杉复合种的特征,可能代表了兼具中国两种油杉共同特征的一个早期类型,由此也表明油杉和铁坚油杉的物种分化在中国有可能是1500万年以来发生的新近事件。同时,油杉球果(松科)的首次发现,解决了山东山旺中中新世化石产地有无裸子植物这个长达半个世纪的争论(Hu andChaney,1940:斯行健,1951),进一步确证了山旺中中新世气候为亚热带山地气候类型。


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The importance of sulphur amino acids, especially of methionine, in our nutrition is too well known to be emphasized. But adequate data on the sulphur and methionine contents of the cheapest of our animal foods viz., fish, are not available. In this note, the total sulphur and methionine content of 18 common fresh water fishes is presented. Total sulphur was determined by Osborne perioxide method (Winton & Winton, 1945) and methionine by the colorimetric method of Horn. (Horn et al., 1946)


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Si bien existen varios ensayos biográficos que enfocan diferentes momentos de su vida (ANÓNIMO, 1963, BAHAMONDE, 1962, LÓPEZ et al., 2015, NION, 2015, PEQUEÑO, 2015, SÁNCHEZ CARRILLO, 2001), hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, no se ha publicado aún una bibliografía completa de la obra del Dr. FERNANDO DE BUEN Y LOZANO (Fig. de tapa). Bibliografías parciales se encuentran, entre otros, en los autores arriba citados. Aquí nos atrevemos a hacer el intento, aunque en forma defectuosa, ya que muchas de sus publicaciones no las hemos podido consultar directamente (se señalan con un asterisco, *). En parte nos hemos basado en una compilación hecha por el propio DE BUEN, que abarca los años 1915 a 1949 (Fig. 1), aunque no siempre con los datos necesarios para una completa información sobre la publicación; en lo posible intentamos complementarla. En sus casi cincuenta años de actividad científica, llegó a producir casi 300 títulos, de variado contenido, aunque siempre relacionados con el medio acuático, sea marino o dulceacuícola. Esta producción se puede dividir en cuatro períodos, que comienza con su etapa española, europea y africana (marroquí), entre 1915 y 1937, durante la cual publicó más de 140 títulos. Como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil Española, en 1939 se radica en México, donde permanece desde el 12 de Julio de 1939 hasta Noviembre 1946, país al que regresa entre 1953 y 1957. Durante este período escribe unos 70 artículos. Entre esas dos etapas mexicanas, estuvo brevemente radicado en el Uruguay, desde el 26 de Noviembre de 1946 hasta 1953, sin duda la etapa de menor producción científica, con una docena trabajos. A ésta sigue el último período de su vida, en Chile (Fig. 2), la que lamentablemente termina trágicamente, en 1962. Durante este período publica más de 60 publicaciones, de los cuales, aparentemente, seis quedan inéditas. Cabe señalar que durante estas tres etapas de exilio americano, si bien sus publicaciones están mayoritariamente relacionadas con el país de residencia, hay algunas excepciones. Preivo a estas estadías en América, hay que mencionar tres europeas, fuera de España, a saber: en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco (1919), en el Instituto Centrale di Biologia Marina, Messina, Italia (1919), y en el Laboratorio Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, Francia (1939). En general, puede considerarse que FERNANDO DE BUEN fue un investigador solitario, ya que solamente seis, de sus casi 300 trabajos, fueron publicados en colaboración: dos con su hermano SADÍ DE BUEN (#31 y 32), dos con F. FRADE (#115 y 116), y dos con MANUEL ZOZAYA (#162 y 176). En su obra científica hemos podido identificar la descripción original de 12 géneros, 9 subgéneros, 54 especies y 11 subespecies, como se indican en la Tabla I.


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Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion has been studied widely in the past decade. However, in HCCI engines using negative valve overlap (NVO), there is still uncertainty as to whether the effect of pilot injection during NVO on the start of combustion is primarily due to heat release of the pilot fuel during NVO or whether it is due to pilot fuel reformation. This paper presents data taken on a 4-cylinder gasoline direct injection, spark ignition/HCCI engine with a dual cam system, capable of recompressing residual gas. Engine in-cylinder samples are extracted at various points during the engine cycle through a high-speed sampling system and directly analysed with a gas chromatograph and flame ionisation detector. Engine parameter sweeps are performed for different pilot injection timings and quantities at a medium load point. Results show that for lean engine running conditions, earlier pilot injection timing leads to partial oxidation of the injected pilot fuel during NVO, while the fraction of light hydrocarbons remains constant for all parameter variations investigated. The same applies for a variation in pilot fuel amount. Thus there is evidence that in lean conditions, pilot injection-related NVO effects are dominated by heat release rather than fuel reformation. © 2009 SAE International.


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A multi-dimensional combustion code implementing the Conditional Moment Closure turbulent combustion model interfaced with a well-established RANS two- phase flow field solver has been employed to study a broad range of operating conditions for a heavy duty direct-injection common-rail Diesel engine. These conditions include different loads (25%, 50%, 75% and full load) and engine speeds (1250 and 1830 RPM) and, with respect to the fuel path, different injection timings and rail pressures. A total of nine cases have been simulated. Excellent agreement with experimental data has been found for the pressure traces and the heat release rates, without adjusting any model constants. The chemical mechanism used contains a detailed NOx sub-mechanism. The predicted emissions agree reasonably well with the experimental data considering the range of operating points and given no adjustments of any rate constants have been employed. In an effort to identify CPU cost reduction potential, various dimensionality reduction strategies have been assessed. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the predictions with respect to resolution in particular relating to the CMC grid has been investigated. Overall, the results suggest that the presented modelling strategy has considerable predictive capability concerning Diesel engine combustion without requiring model constant calibration based on experimental data. This is true particularly for the heat release rates predictions and, to a lesser extent, for NOx emissions where further progress is still necessary. © 2009 SAE International.


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A tribometer, based on a pin-on-disc machine, uses a PZT drive to produce small sinusoidal fluctuations of sliding speed. The frequency and amplitude of these fluctuations can be controlled, and the dynamic response measured. Preliminary test results show that the dynamic friction variation is influenced by the contact materials, normal force, oscillation frequency and steady sliding speed. The variation of friction force amplitude and phase with frequency gives clues about the underlying state variables determining the friction. Modelling studies illustrate the expected behaviour for idealized friction laws governed by, for example, sliding speed, contact temperature, and "rate-state" laws. © 2008 SAE International.


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Common-rail fuel injection systems on modern light duty diesel engines are effectively able to respond instantaneously to changes in the demanded injection quantity. In contrast, the air-system is subject to significantly slower dynamics, primarily due to filling/emptying effects in the manifolds and turbocharger inertia. The behaviour of the air-path in a diesel engine is therefore the main limiting factor in terms of engine-out emissions during transient operation. This paper presents a simple mean-value model for the air-path during throttled operation, which is used to design a feed-forward controller that delivers very rapid changes in the in-cylinder charge properties. The feed-forward control action is validated using a state-of-the-art sampling system that allows true cycle-by-cycle measurement of the in-cylinder CO2 concentration. © 2011 SAE International.


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Anabarilius grahami is a cyprinoid fish endemic to Fuxian Lake, Yunnan, China. In this study, a comprehensive staging series of A. grahami was produced. The embryonic development of A. grahami was divided into six main periods: zygote period, cleavage per


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