929 resultados para Autonomous Robotic Systems. Autonomous Sailboats. Software Architecture


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In this article, a non-autonomous (time-varying) semilinear system is considered and its approximate controllability is investigated. The notion of 'bounded integral contractor', introduced by Altman, has been exploited to obtain sufficient conditions for approximate controllability. This condition is weaker than Lipschitz condition. The main theorems of Naito [11, 12] are obtained as corollaries of our main results. An example is also given to show how our results weaken the conditions assumed by Sukavanam[17].


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We consider some non-autonomous second order Cauchy problems of the form u + B(t)(u) over dot + A(t)u = f (t is an element of [0, T]), u(0) = (u) over dot(0) = 0. We assume that the first order problem (u) over dot + B(t)u = f (t is an element of [0, T]), u(0) = 0, has L-p-maximal regularity. Then we establish L-p-maximal regularity of the second order problem in situations when the domains of B(t(1)) and A(t(2)) always coincide, or when A(t) = kappa B(t).


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Simultaneous consideration of both performance and reliability issues is important in the choice of computer architectures for real-time aerospace applications. One of the requirements for such a fault-tolerant computer system is the characteristic of graceful degradation. A shared and replicated resources computing system represents such an architecture. In this paper, a combinatorial model is used for the evaluation of the instruction execution rate of a degradable, replicated resources computing system such as a modular multiprocessor system. Next, a method is presented to evaluate the computation reliability of such a system utilizing a reliability graph model and the instruction execution rate. Finally, this computation reliability measure, which simultaneously describes both performance and reliability, is applied as a constraint in an architecture optimization model for such computing systems. Index Terms-Architecture optimization, computation


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The work is a report of research on using multiple inverters of Battery Energy Storage Systems with angle droop controllers to share real power in an isolated micro grid system consisting of inertia based Distributed Generation units and variable load. The proposed angle droop control method helps to balance the supply and demand in the micro grid autonomous mode through charging and discharging of the Battery Energy Storage Systems while ensuring that the state of charge of the storage devices is within safe operating conditions. The proposed method is also studied for its effectiveness for frequency control. The proposed control system is verified and its performance validated with simulation software MATLAB/SIMULINK.


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In this paper, the trajectory tracking control of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs) in six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOFs) is addressed. It is assumed that the system parameters are unknown and the vehicle is underactuated. An adaptive controller is proposed, based on Lyapunov׳s direct method and the back-stepping technique, which interestingly guarantees robustness against parameter uncertainties. The desired trajectory can be any sufficiently smooth bounded curve parameterized by time even if consist of straight line. In contrast with the majority of research in this field, the likelihood of actuators׳ saturation is considered and another adaptive controller is designed to overcome this problem, in which control signals are bounded using saturation functions. The nonlinear adaptive control scheme yields asymptotic convergence of the vehicle to the reference trajectory, in the presence of parametric uncertainties. The stability of the presented control laws is proved in the sense of Lyapunov theory and Barbalat׳s lemma. Efficiency of presented controller using saturation functions is verified through comparing numerical simulations of both controllers.


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The aim of this thesis is to develop a fully automatic lameness detection system that operates in a milking robot. The instrumentation, measurement software, algorithms for data analysis and a neural network model for lameness detection were developed. Automatic milking has become a common practice in dairy husbandry, and in the year 2006 about 4000 farms worldwide used over 6000 milking robots. There is a worldwide movement with the objective of fully automating every process from feeding to milking. Increase in automation is a consequence of increasing farm sizes, the demand for more efficient production and the growth of labour costs. As the level of automation increases, the time that the cattle keeper uses for monitoring animals often decreases. This has created a need for systems for automatically monitoring the health of farm animals. The popularity of milking robots also offers a new and unique possibility to monitor animals in a single confined space up to four times daily. Lameness is a crucial welfare issue in the modern dairy industry. Limb disorders cause serious welfare, health and economic problems especially in loose housing of cattle. Lameness causes losses in milk production and leads to early culling of animals. These costs could be reduced with early identification and treatment. At present, only a few methods for automatically detecting lameness have been developed, and the most common methods used for lameness detection and assessment are various visual locomotion scoring systems. The problem with locomotion scoring is that it needs experience to be conducted properly, it is labour intensive as an on-farm method and the results are subjective. A four balance system for measuring the leg load distribution of dairy cows during milking in order to detect lameness was developed and set up in the University of Helsinki Research farm Suitia. The leg weights of 73 cows were successfully recorded during almost 10,000 robotic milkings over a period of 5 months. The cows were locomotion scored weekly, and the lame cows were inspected clinically for hoof lesions. Unsuccessful measurements, caused by cows standing outside the balances, were removed from the data with a special algorithm, and the mean leg loads and the number of kicks during milking was calculated. In order to develop an expert system to automatically detect lameness cases, a model was needed. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifier model was chosen for the task. The data was divided in two parts and 5,074 measurements from 37 cows were used to train the model. The operation of the model was evaluated for its ability to detect lameness in the validating dataset, which had 4,868 measurements from 36 cows. The model was able to classify 96% of the measurements correctly as sound or lame cows, and 100% of the lameness cases in the validation data were identified. The number of measurements causing false alarms was 1.1%. The developed model has the potential to be used for on-farm decision support and can be used in a real-time lameness monitoring system.


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The scope of the differential transformation technique, developed earlier for the study of non-linear, time invariant systems, has been extended to the domain of time-varying systems by modifications to the differential transformation laws proposed therein. Equivalence of a class of second-order, non-linear, non-autonomous systems with a linear autonomous model of second order is established through these transformation laws. The feasibility of application of this technique in obtaining the response of such non-linear time-varying systems is discussed.


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This paper is concerned with the analysis of the absolute stability of a non-linear autonomous system which consists of a single non-linearity belonging to a particular class, in an otherwise linear feedback loop. It is motivated from the earlier Popovlike frequency-domain criteria using the ' multiplier ' eoncept and involves the construction of ' stability multipliers' with prescribed phase characteristics. A few computer-based methods by which this problem can be solved are indicated and it is shown that this constitutes a stop-by-step procedure for testing the stability properties of a given system.


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In this paper a nonlinear control has been designed using the dynamic inversion approach for automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), along with associated path planning. This is a difficult problem because of light weight of UAVs and strong coupling between longitudinal and lateral modes. The landing maneuver of the UAV is divided into approach, glideslope and flare. In the approach UAV aligns with the centerline of the runway by heading angle correction. In glideslope and flare the UAV follows straight line and exponential curves respectively in the pitch plane with no lateral deviations. The glideslope and flare path are scheduled as a function of approach distance from runway. The trajectory parameters are calculated such that the sink rate at touchdown remains within specified bounds. It is also ensured that the transition from the glideslope to flare path is smooth by ensuring C-1 continuity at the transition. In the outer loop, the roll rate command is generated by assuring a coordinated turn in the alignment segment and by assuring zero bank angle in the glideslope and flare segments. The pitch rate command is generated from the error in altitude to control the deviations from the landing trajectory. The yaw rate command is generated from the required heading correction. In the inner loop, the aileron, elevator and rudder deflections are computed together to track the required body rate commands. Moreover, it is also ensured that the forward velocity of the UAV at the touch down remains close to a desired value by manipulating the thrust of the vehicle. A nonlinear six-DOF model, which has been developed from extensive wind-tunnel testing, is used both for control design as well as to validate it.


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There is a growing interest to autonomously collect or manipulate objects in remote or unknown environments, such as mountains, gullies, bush-land, or rough terrain. There are several limitations of conventional methods using manned or remotely controlled aircraft. The capability of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) used in parallel with robotic manipulators could overcome some of these limitations. By enabling the autonomous exploration of both naturally hazardous environments, or areas which are biologically, chemically, or radioactively contaminated, it is possible to collect samples and data from such environments without directly exposing personnel to such risks. This paper covers the design, integration, and initial testing of a framework for outdoor mobile manipulation UAV. The framework is designed to allow further integration and testing of complex control theories, with the capability to operate outdoors in unknown environments. The results obtained act as a reference for the effectiveness of the integrated sensors and low-level control methods used for the preliminary testing, as well as identifying the key technologies needed for the development of an outdoor capable system.


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Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are becoming commonplace in the study of inshore coastal marine habitats. Combined with shipboard systems, scientists are able to make in-situ measurements of water column and benthic properties. In CSIRO, autonomous gliders are used to collect water column data, while surface vessels are used to collect bathymetry information through the use of swath mapping, bottom grabs, and towed video systems. Although these methods have provided good data coverage for coastal and deep waters beyond 50m, there has been an increasing need for autonomous in-situ sampling in waters less than 50m deep. In addition, the collection of benthic and water column data has been conducted separately, requiring extensive post-processing to combine data streams. As such, a new AUV was developed for in-situ observations of both benthic habitat and water column properties in shallow waters. This paper provides an overview of the Starbug X AUV system, its operational characteristics including vision-based navigation and oceanographic sensor integration.


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This paper presents two simple simulation and modelling tools designed to aid in the safety assessment required for unmanned aircraft operations within unsegregated airspace. First, a fast pair-wise encounter generator is derived to simulate the See and Avoid environment. The utility of the encounter generator is demonstrated through the development of a hybrid database and a statistical performance evaluation of an autonomous See and Avoid decision and control strategy. Second, an unmanned aircraft mission generator is derived to help visualise the impact of multiple persistent unmanned operations on existing air traffic. The utility of the mission generator is demonstrated through an example analysis of a mixed airspace environment using real traffic data in Australia. These simulation and modelling approaches constitute a useful and extensible set of analysis tools, that can be leveraged to help explore some of the more fundamental and challenging problems facing civilian unmanned aircraft system integration.


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Autonomous mission control, unlike automatic mission control which is generally pre-programmed to execute an intended mission, is guided by the philosophy of carrying out a complete mission on its own through online sensing, information processing, and control reconfiguration. A crucial cornerstone of this philosophy is the capability of intelligence and of information sharing between unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or with a central controller through secured communication links. Though several mission control algorithms, for single and multiple UAVs, have been discussed in the literature, they lack a clear definition of the various autonomous mission control levels. In the conventional system, the ground pilot issues the flight and mission control command to a UAV through a command data link and the UAV transmits intelligence information, back to the ground pilot through a communication link. Thus, the success of the mission depends entirely on the information flow through a secured communication link between ground pilot and the UAV In the past, mission success depended on the continuous interaction of ground pilot with a single UAV, while present day applications are attempting to define mission success through efficient interaction of ground pilot with multiple UAVs. However, the current trend in UAV applications is expected to lead to a futuristic scenario where mission success would depend only on interaction among UAV groups with no interaction with any ground entity. However, to reach this capability level, it is necessary to first understand the various levels of autonomy and the crucial role that information and communication plays in making these autonomy levels possible. This article presents a detailed framework of UAV autonomous mission control levels in the context of information flow and communication between UAVs and UAV groups for each level of autonomy.


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It is shown that a sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability-in-the-large of an autonomous system containing a linear part with transfer function G(jω) and a non-linearity belonging to a class of power-law non-linearities with slope restriction [0, K] in cascade in a negative feedback loop is ReZ(jω)[G(jω) + 1 K] ≥ 0 for all ω where the multiplier is given by, Z(jω) = 1 + αjω + Y(jω) - Y(-jω) with a real, y(t) = 0 for t < 0 and ∫ 0 ∞ |y(t)|dt < 1 2c2, c2 being a constant associated with the class of non-linearity. Any allowable multiplier can be converted to the above form and this form leads to lesser restrictions on the parameters in many cases. Criteria for the case of odd monotonic non-linearities and of linear gains are obtained as limiting cases of the criterion developed. A striking feature of the present result is that in the linear case it reduces to the necessary and sufficient conditions corresponding to the Nyquist criterion. An inequality of the type |R(T) - R(- T)| ≤ 2c2R(0) where R(T) is the input-output cross-correlation function of the non-linearity, is used in deriving the results.


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In this paper, we describe an efficient coordinated-checkpointing and recovery algorithm which can work even when the channels are assumed to be non-FIFO, and messages may be lost. Nodes are assumed to be autonomous, and they do not block while taking checkpoints. Based on the local conditions, any process can request the previous coordinator for the 'permission' to initiate a new checkpoint. Allowing multiple initiators of checkpoints avoids the bottleneck associated with a single initiator, but the algorithm permits only a single instance of checkpointing process at any given time, thus reducing much of the overhead associated with multiple initiators of distributed algorithms.