974 resultados para Aquifers--New Jersey--Pinelands National Reserve--Charts, diagrams, etc.
Aims: Development of effective immune-based therapies for patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) depends on an accurate characterization of complex interactions that occur between immune cells and the tumour environment. Methods and results: Innate and adaptive immune responses were evaluated in relation to prognosis in 65 patients with surgically excised NSCLC. Immunohistochemistry and morphometry were used to determine the abundance and distribution of immune cells. We found low numbers of immune cells and levels of cytokines in the tumour environment when compared with surrounding parenchyma. Smoking was associated inversely with the adaptive immune response and directly with innate immunity. We observed a prominent adaptive immune response in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) but greater innate immune responses in adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas. Cox model analysis showed a low risk of death for smoking <41 packs/year, N-0 tambour stage, squamous carcinoma, CD4(+) > 16.81% and macrophages/monocytes >4.5%. Collectively, the data indicate that in NSCLC there is not a substantive local immune cell infiltrate within the tumour. Conclusion: Although immune cell infiltration is limited in NSCLC it appears to have an impact on prognosis and this may be of relevance for new immunotherapeutic approaches.
Amazonian birds were caught and examined for the presence of ectoparasites in the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve near Iquitos, Peru, from 13 to 16 August 2011. A total of 40 birds representing 16 species were examined. Two birds (5%) were infested with 2 larvae of Amblyomma varium Koch, 1844, and one nymph of A. calcaratum Neumann, 1899. The 2 larvae of A. varium were infected with Rickettsia bellii. This is the first report of R. bellii in A. varium and also the first record of this rickettsia in Peru. In addition, an immature A. calcaratum is reported from Peru for the first time. (c) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Recent studies have implicated the dying cell as a potential reservoir of modified autoantigens that might initiate and drive systemic autoimmunity in susceptible hosts. A number of subunits of the exosome, a complex of 3'→5' exoribonucleases that functions in a variety of cellular processes, are recognized by the so-called anti-PM/Scl autoantibodies, found predominantly in patients suffering from an overlap syndrome of myositis and scleroderma. Here we show that one of these subunits, PM/Scl-75, is cleaved during apoptosis. PM/Scl-75 cleavage is inhibited by several different caspase inhibitors. The analysis of PM/Scl-75 cleavage by recombinant caspase proteins shows that PM/Scl-75 is efficiently cleaved by caspase-1, to a smaller extent by caspase-8, and relatively inefficiently by caspase-3 and caspase-7. Cleavage of the PM/Scl-75 protein occurs in the C-terminal part of the protein at Asp369 (IILD369↓G), and at least a fraction of the resulting N-terminal fragments of PM/Scl-75 remains associated with the exosome. Finally, the implications of PM/Scl-75 cleavage for exosome function and the generation of anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibodies are discussed.
Over the last decade, molecular phylogenetics has called into question some fundamental aspects of coral systematics. Within the Scleractinia, most families composed exclusively by zooxanthellate species are polyphyletic on the basis of molecular data, and the second most speciose coral family, the Caryophylliidae (most members of which are azooxanthellate), is an unnatural grouping. As part of the process of resolving taxonomic affinities of caryophylliids', here a new Robust' scleractinian family (Deltocyathiidae fam. n.) is proposed on the basis of combined molecular (CO1 and 28S rDNA) and morphological data, accommodating the early-diverging clade of traditional caryophylliids (represented today by the genus Deltocyathus). Whereas this family captures the full morphological diversity of the genus Deltocyathus, one species, Deltocyathus magnificus, is an outlier in terms of molecular data, and groups with the Complex coral family Turbinoliidae. Ultrastructural data, however, place D.magnificus within Deltocyathiidae fam. nov. Unfortunately, limited ultrastructural data are as yet available for turbinoliids, but D.magnificus may represent the first documented case of morphological convergence at the microstructural level among scleractinian corals. Marcelo V.Kitahara, Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de SAo Paulo, SAo SebastiAo, S.P. 11600-000, Brazil. E-mail:kitahara@usp.br
A low-energy new method based in a one-step synthesis at room temperature produces very small maghemite nanopar ticles. The fast neutralization reaction (co-precipitation) of a ferric solution (FeCl3 aqueous) in a basic medium (NH4OH concentrated) produces an intermediate phase, presumably two-line ferrihydrite, that in oxidizing conditions is transformed to maghemite nanopar ticles. That “primordial soup” is characterized by small atom arrangements that are the base for maghemite tiny crystals. The final product of the reaction was characterized by X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray absorption fine structure, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetometry.
La presente tesi riguarda lo studio di procedimenti di ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati. In particolare, i sistemi studiati sono strutture shear-type soggette ad azioni di tipo sismico impresse alla base. Per effettuare l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi in oggetto si agisce sulle rigidezze di piano e sui coefficienti di smorzamento effettuando una ridistribuzione delle quantità suddette nei piani della struttura. È interessante effettuare l’ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati nell’ottica della progettazione antisismica, in modo da ridurre la deformata della struttura e, conseguentemente, anche le sollecitazioni che agiscono su di essa. Il lavoro consta di sei capitoli nei quali vengono affrontate tre procedure numerico-analitiche per effettuare l’ottimizzazione di sistemi shear-type. Nel primo capitolo si studia l’ottimizzazione di sistemi shear-type agendo su funzioni di trasferimento opportunamente vincolate. In particolare, le variabili di progetto sono le rigidezze di piano, mentre i coefficienti di smorzamento e le masse di piano risultano quantità note e costanti durante tutto il procedimento di calcolo iterativo; per effettuare il controllo dinamico della struttura si cerca di ottenere una deformata pressoché rettilinea. Tale condizione viene raggiunta ponendo le ampiezze delle funzioni di trasferimento degli spostamenti di interpiano pari all’ampiezza della funzione di trasferimento del primo piano. Al termine della procedura si ottiene una ridistribuzione della rigidezza complessiva nei vari piani della struttura. In particolare, si evince un aumento della rigidezza nei piani più bassi che risultano essere quelli più sollecitati da una azione impressa alla base e, conseguentemente, si assiste ad una progressiva riduzione della variabile di progetto nei piani più alti. L’applicazione numerica di tale procedura viene effettuata nel secondo capitolo mediante l’ausilio di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab. In particolare, si effettua lo studio di sistemi a tre e a cinque gradi di libertà. La seconda procedura numerico-analitica viene presentata nel terzo capitolo. Essa riguarda l’ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati agendo simultaneamente sulla rigidezza e sullo smorzamento e consta di due fasi. La prima fase ricerca il progetto ottimale della struttura per uno specifico valore della rigidezza complessiva e dello smorzamento totale, mentre la seconda fase esamina una serie di progetti ottimali in funzione di diversi valori della rigidezza e dello smorzamento totale. Nella prima fase, per ottenere il controllo dinamico della struttura, viene minimizzata la somma degli scarti quadratici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano. Le variabili di progetto, aggiornate dopo ogni iterazione, sono le rigidezze di piano ed i coefficienti di smorzamento. Si pone, inoltre, un vincolo sulla quantità totale di rigidezza e di smorzamento, e i valori delle rigidezze e dei coefficienti di smorzamento di ogni piano non devono superare un limite superiore posto all’inizio della procedura. Anche in questo caso viene effettuata una ridistribuzione delle rigidezze e dei coefficienti di smorzamento nei vari piani della struttura fino ad ottenere la minimizzazione della funzione obiettivo. La prima fase riduce la deformata della struttura minimizzando la somma degli scarti quadrarici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano, ma comporta un aumento dello scarto quadratico medio dell’accelerazione assoluta dell’ultimo piano. Per mantenere quest’ultima quantità entro limiti accettabili, si passa alla seconda fase in cui si effettua una riduzione dell’accelerazione attraverso l’aumento della quantità totale di smorzamento. La procedura di ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati agendo simultaneamente sulla rigidezza e sullo smorzamento viene applicata numericamente, mediante l’utilizzo di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab, nel capitolo quattro. La procedura viene applicata a sistemi a due e a cinque gradi di libertà. L’ultima parte della tesi ha come oggetto la generalizzazione della procedura che viene applicata per un sistema dotato di isolatori alla base. Tale parte della tesi è riportata nel quinto capitolo. Per isolamento sismico di un edificio (sistema di controllo passivo) si intende l’inserimento tra la struttura e le sue fondazioni di opportuni dispositivi molto flessibili orizzontalmente, anche se rigidi in direzione verticale. Tali dispositivi consentono di ridurre la trasmissione del moto del suolo alla struttura in elevazione disaccoppiando il moto della sovrastruttura da quello del terreno. L’inserimento degli isolatori consente di ottenere un aumento del periodo proprio di vibrare della struttura per allontanarlo dalla zona dello spettro di risposta con maggiori accelerazioni. La principale peculiarità dell’isolamento alla base è la possibilità di eliminare completamente, o quantomeno ridurre sensibilmente, i danni a tutte le parti strutturali e non strutturali degli edifici. Quest’ultimo aspetto è importantissimo per gli edifici che devono rimanere operativi dopo un violento terremoto, quali ospedali e i centri operativi per la gestione delle emergenze. Nelle strutture isolate si osserva una sostanziale riduzione degli spostamenti di interpiano e delle accelerazioni relative. La procedura di ottimizzazione viene modificata considerando l’introduzione di isolatori alla base di tipo LRB. Essi sono costituiti da strati in elastomero (aventi la funzione di dissipare, disaccoppiare il moto e mantenere spostamenti accettabili) alternati a lamine in acciaio (aventi la funzione di mantenere una buona resistenza allo schiacciamento) che ne rendono trascurabile la deformabilità in direzione verticale. Gli strati in elastomero manifestano una bassa rigidezza nei confronti degli spostamenti orizzontali. La procedura di ottimizzazione viene applicata ad un telaio shear-type ad N gradi di libertà con smorzatori viscosi aggiunti. Con l’introduzione dell’isolatore alla base si passa da un sistema ad N gradi di libertà ad un sistema a N+1 gradi di libertà, in quanto l’isolatore viene modellato alla stregua di un piano della struttura considerando una rigidezza e uno smorzamento equivalente dell’isolatore. Nel caso di sistema sheat-type isolato alla base, poiché l’isolatore agisce sia sugli spostamenti di interpiano, sia sulle accelerazioni trasmesse alla struttura, si considera una nuova funzione obiettivo che minimizza la somma incrementata degli scarti quadratici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano e delle accelerazioni. Le quantità di progetto sono i coefficienti di smorzamento e le rigidezze di piano della sovrastruttura. Al termine della procedura si otterrà una nuova ridistribuzione delle variabili di progetto nei piani della struttura. In tal caso, però, la sovrastruttura risulterà molto meno sollecitata in quanto tutte le deformazioni vengono assorbite dal sistema di isolamento. Infine, viene effettuato un controllo sull’entità dello spostamento alla base dell’isolatore perché potrebbe raggiungere valori troppo elevati. Infatti, la normativa indica come valore limite dello spostamento alla base 25cm; valori più elevati dello spostamento creano dei problemi soprattutto per la realizzazione di adeguati giunti sismici. La procedura di ottimizzazione di sistemi isolati alla base viene applicata numericamente mediante l’utilizzo di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab nel sesto capitolo. La procedura viene applicata a sistemi a tre e a cinque gradi di libertà. Inoltre si effettua il controllo degli spostamenti alla base sollecitando la struttura con il sisma di El Centro e il sisma di Northridge. I risultati hanno mostrato che la procedura di calcolo è efficace e inoltre gli spostamenti alla base sono contenuti entro il limite posto dalla normativa. Giova rilevare che il sistema di isolamento riduce sensibilmente le grandezze che interessano la sovrastruttura, la quale si comporta come un corpo rigido al di sopra dell’isolatore. In futuro si potrà studiare il comportamento di strutture isolate considerando diverse tipologie di isolatori alla base e non solo dispositivi elastomerici. Si potrà, inoltre, modellare l’isolatore alla base con un modello isteretico bilineare ed effettuare un confronto con i risultati già ottenuti per il modello lineare.
Chris Christie recently visited the famous “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem, Israel, during his first trip abroad as governor of New Jersey. The New York Post reported on his trip with the headline “The Whale at the Wall” (Campanile 2012). Given headlines like this, it is easy to see anecdotal evidence of the stigmatization that surrounds obesity within contemporary American society. What’s more important is that these social stigmas that Americans are faced with every day are not merely surface level jokes bantered about for a cheap laugh. They are often prejudices that permeate every aspect of human life. Whether it comes to finding a date, looking for a job, or trying to be taken serious by one’s peers, weight is always a topic of concern. In an effort to understand how far entrenched these biases are in society, this thesis studies the ramifications of obesity in politics. In this thesis, I attempt to understand to what extent, if any, obesity matters in regard to candidate appearance, voters' choices, and political behavior.
The fluorescent mineral hardystonite is confirmed in a specimen from the Desert View Mine, California. Hardystonite had been known only from Franklin, New Jersey for over 100 years.
Purpose: Previous research from the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) in Arkansas, New Jersey, and Florida suggests that giving consumers control over their personal care greatly increases their satisfaction and improves their outlook on life. Still, some argue that consumerdirected care may not be appropriate for consumers with intellectual disabilities or mental health diagnoses. This study examined how Cash and Counseling— a new option allowing consumers to manage an individualized budget equivalent to what agencies would have spent on their care—changes the way consumers with mental health diagnoses meet their personal care needs and how that affects their wellbeing. Design and Methods: Using the Arkansas CCDE baseline and the 9-month follow-up data for individuals in the treatment and control groups, we compared and contrasted the experience of elderly consumers with and without mental health diagnoses utilizing logit regression. Results: After examining several outcome measures, including satisfaction with care arrangements and the paid caregiver’s reliability and schedule, unmet needs, and satisfaction with the relationship with paid caregivers, this study found evidence that, from the perspective of consumers, the Cash and Counseling program works well for participants with mental health diagnoses. Implications: Considering the growing need for long-term-care services and the limited resources available, a consumer-directed option makes sense, and it can be a valuable alternative for persons with mental health needs.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this research was to determine the relative safety and efficacy of multiple (> or =2) overlapping Cypher sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) (Johnson ; Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey). BACKGROUND: Overlapping coronary stents are common. The periprocedural and late clinical and angiographic consequences of overlapped coronary stents are not clearly defined, particularly for drug-eluting stents. METHODS: All patients enrolled into five clinical trials of the SES were analyzed. Three of these trials were prospective randomized comparisons of the SES to the bare-metal stent (BMS), and two were prospective non-randomized trials of SES-treated patients with historical controls. All clinical and angiographic outcomes in overlap-stent-treated patients were compared by stent type and with single-stent-treated patients for the same stent device. RESULTS: In all, 575 patients with stent overlap (337 SES, 238 BMS) and 1,162 patients with single stents (697 SES, 465 BMS) were analyzed. Stent overlap was associated with a greater late lumen loss in stent and more frequent angiographic restenosis regardless of stent type. Among overlap-stent-treated patients, the SES provided similar magnitude of restenosis benefit as observed for single-stent-treated patients. Overlapped SES was not associated with an increase in myocardial infarction. CONCLUSIONS: The strategy of SES overlap, when required, is both safe and efficacious in reducing restenosis with no increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction or major adverse cardiovascular events, when compared with a bare metal coronary stent prosthesis.
The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided the theoretical framework for examining Universal Precautions (UP) compliance factors by Emergency Department nurses. A random sample of Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) clinical nurses (n = 900) from five states (New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, and Florida), were surveyed to explore the factors related to their decision to comply with UP. Five-hundred-ninety-eight (598) useable questionnaires were analyzed. The responders were primarily female (84.9%), hospital based (94.6%), staff nurses (66.6%) who had a mean 8.5 years of emergency nursing experience. The nurses represented all levels of hospitals from rural (4.5%) to urban trauma centers (23.7%). The mean UP training hours was 3.0 (range 0-38 hours). Linear regression was used to analyze the four hypotheses. The first hypothesis evaluating perceived susceptibility and seriousness with reported UP use was not significant (p = $>$.05). Hypothesis 2 tested perceived benefits with internal and external barriers. Both perceived benefits and internal barriers as well as the overall regression were significant (F = 26.03, p = $<$0.001). Hypothesis 3 which tested modifying factors, cues to action, select demographic variables, and the main effects of the HBM with self reported UP compliance, was also significant (F = 12.39, p = $<$0.001). The additive effects were tested by use of a stepwise regression that assessed the contribution of each of the significant variables. The regression was significant (F = 12.39, p = $<$0.001) and explained 18% of the total variance. In descending order of contribution, the significant variables related to compliance were: internal barriers (t = $-$6.267; p = $<$0.001) such as the perception that because of the nature of the emergency care environment there is sometimes inadequate time to put on UP; cues to action (t = 3.195; p = 0.001) such as posted reminder signs or verbal reminders from peers; the number of Universal Precautions training hours (t = 3.667; p = $<$0.001) meaning that as the number of training hours increase so does compliance; perceived benefits (t = 3.466; p = 0.001) such as believing that UP will provide adequate barrier protection; and perceived susceptibility (t = 2.880; p = 0.004) such as feeling that they are at risk of exposure. ^
The presence of hundreds of rectangular and oriented lakes is one of the most striking characteristics of the Llanos de Moxos (LM) landscape in the Bolivian Amazon. Oriented lakes also occur in the Arctic coastal plains of Russia, Alaska and Canada and along the Atlantic Coastal Plain from northeast Florida to southeast New Jersey and along the coast of northeast Brazil. Many different mechanisms have been proposed for their formation. In the LM, Plafker's (1964) tectonic model, in which subsidence results from the propagation of bedrock faults through the foreland sediments, is the most accepted. However, this model has not been verified. Here, we present new results from stratigraphic transects across the borders of three rectangular and oriented lakes in the LM. A paleosol buried under mid-Holocene sediments is used as a stratigraphic marker to assess the vertical displacement of sediments on both sides of the alleged faults. Our results show that there is no vertical displacement and, therefore, that Plafker's model can be ruled out. We suggest that, among all the proposed mechanisms behind lake formation, the combined action of wind and waves is the most likely. The evidence from the LM provides new hints for the formation of oriented lakes worldwide.
40 Briefe zwischen Arthur E. Nadel und Max Horkheimer, 1934-1939; 1 Brief von Arthur E. Nadel an Armin Hodler, 02.02.1939; 18 Briefe zwischen Otto Nathan und Max Horkheimer, 1934-1940; 1 Brief von Friedrich Pollock an Paul Tillich, 12.11.1938; 5 Briefe zwischen dem National Council of Jewish Women New York Section und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1939; 1 Brief vom National Council of Parent Education Poughkeepsie, New York an Max Horkheimer, 17.06.1940; 1 Brief vom National Research Council Washington an Max Horkheimer, 15.02.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen dem National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel Washington und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Lisel Nädele und Max Horkheimer, 11.12.1939, 22.01.1940; 1 Brief von Benjamin Nathaniel Nelson an Max Horkheimer, 20.04.1938 sowie Briefwechsel mit der C.R.B. Educational Foundation, New York; 2 Briefe zwischen der C.R.B. Educational Foundation, New York und Max Horkheimer, 16.12.1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Neumann, 08.07.1934; 3 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Fritz Neumark, Jenny Neumark und Max Horkheimer, 08.08.1939 sowie Briefwechsel mit Otto Strauß; 2 Briefe zwischen Otto Strauß vom Selfhelp for German Emigree New York und Max Horkheimer, 01.08.1939, 04.08.1939;