863 resultados para Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques, active 1549-1584.


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Le présent article propose une réflexion sur les multiples dimensions du concept de rêverie et sur les conditions entourant l’expérience esthétique telles qu’elles apparaissent dans Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire. En filigrane, nous tentons également de positionner ce recueil dans la philosophie esthétique du siècle de Lumières. Au fond, la thèse centrale ici est que chez Rousseau la contemplation de la nature devient, dans les bonnes conditions, une expérience esthétique où l’imagination transpose l’esprit dans un état qui s’approche du mysticisme.


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie (D.Psy.)


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Prosodic /template Morphology, that "draws heavily on the theoretical apparatus and formalisms of the generative phonology model known as autosegmental phonology" (Katamba, F. 1993: 154), is the best analysis that can handle Arabic morphology. Verbs in Arabic are represented on three independent tiers: root tier, the skeletal tier and the vocalic melody tier (Katamba, F. 1993). Vowel morphemes, which are represented by diacritics, are inserted within the consonant morphemes, which are represented by primary symbols, to form words. The morpheme tier hypothesis paves the way to understand the nonconcatenative Arabic morphology. This paper analyzes gender in perfect active and passive 3rd person singular verbs on the basis of PM. The focus of the analysis shall be drawn heavily on the most common Arabic verbs; triconsonantal verbs, with brief introduction of the less common verbs; quadriconsonantal perfect active and passive masculine and feminine 3rd person singular verbs. I shall, too, cast the light on some vowel changes that some verbs undergo when voice changes.


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Hellström, Staffan. Tystnaden i ljudfilm - En studie i Jacques Tatis ”Mon Uncle”. C-uppsats. Falun: Institutionen för kultur & medier, Högskolan Dalarna. HT-2008Denna uppsats undersöker Jacques Tatis användning av tystnaden i samspel med ljud och hur de komiska situationerna uppkommer genom detta. Dess syfte är att öka kunskapen för ljudläggare hur man kan använda tystnaden i samverkan med ljud för att uppnå önskat resultat. Den har även som syfte att visa hur specifikt Jacques Tati åstadkommer detta. Uppsatsen innehåller en kvalitativ närläsning, analys och personlig tolkning av fyra scener ur Tatis film ”Mon Uncle” från 1958. Undersökningen är genomförd med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Tystnaden definieras som något som endast kan förekomma när ljud existerar.Utredningen genomförs med teoretiskt stöd av Bela Balázs teorier om ljud i film samt Robert Bressons anteckningar om filmkonsten. Bressons filmer är väldigt liknande Tatis filmer på det tekniska planet och är därför relevanta för jämförelser.Sammanfattningsvis kan det sägas att Tati ljudmässigt skapar sina komiska situationer genom ett samspel mellan ljud, tystnad och ett repeterande av monotona ljud. I likhet med Bresson är han intresserad att lyfta fram det osedda och göra oss uppmärksamma på tystnaden.


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A series of measurements on the performance of solar cell string modules with low-concentrating CPC reflectors with a concentration factor C ˜ 4X have been carried out. To minimise the reduction in efficiency due to high cell temperatures, the modules were cooled. Four different way of cooling were tested:1) The thermal mass of the module was increased, 2) passive air cooling was used by introducing a small air gap between the module and the reflector, 3) the PV cells were cooled by a large cooling fin, 4) the module was actively cooled by circulating cold water on the back. The best performance was given with the actively cooled PV module which gave 2,2 times the output from a reference module while for the output from the module with a cooling fin the value was 1,8.Active cooling is also interesting due to the possibility of co-generation of thermal and electrical energy which is discussed in the paper. Simulations, based on climate data from Stockholm, latitude 59.4°N, show that there are good prospects for producing useful temperatures of the cooling fluid with only a slightly reduced performance of the electrical fraction of the PV thermal hybrid system.


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This paper analyzes Japanese language classes at Dalarna University in Sweden that are held through a web conferencing system. It discusses how students’ learning and language acquisition can be supported by making better use of the available features of using a web conferencing system for language lessons. Of particular interest is the existence of an “information gap” among students, created because of the limits posed by distance communication. Students who take Japanese courses at Dalarna University usually access classes from their home, which are located all over Sweden or even abroad. This fact can be utilized in language classes because the “information gap” can lead to interactions that are essential for language learning. In order to make use of this natural “information gap” and turn it into an opportunity for communication, our classes used a teaching method called “personalization” [Kawaguchi, 2004].  “Personalization” aims to persuade students to express their own ideas, opinions, feelings and preferences. The present analysis suggests that “personalization” in web-based language classes is a surprisingly effective teaching method. By making students explain about things at home (why they have them, what they use them for, or why they are important), students become motivated to express themselves in Japanese. This makes communication meaningful and enhances students’ interest in improving their vocabulary. Furthermore, by knowing each other, it becomes easier to create a ”supportive classroom environment” [Nuibe, 2001] in which students feel able to express themselves. The analysis suggests that that web-based education can be seen not simply as a supplement to traditional face-to face classroom education, but as a unique and effective educational platform in itself.