919 resultados para Analytic Reproducing Kernel


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Aquest projecte es basa en la modificació del kernel (nucli) del sistema operatiu GNU/Linux per dotar-lo de la capacitat d'extreure estadístiques de les crides al sistema (syscalls). A partir de la compilació i instal·lació d'un nou nucli es registra la informació del nombre de vegades i la freqüència amb què es fan aquestes crides al sistema, i posteriorment es representa en un informe d'estadístiques explicatives.


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El projecte que es presenta a continuació és una planificació de migració de servidors físics a un entorn virtualitzat, allà on sigui possible. A més s'ha plantejat una renovació tecnològica de tot el parc de servidors per estalviar diners en el manteniment i en el consum d'energia.La solució de virtualització es buscarà que sigui programari lliure.


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The way an organism spreads its reproduction over time is defined as a life-history trait, and selection is expected to favour life-history traits associated with the highest fitness return. We use a long-term dataset of 277 life histories to investigate the shape and strength of selection acting on the age at first reproduction and at last reproduction in the long-lived Alpine Swift. Both traits were under strong directional selection, but in opposite directions, with selection favouring birds starting their reproductive career early and being able to reproduce for longer. There was also evidence for stabilising selection acting on both traits, suggesting that individuals should nonetheless refrain from reproducing in their first 2 years of life (i.e. when inexperienced), and that reproducing after 7 years of age had little effect on lifetime fitness, probably due to senescence.


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Background: The lack of adequate instruments prevents the possibility of assessing the competence of health care staff in evidence-based decision making and further, the identification of areas for improvement with tailored strategies. The aim of this study is to report about the validation process in the Spanish context of the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (EBPQ) from Upton y Upton. Methods: A multicentre, cross-sectional, descriptive psychometric validation study was carried out. For cultural adaptation, a bidirectional translation was developed, accordingly to usual standards. The measuring model from the questionnaire was undergone to contrast, reproducing the original structure by Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA), including the reliability of factors. Results: Both EFA (57.545% of total variance explained) and CFA (chi2=2359,9555; gl=252; p<0.0001; RMSEA=0,1844; SRMR=0,1081), detected problems with items 7, 16, 22, 23 and 24, regarding to the original trifactorial version of EBPQ. After deleting some questions, a reduced version containing 19 items obtained an adequate factorial structure (62.29% of total variance explained), but the CFA did not fit well. Nevertheless, it was significantly better than the original version (chi2=673.1261; gl=149; p<0.0001; RMSEA=0.1196; SRMR=0.0648). Conclusions: The trifactorial model obtained good empiric evidence and could be used in our context, but the results invite to advance with further refinements into the factor “attitude”, testing it in more contexts and with more diverse professional profiles.


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BackgroundResearch indicates that the early attachment patterns of babies could influence their socio-emotional development and prevent the emergence of problematic behaviours in the child later in life. Many studies in the field of early attachment interventions have promoted a secure attachment bond between mother and infant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an early pilot intervention programme designed to promote a secure attachment bond in mother-infant dyads belonging to a population seeking regular treatment at urban health centres in Santiago, Chile.MethodsPrimipara mothers were randomly assigned to two intervention conditions: a secure attachment promotion programme (experimental group = 43) or an educational talk (control group = 29). The Strange Situation Assessment was used to collect data on the attachment patterns of babies.ResultsThe results show that after the intervention, there were more babies with secure attachment in the experimental group than in the control group.ConclusionsThese findings represent a preliminary step towards evaluating interventions aimed at promoting secure attachment in Chilean mother-child dyads. While the effect of the intervention is not significant, the effect size obtained is respectable and consistent with other meta-analytic findings.


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In this paper, we present and apply a semisupervised support vector machine based on cluster kernels for the problem of very high resolution image classification. In the proposed setting, a base kernel working with labeled samples only is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between unlabeled examples. The resulting kernel is used to train a standard support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Experiments carried out on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images using very few labeled examples show the relevancy of the method in the context of urban image classification. Its simplicity and the small number of parameters involved make it versatile and workable by unexperimented users.


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Praziquantel chemotherapy has been the focus of the Schistosomiasis Control Program in Brazil for the past two decades. Nevertheless, information on the impact of selective chemotherapy against Schistosoma mansoni infection under the conditions confronted by the health teams in endemic municipalities remains scarce. This paper compares the spatial pattern of infection before and after treatment with either a 40 mg/kg or 60 mg/kg dose of praziquantel by determining the intensity of spatial cluster among patients at 180 and 360 days after treatment. The spatial-temporal distribution of egg-positive patients was analysed in a Geographic Information System using the kernel smoothing technique. While all patients became egg-negative after 21 days, 17.9% and 30.9% reverted to an egg-positive condition after 180 and 360 days, respectively. Both the prevalence and intensity of infection after treatment were significantly lower in the 60 mg/kg than in the 40 mg/kg treatment group. The higher intensity of the kernel in the 40 mg/kg group compared to the 60 mg/kg group, at both 180 and 360 days, reflects the higher number of reverted cases in the lower dose group. Auxiliary, preventive measures to control transmission should be integrated with chemotherapy to achieve a more enduring impact.


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Aim This study compares the direct, macroecological approach (MEM) for modelling species richness (SR) with the more recent approach of stacking predictions from individual species distributions (S-SDM). We implemented both approaches on the same dataset and discuss their respective theoretical assumptions, strengths and drawbacks. We also tested how both approaches performed in reproducing observed patterns of SR along an elevational gradient.Location Two study areas in the Alps of Switzerland.Methods We implemented MEM by relating the species counts to environmental predictors with statistical models, assuming a Poisson distribution. S-SDM was implemented by modelling each species distribution individually and then stacking the obtained prediction maps in three different ways - summing binary predictions, summing random draws of binomial trials and summing predicted probabilities - to obtain a final species count.Results The direct MEM approach yields nearly unbiased predictions centred around the observed mean values, but with a lower correlation between predictions and observations, than that achieved by the S-SDM approaches. This method also cannot provide any information on species identity and, thus, community composition. It does, however, accurately reproduce the hump-shaped pattern of SR observed along the elevational gradient. The S-SDM approach summing binary maps can predict individual species and thus communities, but tends to overpredict SR. The two other S-SDM approaches the summed binomial trials based on predicted probabilities and summed predicted probabilities - do not overpredict richness, but they predict many competing end points of assembly or they lose the individual species predictions, respectively. Furthermore, all S-SDM approaches fail to appropriately reproduce the observed hump-shaped patterns of SR along the elevational gradient.Main conclusions Macroecological approach and S-SDM have complementary strengths. We suggest that both could be used in combination to obtain better SR predictions by following the suggestion of constraining S-SDM by MEM predictions.


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The nervous system is a frequent target of industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental pollutants. To screen large numbers of compounds for their neurotoxic potential, in vitro systems are required which combine organ-specific traits with robustness and high reproducibility. These requirements are met by serum-free aggregating brain cell cultures derived from mechanically dissociated embryonic rat brain. The initial cell suspension, composed of neural stem cells, neural progenitor cells, immature postmitotic neurons, glioblasts, and microglial cells, is kept under continuous gyratory agitation. Spherical aggregates form spontaneously and are maintained in suspension culture for several weeks. Within the aggregates, the cells rearrange and mature, reproducing critical morphogenic events such as migration, proliferation, differentiation, synaptogenesis, and myelination. In addition to the spontaneous reconstitution of histotypic brain architecture, the cultures acquire organ-specific functionality as indicated by activity-dependent glucose consumption, spontaneous electrical activity, and brain-specific inflammatory responses. These three-dimensional primary cell cultures offer therefore a unique model for neurotoxicity testing both during development and at advanced cellular differentiation. The high number of aggregates available and the excellent reproducibility of the cultures facilitate routine test procedures. This chapter presents a detailed description of the preparation and maintenance of these cultures as well as their use for routine toxicity testing.


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Most people hold beliefs about personality characteristics typical members of their own and others' cultures. These perceptions of national character may be generalizations from personal experience, stereotypes with a "kernel of truth", or inaccurate stereotypes. We obtained national character ratings of 3989 people from 49 cultures and compared them with the average personality scores of culture members assessed by observer ratings and self-reports. National character ratings were reliable but did not converge with assessed traits. Perceptions of national character thus appear to be unfounded stereotypes that may serve the function of maintaining a national identity.


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En el prosent projecte s'introduirà la teoria del disseny estadístic d'experiments i ens endinsarem amb més profunditat en els dissenys factorials complerts. Aquest tipus de dissenys, són d'aplicació en sistemes en els que es desitja estudiar la influència que tenen els k factors sobre una variable resposta. Els dissenys factorials complerts, són aquells en els que els k factors poden prendre diversos nivells, i es contemplen totes les posibles combinacions entre ells. Aquest projecte es centrarà més concretament en els dissenys factorials complerts 2, on el número 2 indica que cadascun els factors pren 2 nivells diferents. S'explicarà la teoria corresponent a aquests dissenys amb l'ajuda de diversos exemples, explicant des de un disseny factorial en el que s'estudia la influència de 2 factros (2), fins a un en el que s'estudia la influència de 4 factors (2). També s'ha introduït alguns mètodes que ens ajudaran a trobar models matemàtics que s'ajustin al sistema, i algunes metodologies d'optimització com la metodologia de superficie de resposta o el mètode simplex, per poder treure el màxim partit als nostres recursos. Una vegada introduïts tots aquests conceptes, es procedirà a realitzar un estudi i optimització d'una reacció química que consisteix en l'eliminació del coure d'una dissolució per a la posterior utilització d'aquesta dissolució en la industria per a l'extracció d'or i plata. El segon cas d'aplicació serà la realització de l'estudi i optimització del procés d'obtenció de biodièsel. En ambdós casos s'aplicarà un disseny factorial complet 2, però en cada un s'aplicarà una metodologia diferent per realitzar la optimització. Donat que aquest és un projecte purament centrat en el disseny d'experiments i en el tractament de les dades obtingudes, l'experimentació no ha sigut realitzada per nosaltres, sinó que la informació referent a la mateixa s'ha obtingut d'articles acadèmics realitzats per diferents universitats que han realitzat els estudis corresponents.


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Résumé Cette thèse de doctorat se fixe comme objectif général de définir la spécificité d'un espace urbain situé en centre-ville à travers sa dynamique sociale et interethnique. Il s'agit de relever les différentes formes et manifestations ethniques, mais également de comprendre la manière dont est vécue cette socialité, tout en tenant compte du contexte urbain dans lequel elles se situent. La particularité de ce travail est le fait de proposer une démarche alliant deux disciplines à savoir la géographie et la sociologie, dans le but de proposer une recherche transdisciplinaire, avec comme conséquence la mise en oeuvre d'une démarche commune nourrie des deux disciplines. Les quartiers ethniques situés en centre-ville ne se présentent pas comme des espaces figés, puisque des changements fréquents sont observés aussi bien au niveau de leur population que de l'affectation des locaux commerciaux et des logements. Ils semblent davantage se caractériser comme des « espaces à l'avenir indéterminé » dans le sens où leur avenir aussi bien au niveau de leur structure urbaine que de leurs rapports sociaux ne peut être prévisible et qu'ils sont par ailleurs susceptibles d'être soumis à de nombreux changements, d'où l'idée également d' « espaces en mutations ». Pour aborder ces thématiques de recherche, nous avons opté pour une étude fondée sur le principe de la représentation et de l'une des formes essentielles à travers lesquelles elles se produisent et se manifestent, à savoir les images. Cette recherche privilégie ainsi une analyse dynamique du phénomène interethnique, l'inscrivant dans le courant constructiviste qui s'intéresse notamment à l'étude des pratiques des acteurs sociaux et leurs représentations, dans le sens qu'elles sont le fruit d'une construction sociale. Dans ce type de démarche analytique, il s'agit de prendre en considération à la fois l'analyse du chercheur et la réalité objective et subjective du vécu des acteurs urbains qui regroupent les riverains, les commerçants, les membres associatifs, les politiques et les médias. C'est justement l'association de ces deux approches qui permet de définir un quartier urbain. Abstract "The spatial and social stakes of an interethnic dynamics in transition in the downtown area. The construction of the various forms of representations in order to define an urban quarter in Nice" The general objective of this PHD is to define the specificity of an urban space located in the downtown area with social and interethnic dynamics. Specifically the diverse ethnic form and sign to include the understanding mariner where society has lived in a specific urban context. The particularity of this work is to advance an analytic method using two disciplines: geography and sociology, in order to bring up a transdisciplinarian research with a common method. The ethnic quarters in the inner-city area are not presented as fixed spaces, since frequent changes were observed in the population level and at the allotment level of the commercial premises and the lodgings. Defined as "undetermined future spaces" as their future in the urban structure or the social relations can not be foresee and are supposed to be subjective to many changes. Therefore speaking of "mutations spaces". The option of this type of thematic research is the study of the principle of representation and essential form which shows and produces the images. Research promotes a dynamic analyses of the interethnic phenomena, inside the constructivist which is focused the practices of social actors, their own representations, and products of a social construction. The production of analytical approach is necessary in order to consider the analyses of the research worker and the objective and subjective reality of the life of the urban actors. It gathers the residents, tradesmen, members of associations, politicians and the press. The association of these types of approach define a urban quarter.


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We present a KAM theory for some dissipative systems (geometrically, these are conformally symplectic systems, i.e. systems that transform a symplectic form into a multiple of itself). For systems with n degrees of freedom depending on n parameters we show that it is possible to find solutions with n-dimensional (Diophantine) frequencies by adjusting the parameters. We do not assume that the system is close to integrable, but we use an a-posteriori format. Our unknowns are a parameterization of the solution and a parameter. We show that if there is a sufficiently approximate solution of the invariance equation, which also satisfies some explicit non–degeneracy conditions, then there is a true solution nearby. We present results both in Sobolev norms and in analytic norms. The a–posteriori format has several consequences: A) smooth dependence on the parameters, including the singular limit of zero dissipation; B) estimates on the measure of parameters covered by quasi–periodic solutions; C) convergence of perturbative expansions in analytic systems; D) bootstrap of regularity (i.e., that all tori which are smooth enough are analytic if the map is analytic); E) a numerically efficient criterion for the break–down of the quasi–periodic solutions. The proof is based on an iterative quadratically convergent method and on suitable estimates on the (analytical and Sobolev) norms of the approximate solution. The iterative step takes advantage of some geometric identities, which give a very useful coordinate system in the neighborhood of invariant (or approximately invariant) tori. This system of coordinates has several other uses: A) it shows that for dissipative conformally symplectic systems the quasi–periodic solutions are attractors, B) it leads to efficient algorithms, which have been implemented elsewhere. Details of the proof are given mainly for maps, but we also explain the slight modifications needed for flows and we devote the appendix to present explicit algorithms for flows.


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BACKGROUND Functional brain images such as Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) have been widely used to guide the clinicians in the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) diagnosis. However, the subjectivity involved in their evaluation has favoured the development of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems. METHODS It is proposed a novel combination of feature extraction techniques to improve the diagnosis of AD. Firstly, Regions of Interest (ROIs) are selected by means of a t-test carried out on 3D Normalised Mean Square Error (NMSE) features restricted to be located within a predefined brain activation mask. In order to address the small sample-size problem, the dimension of the feature space was further reduced by: Large Margin Nearest Neighbours using a rectangular matrix (LMNN-RECT), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Partial Least Squares (PLS) (the two latter also analysed with a LMNN transformation). Regarding the classifiers, kernel Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and LMNN using Euclidean, Mahalanobis and Energy-based metrics were compared. RESULTS Several experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the proposed LMNN-based feature extraction algorithms and its benefits as: i) linear transformation of the PLS or PCA reduced data, ii) feature reduction technique, and iii) classifier (with Euclidean, Mahalanobis or Energy-based methodology). The system was evaluated by means of k-fold cross-validation yielding accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values of 92.78%, 91.07% and 95.12% (for SPECT) and 90.67%, 88% and 93.33% (for PET), respectively, when a NMSE-PLS-LMNN feature extraction method was used in combination with a SVM classifier, thus outperforming recently reported baseline methods. CONCLUSIONS All the proposed methods turned out to be a valid solution for the presented problem. One of the advances is the robustness of the LMNN algorithm that not only provides higher separation rate between the classes but it also makes (in combination with NMSE and PLS) this rate variation more stable. In addition, their generalization ability is another advance since several experiments were performed on two image modalities (SPECT and PET).


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The prevalence of mansonelliasis was studied in the municipality of Tefé, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The prevalence (thick blood smear method) was 13.6% (147/1,078), higher in the Solimões River region (16.3%) than in the Tefé River region (6.3%). In the sampled communities in the Solimões River region, a higher density of cases was observed, as indicated by a kernel analysis (odds ratio 0.34; 95% confidence interval: 0.20-0.57). Males had a higher prevalence (χ2 = 31.292, p < 0.001) than women. Mansonella ozzardi prevalence was higher in retirees and farmers (28.9% and 27%, respectively). Prevalence also significantly increased with age (χ2 = -128.17, p < 0.001), with the highest numbers occurring in persons older than 67 years.