999 resultados para American Bible Society


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Nanoporous structures with high active surface areas are critical for a variety of applications. Here, we present a general templateless strategy to produce such porous structures by controlled aggregation of nanostructured subunits and apply the principles for synthesizing nanoporous Pt for electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol. The nature of the aggregate produced is controlled by tuning the electrostatic interaction between surfactant-free nanoparticles in the solution phase. When the repulsive force between the particles is very large, the particles are stabilized in the solution while instantaneous aggregation leading to fractal-like structures results when the repulsive force is very low. Controlling the repulsive interaction to an optimum, intermediate value results in the formation of compact structures with very large surface areas. In the case of Pt, nanoporous clusters with an extremely high specific surface area (39 m(2)/g) and high activity for methanol oxidation have been produced. Preliminary investigations indicate that the method is general and can be easily extended to produce nanoporous structures of many inorganic materials.


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MeNCS undergoes insertion into the copper(I)-aryloxide bond to form [N-methylimino(aryloxy)methanethiolato]-copper(I) complexes. This insertion occurs in the absence of ancillary ligands unlike the analogous insertion of PhNCS. The reaction with 4-methylphenoxide results in the formation of hexakis[[N-methylimino(4-methylphenoxy) methanethiolato]copper(I)] (1), which has been characterized by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data for 1: hexagonal , a = 12.365(3) Angstrom, c = 36.734(16) Angstrom, gamma = 120 degrees, Z = 3, V = 4863(3) Angstrom(3), R = 0.0306. Reactions of 2,6-dimethyl- and 4-chlorophenoxides also result in analogous copper(I) complexes 2 and 3. Addition of stochiometric amounts of PPh(3) to the oligomeric complexes typically results in the extrusion of MeNCS. The ease of extrusion is dependent on the substituents on the aryloxide, and this deinsertion is accelerated by water. However, the extrusion reaction is slow enough in the case of the N-methylimino(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)-methanethiolate complex and the isolation of an intermediate monomeric product bis(triphenylphosphine)[N-methylimino(2, 6-dimethylphenoxy)methanethiolato] copper(I) (4) is possible. Crystal data for 4: triclinic , a = 10.088(2) Angstrom, b = 11.302(1) Angstrom, c = 17.990(2) Angstrom, alpha = 94.06(1)degrees, beta = 95.22(2)degrees, gamma = 103.94(1)degrees, Z = 2, V = 1974.4(7) Angstrom(3), R = 0.0361. In the presence of of PPh(3), the insertion reaction becomes reversible. This allows the exchange of the heterocumulene MeNCS or the aryloxy group in these molecules with another heterocumulene or a phenol, respectively, when catalytic amounts of PPh(3) are added. Oligomers with exchanged heterocumulmes and phenols could be characterized by independent synthesis.


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Energetics of the ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer in salicylic acid have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital calculations using the 6-31G** basis set at the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction-single excitation (CIS) levels and also using the semiempirical method AM1 at the RHF level as well as with single and pair doubles excitation configuration interaction spanning eight frontier orbitals (PECI = 8). The ab initio potential energy profile for intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state reveals a single minimum corresponding to the primary form, in the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms, separated by a barrier of similar to 6 kcal/mol, thus accounting for dual emission in salicylic acid. Electron density changes with electronic excitation and tautomerism indicate no zwitterion formation. Changes in spectral characteristics with change in pH, due to protonation and deprotonation of salicylic acid, are also accounted for, qualitatively. Although the AM1 calculations suggest a substantial barrier for proton transfer in the ground as well as the first excited state of SA, it predicts the transition wavelength in near quantitative accord with the experimental results for salicylic acid and its protonated and deprotonated forms.


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The application of radical-mediated cyclizations and annulations in organic synthesis has grown in importance steadily over the years to reach the present status where they are now routinely used in the strategy-level planning.2 The presence of a quaternary carbon atom is frequently encountered in terpenoid natural products, and it often creates a synthetic challenge when two or more quaternary carbon atoms are present in a contiguous manner.3 Even though creation of a quaternary carbon atom by employing a tertiary radical is very facile, creation of a quaternary carbon atom (or a spiro carbon atom) via radical addition onto a fully substituted olefinic carbon atom is not that common but of synthetic importance. For example, the primary radical derived from the bromide 1 failed to cyclize to generate the two vicinal quaternary carbon atoms and resulted in only the reduced product 2.4 The tricyclic carbon framework tricyclo[,5]undecane (3) is present in a number of sesquiterpenoids e.g. zizzanes, prelacinanes, etc.5


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A finite-state wake model is used to investigate aeromechanical stability of hingeless-rotor helicopters in the ground-contact, hover and trimmed-night conditions. The investigation covers three items: (1) the convergence of the damping with increasing number of wake harmonics for the lag regressing, and body pitch and roll modes; (2) a parametric study of the damping over a range of thrust level, advance ratio and number of blades; and (3) correlations, primarily with the damping and frequency measurements of these lag and body modes. The convergence and parametric studies are conducted in the hover and trimmed-flight conditions; they include predictions from the widely used dynamic inflow model. The correlations are conducted in the ground-contact conditions and include predictions from the dynamic inflow and vortex models; recently, this vortex model is proposed for the axial-flight conditions and is used to investigate the coupled free vibrations of rotor flapping and body modes. The convergence and parametric studies show that a finite-state wake model that goes well beyond the dynamic inflow model is required for fairly converged damping, Moreover, the correlations from the finite-state wake, dynamic inflow and vortex models are generally satisfactory.


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We explore the use of polarized e(+)/e(-) beams and/or the information on final state decay lepton polarizations in probing the interaction of the Higgs boson with a pair of vector bosons. A model independent analysis of the process e(+)e(-) -> f (f) over barH, where f is any light fermion, is carried out through the construction of observables having identical properties under the discrete symmetry transformations as different individual anomalous interactions. This allows us to probe an individual anomalous term independent of the others. We find that initial state beam polarization can significantly improve the sensitivity to CP-odd couplings of the Z boson with the Higgs boson (ZZH). Moreover, an ability to isolate events with a particular tau helicity, with even 40% efficiency, can improve sensitivities to certain ZZH couplings by as much as a factor of 3. In addition, the contamination from the ZZH vertex contributions present in the measurement of the trilinear Higgs-W (WWH) couplings can be reduced to a great extent by employing polarized beams. The effects of initial state radiation and beamstrahlung, which can be relevant for higher values of the beam energy are also included in the analysis.


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In this brief addendum, we clarify a point which we left unaddressed in a previous publication [Phys. Rev. D 78, 066006 (2008)]. In particular, we show that a specific vacuum configuration constructed in one of our models satisfies the condition D=0. In the previous publication, we only showed F=0. Both D=0 and F=0 are necessary to ensure that supersymmetry survives to the weak scale.


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Ce1-xSnxO2 (x = 0.1-0.5) solid solution and its Pd substituted analogue have been prepared by a single step solution combustion method using tin oxalate precursor. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and H-2/temperature programmed redution (TPR) studies. The cubic fluorite structure remained intact up to 50% of Sri substitution in CeO2, and the compounds were stable up to 700 C. Oxygen storage capacity of Ce1-xSnxO2 was found to be much higher than that of Ce1-xZrxO2 due to accessible Ce4+/Ce3+ and Sn4+/Sn2+ redox couples at temperatures between 200 and 400 C. Pd 21 ions in Ce0.78Sn0.2Pd0.02O2-delta are highly ionic, and the lattice oxygen of this catalyst is highly labile, leading to low temperature CO to CO2 conversion. The rate of CO oxidation was 2 mu mol g(-1) s(-1) at 50 degrees C. NO reduction by CO with 70% N-2 selectivity was observed at similar to 200 degrees C and 100% N-2 selectivity below 260 degrees C with 1000-5000 ppm NO. Thus, Pd2+ ion substituted Ce1-xSnxO2 is a superior catalyst compared to Pd2+ ions in CeO2, Ce1-xZrxO2, and Ce1-xTixO2 for low temperature exhaust applications due to the involvement of the Sn2+/Sn4+ redox couple along with Pd2+/Pd-0 and Ce4+/Ce3+ couples.


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Arc discharge between graphite electrodes under a relatively high pressure of hydrogen yields graphene flakes generally containing 2-4 layers in the inner wall region of the arc chamber. The graphene flakes so obtained have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The method is eminently suited to dope graphene with boron and nitrogen by carrying out arc discharge in the presence of diborane and pyridine respectively.


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We present here a calculation of the inertial mass of a moving vortex in cuprate superconductors. This is a poorly known basic quantity of obvious interest in vortex dynamics. The motion of a vortex causes a dipolar density distortion and an associated electric field which is screened. The energy cost of the density distortion as well as the related screened electric field contributes to the vortex mass, which is small because of efficient screening. As a preliminary, we present a discussion and calculation of the vortex mass using a microscopically derivable phase-only action functional for the far region which shows that the contribution from the far region is negligible and that most of it arises from the (small) core region of the vortex. A calculation based on a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau functional is performed in the core region. Unfortunately such a calculation is unreliable; the reasons for it are discussed. A credible calculation of the vortex mass thus requires a fully microscopic non-coarse-grained theory. This is developed, and results are presented for an s-wave BCS-like gap, with parameters appropriate to the cuprates. The mass, about 0.5m(e) per layer, for a magnetic field along the c axis arises from deformation of quasiparticle states bound in the core and screening effects mentioned above. We discuss earlier results, possible extensions to d-wave symmetry, and observability of effects dependent on the inertial mass. [S0163-1829(97)05534-3].


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Non-Abelian quantum Hall states are characterized by the simultaneous appearance of charge and neutral gapless edge modes, with the structure of the latter being intricately related to the existence of bulk quasiparticle excitations obeying non-Abelian statistics. Here we propose a scenario for detecting the neutral modes by having two point contacts in series separated by a distance set by the thermal equilibration length of the charge mode. We show that by using the first point contact as a heating device, the excess charge noise measured at the second point contact carries a nontrivial signature of the presence of the neutral mode. We also obtain explicit expressions for the thermal conductance and corresponding Lorentz number for transport across a quantum point contact between two edges held at different temperatures and chemical potentials.


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In this paper, inhibition of the glutathione peroxidase activity of two synthetic organoselenium compounds, bis[2-(N,N-dimethylamino)benzyl]diselenide (5) and bis[2-(N,N-dimethylamino)benzyl]selenide (9), by gold(I) thioglucose (1), chloro(triethylphosphine)gold(I), chloro(trimethylphosphine)gold(I), and chloro(triphenylphosphine)gold(I) is described. The inhibition is found to be competitive with respect to a peroxide (H2O2) substrate and noncompetitive with respect to a thiol (PhSH) cosubstrate. The diselenide 5 reacts with PhSH to produce the corresponding selenol (6), which upon treatment with 1 equiv of gold(I) chlorides produces the corresponding gold selenolate complexes 11−13. However, the addition of 1 equiv of selenol 6 to complexes 11−13 leads to the formation of bis-selenolate complex 14 by ligand displacement reactions involving the elimination of phosphine ligands. The phosphine ligands eliminated from these reactions are further converted to the corresponding phosphine oxides (R3PO) and selenides (R3PSe). In addition to the replacement of the phosphine ligand by selenol 6, an interchange between two different phosphine ligands is also observed. For example, the reaction of complex 11 having a trimethylphosphine ligand with triphenylphosphine produces complex 13 by phosphine interchange reactions via the formation of intermediates 15 and 16. The reactivity of selenol 6 toward gold(I) phosphines is found to be similar to that of selenocysteine.


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The self-assembly reaction of a cis-blocked 90° square planar metal acceptor with a symmetrical linear flexible linker is expected to yield a [4 + 4] self-assembled square, a [3 + 3] assembled triangle, or a mixture of these.However, if the ligand is a nonsymmetrical ambidentate, it is expected to form a complex mixture comprising several linkage isomeric squares and triangles as a result of different connectivities of the ambidentate linker. We report instead that the reaction of a 90° acceptor cis-(dppf)Pd(OTf)2 [where dppf ) 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)- ferrocene] with an equimolar amount of the ambidentate unsymmetrical ligand Na-isonicotinate unexpectedly yields a mixture of symmetrical triangles and squares in the solution. An analogous reaction using cis-(tmen)Pd(NO3)2 instead of cis-(dppf)Pd(OTf)2 also produced a mixture of symmetrical triangles and squares in the solution. In both cases the square was isolated as the sole product in the solid state, which was characterized by a single crystal structure analysis. The equilibrium between the triangle and the square in the solution is governed by the enthalpic and entropic contributions. The former parameter favors the formation of the square due to less strain in the structure whereas the latter one favors the formation of triangles due to the formation of more triangles from the same number of starting linkers. The effects of temperature and concentration on the equilibria have been studied by NMR techniques. This represents the first report on the study of square-triangle equilibria obtained using a nonsymmetric ambidentate linker. Detail NMR spectroscopy along with the ESI-mass spectrometry unambiguously identified the components in the mixture while the X-ray structure analysis determined the solid-state structure.


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Ternary iron(III) complexes (FeL(B)] (1-3) of a trianionic tetradentate phenolate-based ligand (L) and henanthroline base (B), namely, 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, 1), dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq, 2), and dipyridophenazine (dppz, 3), have been prepared and structurally characterized and their DNA binding, cleavage, and photocytotoxic properties studied. The complexes with a FeN3O3 core show the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple near -0.6 V in DMF, a magnetic moment value of similar to 5.9 mu(B), and a binding propensity to both calf thymus DNA and bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein. They exhibit red-light-induced DNA cleavage activity following a metal-assisted photoredox pathway forming HO center dot radicals but do not show any photocleavage of BSA in UV-A light. Complex 3 displays photocytotoxicity in the human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) and human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) with respective IC50 values of 3.59 mu M and 6.07 mu M in visible light and 251 nM and 751 nM in UV-A light of 365 nm. No significant cytotoxicity is observed in the dark. The photoexposed HeLa cells, treated prior with complex 3, have shown marked changes in nuclear morphology as demonstrated by Hoechst 33258 nuclear stain. Generation of reactive oxygen species has been evidenced from the fluorescence enhancement of dichlorofluorescein upon treatment with 3 followed by photoexposure. Nuclear chromatin cleavage has been observed in acridine orange/ethidium bromide dual staining of treated HeLa cells and from alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis. Caspase 3/7 activity in HeLa cells has been found to be upregulated by only 4 fold after photoirradiation, signifying the fact that cell death through a caspase 3/7 dependent pathway may not be solely operative.


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Transactivator protein C of bacteriophage mu is essential for the transition from middle to late gene expression during the phage life cycle. The unusual, multistep activation of mom promoter (Pmom) by C protein involves activator-mediated promoter unwinding to recruit RNA polymerase and subsequent enhanced promoter clearance of the enzyme. To achieve this, C binds its site overlapping the -35 region of the mom promoter with a very high affinity, in Mg2+-dependent fashion. Mg2+-mediated conformational transition in C is necessary for its DNA binding and transactivation. We have determined the residues in C which coordinate Mg2+, to induce allosteric transition in the protein, required for the specific interaction with DNA. Residues E26 and D40 in the putative metal binding motif (E26X10D37X2D40) present toward the N-terminus of the protein are found to be important for Mg2+ ion binding. Mutations in these residues lead to altered Mg2+-induced conformation, compromised DNA binding, and reduced levels of transcription activation. Although Mg2+ is widely used in various DNA transaction reactions, this report provides the first insights on the importance of the metal ion-induced allosteric transitions in regulating transcription factor function.