977 resultados para Amazonian craton


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A reassessment of the taxonomic status of Amblyomma cajennense based on the morphological analyses of ticks from the whole distribution area of the species resulted in the redescription of A. cajennense, the validation of 2 species which had been reduced to synonymy in the past, Amblyomma mixtum and Amblyomma sculptum, and the description and definition of 3 new species, Amblyomma tonelliae n. sp., Amblyomma interandinum n. sp., and Amblyomma patinoi n. sp. This study provides descriptions and redescriptions, scanning electron microscopic and stereomicroscopic images, updated synonymies, information on geographical distributions, and host associations for each of the 6 species. Amblyomma cajennense s.s. is found in the Amazonian region of South America, A. interandinum is reported from the northern part of the Inter-Andean valley of Peru, A. mixtum is present from Texas (U.S.A.) to western Ecuador, A. patinoi occurs in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, A. tonelliae is associated with the dry areas of the Chaco region which spans from central-northern Argentina to Bolivia and Paraguay, whereas A. sculptum is distributed from the humid areas of northern Argentina, to the contiguous regions of Bolivia and Paraguay and the coastal and central-western states of Brazil.


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This study is concerned with speciation and fractionation of the rare earth elements (REE) and calcium (Ca) in aqueous solutions. The aim is to investigate the chemical states and physical sizes in which these elements can be present. The REE (including neodymium) and Ca have contrasting geochemical behavior in aqueous solutions. Ca is a major dissolved element, while the REE are trace components and highly reactive with aquatic particles. The major interests of the five papers included in this thesis are the following: · Papers I and V deal with the behavior of neodymium (Nd) and its isotopes in the Kalix River and some marine waters. · The diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) method is developed for measuring Ca and Mg in Paper II. · Paper III presents a speciation and fractionation study of Ca in the Kalix and Amazonian rivers. · The rare earth elements and their carrier phases are investigated in the Kalix river in Paper IV. For most elements a detailed study of speciation and fractionation can not be performed using only one method. This is due to the overall heterogeneity of the material, considering both size and chemical composition, which is present in aquatic solutions. During this project the aquatic geochemistry of the REE and Ca has been studied using mainly three methods; cross-flow filtration (CFF), field-flow fractionation (FFF) and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT). Field work has to a large part been conducted in the Kalix River, in northern Sweden, which is one of the last pristine river systems in Europe. Some field work has also been conducted in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Results from Amazonian rivers are also presented. These are the main conclusions from this work: The DGT technique works equally well for measuring Ca and Mg in natural waters as previously reported for trace metal. A significant colloidal phase for Ca could be detected in the Kalix River and in different Amazonian rivers. This was concluded independently using both CFF and FFF. Variations in REE signatures in the Kalix River suggests two different pathways for the REE during weathering and release form soil profiles and transport in the river. No significant variation in Nd-isotopic composition could be detected in the Kalix River although concentrations varied by a factor of ~10. This suggests that there is one major source for Nd in the river although different pathways for the REE may exist. A study of Nd in the Kalix River, the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean showed that the isotopic compositions in the diffusible fractions were similar to water samples. However, the relative amount of diffusible Nd increased with salinity, probably reflecting the lower concentration of colloidal and particulate material in marine waters.


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ZusammenfassungSpätarchaische Sedimentgesteine (ca. 2,65 Milliarden Jahre alt) wurden in Grünsteingürteln des Simbabwe Kratons untersucht. In dem Belingwe Grünsteingürtel ist granitoides Grundgebirge von einer allochthonen Einheit aus vulkanischen Gesteinen und Vorlandbeckensedimenten überlagert. Die sedimentäre Abfolge besteht aus Flachwasserkalken und Turbiditen. Unterschiedliche Faziestypen der Kalksteine sind in sedimentäre Verflachungszyklen angeordnet. Eustatische Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden als Ursache der zyklischen Sedimentation angenommen. Sedimentologische, geochemische und strukturelle Analysen zeigen die Bedeutung horizontal-tektonischer Prozesse für die Entstehung dieses Grünsteingürtels an.Sedimentgesteine des Midlands Grünsteingürtels lagern zwischen ozeanischen, mafischen Vulkaniten und kontinentalen, granitoiden Gneisen. Die Art der Abfolge sedimentärer Fazies, beginnend mit Turbiditen und überlagert von flachmarinen Schelfsedimenten und alluvialen Ablagerungen, sowie geologische und geochemische Hinweise aus den benachbarten Gesteinsserien lassen auf Ablagerung während der Kollision zwischen einem ozeanischen Plateau/Inselbogen und einem kontinentalen Krustenfragmentes schließen.In dem Bindura-Shamva Grünsteingürtel können zwei Sedimentgesteinseinheiten unterschieden werden, eine alluvial—flachmarine Abfolge und eine tiefmarin—fluviatile Abfolge. Extensionstektonik verursachte wahrscheinlich die Bildung des Sedimentbeckens. Die spätere Phase der Beckenbildung war jedoch ähnlich jener in modernen Vorlandbecken.Schichtparallele Eisensteinhorizonte sind häufig entlang von Sediment-Vulkanit-Kontakten zu finden. Diese Gesteine werden als silifizierte und von Sulfiden imprägnierte Scherzonen interpretiert. Syntektonische hydrothermale Alteration von Gesteinen entlang der Störungszonen führte zur Bildung dieser 'tektonischen Eisensteine'.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die biogeochemischen Vorgänge in der Vegetationsschicht (Bestand) und die Rückkopplungen zwischen physiologischen und physikalischen Umweltprozessen, die das Klima und die Chemie der unteren Atmosphäre beeinflussen. Ein besondere Schwerpunkt ist die Verwendung theoretischer Ansätze zur Quantifizierung des vertikalen Austauschs von Energie und Spurengasen (Vertikalfluss) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen der beteiligten Prozesse. Es wird ein differenziertes Mehrschicht-Modell der Vegetation hergeleitet, implementiert, für den amazonischen Regenwald parametrisiert und auf einen Standort in Rondonia (Südwest Amazonien) angewendet, welches die gekoppelten Gleichungen zur Energiebilanz der Oberfläche und CO2-Assimilation auf der Blattskala mit einer Lagrange-Beschreibung des Vertikaltransports auf der Bestandesskala kombiniert. Die hergeleiteten Parametrisierungen beinhalten die vertikale Dichteverteilung der Blattfläche, ein normalisiertes Profil der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, die Lichtakklimatisierung der Photosynthesekapazität und den Austausch von CO2 und Wärme an der Bodenoberfläche. Desweiteren werden die Berechnungen zur Photosynthese, stomatären Leitfähigkeit und der Strahlungsabschwächung im Bestand mithilfe von Feldmessungen evaluiert. Das Teilmodell zum Vertikaltransport wird im Detail unter Verwendung von 222-Radon-Messungen evaluiert. Die ``Vorwärtslösung'' und der ``inverse Ansatz'' des Lagrangeschen Dispersionsmodells werden durch den Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Konzentrationsprofilen bzw. Bodenflüssen bewertet. Ein neuer Ansatz wird hergeleitet, um die Unsicherheiten des inversen Ansatzes aus denjenigen des Eingabekonzentrationsprofils zu quantifizieren. Für nächtliche Bedingungen wird eine modifizierte Parametrisierung der Turbulenz vorgeschlagen, welche die freie Konvektion während der Nacht im unteren Bestand berücksichtigt und im Vergleich zu früheren Abschätzungen zu deutlich kürzeren Aufenthaltszeiten im Bestand führt. Die vorhergesagte Stratifizierung des Bestandes am Tage und in der Nacht steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen in dichter Vegetation. Die Tagesgänge der vorhergesagten Flüsse und skalaren Profile von Temperatur, H2O, CO2, Isopren und O3 während der späten Regen- und Trockenzeit am Rondonia-Standort stimmen gut mit Beobachtungen überein. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf saisonale physiologische Änderungen hin, die sich durch höhere stomatäre Leitfähigkeiten bzw. niedrigere Photosyntheseraten während der Regen- und Trockenzeit manifestieren. Die beobachteten Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten für Ozon während der Regenzeit überschreiten diejenigen der Trockenzeit um 150-250%. Dies kann nicht durch realistische physiologische Änderungen erklärt werden, jedoch durch einen zusätzlichen cuticulären Aufnahmemechanismus, möglicherweise an feuchten Oberflächen. Der Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Isoprenkonzentrationen im Bestand weist auf eine reduzierte Isoprenemissionskapazität schattenadaptierter Blätter und zusätzlich auf eine Isoprenaufnahme des Bodens hin, wodurch sich die globale Schätzung für den tropischen Regenwald um 30% reduzieren würde. In einer detaillierten Sensitivitätsstudie wird die VOC Emission von amazonischen Baumarten unter Verwendung eines neuronalen Ansatzes in Beziehung zu physiologischen und abiotischen Faktoren gesetzt. Die Güte einzelner Parameterkombinationen bezüglich der Vorhersage der VOC Emission wird mit den Vorhersagen eines Modells verglichen, das quasi als Standardemissionsalgorithmus für Isopren dient und Licht sowie Temperatur als Eingabeparameter verwendet. Der Standardalgorithmus und das neuronale Netz unter Verwendung von Licht und Temperatur als Eingabeparameter schneiden sehr gut bei einzelnen Datensätzen ab, scheitern jedoch bei der Vorhersage beobachteter VOC Emissionen, wenn Datensätze von verschiedenen Perioden (Regen/Trockenzeit), Blattentwicklungsstadien, oder gar unterschiedlichen Spezies zusammengeführt werden. Wenn dem Netzwerk Informationen über die Temperatur-Historie hinzugefügt werden, reduziert sich die nicht erklärte Varianz teilweise. Eine noch bessere Leistung wird jedoch mit physiologischen Parameterkombinationen erzielt. Dies verdeutlicht die starke Kopplung zwischen VOC Emission und Blattphysiologie.


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Dunite, wehrlite and websterite xenoliths occur amongst a large abundance of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites of the Kimberley cluster in South Africa. Up to know they have mostly been neglected. On the basis of texture, major and trace elements, oxygen isotopes as well as Re-Os isotope characteristics, they can be subdivided into two groups. A coarse-grained mantle peridotite group, comprising dunite, wehrlite and websterite xenoliths, that are similar to fertile peridotites and represent upper mantle assemblages that are differently influenced by mantle metasomatism. And a cumulate group, containing fine-grained Fe-rich dunite xenoliths that represent cumulates of flood basalt magmatism related to ~183 Ma Karoo and ~2.7 Ga Ventersdorp events in southern Africa. Dunite, wehrlite and websterite xenoliths have preserved a complex history of melt depletion and metasomatic re-enrichment events, which gives information about the different re-enrichment stages of the subcratonic lithospheric mantle and the spatial differences within the Kaapvaal craton upper mantle. Websterite xenoliths comprise orthopyroxene (40-85 Vol. %), clinopyroxene (5-42 Vol. %), garnet (4-10 Vol. %) and subordinately olivine, while dunite and wehrlite xenoliths contain predominantly olivine (65-100 Vol %) and subordinately orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet. High melt depletion and a dunitic to harzburgitic protolith composition are reflected by high forsterite (Fo90-92) and high olivine NiO contents (2800-5000 ppm) and high orthopyroxene Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) of 0.91-0.93. Re-depletion ages of predominantly 2.9 Ga reflect a minimum age of melt depletion. Melt depletion ceased in conjunction with collision of the Kimberley block with the Witwatersrand block ~2.9 Ga ago. Subduction related re-fertilisation of the previously depleted mantle xenoliths is documented by i) amoeboid textured orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet, which crystallized in schlieren along olivine grain boundaries, ii) high whole-rock SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, TiO2, FeO contents, iii) low oxygen isotope ratios in clinopyroxene and garnet of 4.8-5.4 ‰ and 4.7-5.3 ‰, respectively and iv) trace element compositions of wehrlitic clinopyroxene and garnet in equilibrium with high-pressure partial melts of eclogite. Trace element disequilibrium of orthopyroxene with clinopyroxene and garnet indicates a separate origin for orthopyroxene, on one side as primary mantle orthopyroxene in dunite and wehrlite xenoliths and on the other side as reaction product with Si-rich melts produced by partial melting of eclogite. This reaction triggered replacement of olivine by orthopyroxene in the surrounding mantle and produced the typical Si-rich composition of Kaapvaal mantle peridotites. Partial melting of eclogite at higher temperatures produced a second metasomatic melt with lower SiO2, but higher Al2O3, CaO, FeO, Ti, Zr, Hf and a low oxygen isotope ratio. This melt triggered clinopyroxene and locally garnet and rutile crystallization in percolation veins, replacing olivine and orthopyroxene in the Kaapvaal upper mantle. Additionally, websterite xenoliths have experienced late stage cryptic metasomatism by the host kimberlite melt, changing the trace element composition of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and garnet to different extent. Hence websterite and most fertile lherzolite xenoliths have experienced three metasomatic events: i) reaction with high-Si melt, ii) percolation of subduction related silica melt with lower SiO2 content and iii) cryptic metasomatism by kimberlite. In contrast, dunite and wehrlite xenoliths have only experienced the second metasomatic event. They represent mantle lithologies further away from metasomatising agents. The Fe-rich dunites comprise olivine neoblasts with subordinate olivine porphyroclasts and parallel-orientated needles of ilmenite, which may enclose spinel. The lower forsterite and NiO contents of olivine in Fe-rich dunites compared to mantle peridotite xenoliths (Fo87-89 vs. Fo93-95 and 1300-2800ppm vs. 2200-3900 ppm, respectively), rules out a restitic origin. Cr-rich spinels are remnants of the original cumulate mineralogy that survived a late stage metasomatic overprint related to the production of the host kimberlite, producing ilmenite and phlogopite in some samples. Olivine porphyroclasts and neoblasts have different trace element compositions, the latter having high Ti, V, Cr and Ni and low Zn, Zr and Nb contents, indicating contrasting origins for neoblasts and porphyroclasts. The dunites have high 187Os/188Os ratios (0.11-0.15) indicating young (Phanerozoic) model ages for most samples, whereas three samples show isotopic mixtures between Phanerozoic neoblasts and ancient porphyroclastic material. Most Fe-rich dunite xenoliths can be interpreted as cumulates of fractional crystallization of Karoo magmatism, whereas the porphyroclasts are interpreted to be remnants from the much earlier Archaean Ventersdorp magmatism.


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Successful conservation of tropical montane forest, one of the most threatened ecosystems on earth, requires detailed knowledge of its biogeochemistry. Of particular interest is the response of the biogeochemical element cycles to external influences such as element deposition or climate change. Therefore the overall objective of my study was to contribute to improved understanding of role and functioning of the Andean tropical montane forest. In detail, my objectives were to determine (1) the role of long-range transported aerosols and their transport mechanisms, and (2) the role of short-term extreme climatic events for the element budget of Andean tropical forest. In a whole-catchment approach including three 8-13 ha microcatchments under tropical montane forest on the east-exposed slope of the eastern cordillera in the south Ecuadorian Andes at 1850-2200 m above sea level I monitored at least in weekly resolution the concentrations and fluxes of Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3-N, NH4-N, DON, P, S, TOC, Mn, and Al in bulk deposition, throughfall, litter leachate, soil solution at the 0.15 and 0.3 m depths, and runoff between May 1998 and April 2003. I also used meteorological data from my study area collected by cooperating researchers and the Brazilian meteorological service (INPE), as well as remote sensing products of the North American and European space agencies NASA and ESA. My results show that (1) there was a strong interannual variation in deposition of Ca [4.4-29 kg ha-1 a-1], Mg [1.6-12], and K [9.8-30]) between 1998 and 2003. High deposition changed the Ca and Mg budgets of the catchments from loss to retention, suggesting that the additionally available Ca and Mg was used by the ecosystem. Increased base metal deposition was related to dust outbursts of the Sahara and an Amazonian precipitation pattern with trans-regional dry spells allowing for dust transport to the Andes. The increased base metal deposition coincided with a strong La Niña event in 1999/2000. There were also significantly elevated H+, N, and Mn depositions during the annual biomass burning period in the Amazon basin. Elevated H+ deposition during the biomass burning period caused elevated base metal loss from the canopy and the organic horizon and deteriorated already low base metal supply of the vegetation. Nitrogen was only retained during biomass burning but not during non-fire conditions when deposition was much smaller. Therefore biomass burning-related aerosol emissions in Amazonia seem large enough to substantially increase element deposition at the western rim of Amazonia. Particularly the related increase of acid deposition impoverishes already base-metal scarce ecosystems. As biomass burning is most intense during El Niño situations, a shortened ENSO cycle because of global warming likely enhances the acid deposition at my study forest. (2) Storm events causing near-surface water flow through C- and nutrient-rich topsoil during rainstorms were the major export pathway for C, N, Al, and Mn (contributing >50% to the total export of these elements). Near-surface flow also accounted for one third of total base metal export. This demonstrates that storm-event related near-surface flow markedly affects the cycling of many nutrients in steep tropical montane forests. Changes in the rainfall regime possibly associated with global climate change will therefore also change element export from the study forest. Element budgets of Andean tropical montane rain forest proved to be markedly affected by long-range transport of Saharan dust, biomass burning-related aerosols, or strong rainfalls during storm events. Thus, increased acid and nutrient deposition and the global climate change probably drive the tropical montane forest to another state with unknown consequences for its functions and biological diversity.


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Atmospheric aerosol particles serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are key elements of the hydrological cycle and climate. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of CCN in the atmosphere is essential to understand and describe the effects of aerosols in meteorological models. In this study, CCN properties were measured in polluted and pristine air of different continental regions, and the results were parameterized for efficient prediction of CCN concentrations.The continuous-flow CCN counter used for size-resolved measurements of CCN efficiency spectra (activation curves) was calibrated with ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosols for a wide range of water vapor supersaturations (S=0.068% to 1.27%). A comprehensive uncertainty analysis showed that the instrument calibration depends strongly on the applied particle generation techniques, Köhler model calculations, and water activity parameterizations (relative deviations in S up to 25%). Laboratory experiments and a comparison with other CCN instruments confirmed the high accuracy and precision of the calibration and measurement procedures developed and applied in this study.The mean CCN number concentrations (NCCN,S) observed in polluted mega-city air and biomass burning smoke (Beijing and Pearl River Delta, China) ranged from 1000 cm−3 at S=0.068% to 16 000 cm−3 at S=1.27%, which is about two orders of magnitude higher than in pristine air at remote continental sites (Swiss Alps, Amazonian rainforest). Effective average hygroscopicity parameters, κ, describing the influence of chemical composition on the CCN activity of aerosol particles were derived from the measurement data. They varied in the range of 0.3±0.2, were size-dependent, and could be parameterized as a function of organic and inorganic aerosol mass fraction. At low S (≤0.27%), substantial portions of externally mixed CCN-inactive particles with much lower hygroscopicity were observed in polluted air (fresh soot particles with κ≈0.01). Thus, the aerosol particle mixing state needs to be known for highly accurate predictions of NCCN,S. Nevertheless, the observed CCN number concentrations could be efficiently approximated using measured aerosol particle number size distributions and a simple κ-Köhler model with a single proxy for the effective average particle hygroscopicity. The relative deviations between observations and model predictions were on average less than 20% when a constant average value of κ=0.3 was used in conjunction with variable size distribution data. With a constant average size distribution, however, the deviations increased up to 100% and more. The measurement and model results demonstrate that the aerosol particle number and size are the major predictors for the variability of the CCN concentration in continental boundary layer air, followed by particle composition and hygroscopicity as relatively minor modulators. Depending on the required and applicable level of detail, the measurement results and parameterizations presented in this study can be directly implemented in detailed process models as well as in large-scale atmospheric and climate models for efficient description of the CCN activity of atmospheric aerosols.


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Aerosol particles are important actors in the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system. They scatter and absorb sunlight, serve as nuclei for water droplets and ice crystals in clouds and precipitation, and are a subject of concern for public health. Atmospheric aerosols originate from both natural and anthropogenic sources, and emissions resulting from human activities have the potential to influence the hydrological cycle and climate. An assessment of the extent and impacts of this human force requires a sound understanding of the natural aerosol background. This dissertation addresses the composition, properties, and atmospheric cycling of biogenic aerosol particles, which represent a major fraction of the natural aerosol burden. The main focal points are: (i) Studies of the autofluo-rescence of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) and its application in ambient measure-ments, and (ii) X-ray microscopic and spectroscopic investigations of biogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from the Amazonian rainforest.rnAutofluorescence of biological material has received increasing attention in atmospheric science because it allows real-time monitoring of PBAP in ambient air, however it is associated with high uncertainty. This work aims at reducing the uncertainty through a comprehensive characterization of the autofluorescence properties of relevant biological materials. Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy were applied to analyze the fluorescence signatures of pure biological fluorophores, potential non-biological interferences, and various types of reference PBAP. Characteristic features and fingerprint patterns were found and provide support for the operation, interpretation, and further development of PBAP autofluorescence measurements. Online fluorescence detection and offline fluorescence microscopy were jointly applied in a comprehensive bioaerosol field measurement campaign that provided unprecedented insights into PBAP-linked biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a North-American semi-arid forest environment. Rain showers were found to trigger massive bursts of PBAP, including high concentrations of biological ice nucleators that may promote further precipitation and can be regarded as part of a bioprecipitation feedback cycle in the climate system. rnIn the pristine tropical rainforest air of the Amazon, most cloud and fog droplets form on bio-genic SOA particles, but the composition, morphology, mixing state and origin of these particles is hardly known. X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy (STXM-NEXAFS) revealed distinctly different types of secondary organic matter (carboxyl- vs. hydroxy-rich) with internal structures that indicate a strong influence of phase segregation, cloud and fog processing on SOA formation, and aging. In addition, nanometer-sized potassium-rich particles emitted by microorganisms and vegetation were found to act as seeds for the condensation of SOA. Thus, the influence of forest biota on the atmospheric abundance of cloud condensation nuclei appears to be more direct than previously assumed. Overall, the results of this dissertation suggest that biogenic aerosols, clouds and precipitation are indeed tightly coupled through a bioprecipitation cycle, and that advanced microscopic and spectroscopic techniques can provide detailed insights into these mechanisms.rn


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The study forest regulates nutrient cycles as a supporting ecosystem service mainly via retention in the biosphere and the soil organic layer. How tight the nutrient cycles are depends on environmental conditions. In this chapter, we focus on the roles of (1) deposition from the atmosphere, (2) soil moisture regime, and (3) conversion to pasture in the nutrient cycle. Between 1998 and 2010, there were a seasonal deposition of salpetric acid, an episodic deposition of Ca and Mg from Sahara dusts, and a continuous increase in reactive N inputs related to Amazonian forest fires, the El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle, and the economic development, respectively. Simultaneously, soils became increasingly drier enhancing nutrient release by mineralization. An increasing number of rain storms could considerably increase the export of N and base metals (K, Ca, Mg) via fast surface-near lateral transport in soil. Land-use change from forest to pasture introduces alkaline ashes and grass-derived organic matter. The resulting increases in soil pH and nutrient and substrate supply increase nutrient cycling rates because of enhanced microbial activity.


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Investigations in Wright Valley, adjacent to the Transantarctic Mountains in East Antarctica, shed light on the question of whether high-latitude Pliocene climate was warm enough to cause widespread deglaciation of the East Antarctic craton with a concurrent Magellanic moorland-like environment. If Pliocene age diatoms, presently in glaciogenic deposits high in the Transantarctic Mountains, had come from seaways on the East Antarctic craton, an expanding Late Pliocene ice sheet must have first eroded them from marine sediments and then deposited the diatoms at their present high-altitude locations. This hypothetical expanding glacier would have had to have come through Wright Valley. Glacial drift sediments from the central Wright Valley were mapped, sampled, analyzed, and Ar-40/Ar-39 whole rock dated. Our evidence indicates that an East Antarctic outlet glacier has not expanded through Wright Valley, and hence cannot have overridden the Dry Valleys sector of the Transantarctic Mountains, any time in the past 3.8 myr. Rather, there was only moderate Pliocene expansion of local cola-based alpine glaciers and continuous cold-desert conditions in Wright Valley. Persistence of a cold-desert paleoenvironment implies that the sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet adjacent to Wright Valley has remained relatively stable without melting ablation zones since at least 3.8 Ma, in Early Pliocene time. A further implication is that Antarctic Ice Sheet behavior in the Pliocene was much like that in the Quaternary, when the ice sheet consisted of a stable, terrestrial core in East Antarctica and a dynamic, marine-based appendage in West Antarctica.


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This study presents an integrated mineralogical-geochemical data base on fine-grained sediments transported by all major rivers of southern Africa, including the Zambezi, Okavango, Limpopo, Olifants, Orange and Kunene. Clay mineralogy, bulk geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of river mud, considered as proxy of suspended load, are used to investigate the influence of source-rock lithology and weathering intensity on the composition of clay and silt produced in subequatorial to subtropical latitudes. Depletion in mobile alkali and alkaline-earth metals, minor in arid Namibia, is strong in the Okavango, Kwando and Upper Zambezi catchments, where recycling is also extensive. Element removal is most significant for Na, and to a lesser extent for Sr. Depletion in K, Ca and other elements, negligible in Namibia, is moderate elsewhere. The most widespread clay minerals are smectite, dominant in muds derived from Karoo or Etendeka flood basalts, or illite and chlorite, dominant in muds derived from metasedimentary rocks of the Damara Orogen or Zimbabwe Craton. Kaolinite represents 30-40% of clay minerals only in Okavango and Upper Zambezi sediments sourced in humid subequatorial Angola and Zambia. After subtracting the effects of recycling and of local accumulation of authigenic carbonates in soils, the regional distribution of clay minerals and chemical indices consistently reflect weathering intensity primarily controlled by climate. Bulk geochemistry identifies most clearly volcaniclastic sediments and mafic sources in general, but cannot discriminate the other sources of detritus in detail. Instead, Sr and Nd isotopic fingerprints are insensitive to weathering, and thus mirror faithfully the tectonic structure of the southern African continent. Isotopic tools thus represent a much firmer basis than bulk geochemistry or clay mineralogy in the provenance study of mudrocks.


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The 146Sm–142Nd system plays a central role in tracing the silicate differentiation of the Earth prior to 4.1 Ga. After this time, given its initial abundance, the 146Sm can be considered to be extinct. Upadhyay et al. (2009) reported unexpected negative 142Nd anomalies in 1.48 Ga rocks of the Khariar nepheline syenite complex (India) and inferred that an early enriched, low-Sm/Nd reservoir must have contributed to the mantle source rocks of the Khariar complex. As 146Sm had been effectively extinct for about 2.6 billion years before the crystallisation of the Khariar samples, this Nd signature should have remained isolated from the convective mantle for at least that long. It was thus suggested that the source rock of Khariar samples had been sequestered in the lithospheric root of the Indian craton. Using a different chemical separation method, and a different Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) analysis protocol, the present study attempted to replicate these negative 142Nd anomalies, but none were found. To determine which data set is correct, we investigated three possible sources of bias between them: imperfect cancellation of Faraday collector efficiencies during multidynamic TIMS analysis, rapid sample fractionation between the sequential measurement of 146Nd/144Nd and 142Nd/144Nd, and non-exponential law behaviour resulting from so-called “domain mixing.” Incomplete cancellation of collector efficiencies was found unlikely to cause resolvable biases at the estimated level of variation among collector efficiencies. Even in the case of highly variable efficiency and resolvable biases, there is no reason to suspect that they would reproducibly affect only four rocks out of 10 analysed by Upadhyay et al. (2009). Although domain mixing may explain apparent “reverse” fractionation trends observed in some TIMS analyses, it cannot be the cause of the apparent negative anomalies in the study of Upadhyay et al. (2009). It was determined that rapid mass fractionation during the course of a multidynamic TIMS analysis can bias all measured Nd ratios. After applying an approximate correction for this effect, only one rock from Upadhyay et al. (2009) retained an apparent negative 142Nd anomaly. This, in conjunction with our new, anomaly-free data set measured at fractionation rates too low to cause bias, leads to the conclusion that the anomalies reported by Upadhyay et al. (2009) are a subtle and reproducible analytical artefact. The absence of negative 142Nd anomalies in these rocks relaxes the need for a mechanism (other than crust formation) that can isolate a Nd reservoir from the convective mantle for billions of years.


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Hellas basin is a large impact basin situated in the southern highlands of Mars. The north-western part of the basin has the lowest elevation (-7.5 km) on the planet and contains a possibly unique terrain type, which we informally call “banded terrain”. The banded terrain is made up of smooth-looking banded deposits that display signs of viscous behavior and a paucity of superimposed impact craters. In this study, we use newly acquired high spatial resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) in addition to existing datasets to characterize the geomorphology, the morphometry and the architecture of the banded terrain. The banded terrain is generally confined to the NW edge of the Alpheus Colles plateau. The individual bands are ~3–15 km-long, ~0.3 km-wide and are separated by narrow inter-band depressions, which are ~65 m-wide and ~10 m-deep. The bands display several morphologies that vary from linear to concentric forms. Morphometric analysis reveals that the slopes along a given linear or lobate band ranges from 0.5° to 15° (average~6°), whereas the concentric bands are located on flatter terrain (average slope~2–3°). Crater-size frequency analysis yields an Amazonian-Hesperian boundary crater retention age for the terrain (~3 Gyr), which together, with the presence of very few degraded craters, either implies a recent emplacement, resurfacing, or intense erosion. The apparent sensitivity to local topography and preference for concentrating in localized depressions is compatible with deformation as a viscous fluid. In addition, the bands display clear signs of degradation and slumping at their margins along with a suite of other features that include fractured mounds, polygonal cracks at variable size-scales, and knobby/hummocky textures. Together, these features suggest an ice-rich composition for at least the upper layers of the terrain, which is currently being heavily modified through loss of ice and intense weathering, possibly by wind.


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The chemical compositions and crystal structures of Mn3+-containing minerals from the epidote group in Greenland rocks are investigated and described in detail. They occur in hydrothermally altered Archaean mafic sequences within the gneissic complex of the North Atlantic craton of West Greenland. The Mn-containing minerals have a characteristic red to pink colour. A detailed microchemical study shows a significant inter- and intra-sample variation in Mn content. The samples from different parageneses can be classified as Mn-bearing epidote and Mn-bearing clinozoisite. The intra-sample variation in the content of Al, Fe and Mn is on a very fine scale, but still allows for identification of a negative correlation between Mn and Fe. Textures indicate different stages of growth. Crystal chemical data are compared with literature data and illustrate the basic systematic differences between the influence of Fe and Mn on the crystal structure of the epidote group minerals.


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Paleogeographic reconstructions of India and Madagascar before their late Cretaceous rifting juxtapose the Antongil Block of Madagascar against the Deccan Traps of India, indicating that the Western Dharwar Craton extends below the Deccan lavas. Some recent studies have suggested that the South Maharashtra Shear Zone along the northern Konkan coast of India limits the northern extent of the Western Dharwar Craton, implying that the craton does not extend below the Deccan Traps, raising a question mark on paleogeographic reconstructions of India and Madagascar. The continuity of the Western Dharwar Craton north of the South Maharashtra Shear Zone below the Deccan Traps—or its lack thereof—is critical for validating tectonic models correlating Madagascar with India. In this study, zircons in tonalitic basement xenoliths hosted in Deccan Trap dykes were dated in situ, using the U-Pb isotope system. The data furnish U-Pb ages that define three populations at 2527 ± 6, 2456 ± 6, and 2379 ± 9 Ma. The 2527 ± 6 Ma ages correspond to the igneous crystallization of the tonalites, whereas the 2456 ± 6 and 2379 ± 9 Ma ages date metamorphic overprints. The results help to establish for the first time that the basement is a part of the Neoarchean granitoid suite of the Western Dharwar Craton, which extends northward up to at least Talvade in central and Kihim beach in the western Deccan. By implication, the South Maharashtra Shear Zone cannot be the northern limit of the Western Dharwar Craton. The granitoids are correlated with the Neoarchean felsic intrusions (2.57–2.49) of the Masaola suite in the Antongil Block of Madagascar, supporting the existence of a Neoarchean Greater Dharwar Craton comprising the Western Dharwar Craton and the Antongil-Masora Block.