999 resultados para All-carbon quaternary


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Quaternary sediments were recovered at all four Sites at Leg 72. Planktonic foraminifers were abundant and well preserved, especially in the holes shielded from Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) influence. The fauna belonged to the subtropical province marked by Globigerinoides ruber and to a lesser extent by Globorotalia inflata. Thirty planktonic foraminiferal species were distinguished, and a detailed study of the Site 517 stratigraphy was made. The Quaternary sequence of the Rio Grande Rise was subdivided slightly differently from the Bolli and Premoli Silva (1973) pattern. Five subzones were identified but some difficulties arose when a precise correlation became necessary in the subzones of the tropical provinces. Correlations could nevertheless be made, particularly with respect to the earliest Quaternary. Quaternary faunal data have been dated by isotopic stratigraphy (Vergnaud Grazzini et al.,1983) and partially contradict results previously published for this part of the Atlantic (Williams and Ledbetter, 1979). By studying the occurrence of planktonic foraminifers, we obtained more information about hydrologic variations during the Quaternary sequence of Hole 517; two broad periods were recognized. Finally, we identified the interaction between the Brazil Current and the subtropical convergence


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Temora longicornis, a dominant calanoid copepod species in the North Sea, is characterised by low lipid reserves and high biomass turnover rates. To survive and reproduce successfully, this species needs continuous food supply and thus requires a highly flexible digestive system to exploit various food sources. Information on the capacity of digestive enzymes is scarce and therefore the aim of our study was to investigate the enzymatic capability to respond to quickly changing nutritional conditions. We conducted two feeding experiments with female T. longicornis from the southern North Sea off Helgoland. In the first experiment in 2005, we tested how digestive enzyme activities and enzyme patterns as revealed by substrate SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) responded to changes in food composition. Females were incubated for three days fed ad libitum with either the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina or the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, copepods were deep-frozen for analyses. The lipolytic enzyme activity did not change over the course of the experiment but the enzyme patterns did, indicating a distinct diet-induced response. In a second experiment in 2008, we therefore focused on the enzyme patterns, testing how fast changes occur and whether feeding on the same algal species leads to similar patterns. In this experiment, we kept the females for 4 days at surplus food while changing the algal food species daily. At day 1, copepods were offered O. marina. On day 2, females received the cryptophycean Rhodomonas baltica followed by T. weissflogii on day 3. On day 4 copepods were again fed with O. marina. Each day, copepods were frozen for analysis by means of substrate SDS-PAGE. This showed that within 24 h new digestive enzymes appeared on the electrophoresis gels while others disappeared with the introduction of a new food species, and that the patterns were similar on day 1 and 4, when females were fed with O. marina. In addition, we monitored the fatty acid compositions of the copepods, and this indicated that specific algal fatty acids were quickly incorporated. With such short time lags between substrate availability and enzyme response, T. longicornis can successfully exploit short-term food sources and is thus well adapted to changes in food availability, as they often occur in its natural environment due seasonal variations in phyto- and microzooplankton distribution.


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Regional consequences of the biotic extinctions and of the changes in biological productivity that occurred at the time of the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary were investigated by comparison of organic matter in sediments from three southern Tethyan margin locations. Organic matter characterization comprised Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic carbon measurements. Low concentrations of organic matter precluded additional detailed determinations. At all three locations, the organic matter has been microbially reworked and evidently was deposited in oxygenated marine environments.


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A mass budget was constructed for organic carbon on the upper slope of the Middle Atlantic Bight, a region thought to serve as a depocenter for fine-grained material exported from the adjacent shelf. Various components of the budget are internally consistent, and observed differences can be attributed to natural spatial variability or to the different time scales over which measurements were made. The flux of organic carbon to the sediments in the core of the depocenter zone, at a water depth of 1000 m, was measured with sediment traps to be 65 mg C m**-2 day**-1, of which 6-24 mg C m**-2 day**-1 is buried. Oxygen fluxes into the sediments, measured with incubation chambers attached to a free vehicle lander, correspond to total carbon remineralization rates of 49-70 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Carbon remineralization rates estimated from gradients of Corg within the mixed layer, and from gradients of dissolved ammonia and phosphate in pore waters, sum to only 4-6 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Most of the Corg remineralization in slope sediments is mediated by bacteria and takes place within a few mm of the sediment-water interface. Most of the Corg deposited on the upper slope sediments is supplied by lateral transport from other regions, but even if all of this material were derived from the adjacent shelf, it represents <2% of the mean annual shelf productivity. This value is further lowered by recognizing that as much as half of the Corg deposited on the slope is refractory, having originated by reworking from older deposits. Refractory Corg arrives at the sea bed with an average 14C age 600-900 years older than the pre-bomb 14C age of DIC in seawater, and has a mean life in the sediments with respect to biological remineralization of at least 1000 years. Labile carbon supplied to the slope, on the other hand, is rapidly and (virtually) completely remineralized, with a mean life of < 1 year. Carbon-14 ages of fine-grained carbonate and organic carbon present within the interstices of shelf sands are consistent with this material acting as a source for the old carbon supplied to the slope. Winnowing and export of reworked carbon may contribute to the often-described relationship between organic carbon preservation and accumulation rate of marine sediments.


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Organic geochemical records of the last 940 kyr are presented for equatorial Atlantic Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 663 and 664 and discussed with regard to the development of ocean productivity and African paleoclimate. Proportions of marine and terrigenous organic matter (OM) are estimated from elemental, pyrolytic, isotopic, and petrologic data. Spectral analyses reveal a strong power at the eccentricity and obliquity band, indicating a close response of tropical organic sedimentation to the climatic evolution at high latitudes. The orbital covariance of organic carbon with biogenous opal and terrigenous records favor that glacially enhanced dust supply and surface water mixing were primary controls for deposition of organic carbon. Wind-borne supply of terrigenous OM contributes 26 to 55% and 0 to 39% to the bulk OM based on microscopic and isotopic records, respectively. Admixture of C4 plant matter was approximated to contribute up to 16% to the bulk organic fraction during peak glacial conditions.


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The Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of four deep-sea cores off Western Australia (ODP 122-760A, ODP 122-762B, BMR96GC21 and RC9-150) have been examined for evidence of increased surface productivity to explain the anomalously low sea-surface paleotemperatures inferred by planktic foraminifera for the last and penultimate glaciations. The delta13C trends of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and differences between the delta13C trends of planktics (Globigerinoides sacculifer) and benthics (C. wuellerstorfi) in the four cores indicate that during stage 6 bottom waters were significantly depleted in delta13C, and strong delta13C gradients were established in the water column, while during stage 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum, delta13C trends did not differ greatly from that of the Holocene. Two main assemblages of benthic foraminifera were identified by principal component analyses: one dominated by Uvigerina peregrina, another dominated by U. proboscidea. Abundance of these Uvigerinids, and of taxa preferring an infaunal microhabitat, and of Epistominella exigua and Bulimina aculeata indicate that episodes of high influx of particulate organic matter were established in most sites during glacial episodes, and particularly so during stage 6, while evidence for upwelling during the Last Glacial Maximum is less strong. The Penultimate Glaciation upwellings were established within the areas of low sea-surface paleotemperature indicated by planktic foraminifera. During the Last Interglacial Climax, upwelling appears to have been established in an isolated region offshore from a strengthened Leeuwin Current off North West Cape. Last Glacial Maximum delta13C values of C. wuellerstorfi at waterdepths of less than 2000 m show smaller than global mean glacial-interglacial changes suggesting the development of a deep hydrological front. A similar vertical stratification/bathyal front was also established during the Penultimate Glaciation.


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Inoceramus is an epibenthic bivalve which lived in a wide variety of paleoenvironments encompassing a broad range of paleodepths. A survey of all Cretaceous sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 1-69 and 75 revealed over 500 Inoceramus specimens at twenty sites. Of these, 47 well-preserved Late Cretaceous specimens from the South Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isotopes. The specimens exhibit small internal isotopic variability and oxygen isotopic paleotemperatures that are consistent with a deep-sea habitat. Paleotemperatures ranging from 5 to 16°C show that Late Cretaceous oceans were significantly warmer than the present oceans. The data suggest that deep water was formed both by cooling at high latitudes and by evaporation in the subtropics.


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Bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope (d15Ntot) data have been generated from Lower Jurassic black, carbon-rich shales in the British Isles and northern Italy deposited during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. A pronounced positive d15Ntot excursion through the exaratum Subzone of the falciferum Zone (defined by characteristic ammonites in the British Isles) broadly correlates with a relative maximum in weight percent total organic carbon and, in some sections, with a negative d13Corg excursion. Upwelling of a deoxygenated water mass that had undergone partial denitrification is the likely explanation for relative enrichment of d15Ntot, and parallels may be drawn with Quaternary sediments of the Arabian Sea, Gulf of California, and northwest Mexican margin. The development of Early Toarcian suboxic water masses and consequent partial denitrification is attributed to increases in organic productivity. Approximately coincident phenomena include the following: a relative climatic optimum, realignment of major oceanic current systems, and a possible release of methane gas hydrates from continental margin sediments early in the history of the oceanic anoxic event.


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Microbially mediated redox diagenetic processes in marine sediments are reflected in the amount and carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO2 and CH4 (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974). Oxidation of organic matter gives rise to dissolved CO2 with about the same 13C/12C ratio as the starting organic matter. Subsequent reduction of CO2 to form CH4 involves a large (~70) kinetic isotopic effect, resulting in significant 13C depletion in the CH4, and 13C enrichment in the residual CO2. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 174A (offshore New Jersey) presented an opportunity to study these processes in shelf and upper slope sediments. Holes 1071A-1071D, 1071F, and 1072A were drilled on the shelf in water depths of 88.0-98.1 m. Hole 1073A was drilled on the slope in 639.4 m of water. Pore-water samples were collected for analysis at all three sites, whereas gas samples could only be obtained from Hole 1073A on the slope.


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Porewater concentrations of sulfate, methane, and other relevant constituents were determined on four sediment cores from the high productivity upwelling area off Namibia which were recovered from the continental slope at water depths of 1300 and 2000 m. At all four stations a distinct sulfate-methane transition zone was observed several meters below the seafloor in which both sulfate and methane are consumed. Nutrient porewater concentration profiles do not show gradient slope changes at the depths of the transition zones. Flux calculations carried out on the basis of the determined porewater profiles revealed that anaerobic methane oxidation accounts for 100% of deep sulfate reduction within the sulfate-methane transition zone and consumes the total net diffusive sulfate flux. A significant contribution of organic carbon oxidation to the reduction of sulfate at these depths could, therefore, be excluded. We state that porewater profiles of sulfate with constant gradients above the transition zones are indicative for anaerobic methane oxidation controlling sulfate reduction.


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High-resolution bio- and chemostratigraphy of an earliest Pliocene section from ODP Site 652 indicates that postflood paleoceanographic conditions in the Tyrrhenian Sea can be sub-divided into two discrete intervals. The first is manifested by an acme of Sphaeroidinellopsis spp., increasing carbonate contents, and a progressive decrease upsection in both the d13C and dl8O values of the planktonic foraminifera. The lower part of the acme interval contains unusual surface-to-bottom water isotope gradients suggesting a stratification of two water masses. Normal gradients in the upper part of the acme interval suggest a well-mixed water body. Between the end of the acme interval and the MP11/MP12 boundary, denoted by the first occurrence (F.O.) of Globorotalia margaritae, a migrational first appearance, there was a catastrophic collapse of the gradient marking an onset of the second post-flood interval. The disintegration of habitable conditions is suggested by a sharp decrease in carbonate content and the disappearance of the benthonic assemblage, which is subsequently replaced predominantly by Uvigerinapygmea, indicative of cold, low-oxygenated bottom waters. The introduction of benthonic species denoting well-oxygenated bottom conditions occurs within the lower MP12 zone. Superimposed on these overall trends are shorter term, warm-cold cycles, which are interpreted as orbitally induced, climatic fluctuations. Correlative studies of the less complete earliest Pliocene sections from ODP Holes 653B and 654A confirm these interpretations. A scenario derived from an integration of all the stratigraphic data indicates that normal paleoceanographic conditions were operating in the Tyrrhenian Sea only approximately 250,000 yr after the cessation of Messinian evaporative conditions at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The post-flood interval is marked by an initial period of gradual infilling, the Sphaeroidinellopsis spp. acme interval, followed by a disintegration of oceanographic conditions and a second recovery period. A sudden influx of cold, deep Atlantic waters into the Tyrrhenian Sea, resulting from a major tectonic break in the Gibraltar sill, may have caused this catastrophic reversal in the orderly recovery of normal paleoceanographic conditions in the post-flood period.


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The Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary record of Leg 71 and previously drilled sequences from the Southern Ocean reveal evidence of a major late Miocene change of oceanic and glacial conditions in the southern high latitudes during paleomagnetic Chron 9. The characteristics of late Miocene sedimentation and in particular the study of erosional patterns and ice-rafted debris suggest the following conclusions. 1) In the late Miocene, the Polar Front first migrated to the northern latitudes of the Southern Ocean and surface water temperatures became similar to those of today. 2) Extensive ice shelves or ice tongues were not present along the Antarctic margin until late Chron 9 (about 9.0 Ma). 3) Before Chron 9, West Antarctica was occupied by an archipelago and the West Antarctic Sea. 4) Extensive ice shelves formed in the West Antarctic region, eventually coalescing and thickening to form the grounded West Antarctic ice sheet by Chron 9. 5) The newly formed West Antarctic ice sheet was probably unstable and frequently became an ungrounded ice shelf, thus accounting for the scarcity of late Miocene ice-rafted debris. 6) Extensive erosion or nondeposition of sediment was probably the result of increased Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation in the West Antarctic region during the initial formation of extensive West Antarctic ice shelves and during periods when the West Antarctic ice sheet was ungrounded. 7) In the Southwest Atlantic, AABW velocity waned during the latest Miocene. During the late Gilbert Chron a major and permanent change occurred in the pattern of ice-rafting to the South Atlantic, and after 4.35 Ma the increased IRD accumulation rate and frequency of major episodes of IRD accumulation suggest increased stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet. In addition, radiolarian faunas of Hole 514 record at least eight migrations of the Polar Front to the north of the site during the past 4.07 m.y. An apparent increase in the frequency of Polar Front migrations occurred about 2.7-2.6 Ma, possibly in response to oceanic change induced by fluctuations in glacial conditions of the Northern Hemisphere.