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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated seasonal dermatitis of the horses associated with bites of Simulium (black fly) and Culicoides (midge) species. Although cross-reactivity between Simulium and Culicoides salivary gland extracts has been demonstrated, the molecular nature of the allergens responsible for the observed cross-reactivity remains to be elucidated. In this report we demonstrate for the first time in veterinary medicine that a homologous allergen, present in the salivary glands of both insects, shows extended IgE cross-reactivity in vitro and in vivo. The cDNA sequences coding for both antigen 5 like allergens termed Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 were amplified by PCR, subcloned in high level expression vectors, and produced as [His](6)-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli. The highly pure recombinant proteins were used to investigate the prevalence of sensitization in IBH-affected horses by ELISA and their cross-reactive nature by Western blot analyses, inhibition ELISA and intradermal skin tests (IDT). The prevalence of sensitization to Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 among 48 IBH-affected horses was 37% and 35%, respectively. In contrast, serum IgE levels to both allergens in 24 unaffected horses did not show any value above background. Both proteins strongly bound serum IgE from IBH-affected horses in Western blot analyses, demonstrating the allergenic nature of the recombinant proteins. Extended inhibition ELISA experiments clearly showed that Sim v 1 in fluid phase is able to strongly inhibit binding of serum IgE to solid phase coated Cul n 1 in a concentration dependent manner and vice versa. This crucial experiment shows that the allergens share common IgE-binding epitopes. IDT with Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 showed clear immediate and late phase reactions to the allergen challenges IBH-affected horses, whereas unaffected control horses do not develop relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions. In some horses, however, mild late phase reactions were observed 4h post-challenge, a phenomenon reported to occur also in challenge experiments with Simulium and Culicoides crude extracts probably related to lipopolysaccaride contaminations which are also present in E. coli-expressed recombinant proteins. In conclusion our data demonstrate that IgE-mediated cross-reactivity to homologous allergens, a well-known clinically relevant phenomenon in human allergy, also occurs in veterinary allergy.
The Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act (MCCA) would have mandated federal assistance for Medicare beneficiaries who have high annual prescription medication costs, High national expenditures for such drugs have encouraged the development of private and state insurance programs to help with these costs. Ten state pharmaceutical assistance programs (SPAPs), designed to help certain elderly, low income, or disabled people, exist for those ineligible for Medicaid or unable to purchase coverage privately. Coordination of state and federal benefits was a consideration for established programs, and programs being planned needed to determine the feasibity of integration of federal assistance. But the enactment and subsequent appeal of the Act affected both planning and policy implications for these SPAPs. All U.S. states and territories were surveyed before the bill's repeal to collect data on the effects of MCCA for those with prescription drug programs and those without. The repeal of the federal program places pressure on the nonprogram states to proceed, perhaps more cautiously, to initiate program; for their own residents, given increasing out-of-pocket and insurance costs, and no federal program.
There is some evidence that the presence of erosion is growing steadily. Because of different scoring systems, samples and examiners, it is difficult to compare and judge the outcome of the studies. Preschool children aged between 2 and 5 years showed erosion on deciduous teeth in 6-50% of the subjects. Young schoolchildren (aged 5-9) already had erosive lesions on permanent teeth in 14% of the cases. In the adolescent group (aged between 9 and 17) 11-100% of the young people examined showed signs of erosion. Incidence data (= increase of subjects with erosion) evaluated in three of these studies were 12% over 2 years, 18% over 5 years and 27% over 1.5 years. In adults (aged between 18 and 88), prevalence data ranged between 4 and 82%. Incidence data are scarce; only one study was found and this showed an incidence of 5% for the younger and 18% for the older examined group (= increase of tooth surfaces with erosion). Prevalence data indicated that males had somewhat more erosive tooth wear than females. The distribution of erosion showed a predominance of occlusal surfaces (especially mandibular first molars), followed by facial surfaces (anterior maxillary teeth). Oral erosion was frequently found on maxillary incisors and canines. Overall, prevalence data are not homogeneous. Nevertheless, there is already a trend for more pronounced rate of erosion in younger age groups. Therefore, it is important to detect at-risk patients early to initiate adequate preventive measures.
PURPOSE: Many epidemiologic studies suggest a number of risk factors that may be associated with progression of age-related maculopathy (ARM). In this study, the authors investigate ethnic differences in macular pigment density (MPD) and macular pigment (MP) distribution. METHODS: Inclusion criteria were healthy subjects, aged 35 to 49 years, visual acuity >or=20/20, race ethnicity white non-Hispanic (WNH) or African. All subjects underwent the following examinations: best-corrected ETDRS visual acuity (VA), measurements of MPD, and spatial distribution of MP with a modified confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope according to a standard protocol. MPD maps were calculated from autofluorescence images recorded at 488 nm and 514 nm. Central macular pigment density (MPDc) was quantified from MPD maps within 0.5 degrees around the center of the fovea. RESULTS: In total, 118 healthy subjects (61 women, 57 men) aged 35 to 49 years (mean, 42.5 +/- 3.6 years) were recruited for the study. Sixty-seven healthy subjects were WNH and 51 were African. Visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to 20/16 in the study eye. Significant differences were found among MPDc between the group of WNH (MPDc, 0.36 +/- 0.13 density units [DU]; P < 0.0001) and African subjects (MPDc, 0.59 +/- 0.14 DU). A parafoveal ring was significantly more frequent in African subjects than in WNH subjects (86% [African] vs. 68% [WNH]; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that ethnicity plays a role in MPD values and in MP distribution. The association of different distribution patterns and their relevance as possible prognostic factors for diseases leading to oxidative retinal damage requires further studies.
Green-tree retention under the conceptual framework of ecological forestry has the potential to provide both biomass feedstock for industry and maintain quality wildlife habitat. I examined the effects of retained canopy trees as biological legacies (“legacy trees”) in aspen (Populus spp.) forests on above-ground live woody biomass, understory plant floristic quality, and bird diversity. Additionally, I evaluated habitat quality for a high conservation priority species, the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). I selected 27 aspen-dominated forest stands in northern Wisconsin with nine stands in each of three legacy tree retention treatments (conifer retention, hardwood retention, and clearcuts or no retention) across a chronosequence (4-36 years post-harvest). Conifer retention stands had greater legacy tree and all tree species biomass but lower regenerating tree biomass than clearcuts. Coniferous but not hardwood legacy trees appeared to suppress regenerating tree biomass. I evaluated the floristic quality of the understory plant assemblage by estimating the mean coefficient of conservatism (C). Mean C was lower in young stands than in middle-age or old stands; there was a marginally significant (p=0.058) interaction effect between legacy tree retention treatment and stand age. Late-seral plant species were positively associated with stand age and legacy tree diameter or age revealing an important relationship between legacy tree retention and stand development. Bird species richness was greatest in stands with hardwood retention particularly early in stand development. Six conservation priority bird species were indicators of legacy tree retention or clearcuts. Retention of legacy trees in aspen stands provided higher quality nest habitat for the Golden-winged Warbler than clearcuts based on high pairing success and nesting activity. Retention of hardwoods, particularly northern red oak (Quercus rubra), yielded the most consistent positive effects in this study with the highest bird species richness and the highest quality habitat for the Golden-winged Warbler. This treatment maintained stand biomass comparable to clearcuts and did not suppress regenerating tree biomass. In conclusion, legacy tree retention can enhance even-aged management techniques to produce a win-win scenario for the conservation of declining bird species and late-seral understory plants and for production of woody biomass feedstock from naturally regenerating aspen forests.