941 resultados para Adsorption Capacity


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Abstract: The static bearing capacity of suction caisson with single-and four-caissons in saturated sand foundation is studied by experiments. The characteristics of bearing capacity under vertical and horizontal loadings are obtained ex- perimentally. The effects of loading direction on the bearing capacity of four-caissons are studied under horizontal load- ing. The comparison of the bearing capacity of single-caisson and four-caisson foundation, the sealed condition of cais- son’s top and loading rate are analyzed.


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The capacity degradation of bucket foundation in liquefied sand layer under cyclic loads such as equivalent dynamic ice-induced loads is studied. A simplified numerical model of liquefied sand layer has been presented based on the dynamic centrifuge experiment results. The ice-induced dynamic loads are modeled as equivalent sine cyclic loads, the liquefaction degree in different position of sand layer and effects of main factors are investigated. Subsequently, the sand resistance is represented by uncoupled, non-linear sand springs which describe the sub-failure behavior of the local sand resistance as well as the peak capacity of bucket foundation under some failure criterion. The capacity of bucket foundation is determined in liquefied sand layer and the rule of capacity degradation is analyzed. The capacity degradation in liquefied sand layer is analyzed comparing with that in non-liquefied sand layer. The results show that the liquefaction degree is 0.9 at the top and is only 0.06 at the bottom of liquefied sand layer. The numerical results are agreement well with the centrifugal experimental results. The value of the degradation of bucket capacity is 12% in numerical simulating whereas it is 17% in centrifugal experiments.


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Adsorption of aqueous Pb(II) and Cu(II) on α-quartz was studied as a function of time, system surface area, and chemical speciation. Experimental systems contained sodium as a major cation, hydroxide, carbonate, and chloride as major anions, and covered the pH range 4 to 8. In some cases citrate and EDTA were added as representative organic complexing agents. The adsorption equilibria were reached quickly, regardless of the system surface area. The positions of the adsorption equilibria were found to be strongly dependent on pH, ionic strength and concentration of citrate and EDTA. The addition of these non-adsorbing ligands resulted in a competition between chelation and adsorption. The experimental work also included the examination of the adsorption behavior of the doubly charged major cations Ca(II) and Mg(II) as a function of pH.

The theoretical description of the experimental systems was obtained by means of chemical equilibrium-plus-adsorption computations using two adsorption models: one mainly electrostatic (the James-Healy Model), and the other mainly chemical (the Ion Exchange-Surface Complex Formation Model). Comparisons were made between these two models.

The main difficulty in the theoretical predictions of the adsorption behavior of Cu(II) was the lack of the reliable data for the second hydrolysis constant(*β_2) The choice of the constant was made on the basis of potentiometric titratlons of Cu^(2+)

The experimental data obtained and the resulting theoretical observations were applied in models of the chemical behavior of trace metals in fresh oxic waters, with emphasis on Pb(II) and Cu(II).


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This thesis brings together four papers on optimal resource allocation under uncertainty with capacity constraints. The first is an extension of the Arrow-Debreu contingent claim model to a good subject to supply uncertainty for which delivery capacity has to be chosen before the uncertainty is resolved. The second compares an ex-ante contingent claims market to a dynamic market in which capacity is chosen ex-ante and output and consumption decisions are made ex-post. The third extends the analysis to a storable good subject to random supply. Finally, the fourth examines optimal allocation of water under an appropriative rights system.


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We present the first experimental evidence that the heat capacity of superfluid 4He, at temperatures very close to the lambda transition temperature, Tλ,is enhanced by a constant heat flux, Q. The heat capacity at constant Q, CQ,is predicted to diverge at a temperature Tc(Q) < Tλ at which superflow becomes unstable. In agreement with previous measurements, we find that dissipation enters our cell at a temperature, TDAS(Q),below the theoretical value, Tc(Q). Our measurements of CQ were taken using the discrete pulse method at fourteen different heat flux values in the range 1µW/cm2 ≤ Q≤ 4µW /cm2. The excess heat capacity ∆CQ we measure has the predicted scaling behavior as a function of T and Q:∆CQ • tα ∝ (Q/Qc)2, where QcT) ~ t is the critical heat current that results from the inversion of the equation for Tc(Q). We find that if the theoretical value of Tc( Q) is correct, then ∆CQ is considerably larger than anticipated. On the other hand,if Tc(Q)≈ TDAS(Q),then ∆CQ is the same magnitude as the theoretically predicted enhancement.


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Network information theory and channels with memory are two important but difficult frontiers of information theory. In this two-parted dissertation, we study these two areas, each comprising one part. For the first area we study the so-called entropy vectors via finite group theory, and the network codes constructed from finite groups. In particular, we identify the smallest finite group that violates the Ingleton inequality, an inequality respected by all linear network codes, but not satisfied by all entropy vectors. Based on the analysis of this group we generalize it to several families of Ingleton-violating groups, which may be used to design good network codes. Regarding that aspect, we study the network codes constructed with finite groups, and especially show that linear network codes are embedded in the group network codes constructed with these Ingleton-violating families. Furthermore, such codes are strictly more powerful than linear network codes, as they are able to violate the Ingleton inequality while linear network codes cannot. For the second area, we study the impact of memory to the channel capacity through a novel communication system: the energy harvesting channel. Different from traditional communication systems, the transmitter of an energy harvesting channel is powered by an exogenous energy harvesting device and a finite-sized battery. As a consequence, each time the system can only transmit a symbol whose energy consumption is no more than the energy currently available. This new type of power supply introduces an unprecedented input constraint for the channel, which is random, instantaneous, and has memory. Furthermore, naturally, the energy harvesting process is observed causally at the transmitter, but no such information is provided to the receiver. Both of these features pose great challenges for the analysis of the channel capacity. In this work we use techniques from channels with side information, and finite state channels, to obtain lower and upper bounds of the energy harvesting channel. In particular, we study the stationarity and ergodicity conditions of a surrogate channel to compute and optimize the achievable rates for the original channel. In addition, for practical code design of the system we study the pairwise error probabilities of the input sequences.


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A study was conducted on the adsorption of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon. Preliminary adsorption experiments were also made with poliovirus Type III. The effectiveness of such adsorbents as diatomaceous earth, Ottawa sand, and coconut charcoal was also tested for virus adsorption.

The kinetics of adsorption were studied in an agitated solution containing virus and carbon. The mechanism of attachment and site characteristics were investigated by varying pH and ionic strength and using site-blocking reagents.

Plaque assay procedures were developed for bacteriophage T4 on Escherichia coli cells and poliovirus Type III on monkey kidney cells. Factors influencing the efficiency of plaque formation were investigated.

The kinetics of bacteriophage T4 adsorption to activated carbon can be described by a reversible second-order equation. The reaction order was first order with respect to both virus and carbon concentration. This kinetic representation, however, is probably incorrect at optimum adsorption conditions, which occurred at a pH of 7.0 and ionic strength of 0.08. At optimum conditions the adsorption rate was satisfactorily described by a diffusion-limited process. Interpretation of adsorption data by a development of the diffusion equation for Langmuir adsorption yielded a diffusion coefficient of 12 X 10-8 cm2/sec for bacteriophage T4. This diffusion coefficient is in excellent agreement with the accepted value of 8 X 10-8 cm2/sec. A diffusion-limited theory may also represent adsorption at conditions other than the maximal. A clear conclusion on the limiting process cannot be made.

Adsorption of bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon obeys the Langmuir isotherm and is thermodynamically reversible. Thus virus is not inactivated by adsorption. Adsorption is unimolecular with very inefficient use of the available carbon surface area. The virus is probably completely excluded from pores due to its size.

Adsorption is of a physical nature and independent of temperature. Attraction is due to electrostatic forces between the virus and carbon. Effects of pH and ionic strength indicated that carboxyl groups, amino groups, and the virus's tail fibers are involved in the attachment of virus to carbon. The active sites on activated carbon for adsorption of bacteriophage T4 are carboxyl groups. Adsorption can be completely blocked by esterifying these groups.


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This short paper summarises findings of experiments that were carried out using copepod eggs taken from guts of Coregonus which breeds in various Ural lakes. The study showed that copepod eggs can pass through the gut of Coregonus unharmed.


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Phosalone is a non systematic, wide spectrum organophosphate pesticide which was discovered in 1961 in the laboratories of the Societe des Usines Chimique Rhone-Poulenc in France. It has been approved for commercial use since 1964 in France, in Australia since 1966, in the United Kingdom in 1967 and in many other countries including Japan, Egypt, USSR and the USA. This study provides a full literature review on all aspects of phosalone including its physical, biological and chemical characteristics, and analytical methods of analysis with particular reference to soils/sediments. Furthermore, it aims to develop a method for the determintion of phosalone in aquatic sediments and to determine the adsorption of phosalone onto kaolinite.


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Ácidos naftênicos correspondem à complexa mistura de ácidos carboxílicos presentes no petróleo, responsáveis diretamente pela sua acidez e pela sua corrosividade em fase líquida durante o refino. Tais compostos também estão presentes nas frações destiladas do petróleo, causando diversos problemas na qualidade final do produto. Uma possível forma de remover esses ácidos das frações destiladas é através da adsorção em materiais porosos. Contudo, os resultados até então apresentados indicam que resinas trocadoras de íons seriam os melhores adsorventes destes compostos, o que poderia aumentar o custo do processo e diminuir sua viabilidade. Neste trabalho, dois adsorventes comerciais (argila e alumina ativada) foram caracterizados por diversas técnicas físico-químicas e avaliados quanto à sua capacidade de remover os ácidos naftênicos de frações médias e pesadas de petróleo. Avaliou-se, ainda, para fins de comparação, o comportamento de ácidos naftênicos comerciais em óleos sintéticos preparados com óleo mineral. Em complementação, a corrosividade do aço carbono nos meios estudados foi também verificada. A argila apresentou maior afinidade com os ácidos naftênicos, tendo capacidade de adsorção superior e cinética de processo ligeiramente mais rápida às da alumina para as cargas sintéticas. No entanto, em virtude da maior concorrência pelos sítios de adsorção, apresentada pelos outros componentes presentes em óleos reais, observou-se uma perda na eficiência para estas amostras. Neste caso, a alumina apresentou melhores resultados. Embora ambos adsorventes tenham apresentado boa capacidade de remoção do soluto, a resina trocadora de íons ainda apresentou resultado mais eficaz para as amostras reais. Nas condições desse estudo, a taxa de corrosão do aço nas amostras sintéticas e em duas das reais não foi significativa e apenas uma delas apresentou-se corrosiva (Óleo 1). No entanto, a remoção dos ácidos naftênicos por adsorção conseguiu reduzir a taxa de corrosão neste meio em até 99%


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A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor system based on an interrogating technique by two parallel matched gratings was designed and theoretically discussed. With an interrogation grating playing the role of temperature compensation grating simultaneously, the wavelength drifts induced by temperature and strain were discriminated. Additionally, the expressions of temperature and strain were deduced for our solution, and dual-value problem and cross sensitivity were solved synchronously through data processing. The influence of the FBG's parameters on the dynamic range and precision was discussed. Besides, the change of environment temperature cannot influence the dynamic range of the sensor system through temperature tuning. The system proposed in this paper will be of great significance to accelerate the real engineering applications of FBG sensing techniques. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) catalyzes the reversible isomerization of glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate. It is involved in glycolysis and in the regeneration of glucose-6-P molecules in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP). In chloroplasts of illuminated mesophyll cells PGI also connects the Calvin-Benson cycle with the starch biosynthetic pathway. In this work we isolated pgi1-3, a mutant totally lacking pPGI activity as a consequence of aberrant intron splicing of the pPGI encoding gene, PGI1. Starch content in pgi1-3 source leaves was ca. 10-15% of that of wild type (WT) leaves, which was similar to that of leaves of pgi1-2, a T-DNA insertion pPGI null mutant. Starch deficiency of pgi1 leaves could be reverted by the introduction of a sex1 null mutation impeding beta-amylolytic starch breakdown. Although previous studies showed that starch granules of pgi1-2 leaves are restricted to both bundle sheath cells adjacent to the mesophyll and stomata guard cells, microscopy analyses carried out in this work revealed the presence of starch granules in the chloroplasts of pgi1-2 and pgi1-3 mesophyll cells. RT-PCR analyses showed high expression levels of plastidic and extra-plastidic beta-amylase encoding genes in pgi1 leaves, which was accompanied by increased beta-amylase activity. Both pgi1-2 and pgi1-3 mutants displayed slow growth and reduced photosynthetic capacity phenotypes even under continuous light conditions. Metabolic analyses revealed that the adenylate energy charge and the NAD(P) H/NAD(P) ratios in pgi1 leaves were lower than those of WT leaves. These analyses also revealed that the content of plastidic 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP)-pathway derived cytokinins (CKs) in pgi1 leaves were exceedingly lower than in WT leaves. Noteworthy, exogenous application of CKs largely reverted the low starch content phenotype of pgi1 leaves. The overall data show that pPGI is an important determinant of photosynthesis, energy status, growth and starch accumulation in mesophyll cells likely as a consequence of its involvement in the production of OPPP/glycolysis intermediates necessary for the synthesis of plastidic MEP-pathway derived hormones such as CKs.