930 resultados para Adenosine triphosphate
This study investigates the presence and the localization of acid phosphatase and ATPase in the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks during feeding. Semi-engorged females showed a larger amount of acid phosphatase compared to those at beginning of feeding, localized mainly in the apical portion of the secretory cells, and in the basal labyrinth of the interstitial cells. Ultrastructural observations also demonstrated its presence in secretion granules and inside some nuclei of secretory cells at beginning of feeding. Acid phosphatase in a free form probably has a hemolymph and/or ribosomal origin and participates in salivary gland secretion control. ATPase was detected in basal membrane of all types of acini and/or in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells at both feeding stages. The enzyme activities found strongly suggests that cell death by apoptosis occurs during the degenerative process. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A morphological and histochemical study of the human vestibular fold was carried out using routine histological techniques. Seven μm-thick histological sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Calleja showed the presence of elastic collagen fibers and seromucous glands in the vestibular fold. Muscle fibers forming the ventricular muscle were also identified. Ultrastructural analyses of the epithelial layer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed ciliated cells and gland ducts opening on the epithelial surface. Histochemical analyses were performed on ventricular muscles submitted to nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) reactions. Based on these reactions, it was observed that the muscle is formed by three types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxydative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers distributed in a mosaic pattern. The fiber frequency was 22.7%, 69.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG fibers characterized the muscle as having aerobic metabolism and resistance to fatigue. The ventricular muscle was considered fast. The study of the neuromuscular junctions performed after nonspecific esterase reaction showed that they are of the en-plaque type and have multiple occurrences in the ventricular muscle.
Although glucocorticoids are widely used as antiinflammatory agents in clinical therapies, they may cause serious side effects that include insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. To study the potential functional adaptations of the islet of Langerhans to in vivo glucocorticoid treatment, adult Wistar rats received dexamethasone (DEX) for 5 consecutive days, whereas controls (CTL) received only saline. The analysis of insulin release in freshly isolated islets showed an enhanced secretion in response to glucose in DEX-treated rats. The study of Ca2 2+ signals by fluorescence microscopy also demonstrated a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated animals. However, no differences in Ca2 2+signals were found between both groups with tolbutamide or KCl, indicating that the alterations were probably related to metabolism. Thus, mitochondrial function was explored by monitoring oxidation of nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate autofluorescence and mitochondrial membrane potential. Both parameters revealed a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated rats. The mRNA and protein content of glucose transporter-2, glucokinase, and pyruvate kinase was similar in both groups, indicating that changes in these proteins were probably not involved in the increased mitochondrial function. Additionally,weexplored the status of Ca2 2+-dependent signaling kinases. Unlike calmodulin kinase II, we found an augmented phosphorylation level of protein kinase Cα as well as an increased response of the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate pathway in DEX-treated rats. Finally, an increased number of docked secretory granules were observed in the β-cells of DEX animals using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, these results demonstrate that islets from glucocorticoid-treated rats develop several adaptations that lead to an enhanced stimulus-secretion coupling and secretory capacity. Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society.
The ecotoxicology of nano-TiO2 has been extensively studied in recent years; however, few toxicological investigations have considered the photocatalytic properties of the substance, which can increase its toxicity to aquatic biota. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects on fish exposed to different nano-TiO2 concentrations and illumination conditions. The interaction of these variables was investigated by observing the survival of the organisms, together with biomarkers of biochemical and genetic alterations. Fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus) were exposed for 96h to 0, 1, 10, and 100mg/L of nano-TiO2, under visible light, and visible light with ultraviolet (UV) light (22.47J/cm2/h). The following biomarkers of oxidative stress were monitored in the liver: concentrations of lipid hydroperoxide and carbonylated protein, and specific activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione S-transferase. Other biomarkers of physiological function were also studied: the specific activities of acid phosphatase and Na,K-ATPase were analyzed in the liver and brain, respectively, and the concentration of metallothionein was measured in the gills. In addition, micronucleus and comet assays were performed with blood as genotoxic biomarkers. Nano-TiO2 caused no mortality under any of the conditions tested, but induced sublethal effects that were influenced by illumination condition. Under both illumination conditions tested, exposure to 100mg/L showed an inhibition of acid phosphatase activity. Under visible light, there was an increase in metallothionein level in fish exposed to 1mg/L of nano-TiO2. Under UV light, protein carbonylation was reduced in groups exposed to 1 and 10mg/L, while nucleus alterations in erythrocytes were higher in fish exposed to 10mg/L. As well as improving the understanding of nano-TiO2 toxicity, the findings demonstrated the importance of considering the experimental conditions in nanoecotoxicological tests. This work provides information for the development of protocols to study substances whose toxicity is affected by illumination conditions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V..
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O fator de crescimento do nervo (NGF) pode retardar a degeneração celular na retina de ratos em diferentes injúrias retinianas. O acúmulo de água em células da retina contribui para o desenvolvimento de edema retiniano e degeneração neuronal. Em atribuição ao seu efeito protetor, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar se o NGF influencia o edema celular osmótico em células de Müller e células bipolares. Assim, montagens planas, fatias de retina e células isoladas da retina de ratos foram superfundidas com solução hipo-osmótica na presença de BaCl2. Secções retinianas foram utilizadas para imunomarcações, e a liberação de adenosina foi medida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficácia, em montagens planas. A área de secção transversal celular foi medida antes e após a superfusão em meio hipo-osmótico, em fatias de retina e suspensões celulares. Tanto células de Müller quanto células bipolares foram imunopositivas para TrkA, mas somente células de Müller foram marcadas contra p75NTR e NGF. A hipo-osmolaridade induziu um rápido e significativo aumento da liberação de adenosina endógena em retinas controle, mas não em retinas perfundidas com BaCl2. O NGF inibiu o edema citotóxico em células de Müller e em células bipolares em fatias de retina controle e retinas pós-isquêmicas submetidas a condições hipo-osmóticas. Por outro lado, NGF impediu o edema citotóxico da célula de Müller isolada, mas não da célula bipolar isolada (em meio hipo-osmótico contendo íons Ba2+). Isto sugere que NGF induz a liberação de fatores por células de Müller, os quais inibem o edema citotóxico de células bipolares em fatias de retina. O efeito inibitório do NGF sobre o edema citotóxico de células de Müller foi mediado pela ativação do receptor TrkA, mas não de p75NTR, e foi anulado por bloqueadores de receptores metabotrópicos de glutamato, receptores de adenosina A1, e receptores do fator de crescimento de fibroblasto (FGF). O bFGF evitou o edema citotóxico de células de Müller isoladas, mas inibiu somente em parte o edema citotóxico de células bipolares isoladas. O bloqueio de FGFR impediu o efeito inibidor de edema celular da adenosina, sugerindo que a liberação de bFGF ocorre após à ativação autócrina/parácrina de receptores Al. Além de bFGF, GDNF e TGF431 reduziram em parte o edema citotóxico da célula bipolar. Estes dados sugerem que o efeito neuroprotetor do NGF é em parte mediado pela prevenção de edema citotóxico de células gliais e bipolares da retina.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
A cinética do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e a resposta do lactato sanguíneo durante o exercício de carga constante em diferentes intensidades permitem caracterizar os domínios moderado, pesado e severo do exercício. Em exercício de intensidade constante, o perfil da resposta do VO2, analisada por ajustes exponenciais, apresenta as fases cardiodinâmica, fundamental e lenta. A ocorrência do componente lento (CL) tem sido associada a fatores como recrutamento de fibras do tipo II e acúmulo de metabólitos, como lactato, íons H+, fosfato inorgânico e ADP. O CL expressa uma redução da eficiência muscular e tem sido associado à menor tolerância de exercícios aeróbios de intensidade alta. O presente estudo teve por objetivo detalhar a fundamentação teórica sobre sua ocorrência, a influência na tolerância ao exercício, bem como prover os diferentes procedimentos adotados em sua quantificação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)