968 resultados para Adenocarcinoma do pâncreas


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Infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with different human gastric diseases. Biochemical studies, in vitro adherence assays, and in vivo animal models revealed that epithelial attachment of H. pylori can be mediated by the blood-group antigen-binding adhesin (BabA) targeting human Lewisb surface epitopes. Studies with transgenic mice expressing the Lewisb epitope have shown that such attachment can alter disease outcome. In the current study, the presence of the babA2 gene encoding the adhesin was investigated in clinical isolates from a German population by using PCR and reverse transcription–PCR. A positive genotype was correlated to allelic variations in the genes encoding VacA and CagA and also to the prevalence of duodenal ulcer, distal gastric adenocarcinoma, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and antral gastritis. The presence of babA2 was significantly associated with duodenal ulcer (P = 0.0002) and adenocarcinoma (P = 0.033). In contrast, type 1 strains (vacAs1- and cagA-positive) were associated with only duodenal ulcer (P = 0.004) but not adenocarcinoma (P = 0.235). Genotype presence of babA2, vacAs1, and cagA (“triple-positive” strains) showed a highly significant correlation to the prevalence of ulcer (P = 0.000002) and adenocarcinoma (P = 0.014) and discriminated significantly better between disease outcome than did the current type 1 classification. These results indicate that the babA2 gene is of high clinical relevance and would be a useful marker to identify patients who are at higher risk for specific H. pylori-related diseases.


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Stimulation of antitumor immune mechanisms is the primary goal of cancer immunotherapy, and accumulating evidence suggests that effective alteration of the host–tumor relationship involves immunomodulating cytokines and also the presence of costimulatory molecules. To examine the antitumor effect of direct in vivo gene transfer of murine interleukin 12 (IL-12) and B7-1 into tumors, we developed an adenovirus (Ad) vector, AdIL12–B7-1, that encodes the two IL-12 subunits in early region 1 (E1) and the B7-1 gene in E3 under control of the murine cytomegalovirus promoter. This vector expressed high levels of IL-12 and B7-1 in infected murine and human cell lines and in primary murine tumor cells. In mice bearing tumors derived from a transgenic mouse mammary adenocarcinoma, a single intratumoral injection with a low dose (2.5 × 107 pfu/mouse) of AdIL12–B7-1 mediated complete regression in 70% of treated animals. By contrast, administration of a similar dose of recombinant virus encoding IL-12 or B7-1 alone resulted in only a delay in tumor growth. Interestingly, coinjection of two different viruses expressing either IL-12 or B7-1 induced complete tumor regression in only 30% of animals treated at this dose. Significantly, cured animals remained tumor free after rechallenge with fresh tumor cells, suggesting that protective immunity had been induced by treatment with AdIL12–B7-1. These results support the use of Ad vectors as a highly efficient delivery system for synergistically acting molecules and show that the combination of IL-12 and B7-1 within a single Ad vector might be a promising approach for in vivo cancer therapy.


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Metastasis is the ultimate life-threatening stage of cancer. The lack of accurate model systems thwarted studies of the metastatic cell’s basic biology. To follow continuously the succeeding stages of metastatic colony growth, we heritably labeled cells from the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line ANIP 973 with green fluorescent protein (GFP) by transfection with GFP cDNA. Labeled cells were then injected intravenously into nude mice, where, by 7 days, they formed brilliantly fluorescing metastatic colonies on mouse lung [Chishima, T., Miyagi, Y., Wang, X., Yang, M., Tan, Y., Shimada, H., Moossa, A. R. & Hoffman, R. M. (1997) Clin. Exp. Metastasis 15, 547–552]. The seeded lung tissue was then excised and incubated in the three-dimensional sponge-gel-matrix-supported histoculture that maintained the critical features of progressive in vivo tumor colonization while allowing continuous access for measurement and manipulation. Tumor progression was continuously visualized by GFP fluorescence in the same individual cultures over a 52-day period, during which the tumors spread throughout the lung. Histoculture tumor colonization was selective for lung cancer cells to grow on lung tissue, because no growth occurred on histocultured mouse liver tissue, which was also observed in vivo. The ability to support selective organ colonization in histoculture and visualize tumor progression by GFP fluorescence allows the in vitro study of the governing processes of metastasis [Kuo, T.-H., Kubota, T., Watanbe, M., Furukawa, T., Teramoto, T., Ishibiki, K., Kitajima, M., Moossa, A. R., Penman, S. & Hoffman, R. M. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 12085–12089]. The results presented here provide significant, new opportunities to understand and to develop treatments that prevent and possibly reverse metastasis.


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Inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase, typified by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), induce the expression of genes transcriptionally down-regulated by de novo methylation in tumor cells. We utilized gene expression microarrays to examine the effects of 5-Aza-CdR treatment in HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. This analysis revealed the induction of a set of genes that implicated IFN signaling in the HT29 cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR. Subsequent investigations revealed that the induction of this gene set correlates with the induction of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1, 2, and 3 genes and their activation by endogenous IFN-α. These observations implicate the induction of the IFN-response pathway as a major cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR and suggests that the expression of STATs 1, 2, and 3 can be regulated by DNA methylation. Consistent with STAT’s limiting cell responsiveness to IFN, we found that 5-Aza-CdR treatment sensitized HT29 cells to growth inhibition by exogenous IFN-α2a, indicating that 5-Aza-CdR should be investigated as a potentiator of IFN responsiveness in certain IFN-resistant tumors.


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Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30–100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.


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The hyperpermeability of tumor vessels to macromolecules, compared with normal vessels, is presumably due to vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF) released by neoplastic and/or host cells. In addition, VEGF/VPF is a potent angiogenic factor. Removal of this growth factor may reduce the permeability and inhibit tumor angiogenesis. To test these hypotheses, we transplanted a human glioblastoma (U87), a human colon adenocarcinoma (LS174T), and a human melanoma (P-MEL) into two locations in immunodeficient mice: the cranial window and the dorsal skinfold chamber. The mice bearing vascularized tumors were treated with a bolus (0.2 ml) of either a neutralizing antibody (A4.6.1) (492 μg/ml) against VEGF/VPF or PBS (control). We found that tumor vascular permeability to albumin in antibody-treated groups was lower than in the matched controls and that the effect of the antibody was time-dependent and influenced by the mode of injection. Tumor vascular permeability did not respond to i.p. injection of the antibody until 4 days posttreatment. However, the permeability was reduced within 6 h after i.v. injection of the same amount of antibody. In addition to the reduction in vascular permeability, the tumor vessels became smaller in diameter and less tortuous after antibody injections and eventually disappeared from the surface after four consecutive treatments in U87 tumors. These results demonstrate that tumor vascular permeability can be reduced by neutralization of endogenous VEGF/VPF and suggest that angiogenesis and the maintenance of integrity of tumor vessels require the presence of VEGF/VPF in the tissue microenvironment. The latter finding reveals a new mechanism of tumor vessel regression—i.e., blocking the interactions between VEGF/VPF and endothelial cells or inhibiting VEGF/VPF synthesis in solid tumors causes dramatic reduction in vessel diameter, which may block the passage of blood elements and thus lead to vascular regression.


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An androgen-repressed human prostate cancer cell line, ARCaP, was established and characterized. This cell line was derived from the ascites fluid of a patient with advanced metastatic disease. In contrast to the behavior of androgen-dependent LNCaP and its androgen-independent C4-2 subline, androgen and estrogen suppress the growth of ARCaP cells in a dose-dependent manner in vivo and in vitro. ARCaP is tumorigenic and highly metastatic. It metastasizes to the lymph node, lung, pancreas, liver, kidney, and bone, and forms ascites fluid in athymic hosts. ARCaP cells express low levels of androgen receptor mRNA and prostate-specific antigen mRNA and protein. Immunohistochemical staining shows that ARCaP cells stain intensely for epidermal growth factor receptor, c-erb B2/neu, and c-erb B3. Staining is negative for chromogranin A and positive for bombesin, serotonin, neuron-specific enolase, and the c-met protooncogene (a hepatic growth factor/scatter factor receptor). ARCaP cells also secrete high levels of gelatinase A and B and some stromelysin, which suggests that this cell line may contain markers representing invasive adenocarcinoma with selective neuronendocrine phenotypes. Along with its repression of growth, androgen is also found to repress the expression of prostate-specific antigen in ARCaP cells as detected by a prostate-specific antigen promoter–β-galactosidase reporter assay. Our results suggest that the androgen-repressed state may be central to prostate cancer progression and that advanced prostate cancer can progress from an androgen-independent to an androgen-repressed state.


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The commitment of cells to replicate and divide correlates with the activation of cyclin-dependent kinases and the inactivation of Rb, the product of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene. Rb is a target of the cyclin-dependent kinases and, when phosphorylated, is inactivated. Biochemical studies exploring the nature of the relationship between cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and Rb have supported the hypothesis that these proteins are on a linear pathway regulating commitment. We have been able to study this relationship by genetic means by examining the phenotype of Rb+/−p27−/− mice. Tumors arise from the intermediate lobe cells of the pituitary gland in p27−/− mice, as well as in Rb+/− mice after loss of the remaining wild-type allele of Rb. Using these mouse models, we examined the genetic interaction between Rb and p27. We found that the development of pituitary tumors in Rb+/− mice correlated with a reduction in p27 mRNA and protein expression. To determine whether the loss of p27 was an indirect consequence of tumor formation or a contributing factor to the development of this tumor, we analyzed the phenotype of Rb+/−p27−/− mice. We found that these mice developed pituitary adenocarcinoma with loss of the remaining wild-type allele of Rb and a high-grade thyroid C cell carcinoma that was more aggressive than the disease in either Rb+/− or p27−/− mice. Importantly, we detected both pituitary and thyroid tumors earlier in the Rb+/−p27−/− mice. We therefore propose that Rb and p27 cooperate to suppress tumor development by integrating different regulatory signals.


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Reaction of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− and the protected thiol anion, [SC(O)OC(CH3)3]−, produces an unexpected isomer of [B20H17SC(O)OC(CH3)3]4− directly and in good yield. The isomer produced under mild conditions is characterized by an apical–apical boron atom intercage connection as well as the location of the thiol substituent on an equatorial belt adjacent to the terminal boron apex. Although the formation of this isomer from nucleophilic attack of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− has not been reported previously, the isomeric assignment has been unambiguously confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 11B NMR spectroscopy. Deprotection of the thiol substituent under acidic conditions produces a protonated intermediate, [B20H18SH]3−, which can be deprotonated with a suitable base to yield the desired product, [B20H17SH]4−. The sodium salt of the resulting [B20H17SH]4− ion has been encapsulated in small, unilamellar liposomes, which are capable of delivering their contents selectively to tumors in vivo, and investigated as a potential agent for boron neutron capture therapy. The biodistribution of boron was determined after intravenous injection of the liposomal suspension into BALB/c mice bearing EMT6 mammary adenocarcinoma. At low injected doses, the tumor boron concentration increased throughout the time-course experiment, resulting in a maximum observed boron concentration of 46.7 μg of B per g of tumor at 48 h and a tumor to blood boron ratio of 7.7. The boron concentration obtained in the tumor corresponds to 22.2% injected dose (i.d.) per g of tissue, a value analogous to the most promising polyhedral borane anions investigated for liposomal delivery and subsequent application in boron neutron capture therapy.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mediates angiogenic activity in a variety of estrogen target tissues. To determine whether estrogen has a direct transcriptional effect on VEGF gene expression, we developed a model system by transiently transfecting human VEGF promoter-luciferase reporter constructs into primary human endometrial cells and into Ishikawa cells, derived from a well-differentiated human endometrial adenocarcinoma. In primary endometrial epithelial cells, treatment with 17β-estradiol (E2) resulted in a 3.8-fold increase in luciferase activity, whereas a 3.2-fold induction was demonstrated for stromal cells. Our Ishikawa cells had less than 100 functional estrogen receptors (ER)/cell and were therefore cotransfected with expression vectors encoding either the α- or the β-form of the human ER. In cells cotransfected with ERα, E2 induced 3.2-fold induction in VEGF-promoter luciferase activity. A 2.3-fold increase was observed in cells cotransfected with ERβ. Through specific deletions, the E2 response was restricted to a single 385-bp PvuII-SstI fragment in the 5′ flanking DNA. Cotransfection of this upstream region with a DNA binding domain ER mutant, or site-directed mutagenesis of a variant ERE within this fragment, resulted in the loss of the E2 response. Electromobility shift assays demonstrated that this same ERE sequence specifically binds estradiol-ER complexes. These studies demonstrate that E2-regulated VEGF gene transcription requires a variant ERE located 1.5 kb upstream from the transcriptional start site. Site-directed mutagenesis of this ERE abrogated E2-induced VEGF gene expression.


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CYR61 is a secreted, cysteine-rich, heparin-binding protein encoded by a growth factor-inducible immediate–early gene. Acting as an extracellular, matrix-associated signaling molecule, CYR61 promotes the adhesion of endothelial cells through interaction with the integrin αVβ3 and augments growth factor-induced DNA synthesis in the same cell type. In this study, we show that purified CYR61 stimulates directed migration of human microvascular endothelial cells in culture through an αVβ3-dependent pathway and induces neovascularization in rat corneas. Both the chemotactic and angiogenic activities of CYR61 can be blocked by specific anti-CYR61 antibodies. Whereas most human tumor-derived cell lines tested express CYR61, the gastric adenocarcinoma cell line RF-1 does not. Expression of the CYR61 cDNA under the regulation of a constitutive promoter in RF-1 cells significantly enhances the tumorigenicity of these cells as measured by growth in immunodeficient mice, resulting in tumors that are larger and more vascularized than those produced by control RF-1 cells. Taken together, these results identify CYR61 as an angiogenic inducer that can promote tumor growth and vascularization; the results also suggest potential roles for CYR61 in physiologic and pathologic neovascularization.


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The epothilones are naturally occurring, cytotoxic macrolides that function through a paclitaxel (Taxol)-like mechanism. Although structurally dissimilar, both classes of molecules lead to the arrest of cell division and eventual cell death by stabilizing cellular microtubule assemblies. The epothilones differ in their ability to retain activity against multidrug-resistant (MDR) cell lines and tumors where paclitaxel fails. In the current account, we focus on the relationship between epothilone and paclitaxel in the context of tumors with multiple drug resistance. The epothilone analogue Z-12,13-desoxyepothilone B (dEpoB) is >35,000-fold more potent than paclitaxel in inhibiting cell growth in the MDR DC-3F/ADX cell line. Various formulations, routes, and schedules of i.v. administration of dEpoB have been tested in nude mice. Slow infusion with a Cremophor-ethanol vehicle proved to be the most beneficial in increasing efficacy and decreasing toxicity. Although dEpoB performed similarly to paclitaxel in sensitive tumors xenografts (MX-1 human mammary and HT-29 colon tumor), its effects were clearly superior against MDR tumors. When dEpoB was administered to nude mice bearing our MDR human lymphoblastic T cell leukemia (CCRF-CEM/paclitaxel), dEpoB demonstrated a full curative effect. For human mammary adenocarcinoma MCF-7/Adr cells refractory to paclitaxel, dEpoB reduced the established tumors, markedly suppressed tumor growth, and surpassed other commonly used chemotherapy drugs such as adriamycin, vinblastine, and etoposide in beneficial effects.


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Quiescent mouse embryonic C3H/10T½ cells are more resistant to different proapoptotic stimuli than are these cells in the exponential phase of growth. However, the exponentially growing 10T½ cells are resistant to inhibitors of RNA or protein synthesis, whereas quiescent cells die upon these treatments. Conditioned medium from quiescent 10T½ cells possesses anti-apoptotic activity, suggesting the presence of protein(s) that function as an inhibitor of the apoptotic program. Using differential display technique, we identified and cloned a cDNA designated sarp1 (secreted apoptosis-related protein) that is expressed in quiescent but not in exponentially growing 10T½ cells. Hybridization studies with sarp1 revealed two additional family members. Cloning and sequencing of sarp2 and sarp3 revealed 38% and 40% sequence identity to sarp1, respectively. Human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells stably transfected with sarp1 or infected with SARP1-expressing adenovirus became more resistant, whereas cells transfected with sarp2 displayed increased sensitivity to different proapoptotic stimuli. Expression of sarp family members is tissue specific. sarp mRNAs encode secreted proteins that possess a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) homologous to the CRD of frizzled proteins but lack putative membrane-spanning segments. Expression of SARPs modifies the intracellular levels of β-catenin, suggesting that SARPs interfere with the Wnt–frizzled proteins signaling pathway.


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In this work we extended the study of genes controlling the formation of specific differentiation structures called “domes” formed by the rat mammary adenocarcinoma cell line LA7 under the influence of DMSO. We have reported previously that an interferon-inducible gene, rat-8, and the β-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) play a fundamental role in this process. Now, we used a proteomic approach to identify proteins differentially expressed either in DMSO-induced LA7 or in 106A10 cells. Two differentially expressed proteins were investigated. The first, tropomyosin-5b, strongly expressed in DMSO-induced LA7 cells, is needed for dome formation because its synthesis inhibition by the antisense RNA technology abolished domes. The second protein, maspin, strongly expressed in the uninduced 106A10 cell line, inhibits dome formation because 106A10 cells, transfected with rat8 cDNA (the function of which is required for the organization of these structures), acquired the ability to develop domes when cultured in presence of an antimaspin antibody. Dome formation in these cultures are accompanied by ENaC β-subunit expression in the absence of DMSO. Therefore, dome formation requires the expression of tropomyosin-5b, in addition to the ENaC β-subunit and the rat8 proteins, and is under the negative control of maspin.


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Neuronal progenitors and tumor cells possess propensity to proliferate and to migrate. Glutamate regulates proliferation and migration of neurons during development, but it is not known whether it influences proliferation and migration of tumor cells. We demonstrate that glutamate antagonists inhibit proliferation of human tumor cells. Colon adenocarcinoma, astrocytoma, and breast and lung carcinoma cells were most sensitive to the antiproliferative effect of the N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonist dizocilpine, whereas breast and lung carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, and neuroblastoma cells responded most favorably to the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate antagonist GYKI52466. The antiproliferative effect of glutamate antagonists was Ca2+ dependent and resulted from decreased cell division and increased cell death. Morphological alterations induced by glutamate antagonists in tumor cells consisted of reduced membrane ruffling and pseudopodial protrusions. Furthermore, glutamate antagonists decreased motility and invasive growth of tumor cells. These findings suggest anticancer potential of glutamate antagonists.