953 resultados para Acrylic adhesive
Este trabalho tem por finalidade o estudo da resistência à pressão hidrostática do reparo realizado com chapa de aço de baixo carbono, colada com adesivo estrutural à base de epóxi em tubulações de aço com furo. Tubulações de parede fina, sob pressão interna, a tensão na direção longitudinal é a metade da tensão circunferencial do tubo, deste modo, o fator de forma da área do reparo, ou seja, a variação das dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo foi investigado. A influência da força de falha do reparo, quando varia-se a dimensão da chapa nas direções citadas, foram analisadas estatisticamente utilizando-se um planejamento fatorial de experimentos. Altos valores de resistência hidrostática do reparo foram encontrados (em torno de 240 bar) quando comparados com as pressões normais de trabalho (em torno de 70 bar) de uma tubulação similar as utilizadas nos testes. Os resultados da pressão de falha do reparo dos 10 grupos analisados apresentaram desvios padrão pequenos, menor que 12 %, demonstrando a eficiência dos procedimentos adotados na confecção do reparo. Os estudos demonstram a não existência de um fator de forma na resistência do reparo devido a variação nas dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo bem como a alta influência na resistência do reparo quando aumenta a área da chapa. Os resultados apontam para o desenvolvimento de um novo procedimento de reparo de contingência.
A matriz extracelular (MEC) é capaz de modular a adesão celular, induzindo processos de sinalização celular. No estado de aderência intermediária, induzido por proteínas matricelulares, as células tendem a se diferenciar, migrar e proliferar. A tenascina-C é uma proteína matricelular amplamente secretada em gliomas que está envolvida na proliferação e angiogênese tumoral. A MEC de gliomas, possui elevada incorporação de tenascina-C (TN-C), uma glicoproteína matricelular desadesiva que compete com a glicoproteína adesiva fibronectina (FN), desestabilizando os contatos focais e induzindo proliferação celular em gliomas. Neste trabalho nós nos propusemos a investigar o papel da TN-C tumoral no fenótipo angiogênico de células endoteliais. Recentemente em um trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo observamos que as células endoteliais semeadas sobre matrizes de glioma (U373 MG) aderem menos e são deficientes na capacidade de formar tubos quando comparadas com àquelas plaqueadas sobre MEC de HUVECs. No entanto, neste trabalho, reproduzimos este fenótipo semeando as células endoteliais em suportes de TN-C /FN miméticos da composição da matriz tumoral nativa. Por western blotting, observamos um aumento na fosforilação em treonina 638 da proteína PKCα, um possível sítio inibitório, e um aumento na ativação de PKCδ. O efeito antagônico na regulação dessas isoformas de PKC foi demonstrado quando usamos inibidores seletivos de PKC α e δ e um ativador de PKCα (PMA). Observamos que quando tratamos as HUVECs plaqueadas sobre MEC de U373 com PMA, resgatamos a capacidade dessas células de formar tubos, o pré-tratamento dessas HUVECs com inibidor de PKC δ (rotlerina) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade tubulogênica dessas células. O pré-tratamento das HUVECs que foram semeadas sobre MEC da HUVEC (que formam tubos normalmente) com um inibidor de PKC α (RO320432) levou a diminuição da capacidade tubulogênica. Além disso, esta matriz também induz ativação de ERK e AKT. Investigamos também se o bloqueio dos diferentes domínios da TN-C na matriz derivada de glioma poderia, de alguma forma, reverter o defeito angiogênico das células, propiciado pela interação com a matriz extracelular de gliomas. O pré-tratamento da matriz extracelular de glioma com anticorpos anti-TN-C (contra os domínios FNIII 1-3, 4-5 FNIII e N-terminal) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade das células endoteliais de formar tubos. Nossos dados sugerem que a indução do fenótipo vascular observado em muitos gliomas, com predomínio de vasos mal formados e sub-funcionais, pode ser parcialmente devido ao comprometido da sinalização mediada por PKCs em células endoteliais, bem como do aumento da ativação das vias de ERK e Akt.
Reproduction of Hydatina physis was studied in a population from Karachi, Pakistan, including mating and egg laying behavior, spawn characteristics and development.Individuals first appear in the field in October and remain until March. The spawning occurs from mid-November till mid-February with a peak in December. During this period the individuals were also observed pairing. In captivity, mating lasts for 30 minutes, second mating occurs two days later. Oviposition occurs in a very interesting and unusual manner. The mother turns "up-side-down" with its food fully expanded and the shell completely hidden underneath, the expanded foot serves as protective cover to the eggs. Eggs are deposited in a complexly folded mass with a short stem and an adhesive disc. Capsules, arranged in a single layer, contain 4-6 eggs each of wich is 70 um in diameter. Development is planktotrophic and veligers hatch after 14 days at a temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius.
The peel test is commonly used to determine the strength of adhesive joints. In its simplest form, a thin flexible strip which has been bonded to a rigid surface is peeled from the substrate at a constant rate and the peeling force which is applied to the debonding surfaces by the tension in the tape is measured. Peeling can be carried out with the peel angle, i.e. the angle made by the peel force with the substrate surface, from any value above about 10° although peeling tests at 90 and 180° are most common. If the tape is sufficiently thin for its bending resistance to be negligibly small then as well as the debonding or decohesion energy associated with the adhesive in and around the point of separation, the relation between the peeling force and the peeling angle is influenced both by the mechanical properties of the tape and any pre-strain locked into the tape during its application to the substrate. The analytic solution for a tape material which can be idealised as elastic perfectly-plastic is well established. Here, we present a more general form of analysis, applicable in principle to any constitutive relation between tape load and tape extension. Non-linearity between load and extension is of increasing significance as the peel angle is decreased: the model presented is consistent with existing equations describing the failure of a lap joint between non-linear materials. The analysis also allows for energy losses within the adhesive layer which themselves may be influenced by both peel rate and peel angle. We have experimentally examined the application of this new analysis to several specific peeling cases including tapes of cellophane, poly-vinyl chloride and PTFE. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of weathering on the wear resistance of automotive clearcoats has been evaluated. Acrylic-based and urethane-based coatings were exposed in Florida, Belgium and Australia and also under accelerated conditions to SAE J1960 with 0.55 W m -2 borosilicate/borosilicate filtered xenon arc light. Weathering caused a significant reduction in the abrasion and erosion resistance of the clearcoats and large increases in their hardness. Accelerated weathering produced different effects from natural exposure.
A packaging technique suited to applying MEMS strain sensors realized on a silicon chip to a steel flat surface is described. The method is based on adhesive bonding of the silicon chip rear surface on steel using two types of glue normally used for standard piezoresistive strain sensors (Mbond200/ 600), using direct wire bonding of the chip to a Printed Circuit Board, also fixed on steel. In order to protect the sensor from the external environment, and to improve the MEMS performance, the silicon chip is encapsulated with a metal cap hermetically sealed-off under vacuum condition with a vacuum adhesive in which the bonding wires are also protected from possible damage. In order to evaluate the mechanical coupling of the silicon chip with the bar and thestress transfer extent to the silicon surface, commercial strain sensors have been applied on the chip glued on a steel bar in alaboratory setup able to generate strain by inflection, yielding a stress transfer around 70% from steel to silicon. © 2008 IEEE.
Mystus gulio eggs are strongly adhesive and contain relatively small yolk (0.75-1.0 mm). The egg envelop is thick and transparent. First cleavage (two cells), four cells, eight cells, sixteen cells and multi cells stages were found 20, 25, 35-40, 60 and 70 minutes after fertilization, respectively. The morula stage was visualized within 1.5 h after fertilization. The heart beat visible and the circulatory system commenced after 16 h of fertilization. Embryos hatched 18-20h after activation of egg. The newly hatched larva measured 2.82±0.03 mm in length and 0.32±0.06 mg in weight. The yolk sac was fully absorbed by the third day though larvae commenced exogenous feeding even before completion of yolk absorption. A 5-day old post larva began wandering in search of food. Ten-day old post larvae endowed with eight branched rays in dorsal fin and seven in caudal fin. Fifteen-day old post larvae had the pectm:al spine become stout though the embryonic fin folds had to be disappeared. The length of fingerlings ranged from 25-30 mm after 30 days, and their external features were just like those of an adult except that they were not sexually matured.
无棘溪蟾(Torrentophryne aspinia)分布于云南西部海拔1800—2200m、森林茂密的山区溪流附近,溪水常清,流速约0.3m/s。其繁殖季节始于中秋,持续约1个月,为短期密集的爆发性繁殖类型。此间,雄蟾为抱对而具有明显的求偶行为和强烈的争雌、排斥同类的行为。抱对方式为腋胸式即雄蟾前肢穿过雌蟾的腋下,其婚垫紧贴雌蟾胸部中央的两侧。抱对约2—4天后,产卵于水流较缓的回水凼中,卵被包于胶质管状带中。产卵时间在白天或夜间,水温11—16℃,约持续3—6h;产卵数 1500—3000粒,一次性产完,其间雌蟾一般不走动,故卵带只一端固定,其余大部松散地漂浮于水中,产完卵后不久,雌雄蟾均上岸而去,并再难发现。若遇猝冷,抱对体将自行拆散并停止繁殖。 腹吸盘(abdominal sucker)的发生是溪蟾类个体发育和系统演化的一个独特而重要的方面,它是蝌蚪藉以在溪流中生存的必须器官,同时也是溪蟾类与其它蟾蜍类在系统演化上的分歧所在。所有蟾蜍类蝌蚪在尾芽期前是被包在卵胶带中的,并且都具有附着器(adhesive or-gan),该附着器在溪蟾类将继续发育成腹吸盘,而在其他蟾蜍类则不再发育成腹吸盘。溪蟾类由于...
A new species of the genus Glyptothorax, Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus sp. nov. is described from the Xiaohei River, a tributary of the Nanting River, Salween drainage, in southwestern Yunnan province, China. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: unculiferous ridges of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region; body with irregular dark blotches scattered along lateral surface (blotches mostly oblique); skin smooth on head and body; dorsal spine smooth without serrations on its posterior margin; lips smooth; posterior margin of pectoral spine with 7-8 serrations; dorsal-fin base 11.0-13.2% SL; pectoral-fin length 15.6-19.6% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 8.6-9.8% SL; head width 19.1-24.0% SL; nasal barbel length 23.3-33.3% HL.
Aquaculture in Tanzania is still on a subsistence level and most of the ponds are maintained as part time job. The ponds are too small, shallow and over crowded with stunted Tilapia spp. In the present paper the results of experiments conducted in ponds at Nyegezi with T. esculenta and T. zillii are presented. This was part of an overall project of developing techniques of fish cultures with Tilapia under the limited existing conditions at Nyegezi. In a mono - species culture experiement with Tilapia zillii in nine month's time an average size of 172.8 mm/115.0 g was attained. In another experiment with T. zillii and T. esculenta in thirteen month's time, T. zillii attained an average size of 180.2mm/106.6 g and T. esculenta 193.6 mm/118.8 g. In another experiment with intensive feeding schedule an average size of 179.3 mm/126.6 g was attained by T. zillii and 191.0 mm/125.0 g by T. esculenta in four month's time. A locally prepared supplimentary feed with local Brewery Waste and Fish Meal (10:1) was readily accepted by both species of Tilapia. T. zillii voraciously fed on Cabbage leaves, Cauliflower leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, Cassava leaves and on the common weed Comalina sp. Though all the items mentioned above were readily accepted by T. zillii feeding with Comaltna sp. was the easiest and most convenient because of its availability. In an intensive feeding experiment with vegetable leaves/Comalina sp. and the locally prepared supplimentary feed the fishes attained table size in four months time. Cement cistens of 5 X 3 X 1½ m size could be conveniently used for breeding both species of Tilapia. T. zillii had semi adhesive eggs and they were deposited on the sides of the cement wall. The number of young ones in a brood ranged from 160 to 314 in T. esculenta and 687 to 4,356 in T. zillii.
As a part of an overall project on fishculture development techniques in Tanzania, hybridization between Tilapia zillii and Tilapia andersonii was carried out at the Freshwater Fisheries Institute, Nyegezi, Tanzania. T. andersonii, a plankton feeder, is not indigenous to Tanzania but was introduced in 1968 from Zambia for certain specific purpose. T. zillii, a macrovegetation feeder, is present locally and is common. In the present studies T. zillii (245.0 mm/260.0 g) female was hybridized with T. andersonii (288.0 mm/350.0 g) male. Under cement cistern conditions it was only after about four months of acclimatization that hybridization between the two occurred. About 1,637 interspecific hybrid fry were produced in a single brood. Eggs were adhesive and parental care shown by the female, the male being driven away. Growth under cistern conditions was slow, attaining a size of 134.8 mm/44.3 g in 10 months. But this growth rate need not be taken as ideal. In body shape, colouration and other morphometric characters the hybrids had inherited from both parents. The number of gill rakers among the hybrids was eighteen which was intermediate between T. zillii (12) and T. andersonii (27). Among one hundred and seventy two specimens (106.0 mm - 168.0 mm) cut and examined the sex ration was hundred per cent males and all of them were between II and IV stages of maturity. This is the first report of fish hybridization from Tanzania and possibly the first report on hybridization between T. zillii and T. andersonii. The full significanoe of the findings and its role in African fishculture is discussed.
Using variational methods, we establish conditions for the nonlinear stability of adhesive states between an elastica and a rigid halfspace. The treatment produces coupled criteria for adhesion and buckling instabilities by exploiting classical techniques from Legendre and Jacobi. Three examples that arise in a broad range of engineered systems, from microelectronics to biologically inspired fiber array adhesion, are used to illuminate the stability criteria. The first example illustrates buckling instabilities in adhered rods, while the second shows the instability of a peeling process and the third illustrates the stability of a shear-induced adhesion. The latter examples can also be used to explain how microfiber array adhesives can be activated by shearing and deactivated by peeling. The nonlinear stability criteria developed in this paper are also compared to other treatments. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Air, trapped interfacially between the adhesive and the substrate, can have a detrimental effect on the peel strength of bonds formed by a PSA and relatively impermeable adherends. If the adhesive wets the substrate surface so that the contact angle is small then the forces of the surface tension within the adhesive can lead to the gradual expulsion of these pockets of air and thereby to the enhancement of the peel strength-the dwell-time effect. Using a high-performance PSA transfer tape it has been found that this strengthening effect may operate over many thousands of hours. With increasing hydrophobicity of the surfaces, this effect can be suppressed and a poor peel strength remains essentially constant with time. The observed rates at which the peel strength increases are quantitatively consistent with diffusion of entrapped air out of the interface. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
We employ a new solution-based coating process, centrifuge coating, to fabricate nanostructured conductive layers over large areas. This coating procedure allows fast quenching of the metastable dispersed state of nanomaterials, which minimizes material wastes by mitigate the effects of particle re-aggregation. Using this method, we fabricate SWNT coatings on different substrates such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane), and an acrylic elastomer. The effects of the choice of solvents on the morphology and subsequent performance of the coating network are studied. © 2012 IEEE.
The failure mode of axially loaded simple, single lap joints formed between thin adherends which are flexible in bending is conventionally described as one of axial peeling. We have observed - using high-speed photography - that it is also possible for failure to be preceded by the separation front, or crack, moving in a transverse direction, i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the axial load. A simple energy balance analysis suggests that the critical load for transverse failure is the same as that for axial separation for both flexible lap joints, where the bulk of the stored elastic energy lies in the adhesive, and structural lap joints in which the energy stored in the adherends dominates. The initiation of the failure is dependent on a local increases in either stress or strain energy to some critical values. In the case of a flexible joint, this will occur within the adhesive layer and the critical site will be close to one of the corners of the joint overlap from which the separation front can proceed either axially or transversely. These conclusions are supported by a finite element analysis of a joint formed between adherends of finite width by a low modulus adhesive. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.