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Monetite is a phosphate mineral formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates and is commonly found in caves. The analog of the mineral monetite CaHPO4 has been synthesized and the Raman and infrared spectra of the natural monetite originating from the Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Eucla, Western Australia, compared. Monetite is characterized by a complex set of phosphate bands that arise because of two sets of pairs of phosphate units in the unit cell. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to HPO4(2-), OH stretching and bending vibrations. Infrared bands at 1346 and 1402 cm−1 are assigned to POH deformation modes. Vibrational spectroscopy confirms the presence of monetite in the cave system.


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The optimum parameters for synthesis of zeolite NaA based on metakaolin were investigated according to results of cation exchange capacity and static water adsorption of all synthesis products and selected X-ray diffraction (XRD). Magnetic zeolite NaA was synthesized by adding Fe3O4 in the precursor of zeolite. Zeolite NaA and magnetic zeolite NaA were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and XRD. Magnetic zeolite NaA with different Fe3O4 loadings was prepared and used for removal of heavy metals (Cu2+, Pb2+). The results show the optimum parameters for synthesis zeolite NaA are SiO2/Al2O3 = 2.3, Na2O/SiO2 = 1.4, H2O/Na2O = 50, crystallization time 8 h, crystallization temperature 95 �C. The addition of Fe3O4 makes the NaA zeolite with good magnetic susceptibility and good magnetic stability regardless of the Fe3O4 loading, confirming the considerable separation efficiency. Additionally, Fe3O4 loading had a little effect on removal of heavy metal by magnetic zeolite, however, the adsorption capacity still reaches 2.3 mmol g�1 for Cu2+, Pb2+ with a removal efficiency of over 95% in spite of 4.7% Fe3O4 loading. This indicates magnetic zeolite can be used to remove metal heavy at least Cu2+, Pb2+ from water with metallic contaminants and can be separated easily after a magnetic process.


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Detailed spectroscopic and chemical investigation of matioliite, including infrared and Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis has been carried out on homogeneous samples from the Gentil pegmatite, Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The chemical composition is (wt.%): FeO 2.20, CaO 0.05, Na2O 1.28, MnO 0.06, Al2O3 39.82, P2O5 42.7, MgO 4.68, F 0.02 and H2O 9.19; total 100.00. The mineral crystallize in the monoclinic crystal system, C2/c space group, with a = 25.075(1) Å, b = 5.0470(3) Å, c = 13.4370(7) Å, β = 110.97(3)°, V = 1587.9(4) Å3, Z = 4. Raman spectroscopy coupled with infrared spectroscopy supports the concept of phosphate, hydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate units in the structure of matioliite. Infrared and Raman bands attributed to water and hydroxyl stretching modes are identified. Vibrational spectroscopy adds useful information to the molecular structure of matioliite.


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Chromium oxyhydroxide nanomaterials with narrow size-distribution were synthesised through a simple hydrothermal method. Experimental conditions, such as reaction duration and pH values of the precipitation process and hydrothermal treatment played important roles in determining the nature of the final product chromium oxyhydroxide nanomaterials. The effect of these synthesis parameters were studied with the assistance of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analyses. This research has developed a controllable synthesis of Chromium oxyhydroxide nanomaterials from Chromium oxide colloids.


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We have characterized anapaite Ca2Fe2+(PO4)2·4(H2O), a rare Ca and Fe phosphate, using a combination of electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral occurs in soils and lacustrine sediments and is usually related to the diagenetic process in phosphorous rich sediments. The phosphate anion is characterized by its Raman spectrum with an intense sharp band at 943 cm-1, attributed to the ν1 PO4 3- symmetric stretching mode. Three bands at 992, 1039 and 1071 cm-1 are attributed to ν3 PO4 3-antisymmetric stretching modes. The infrared spectrum of anapaite shows complexity with a series of overlapping bands. Water in the structure of anapaite is observed by OH stretching vibrations at 2777, 3022 and 3176 cm-1 (Raman) and 2744, 3014 and 3096 cm-1 (infrared). The position of these bands provides evidence for the strong hydrogen bonding of water in the anapaite structure and contributes to the stability of the mineral.


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This research was undertaken on phosphophyllite sample from the Hagendorf Süd pegmatite, Bavaria, Germany. Chemical analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscope in the EDS mode and indicates a zinc and iron phosphate with partial substitution of manganese, which partially replaced iron. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample was determined to be: Zn2(Fe0.65, Mn0.35)P1.00(PO4)2- �4(H2O). The intense Raman peak at 995 cm�1 is assigned to the m1 PO3� 4 symmetric stretching mode and the two Raman bands at 1073 and 1135 cm�1 to the m3 PO3� 4 antisymmetric stretching modes. The m4 PO3� 4 bending modes are observed at 505, 571, 592 and 653 cm�1 and the m2 PO3� 4 bending mode at 415 cm�1. The sharp Raman band at 3567 cm�1 attributed to the stretching vibration of OH units brings into question the actual formula of phosphophyllite. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of phosphophyllite to be assessed.


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Fine-grained matrices in carbonaceous chondrites and small, micron-sized inclusions in achondrites can be characterized effectively using high resolution transmission electron micro­scopy (HRTEM).


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The arrojadite-(KFe) mineral has been analyzed using a combination of scanning electron microscopy and a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The origin of the mineral is Rapid Creek sedimentary phosphatic iron formation, northern Yukon. The formula of the mineral was determined as K2.06Na2Ca0.89Na3.23(Fe7.82Mg4.40Mn0.78)Σ13.00Al1.44(PO4)10.85(PO3OH0.23)(OH)2. The complexity of the mineral formula is reflected in the spectroscopy. Raman bands at 975, 991 and 1005 cm−1 with shoulder bands at 951 and 1024 cm−1 are assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 symmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1024, 1066, 1092, 1123, 1148 and 1187 cm−1 are assigned to the View the MathML source ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. A series of Raman bands observed at 540, 548, 557, 583, 604, 615 and 638 cm−1 are attributed to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. The ν2 PO4 and H2PO4 bending modes are observed at 403, 424, 449, 463, 479 and 513 cm−1. Hydroxyl and water stretching bands are readily observed. Vibrational spectroscopy enables new information about the complex phosphate mineral arrojadite-(KFe) to be obtained.


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This research was done on hureaulite samples from the Cigana claim, a lithium bearing pegmatite with triphylite and spodumene. The mine is located in Conselheiro Pena, east of Minas Gerais. Chemical analysis was carried out by Electron Microprobe analysis and indicated a manganese rich phase with partial substitution of iron. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample is: (Mn3.23, Fe1.04, Ca0.19, Mg0.13)(PO4)2.7(HPO4)2.6(OH)4.78. The Raman spectrum of hureaulite is dominated by an intense sharp band at 959 cm−1 assigned to PO stretching vibrations of HPO42− units. The Raman band at 989 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43− stretching vibration. Raman bands at 1007, 1024, 1047, and 1083 cm−1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations of HPO42− and PO43− units. A set of Raman bands at 531, 543, 564 and 582 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the HPO42− and PO43− units. Raman bands observed at 414, and 455 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 HPO42− and PO43− units. The intense A series of Raman and infrared bands in the OH stretching region are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Based upon the position of these bands hydrogen bond distances are calculated. Hydrogen bond distances are short indicating very strong hydrogen bonding in the hureaulite structure. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy enabled aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral hureaulite to be understood.


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Stichtite is a naturally occurring layered double hydroxide (LDH) with the ideal chemical formula Mg6Cr2CO3(OH)16·4H2O. It has received less attention in the literature than other LDHs and is often described as a rare mineral; however, abundant deposits of the mineral do exist. In this article we aim to review a number of significant publications concerning the mineral stichtite, including papers covering the discovery, geological origin, synthesis and characterizsation of stichtite. Characterization techniques reviewed include powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), Raman spectroscopy (Raman), thermogravimetry (TG) and electron microprobe analysis.


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The mineral creedite is a fluorinated hydroxy hydrated sulphate of aluminium and calcium of formula Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)·2H2O. The mineral has been studied by a combination of electron probe analysis to determine the molecular formula of the mineral and the structure assessed by vibrational spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of creedite may be compared with that of the alums. The Raman spectrum of creedite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 986 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 (Ag) symmetric stretching mode. Multiple bands of creedite in the antisymmetric stretching region support the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion. Multiple bands are also observed in the bending region with the three bands at 601, 629 and 663 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν4 (Ag) bending modes. The observation of multiple bands at 440, 457 and 483 cm−1 attributed to the View the MathML source ν2 (Bg) bending modes supports the concept that the symmetry of the sulphate is reduced by coordination to the water bonded to the Al3+ in the creedite structure. The splitting of the ν2, ν3 and ν4 modes is attributed to the reduction of symmetry of the SO4 and it is proposed that the sulphate coordinates to water in the hydrated aluminium in bidentate chelation.


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A composite paraffin-based phase change material (PCM) was prepared by blending composite paraffin and calcined diatomite through the fusion adsorption method. In this study, raw diatomite was purified by thermal treatment in order to improve the adsorption capacity of diatomite, which acted as a carrier material to prepare shape-stabilized PCMs. Two forms of paraffin (paraffin waxes and liquid paraffin) with different melting points were blended together by the fusion method, and the optimum mixed proportion with a suitable phase-transition temperature was obtained through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis. Then the prepared composite paraffin was adsorbed in calcined diatomite. The prepared paraffin/calcined diatomite composites were characterized by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR) analysis techniques. Thermal energy storage properties of the composite PCMs were determined by DSC method. DSC results showed that there was an optimum adsorption ratio between composite paraffin and calcined diatomite and the phase-transition temperature and the latent heat of the composite PCMs were 33.04 ◦C and 89.54 J/g, respectively. Thermal cycling test of composite PCMs showed that the prepared material is thermally reliable and chemically stable. The obtained paraffin/calcined diatomite composites have proper latent heat and melting temperatures, and show practical significance and good potential application value.


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The "standard" procedure for calibrating the Vesuvio eV neutron spectrometer at the ISIS neutron source, forming the basis for data analysis over at least the last decade, was recently documented in considerable detail by the instrument’s scientists. Additionally, we recently derived analytic expressions of the sensitivity of recoil peak positions with respect to fight-path parameters and presented neutron–proton scattering results that together called in to question the validity of the "standard" calibration. These investigations should contribute significantly to the assessment of the experimental results obtained with Vesuvio. Here we present new results of neutron–deuteron scattering from D2 in the backscattering angular range (theata > 90 degrees) which are accompanied by a striking energy increase that violates the Impulse Approximation, thus leading unequivocally the following dilemma: (A) either the "standard" calibration is correct and then the experimental results represent a novel quantum dynamical effect of D which stands in blatant contradiction of conventional theoretical expectations; (B) or the present "standard" calibration procedure is seriously deficient and leads to artificial outcomes. For Case(A), we allude to the topic of attosecond quantumdynamical phenomena and our recent neutron scattering experiments from H2 molecules. For Case(B),some suggestions as to how the "standard" calibration could be considerably improved are made.


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Filamentary single crystals, blades, sheets, euhedral crystals and powders may form by vapor phase condensation depending on the supersauration conditions in the vapor with respect to the condensing species [1]. Filamentary crystal growth requires the operation of an axial screw dislocation [2]. A Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) mechanism may also produce filamentary single crystals, ribbons and blades. The latter two morphologies are typically twinned. Crystals grown by this mechanism do not require the presence of an axial screw dislocation. Impurities may either promote or inhibit crystal growth [3]. The VLS mechanism allows crystals to grow at small supersaturation of the vapor. Thin enstatite blades, ribbons and sheets have been observed in chondritic porous Interplanetary Dust Partics (IDP's) [4, 5]. The requisite screw dislocation for vapor phase condensation [1] has been observed in these enstatite blades [4]. Bradley et al. [4] suggest that these crystals are primary vapor phase condensates which could have formed either in the solar nebula or in presolar environments. These observations [4,5] are significant in that they may provide a demonstrable link to theoretical predictions: viz. that in the primordial solar nebula filamentary condensates could cluster into 'lint balls' and form the predecessors to comets [6].


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A recent NASA program to collect stratospheric dust particles using high-flying WB57 aircraft has made available many more potential candidates for the study of extraterrestrial materials. This preliminary report provides an interpretation of the types of particles returned from one flag (W7017) collected in August, 1981 using a subset of 81 allocated particles. This particular collection period is after the Mt. St. Helen's eruptions. Therefore, the flag may contain significant quantities of volcanic debris in addition to the expected terrestrial contaminants [1]. All particles were mounted on nucleopore filters and have been examined using a modified JEOL100CX analytical electron microscope. For most of the particles, X-ray energy dispersive spectra and images were obtained at 40kV on samples which have not received any conductive coating. However, in order to improve resolution (to ~30A) some images are recorded at 100kV. In addition, 16 samples have been coated with a thin layer (<50A) of Au/Pd.