933 resultados para AMINE DEPROTECTION


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Aim of the present work of thesis is to synthesize new non-noble metal based complexes to be employ in redox reactions by a metal-ligand cooperative mechanism. The need of replacing toxic and expensive precious metal complexes with more available and benign metals, has led to the development of new compounds based on cobalt and iron, which are the metals investigated in this study. A carbonyl-tetrahydroborato-bis[(2-diisopropylphosphino)ethyl]amine-cobalt complex bearing a PNP-type ligand is synthesized by a three-step route. Optimization attempt of reaction route were assessed in order to lowering reaction times and solvent waste. New cobalt complex has been tested in esters hydrogenation as well as in acceptorless dehydrogenative coupling of ethanol. Other varieties of substrates were also tested in order to evaluate any possible applications. Concerning iron complex, dicarbonyl-(η4-3,4-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-2,5-diphenylcyclopenta-2,4-dienone)(1,3-dimethyl-ilidene)iron is synthesized by a three steps route, involving transmetallation of a silver complex, derived from an imidazolium salt, to iron complex. In order to avoid solvent waste, optimization is assessed. Studies were performed to assess activity of triscarbonyl iron precursor toward imidazolium salt and silver complexes.


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Atmosphärische Partikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Prozesse wie Streuung, Reflexion und Absorption. Zusätzlich fungiert ein Teil der Aerosolpartikel als Wolkenkondensationskeime (CCN), die sich auf die optischen Eigenschaften sowie die Rückstreukraft der Wolken und folglich den Strahlungshaushalt auswirken. Ob ein Aerosolpartikel Eigenschaften eines Wolkenkondensationskeims aufweist, ist vor allem von der Partikelgröße sowie der chemischen Zusammensetzung abhängig. Daher wurde die Methode der Einzelpartikel-Laserablations-Massenspektrometrie angewandt, die eine größenaufgelöste chemische Analyse von Einzelpartikeln erlaubt und zum Verständnis der ablaufenden multiphasenchemischen Prozesse innerhalb der Wolke beitragen soll.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zur Charakterisierung von atmosphärischem Aerosol sowie von Wolkenresidualpartikel das Einzelpartikel-Massenspektrometer ALABAMA (Aircraft-based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer) verwendet. Zusätzlich wurde zur Analyse der Partikelgröße sowie der Anzahlkonzentration ein optischer Partikelzähler betrieben. rnZur Bestimmung einer geeigneten Auswertemethode, die die Einzelpartikelmassenspektren automatisch in Gruppen ähnlich aussehender Spektren sortieren soll, wurden die beiden Algorithmen k-means und fuzzy c-means auf ihrer Richtigkeit überprüft. Es stellte sich heraus, dass beide Algorithmen keine fehlerfreien Ergebnisse lieferten, was u.a. von den Startbedingungen abhängig ist. Der fuzzy c-means lieferte jedoch zuverlässigere Ergebnisse. Darüber hinaus wurden die Massenspektren anhand auftretender charakteristischer chemischer Merkmale (Nitrat, Sulfat, Metalle) analysiert.rnIm Herbst 2010 fand die Feldkampagne HCCT (Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia) im Thüringer Wald statt, bei der die Veränderung von Aerosolpartikeln beim Passieren einer orographischen Wolke sowie ablaufende Prozesse innerhalb der Wolke untersucht wurden. Ein Vergleich der chemischen Zusammensetzung von Hintergrundaerosol und Wolkenresidualpartikeln zeigte, dass die relativen Anteile von Massenspektren der Partikeltypen Ruß und Amine für Wolkenresidualpartikel erhöht waren. Dies lässt sich durch eine gute CCN-Aktivität der intern gemischten Rußpartikel mit Nitrat und Sulfat bzw. auf einen begünstigten Übergang der Aminverbindungen aus der Gas- in die Partikelphase bei hohen relativen Luftfeuchten und tiefen Temperaturen erklären. Darüber hinaus stellte sich heraus, dass bereits mehr als 99% der Partikel des Hintergrundaerosols intern mit Nitrat und/oder Sulfat gemischt waren. Eine detaillierte Analyse des Mischungszustands der Aerosolpartikel zeigte, dass sich sowohl der Nitratgehalt als auch der Sulfatgehalt der Partikel beim Passieren der Wolke erhöhte. rn


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Der Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1 (FFAR1) ist ein G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor, welcher neben einer hohen Expression im Gehirn auch eine verstärkte Expressionsrate auf den β-Zellen des Pankreas aufweist. Diese Expressionsmuster machen ihn zu einem idealen Target für die Visualisierung der sogenannten β-Zell-Masse mittels molekularer bildgebender Verfahren wie der PET. Eine Entwicklung geeigneter Radiotracer für die β-Zell-Bildgebung würde sowohl für die Diagnostik als auch für die Therapie von Typ-1- und Typ-2-Diabetes ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel darstellen.rnAufbauend auf einem von Sasaki et al. publiziertem Agonisten mit einem vielversprechendem EC50-Wert von 5,7 nM wurden dieser Agonist und zwei weitere darauf basierende 19F-substituierte Moleküle als Referenzverbindungen synthetisiert (DZ 1-3). Für die 18F-Markierung der Moleküle DZ 2 und DZ 3 wurden die entsprechenden Markierungsvorläufer (MV 1-3) synthetisiert und anschließend die Reaktionsparameter hinsichtlich Temperatur, Lösungsmittel, Basensystem und Reaktionszeit für die nukleophile n.c.a. 18F-Fluorierung optimiert. Die abschließende Entschützung zum fertigen Radiotracer wurde mit NaOH-Lösung durchgeführt und die Tracer injektionsfertig in isotonischer NaCl-Lösung mit radiochemischen Ausbeuten von 26,9 % ([18F]DZ 2) und 39 % ([18F]DZ 3) erhalten.rnZusätzlich wurde ein Chelator zur 68Ga-Markierung an den Liganden gekoppelt (Verb. 46) und die Markierungsparameter optimiert. Nach erfolgter Markierung mit 95 % radiochemischer Ausbeute, wurde der Tracer abgetrennt und in vitro Stabilitätsstudien durchgeführt. Diese zeigten eine Stabilität von mehr als 90 % über 120 min in sowohl humanem Serum (37 °C) als auch isotonischer NaCl-Lösung.rnMit einem ebenfalls synthetisierten fluoreszenzmarkierten Derivat des Liganden (Verb. 43) wurden erste LSM-Bilder an sowohl Langerhansschen Inseln als auch FFAR1-tragenden RIN-M Zellen durchgeführt, welche einen vielversprechenden Uptake des neuen Liganden in die Zellen zeigen. Weitere Untersuchungen und biologische Evaluierungen stehen noch aus. Mit den Referenzsubstanzen wurden zusätzlich Vitalitätsstudien an Langerhansschen Inseln durchgeführt, um einen negativen toxischen Einfluss auszuschließen.rn


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Delivery of therapeutic nucleic acid based drugs is still very demanding and difficult to manage and monitor. For this reason, a precise method for the monitoring of RNAi pathways is necessary. This thesis explores a new approach for sensing of potentially therapeutic nucleic acids, using the interaction of so called prodyes with intracellular enzymes in a prodrug manner. To realize this concept, some non-fluorescent, fluorescein based asymmetric dyes were synthesized and their spectroscopic characteristics were studied. Azide-alkyne Click chemistry was applied for conjugation purposes, using a new protocol at weak acidic pH to get intact prodye constructs. Both, an electrophoretic mobility shift assay with polyacrylamide gels and in-cuvette experiments showed remarkable OFF-to-ON behavior of these new siRNA constructs under physiological conditions. After salt-free purification, subsequent hybridization to double-stranded ribonucleic acids and nanoformulation to lipoplexes, the prodye conjugated siRNA was examined in cellular uptake studies for First Contact Imaging. The investigated siRNA-prodye conjugates showed strong sensitivity to esterases, being hydrolyzed at the biolabile function and developing a strong fluorescence which was verified in bulk. As an optimization, a new profluorescent molecule system was designed and synthesized, which has a carbonate as biolabile 6’ protecting group and a highly water soluble 3’ clickable linker. This new non-fluorescent but colored prodye showed 12 - 320 times increased fluorescence intensities between OFF- and ON- states, depending to the deprotection method. This is the first reported molecule model of an asymmetric profluorescent fluorescein, having the very favorable 3’ & 6’ functions.


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Es wurden drei Ansätze zur Totalsynthese von Fungerin verfolgt, dessen charakteristisches Strukturmerkmal ein N-methylierter in 4,5-Position disubstituierter Imidazolkern ist. Zunächst wurde ein Syntheseweg eingeschlagen, bei dem die Bildung des Imidazolrings nach Marckwald erfolgte. Das hierfür benötigte α-Aminoketon wurde in einer konvergenten Synthesesequenz aus zwei Bausteinen zusammengesetzt. Die anschließende Ringschlussreaktion mit Kaliumthiocyanat lieferte ein Thioimidazolderivat, welches erfolgreich zum angestrebten Zielmolekül entschwefelt werden konnte. Die Gesamtausbeute betrug 8,1 % über sieben Stufen. In einem zweiten Syntheseweg wurde ein in 4- und 5-Position orthogonal geschütztes Imidazolderivat synthetisiert, um eine höhere Flexibilität bei geplanten Strukturvariationen der Seitenketten zu erreichen. Nach sequentieller Entschützung und Funktionalisierung sollten verschiedene Substituenten angebracht werden. Die Bildung des Imidazolkerns erfolge über eine Kondensationsreaktion von Methylamin mit einem N-formylierten α-Aminoketon, welches über eine Claisen-Kondensation erhalten wurde. Die zur Einführung der C5-Seitenkette geplante Grignard- bzw. Schlosser-Fouquet-Kupplung erwies sich als nicht zuverlässig reproduzierbar. In der Folge wurde in einer dritten Synthesesequenz ein Imidazolderivat mit zwei unterschiedlichen Anknüpfungspunkten in 4- und 5-Position synthetisiert. Dadurch war es möglich über Julia-Kocienski Olefinierungen verschiedene Seitenketten in 5-Position anzubringen. In 4-Position erfolgte die Einführung über Heck-Kupplungen. Insgesamt konnten so, neben Fungerin, noch sieben weitere Fungerinderivate erhalten werden.


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I salumi fermentati sono prodotti caratterizzati da grandi differenze che riguardano la materia prima, gli ingredienti, le dimensioni e le condizioni di maturazione. Questa differenziazione è dovuta a pratiche storiche, culturali e tradizionali che variano da zona a zona. Il processo produttivo nel nostro Paese è però cambiato radicalmente grazie alle innovazioni tecnologiche. Tra queste l’introduzione delle colture starter ha rappresentato una garanzia di maggiore sicurezza igienica e sanitaria ma ha determinato una standardizzazione delle caratteristiche qualitative dei prodotti. Infatti, tutte le trasformazioni biochimiche che avvengono durante la maturazione possono essere influenzate dall’uso degli starter, così come dal diametro dei salami, che influenza la cinetica di perdita dell’acqua e la disponibilità di ossigeno all’interno del prodotto. Lo scopo del lavoro descritto nel mio elaborato è stato quello di valutare l’effetto di queste due variabili su alcune caratteristiche fisico-chimiche, microbiologiche e sul contenuto in amine biogene di salami prodotti industrialmente a partire dalla stessa miscela di ingredienti. Questo impasto carneo è stato addizionato di due starter diversi: oltre all’impiego di Staphylococcus carnosus, un primo lotto è stato inoculato con Lactobacillus sakei mentre un secondo con Pediococcus pentosaceus. Successivamente i due lotti sono stati insaccati in budelli sintetici aventi dimensioni diverse (grande con peso del prodotto all’insacco di 5.3kg e piccolo, con peso all’insacco di 385g). I risultati ottenuti da questa sperimentazione confermano il fatto che la dimensione è uno degli aspetti che maggiormente influenza la caratteristiche del prodotto. Inoltre, anche le colture starter hanno dato risultati diversi indipendentemente dal diametro, dimostrando la necessità di una più approfondita conoscenza tecnologica dei prodotti studiati in relazione alle attività microbiche che si svolgono durante la fermentazione e la maturazione.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the formation and dissolution of calcium fluoride on the enamel surface after application of two fluoride gel-saliva mixtures. METHOD AND MATERIALS: From each of 80 bovine incisors, two enamel specimens were prepared and subjected to two different treatment procedures. In group 1, 80 specimens were treated with a mixture of an amine fluoride gel (1.25% F-; pH 5.2; 5 minutes) and human saliva. In group 2, 80 enamel blocks were subjected to a mixture of sodium fluoride gel (1.25% F; pH 5.5; 5 minutes) and human saliva. Subsequent to fluoride treatment, 40 specimens from each group were stored in human saliva and sterile water, respectively. Ten specimens were removed after each of 1 hour, 24 hours, 2 days, and 5 days and analyzed according to potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride. RESULTS: Application of amine fluoride gel resulted in a higher amount of potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride than did sodium fluoride gel 1 hour after application. Saliva exerted an inhibitory effect according to the dissolution rate of calcium fluoride. However, after 5 days, more than 90% of the precipitated calcium fluoride was dissolved in the amine fluoride group, and almost all potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride was lost in the sodium fluoride group. Calcium fluoride apparently dissolves rapidly, even at almost neutral pH. CONCLUSION: Considering the limitations of an in vitro study, it is concluded that highly concentrated fluoride gels should be applied at an adequate frequency to reestablish a calcium fluoride-like layer.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-erosive effects of different fluoride compounds and one tin compound in the context of the complex pathohistology of dentine erosion, with particular emphasis on the role of the organic portion. Samples were subjected to two experiments including erosive acid attacks (0.05 molar citric acid, pH 2.3; 6 x 2 min/day) and applications (6 x 2 min/day) of the following test solutions: SnCl(2) (815 ppm Sn), NaF (250 ppm F), SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 809 ppm Sn), amine fluoride (AmF, 250 ppm F), AmF/NaF (250 ppm F), and AmF/SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 409 ppm Sn). The demineralised organic fraction was enzymatically removed either at the end of the experiment (experiment 1) or continuously throughout the experiment (experiment 2). Tissue loss was determined profilometrically after 10 experimental days. In experiment 1, the highest erosive tissue loss was found in the control group (erosion only); the AmF- and NaF-containing solutions reduced tissue loss by about 60%, reductions for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2) were 52, 74 and 89%, respectively. In experiment 2, loss values generally were significantly higher, and the differences between the test solutions were much more distinct. Reduction of tissue loss was between 12 and 34% for the AmF- and NaF-containing preparations, and 11, 67 and 78% for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2), respectively. Stannous fluoride-containing solutions revealed promising anti-erosive effects in dentine. The strikingly different outcomes in the two experiments suggest reconsidering current methodologies for investigating anti-erosive strategies in dentine.


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Dental erosion develops through chronic exposure to extrinsic/intrinsic acids with a low pH. Enamel erosion is characterized by a centripetal dissolution leaving a small demineralized zone behind. In contrast, erosive demineralization in dentin is more complex as the acid-induced mineral dissolution leads to the exposure of collagenous organic matrix, which hampers ion diffusion and, thus, reduces further progression of the lesion. Topical fluoridation inducing the formation of a protective layer on dental hard tissue, which is composed of CaF(2) (in case of conventional fluorides like amine fluoride or sodium fluoride) or of metal-rich surface precipitates (in case of titanium tetrafluoride or tin-containing fluoride products), appears to be most effective on enamel. In dentin, the preventive effect of fluorides is highly dependent on the presence of the organic matrix. In situ studies have shown a higher protective potential of fluoride in enamel compared to dentin, probably as the organic matrix is affected by enzymatical and chemical degradation as well as by abrasive influences in the clinical situation. There is convincing evidence that fluoride, in general, can strengthen teeth against erosive acid damage, and high-concentration fluoride agents and/or frequent applications are considered potentially effective approaches in preventing dental erosion. The use of tin-containing fluoride products might provide the best approach for effective prevention of dental erosion. Further properly designed in situ or clinical studies are recommended in order to better understand the relative differences in performance of the various fluoride agents and formulations.


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Two novel bicyclo-T nucleosides carrying a hydroxyl or a carboxymethyl substituent in C(6')-[alpha]-position were prepared and incorporated into oligodeoxynucleotides. During oligonucleotide deprotection the carboxymethyl substituent was converted into different amide substituents in a parallel way. Tm-measurements showed no dramatic differences in both, thermal affinity and mismatch discrimination, compared to unmodified oligonucleotides. The post-synthetic modification of the carboxymethyl substituent allows in principle for a parallel preparation of a library of oligonucleotides carrying diverse substituents at C(6'). In addition, functional groups can be placed into unique positions in a DNA double helix.


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The atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of styrene (St) was conducted in the presence of varying equivalence (eq) of hexafluorobenzene (HFB) and octafluorotoluene (OFT) to probe the effects of pi-pi stacking on the rate of the polymerization and on the tacticity of the resulting polystyrene (PSt). The extent of the pi-pi stacking interaction between HFB/OFT and the terminal polystyrenic phenyl group was also investigated as a function of solvent, both non-aromatic solvents (THF and hexanes) and aromatic solvents (benzene and toluene). In all cases the presence of HFB or OFT resulted in a decrease in monomer conversion indicating a reduction in the rate of the polymerization with greater retardation of the rate with increase eq of HFB or OFT (0.5 eq to 1 eq HFB/OFT compared to St). Additionally, when aromatic solvents were used instead of non-aromatic solvents the effect of the HFB/OFT on the rate was minimized, consistent with the aromatic solvent competitively interacting with the HFB/OFT. The effects of temperature and ligand strength on the ATRP of St in the presence of HFB were also probed. It was found that when using N,N,N’,N’,N’’-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) as the ligand the effects of HFB at 38o were the same as at 86oC. When tris[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-amine (Me6TREN) was used as the ligand at 38o there was a decrease in monomer conversion similar to the analogous PMDETA reaction. When the polymerization was conducted at 86oC there was no effect on the monomer conversion with HFB present compared to when HFB was absent. To investigate the pi-pi stacking effect even further, the reverse pi-pi stacking system was observed by conducting the ATRP of pentafluorostyrene (PFSt) in the presence of varying eq of benzene and toluene, which in both cases resulted in an increase in monomer conversion compared to when benzene or toluene were absent; in summary the rate of the ATRP of PFSt increases when benzene or toluene waas present in the reaction. The pi-pi stacking interaction between the HFB/OFT and the dormant alkyl bromide of the polymer chain was verified by 1H-NMR with 1-bromoethylbenzene as the alkyl bromide. Also verified by 1H-NMR was the interaction between HFB/OFT and St and the interaction between PFSt and benzene. In all 1H-NMR spectra a perturbation in the aromatic and/or vinyl peaks was observed when the pi-pi stacking agent was present compared to when it was absent. The tacticity of the PSt formed in the presence of 1 eq of HFB was compared to the PSt formed in the absence of HFB by observing the C1 signal in their 13C-NMR spectra, but no change in shape or chemical shift of the signal was observed indicating that there was no change in tacticity.


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BACKGROUND: T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity is a rare but serious manifestation of drug therapy. OBJECTIVES: To explore the mechanisms of drug presentation to T cells and the possibility that generation of metabolite-specific T cells may provoke cross-sensitization between drugs. METHODS: A lymphocyte transformation test was performed on 13 hypersensitive patients with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and carbamazepine metabolites. Serial dilution experiments were performed to generate drug (metabolite)-specific T-cell clones to explore the structural basis of the T-cell response and mechanisms of antigen presentation. 3-Dimensional energy-minimized structures were generated by using computer modeling. The role of drug metabolism was analyzed with 1-aminobenzotriazole. RESULTS: Lymphocytes and T-cell clones proliferated with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and some (carbamazepine 10,11 epoxide, 10-hydroxy carbamazepine) but not all stable carbamazepine metabolites. Structure activity studies using 29 carbamazepine (metabolite)-specific T-cell clones revealed 4 patterns of drug recognition, which could be explained by generation of preferred 3-dimensional structural conformations. T cells were stimulated by carbamazepine (metabolites) bound directly to MHC in the absence of processing. The activation threshold for T-cell proliferation varied between 5 minutes and 4 hours. 1-Aminobenzotriazole, which inhibits cytochrome P450 activity, did not prevent carbamazepine-related T-cell proliferation. Substitution of the terminal amine residue of carbamazepine with a methyl group diminished T-cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: These data show that carbamazepine and certain stable carbamazepine metabolites stimulate T cells rapidly via a direct interaction with MHC and specific T-cell receptors. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Some patients with a history of carbamazepine hypersensitivity possess T cells that cross-react with oxcarbazepine, providing a rationale for cross-sensitivity between the 2 drugs.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of CO2 laser treatment through topically applied amine fluoride solution on demineralised enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty extracted human molar crowns were selected and cut longitudinally into half. One half was subjected to a 10-day pH-cycling procedure to create caries-like lesions, whereas the other was left non-demineralised. The following treatments were randomly assigned (one treatment per tooth, on respective non-demineralised and demineralised matched specimens): exposure to a 1% amine fluoride solution for 15 s without irradiation (group I), irradiation for 15 s with a continuous-wave CO2 laser (group II), or laser-treatment for 15 s through the amine fluoride solution applied immediately beforehand (group III). Fluoride uptake (n = 30) and acid resistance (n = 30) were determined after treatment. Enamel surface alterations after laser irradiation were monitored using scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: In groups I and III, an increased fluoride uptake was detected (p < or = 0.05). Laser irradiation through topical fluoride resulted in an increased acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel specimens in deeper layers (p < or = 0.05). In addition, less surface alterations were observed in SEM examination of specimens irradiated through the amine fluoride solution compared with counterparts treated with laser only. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser light application through an amine fluoride solution may be instrumental in enhancing acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel.


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Trypanosoma brucei encodes a relatively high number of genes of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family. We report here the cloning and in-depth characterization of one T. brucei brucei ENT member, TbNT9/AT-D. This transporter was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and displayed a uniquely high affinity for adenosine (Km = 0.068 +/- 0.013 microM), as well as broader selectivity for other purine nucleosides in the low micromolar range, but was not inhibited by nucleobases or pyrimidines. This selectivity profile is consistent with the P1 transport activity observed previously in procyclic and long-slender bloodstream T. brucei, apart from the 40-fold higher affinity for adenosine than for inosine. We found that, like the previously investigated P1 activity of long/slender bloodstream trypanosomes, the 3'-hydroxy, 5'-hydroxy, N3, and N7 functional groups contribute to transporter binding. In addition, we show that the 6-position amine group of adenosine, but not the inosine 6-keto group, makes a major contribution to binding (DeltaG0 = 12 kJ/mol), explaining the different Km values of the purine nucleosides. We further found that P1 activity in procyclic and long-slender trypanosomes is pharmacologically distinct, and we identified the main gene encoding this activity in procyclic cells as NT10/AT-B. The presence of multiple P1-type nucleoside transport activities in T. brucei brucei facilitates the development of nucleoside-based treatments for African trypanosomiasis and would delay the onset of uptake-related drug resistance to such therapy. We show that both TbNT9/AT-D and NT10/AT-B transport a range of potentially therapeutic nucleoside analogs.


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Electrospinning uses electrostatic forces to create nanofibers that are far smaller than conventional fiber spinning process. Nanofibers made with chitosan were created and techniques to control fibers diameter and were well developed. However, the adsorption of porcine parvovirus (PPV) was low. PPV is a small, nonenveloped virus that is difficult to remove due to its size, 18-26 nm in diameter, and its chemical stability. To improve virus adsorption, we functionalized the nanofibers with a quaternized amine, forming N-[(2-hydroxy-3-trimethylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride (HTCC). This was blended with additives to increase the ability to form HTCC nanofibers. The additives changed the viscosity and conductivity of the electrospinning solution. We have successfully synthesized and functionalized HTCC nanofibers that absorb PPV. HTCC blend with graphene have the ability to remove a minimum of 99% of PPV present in solution.