984 resultados para ACTIVE-MATRIX DISPLAYS


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The aim of this work is to enable seamless transformation of product concepts to CAD models. This necessitates availability of 3D product sketches. The present work concerns intuitive generation of 3D strokes and intrinsic support for space sharing and articulation for the components of the product being sketched. Direct creation of 3D strokes in air lacks in precision, stability and control. The inadequacy of proprioceptive feedback for the task is complimented in this work with stereo vision and haptics. Three novel methods based on pencil-paper interaction analogy for haptic rendering of strokes have been investigated. The pen-tilt based rendering is simpler and found to be more effective. For the spatial conformity, two modes of constraints for the stylus movements, corresponding to the motions on a control surface and in a control volume have been studied using novel reactive and field based haptic rendering schemes. The field based haptics, which in effect creates an attractive force field near a surface, though non-realistic, provided highly effective support for the control-surface constraints. The efficacy of the reactive haptic rendering scheme for the constrained environments has been demonstrated using scribble strokes. This can enable distributed collaborative 3D concept development. The notion of motion constraints, defined through sketch strokes enables intuitive generation of articulated 3D sketches and direct exploration of motion annotations found in most product concepts. The work, thus, establishes that modeling of the constraints is a central issue in 3D sketching.


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Yaw rate of a vehicle is highly influenced by the lateral forces generated at the tire contact patch to attain the desired lateral acceleration, and/or by external disturbances resulting from factors such as crosswinds, flat tire or, split-μ braking. The presence of the latter and the insufficiency of the former may lead to undesired yaw motion of a vehicle. This paper proposes a steer-by-wire system based on fuzzy logic as yaw-stability controller for a four-wheeled road vehicle with active front steering. The dynamics governing the yaw behavior of the vehicle has been modeled in MATLAB/Simulink. The fuzzy controller receives the yaw rate error of the vehicle and the steering signal given by the driver as inputs and generates an additional steering angle as output which provides the corrective yaw moment. The results of simulations with various drive input signals show that the yaw stability controller using fuzzy logic proposed in the current study has a good performance in situations involving unexpected yaw motion. The yaw rate errors of a vehicle having the proposed controller are notably smaller than an uncontrolled vehicle's, and the vehicle having the yaw stability controller recovers lateral distance and desired yaw rate more quickly than the uncontrolled vehicle.


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We show that a liquid organic precursor can be injected directly into molten magnesium to produce nanoscale ceramic dispersions within the melt. The castings made in this way possess good resistance to tensile deformation at 673 K (400 degrees C), confirming the non-coarsening nature of these dispersions. Direct liquid injection into molten metals is a significant step toward inserting different chemistries of liquid precursors to generate a variety of polymer-derived metal matrix composites. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013


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Modern pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifiers use LC L filters that can be applied in both the common mode and differential mode to obtain high-performance filtering. Interaction between the passive L and C components in the filter leads to resonance oscillations. These oscillations need to be damped either by the passive damping or active damping. The passive damping increases power loss and can reduce the effectiveness of the filter. Methods of active damping, using control strategy, are lossless while maintaining the effectiveness of the filters. In this paper, an active damping strategy is proposed to damp the oscillations in both line-to-line and line-to-ground. An approach based on pole placement by the state feedback is used to actively damp both the differential-and common-mode filter oscillations. Analytical expressions for the state-feedback controller gains are derived for both continuous and discrete-time model of the filter. Tradeoff in selection of the active damping gain on the lower order power converter harmonics is analyzed using a weighted admittance function. Experimental results on a 10-kVA laboratory prototype PWM rectifier are presented. The results validate the effectiveness of the active damping method, and the tradeoff in the settings of the damping gain.


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An aeroelastic analysis is used to investigate the rate dependent hysteresis in piezoceramic actuators and its effect on helicopter vibration control with trailing edge flaps. Hysteresis in piezoceramic materials can cause considerable complications in the use of smart actuators as prime movers in applications such as helicopter active vibration control. Dynamic hysteresis of the piezoelectric stack actuator is investigated for a range of frequencies (5 Hz (1/rev) to 30 Hz (6/rev)) which are of practical importance for helicopter vibration analysis. Bench top tests are conducted on a commercially available piezoelectric stack actuator. Frequency dependent hysteretic behavior is studied experimentally for helicopter operational frequencies. Material hysteresis in the smart actuator is mathematically modeled using the theory of conic sections. Numerical simulations are also performed at an advance ratio of 0.3 for vibration control analysis using a trailing edge flap with an idealized linear and a hysteretic actuator. The results indicate that dynamic hysteresis has a notable effect on the hub vibration levels. It is found that the theory of conic sections offers a straight forward approach for including hysteresis into aeroelastic analysis.


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The maintenance of ion channel homeostasis, or channelostasis, is a complex puzzle in neurons with extensive dendritic arborization, encompassing a combinatorial diversity of proteins that encode these channels and their auxiliary subunits, their localization profiles, and associated signaling machinery. Despite this, neurons exhibit amazingly stereotypic, topographically continuous maps of several functional properties along their active dendritic arbor. Here, we asked whether the membrane composition of neurons, at the level of individual ion channels, is constrained by this structural requirement of sustaining several functional maps along the same topograph. We performed global sensitivity analysis on morphologically realistic conductance-based models of hippocampal pyramidal neurons that coexpressed six well-characterized functional maps along their trunk. We generated randomized models by varying 32 underlying parameters and constrained these models with quantitative experimental measurements from the soma and dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Analyzing valid models that satisfied experimental constraints on all six functional maps, we found topographically analogous functional maps to emerge from disparate model parameters with weak pairwise correlations between parameters. Finally, we derived a methodology to assess the contribution of individual channel conductances to the various functional measurements, using virtual knockout simulations on the valid model population. We found that the virtual knockout of individual channels resulted in variable, measurement and location-specific impacts across the population. Our results suggest collective channelostasis as a mechanism behind the robust emergence of analogous functional maps and have significant ramifications for the localization and targeting of ion channels and enzymes that regulate neural coding and homeostasis.


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The present article describes a working or combined calibration curve in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic analysis, which is the cumulative result of the calibration curves obtained from neutral and singly ionized atomic emission spectral lines. This working calibration curve reduces the effect of change in matrix between different zone soils and certified soil samples because it includes both the species' (neutral and singly ionized) concentration of the element of interest. The limit of detection using a working calibration curve is found better as compared to its constituent calibration curves (i.e., individual calibration curves). The quantitative results obtained using the working calibration curve is in better agreement with the result of inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy as compared to the result obtained using its constituent calibration curves.


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This commentary discusses and summarizes the key highlights of our recently reported work entitled ``Neuronal Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Neuronal Progenitors Can Be Regulated by Stretchable Conducting Polymers.'' The prospect of controlling the mechanical-rigidity and the surface conductance properties offers a unique combination for tailoring the growth and differentiation of neuronal cells. We emphasize the utility of transparent elastomeric substrates with coatings of electrically conducting polymer to realize the desired substrate-characteristics for cellular development processes. Our study showed that neuronal differentiation from ES cells is highly influenced by the specific substrates on which they are growing. Thus, our results provide a better strategy for regulated neuronal differentiation by using such functional conducting surfaces.


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It is a formidable challenge to arrange tin nanoparticles in a porous matrix for the achievement of high specific capacity and current rate capability anode for lithium-ion batteries. This article discusses a simple and novel synthesis of arranging tin nanoparticles with carbon in a porous configuration for application as anode in lithium-ion batteries. Direct carbonization of synthesized three-dimensional Sn-based MOF: K2Sn2(1,4-bdc)(3)](H2O) (1) (bdc = benzenedicarboxylate) resulted in stabilization of tin nanoparticles in a porous carbon matrix (abbreviated as Sn@C). Sn@C exhibited remarkably high electrochemical lithium stability (tested over 100 charge and discharge cycles) and high specific capacities over a wide range of operating currents (0.2-5 Ag-1). The novel synthesis strategy to obtain Sn@C from a single precursor as discussed herein provides an optimal combination of particle size and dispersion for buffering severe volume changes due to Li-Sn alloying reaction and provides fast pathways for lithium and electron transport.


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Nanosized cerium and nitrogen co-doped TiO2 (Ce-TiO2-xNx) was synthesized by sol gel method and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), FESEM, Fourier transform infrared, N-2 adsorption and desorption methods, photoluminescence and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) DRS techniques. PXRD analysis shows the dopant decreases the crystallite sizes and slows the crystallization of the titania matrix. XPS confirm the existence of cerium ion in +3 or +4 state, and nitrogen in -3 state in Ce-TiO2-xNx. The modified surface of TiO2 provides highly active sites for the dyes at the periphery of the Ce-O-Ti interface and also inhibits Ce particles from sintering. UV-visible DRS studies show that the metal-metal charge transfer (MMCT) of Ti/Ce assembly (Ti4+/Ce3+ -> Ti3+/Ce4+) is responsible for the visible light photocatalytic activity. Photoluminescence was used to determine the effect of cerium ion on the electron-hole pair separation between the two interfaces Ce-TiO2-xNx and Ce2O3. This separation increases with the increase of cerium and nitrogen ion concentrations of doped samples. The degradation kinetics of methylene blue and methyl violet dyes in the presence of sol gel TiO2, Ce-TiO2-xNx and commercial Degussa P25 was determined. The higher visible light activity of Ce-TiO2-xNx was due to the participation of MMCT and interfacial charge transfer mechanism.


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The creation of synthetic systems that emulate the defining properties of living matter, such as motility, gradient-sensing, signaling, and replication, is a grand challenge of biomimetics. Such imitations of life crucially contain active components that transform chemical energy into directed motion. These artificial realizations of motility point in the direction of a new paradigm in engineering, through the design of emergent behavior by manipulating properties at the scale of the individual components. Catalytic colloidal swimmers are a particularly promising example of such systems. Here we present a comprehensive theoretical description of gradient-sensing of an individual swimmer, leading controllably to chemotactic or anti-chemotactic behavior, and use it to construct a framework for studying their collective behavior. We find that both the positional and the orientational degrees of freedom of the active colloids can exhibit condensation, signaling formation of clusters and asters. The kinetics of catalysis introduces a natural control parameter for the range of the interaction mediated by the diffusing chemical species. For various regimes in parameter space in the long-ranged limit our system displays precise analogs to gravitational collapse, plasma oscillations, and electrostatic screening. We present prescriptions for how to tune the surface properties of the colloids during fabrication to achieve each type of behavior.


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Wing morphing is one of the emerging methodology towards improving aerodynamic efficiency of flight vehicle structures. In this paper a morphing structural element is designed and studied which has its origin in the well known chiral structures. The new aspect of design and functionality explored in this paper is that the chiral cell is actuated using thermal Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuator wires to provide directional motion. Such structure utilizes the potential of different actuations concepts based on actuator embedded in the chiral structure skin. This paper describes a new class of chiral cell structure with integrated SMA wire for actuation. Chiral topological constructs are obtained by considering passive and active load path decoupling and sub-optimal shape changes. Single cell of chiral honeycomb with actuators are analyzed using finite element simulation results and experiments. To this end, a multi-cell plan-form is characterized showing interesting possibilities in structural morphing applications. The applicability of the developed chiral cell to flexible wing skin, variable stiffness based design and controlling longitudinal-to-transverse stiffness ratio are discussed.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.