880 resultados para ABTS radical
This thesis examines the rise and decline of the New Left in Toronto from 1958 to 1985. It argues that New Leftism — whose three leading ideals were self-management, national liberation, and community — arose as much from the Old Left as it did from the peace movement. In contrast to earlier readings that interpret the New Left narrowly — essentially, as the combined forces of the white student and peace movements evident mainly on university campuses — this thesis documents the extent to which New Leftism, interpreted as a political formation, provided a framework for a diversity of radical social movements, especially feminism, Black Power, gay liberation, resistance to the capitalist redevelopment of the city, and transnational solidarity. It also questions a declensionist narrative that adopts a “decadal” approach to the radicalism of the sixties, according to which 1970 spelled the end of “60s” radicalism. Quite the contrary, this thesis argues: in Toronto, it would be truer to say that 1970s were “the sixties,” in that only in this later decade did many New Left movements attain their full maturity. New Leftists successfully challenged a host of institutions, sometimes with permanent effects. The educational system was transformed. Cultural institutions and practices were revolutionized. Questions of race and gender, once peripheral to the left, were made central to it. Democratic community institutions became far more powerful. A token of the strength and durability of the New Left in Toronto was the extent to which it remained the bête noir of a series of other radical groups upholding the model of the vanguard communist party — which challenged the New Leftists’ prominence but many members of which often wound up agreeing with their positions. It was only in the early 1980s, with the ascent of a new right, that Toronto’s New Left unmistakably entered a period of decline. Yet, even then, many of its key themes were picked up by fast-growing anarchist and socialist feminist currents. Far from constituting a minor phenomenon, Toronto’s New Left, one of the largest movements for social justice in Canadian history, bequeathed to its progressive successors an imposing legacy of struggle and cultural achievements. It is the purpose of this thesis to evaluate, both critically and sympathetically, the extent to which the New Left attained its radical ambition.
This article focuses on the agonistic account of renewal and discusses its place within the broader horizon of radical democracy. It suggests that while the emphasis which agonistic theorists place on difference and popular struggles (particularly social movement politics) ensures some common ground with other theories of radical democracy, their account of renewal also displays some marked differences. The article explores these differences and discusses whether agonism is sufficient to address the limits of the current neoliberal order.
A monograph based on my sabbatical research on radical media ecologies in the 1970s in film, video, radio, television and music. This project aims to develop the paradgims of media archaeology and ecologies in a political way via the concepts of media anarchaeology and guerrilla networks
Doreen Massey: geógrafa radical, feminista, pensadora y activista
Populist radical right parties have become major political actors in Europe. This paper analyses the path and the different phases that have led them from the fringes of public debate to their present signifi cance, which is based on their capacity to attract electoral support and infl uence the political agendas in their respective countries. Besides, an analysis of the core ideological beliefs of these parties, and of the topics on which their mobilization capacity rests, is provided, as well as of the type of voters that are attracted by them. Finally, the authors discuss the meaning and impact of the growing popularity of the ideas and proposals put forward by the populist radical right parties.
This chapter describes my experiences of conducting research on commercial sex in Belfast, Northern Ireland which was conducted as part of a larger British Academy – Leverhulme Trust funded study that examined the policing and legal regulation of commercial sex in Belfast (Northern Ireland) along with three other cities: Manchester (England), Berlin (Germany) and Prague (Czech Republic). This study provided the first empirical analysis of commercial sex in the jurisdiction and was instrumental in shedding light on prevalence rates for those involved in the industry as well as providing demographic information on the age, nationality and sexual orientation of sex workers along with the sector worked in, whether on-street or off-street. In the chapter I consider my role as a researcher and highlight some of the difficulties that I experienced conducting what was seen as controversial research in the politically, socially and culturally conservative context of Northern Ireland.
BACKGROUND: A pretrial clinical improvement project for the BOOST-II UK trial of oxygen saturation targeting revealed an artefact affecting saturation profiles obtained from the Masimo Set Radical pulse oximeter.
METHODS: Saturation was recorded every 10 s for up to 2 weeks in 176 oxygen dependent preterm infants in 35 UK and Irish neonatal units between August 2006 and April 2009 using Masimo SET Radical pulse oximeters. Frequency distributions of % time at each saturation were plotted. An artefact affecting the saturation distribution was found to be attributable to the oximeter's internal calibration algorithm. Revised software was installed and saturation distributions obtained were compared with four other current oximeters in paired studies.
RESULTS: There was a reduction in saturation values of 87-90%. Values above 87% were elevated by up to 2%, giving a relative excess of higher values. The software revision eliminated this, improving the distribution of saturation values. In paired comparisons with four current commercially available oximeters, Masimo oximeters with the revised software returned similar saturation distributions.
CONCLUSIONS: A characteristic of the software algorithm reduces the frequency of saturations of 87-90% and increases the frequency of higher values returned by the Masimo SET Radical pulse oximeter. This effect, which remains within the recommended standards for accuracy, is removed by installing revised software (board firmware V4.8 or higher). Because this observation is likely to influence oxygen targeting, it should be considered in the analysis of the oxygen trial results to maximise their generalisability.
Presented at CILIP in Scotland Conference 2016: 'Making Connections', 06.06.16
Hydroxyl radical (OH) is the primary oxidant in the troposphere, initiating the removal of numerous atmospheric species including greenhouse gases, pollutants that are detrimental to human health, and ozone-depleting substances. Because of the complexity of OH chemistry, models vary widely in their OH chemistry schemes and resulting methane (CH4) lifetimes. The current state of knowledge concerning global OH abundances is often contradictory. This body of work encompasses three projects that investigate tropospheric OH from a modeling perspective, with the goal of improving the tropospheric community’s knowledge of the atmospheric lifetime of CH4. First, measurements taken during the airborne CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) field campaign are used to evaluate OH in global models. A box model constrained to measured variables is utilized to infer concentrations of OH along the flight track. Results are used to evaluate global model performance, suggest against the existence of a proposed “OH Hole” in the tropical Western Pacific, and investigate implications of high O3/low H2O filaments on chemical transport to the stratosphere. While methyl chloroform-based estimates of global mean OH suggest that models are overestimating OH, we report evidence that these models are actually underestimating OH in the tropical Western Pacific. The second project examines OH within global models to diagnose differences in CH4 lifetime. I developed an approach to quantify the roles of OH precursor field differences (O3, H2O, CO, NOx, etc.) using a neural network method. This technique enables us to approximate the change in CH4 lifetime resulting from variations in individual precursor fields. The dominant factors driving CH4 lifetime differences between models are O3, CO, and J(O3-O1D). My third project evaluates the effect of climate change on global fields of OH using an empirical model. Observations of H2O and O3 from satellite instruments are combined with a simulation of tropical expansion to derive changes in global mean OH over the past 25 years. We find that increasing H2O and increasing width of the tropics tend to increase global mean OH, countering the increasing CH4 sink and resulting in well-buffered global tropospheric OH concentrations.
Pele, ossos, espinhas, entre outros, separados durante o processamento de produtos cárneos podem ser uma boa fonte de proteína, especialmente de colágeno. Para obtenção de colágeno nativo a partir de ossos é necessário um tratamento prévio de desproteinização e desmineralização. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os melhores parâmetros para a desmineralização de ossos de pescado e frango utilizando soluções de HCl e EDTA um complexante de íons metálicos. O melhor efeito da desmineralização foi obtido com solução de HCl 1,0 mol/L. Após 48 h de extração, 99,4 e 95,4% das substâncias minerais foram solubilizadas para os ossos de pescado e para ossos de frango, respectivamente. Paralelamente, a menor perda de colágeno também foi observada nessas condições. O processo realizado empregando soluções de EDTA foi menos eficaz do que com solução de HCl. Após 48 h de extração com EDTA 0,1 mol/L, 37,5 e 32,4% dos compostos minerais foram removidos dos ossos de pescado e dos ossos de frango, respectivamente. Uma maior eficiência foi alcançada com solução de EDTA 0,5 mol/L. O rendimento do processo foi de cerca de 66,6% a partir dos ossos de pescado e 70,6% a partir os ossos de frango. A desmineralização com EDTA não provocou perda de colágeno.
Quando produtos alimentícios e especiarias são contaminados por micotoxinas é quase impossível detoxificar utilizando processos usuais da indústria de alimentos ou durante o preparo doméstico. Por isso, controlar o crescimento do fungo e a produção de toxinas é uma demanda para garantir a segurança alimentar. Os agrotóxicos são rotineiramente utilizados como estratégia para proteger as plantas de doenças provocadas pela contaminação fúngica. No entanto, eles estão associados a efeitos adversos ao sistema nervoso central e periférico, têm ação imunodepressora e são cancerígenos. Em virtude disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a inibição do desenvolvimento, do potencial toxigênico e da expressão gênica de linhagens do Complexo Fusarium graminearum por compostos naturais comparativamente aos fungicidas azoxistrobina e trifloxistrobina. Do farelo de arroz, foram extraídos o γ-orizanol e os ácidos fenólicos (EFF). Das sementes de nim foram extraídos os ácidos fenólicos (EFN), totalizando três extratos naturais. A capacidade antioxidante dos extratos foi verificada pelo consumo do radical livre DPPH• , capacidade de captura do radical ABTS●+, redução do ferro e inibição da oxidação enzimática. Os mecanismos de inibição de três linhagens de F. graminearum foram avaliados através da determinação de compostos estruturais (glicosamina e ergosterol) e da atividade de enzimas do metabolismo primário (α- amilase e proteases). Foram determinadas as micotoxinas de Fusarium: deoxinivalenol (DON), 15 acetildeoxinivalenol (15AcDON), 3 acetildeoxinivalenol (3AcDON), nivalenol (NIV) e zearalenona (ZEA). A expressão dos genes Tri1 e Tri5 foi determinada a fim de verificar se ocorria modificação da expressão gênica nas linhagens do Complexo F. graminearum ocasionada pela presença dos antifúngicos. O EFF apresenta atividade antioxidante destacada em relação aos demais extratos naturais para inibir a iniciação do processo, a propagação do radical livre e a catálise enzimática. A presença dos compostos naturais mostrou efeito promissor como antifúngico para as linhagens, sendo que a concentração necessária para inibir 50% do crescimento radial das colônias (MIC50) foi 0,9 g/kg para γ-orizanol; 0,032 g/kg para EFF e 0,037 g/kg para EFN, portanto, os extratos fenólicos são mais eficazes para inibição de F. graminearum do que o γ-orizanol. Os extratos naturais afetaram as atividades das enzimas α-amilase e proteases. Também ocorreu a redução da formação de componentes estruturais (glicosamina e ergosterol). Os extratos naturais se destacaram pela capacidade de inibição de micotoxinas produzidas pela biomassa fúngica, com destaque para o EFN sobre a produção de DON, 15AcDON, 3AcDON e ZEA. Sendo assim, é possível dizer que há uma relação direta entre a atividade antioxidante na inibição do fungo e na manifestação do seu potencial toxigênico. Além disso, esse estudo contribuiu com a elucidação do mecanismo de ação dos antifúngicos naturais estudados. Ocorre modificação na expressão gênica quando a linhagem é submetida ao tratamento com antifúngico, havendo uma relação direta entre a expressão do gene Tri5 e a produção de DON.
Tropospheric ozone (O3), a main component of photochemical oxidants, adversely affects not only human health but also vegetation. To clarify the long-term effects of ambient levels of tropospheric ozone (O3) on photosynthetic components and radical scavenging system in the leaves of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L.), two African varieties, Blackeye and Asontem, were grown in open-top chambers and exposed to filtered air (FA), non-filtered air (NF) or non-filtered air with additional O3 of approximately 50 nl l-1. Ambient levels of O3 significantly reduced chlorophyll concentration, quantum yield and activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), thus contributing to the reduction in net photosynthetic rate at the reproductive growth stage of both varieties; with no significant variety difference in the sensitivity to O3. The O3-induced significant reduction in catalase activity was observed in Blackeye at vegetative and reproductive growth stages; and in Asontem at reproductive growth stage. On the other hand, exposure to O3 significantly increased ascorbate peroxidase activity in Blackeye at reproductive stage and did not significantly affect that in Blackeye at vegetative growth stage and that in Asontem at both growth stages. At reproductive growth stage, activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase were significantly increased by the exposure to O3 in both varieties. The results obtained in this study suggest that, although ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase played important roles in scavenging O3-induced reactive oxygen species in the leaves, radical scavenging ability of these enzymes is not sufficient to avoid detrimental effects of ambient levels of O3 on photosynthesis in both African cowpea varieties.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las intervenciones de enfermería en pacientes sometidos a prostatectomía radical. Se trata de una revisión integradora guiada por la pregunta "¿Cuáles son las intervenciones de enfermería dirigidas a pacientes con disfunción eréctil después de una prostatectomía radical?" buscado en PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, Cochrane Library, LILACS y en la lista de las referencias de los artículos seleccionados. Compusieron la muestra final 10 artículos y 43 intervenciones de enfermería fueron identificadas y agrupadas en 10 categorías. Las intervenciones de enfermería para pacientes con disfunción eréctil después de prostatectomía radical se centraron en la educación sobre la naturaleza de la disfunción eréctil, el tratamiento y la sexualidad; además de fortalecer el compromiso de las esposas durante el proceso de abordaje y tratamiento de la disfunción. Estas intervenciones pueden ser útiles para que las enfermeras puedan actuar durante el seguimiento de estos pacientes, proporcionando una mejor calidad de vida y bienestar.