1000 resultados para 7140-310
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled "Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2008" is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 3 I2.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in progress on June 30, 2008; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation. IOWA HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD In developing a progressive, continuing and coordinated program of research and development, the Highway Division is assisted by the Iowa Highway Research Board. This advisory group was established in 1949 by the Iowa State Highway Commission to respond to the research denoted in Section 310.36 of the Code of Iowa and now is denoted by 312.3A. The Research Board consists of 15 regular members: seven Iowa county engineers, four Iowa DOT engineers, one representative from Iowa State University, one from The University of Iowa, and two engineers employed by Iowa municipalities. Each regular member may have an alternate who will serve at the request of the regular member. The regular members and their alternates are appointed for a three-year term. The membership of the Research Board as of June 30, 2008, is listed in Table I. The Research Board held nine regular meetings during the period ofJuly 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008. Suggestions for research and development were reviewed at these meetings and recommendations were made by the Board.
Se describe la distribución vertical y horizontal de huevos y larvas de merluza peruana, Merluccius gayi peruanus, la anchoveta peruana Engraulis ringens y esperlán plateado Leuroglossus urotranus en el verano 2004 frente a la costa peruana entre la frontera norte (3°29’S) y Chérrepe (7°30’S). Los estados tempranos de desarrollo de estas especies mostraron diferentes patrones de distribución espacial, influenciados por la distribución vertical y las condiciones de las variables oceanográficas como el flujo de las corrientes tanto superficiales como subsuperficiales.
El crucero BIC Olaya 0301-02 se extendió de Puerto Pizarro a Huarmey, del 24 de enero al 17 de febrero 2003. La captura total fue 5.824 kg. Las principales capturas fueron: Merluccius gayi peruanus (merluza) 1.433 kg (24,6%), Ctenosciaena peruviana (bereche con barbo) 1.376 kg (23,6%), Dosidicus gigas (pota) 739 kg (12,7%), Peprilus snyderi (palometa) 372 kg (6,4%), Peprilus medius (chiri) 310 kg (5,3%), Loligo gahi (calamar) 182 kg (3,1%), Hyppoglossina macrops (lenguado ojón) 123 kg (2,1%) y Pontinus sierra (diablico) 110 kg (1,9%). Otras especies presentes en forma dispersa: Paralonchurus peruanus (coco, suco), Cynoscion analis (cachema), Galeichthys peruvianus (bagre con faja) y Prionotus stephanophrys (falso volador). La distribución vertical varió entre 21 y 185 bz de profundidad; el rango de temperatura entre 19,2 a 27,0 °C; el oxígeno disuelto entre 2,47 y 7,03 mL/L y la salinidad entre 34,17 y 35,17 ups.
Foi realizado um experimento em tubos de percolação, utilizando-se três solos, classificados como Areia Quartzosa (AQ), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LV) e Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (LE), aos quais foram incorporadas sucessivas quantidades de lodo de esgoto, totalizando uma dose correspondente a 156,0 t ha-1 (base seca), num período de incubação de 310 dias. Após este período, os solos foram tratados com água ou com soluções de sais (KCl 0,9 mol L-1; KNO3 0,9 mol L-1; K2SO4 0,3 mol L-1 e Ca(NO3)2 0,3 mol L-1), adicionadas em quantidade correspondente a quatro vezes a capacidade de retenção de água dos solos. No líquido percolado pela passagem das soluções salinas, foram determinadas as quantidades de Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni e Zn presentes e, no percolado obtido com a passagem de água, além dos metais anteriormente citados, foram determinadas também as quantidades de Ca2+ e Mg2+. Os resultados permitiram observar que a adição de KCl provocou o arraste de 5% do Cd adicionado via lodo aos solos LV e LE; para os outros sais utilizados e para a água, esse arraste nunca foi superior a 2% do metal pesado adicionado via lodo. A retenção de Cd, Cu, Cr e Ni aumentou com a elevação dos teores de óxidos de Fe e Al presentes nos solos. Os elevados valores de pH e o aumento no teor de matéria orgânica proporcionado pela adição de lodo refletiram também na menor mobilidade dos metais. Os sais KCl e K2SO4 aumentaram a mobilidade de alguns dos metais estudados.
Durante el 2010, se capturó 55 ejemplares de tortuga verde Chelonia mydas en La Aguada (13°51’S y 76°15’W) al sureste de la bahía de Paracas; el número promedio de tortugas capturadas por kilómetro de red tendida fue 3,08±2,5; el tamaño promedio de la LCC fue 60,3±10,5cm; el 78% de los ejemplares presentaron el patrón 5c, 4d, 4i y 11d, 11i, para los escudos centrales, costales y marginales, respectivamente. La TSM donde se capturaron varió entre 15,2 y 20,9 °C, la mayor ocurrencia de tortugas se registró de 18,5 a 20 °C. Los epibiontes más representativos fueron Platylepas hexastylos (56,8%), Conchoderma virgatum (26,9%) y Chelonibia testudinaria (13,3%); la ocurrencia de los ítems alimenticios: Clorophyta (78%), Rhodophyta (30%), Cnidaria (43%), Crustacea (43%), Polichaeta (17%), Mollusca (17%), arena (26%) y plástico (17%); el 72% de las tortugas presentaron cobertura algal, de las cuales el 65% fue el alga verde Enteromorpha sp.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Beyond the Framingham Stroke Risk Score, prediction of future stroke may improve with a genetic risk score (GRS) based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with stroke and its risk factors. METHODS: The study includes 4 population-based cohorts with 2047 first incident strokes from 22,720 initially stroke-free European origin participants aged ≥55 years, who were followed for up to 20 years. GRSs were constructed with 324 single-nucleotide polymorphisms implicated in stroke and 9 risk factors. The association of the GRS to first incident stroke was tested using Cox regression; the GRS predictive properties were assessed with area under the curve statistics comparing the GRS with age and sex, Framingham Stroke Risk Score models, and reclassification statistics. These analyses were performed per cohort and in a meta-analysis of pooled data. Replication was sought in a case-control study of ischemic stroke. RESULTS: In the meta-analysis, adding the GRS to the Framingham Stroke Risk Score, age and sex model resulted in a significant improvement in discrimination (all stroke: Δjoint area under the curve=0.016, P=2.3×10(-6); ischemic stroke: Δjoint area under the curve=0.021, P=3.7×10(-7)), although the overall area under the curve remained low. In all the studies, there was a highly significantly improved net reclassification index (P<10(-4)). CONCLUSIONS: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with stroke and its risk factors result only in a small improvement in prediction of future stroke compared with the classical epidemiological risk factors for stroke.
RESUM En l’exercici de les funcions típiques de qualsevol activitat humana, l’home ha de prendre decisions d’un o altre tipus permanentment i aquesta situació porta afegit, per lo general risc i incertesa, el que compromet la qualitat i l’èxit de la decisió. Per ajudar i contrarestar aquesta situació, l’home ha desenvolupat a través del temps una diversitat d’eines que li permeten minimitzar el risc i la incertesa en la presa de decisions. La simulació és una d’aquestes eines. Mitjançant la seva aplicació no només s’aconsegueix la comesa anterior, sinó que també es minimitzen els costos involucrats en la decisió mitjançant un millor ús dels recursos, la disminució del temps emprat per a la seva realització i la minimització de les probabilitats de risc. Aquest projecte representa la continuació d’un primer estudi introductori de la simulació anomenat: Estudi i guia docent per a modelatge i simulació de sistemes mitjançant l’entorn ARENA [9]. Realitzat per l’alumna d’Enginyeria en Organització Industrial de la Universitat de Vic, Montse Carbonell Crosas, l’any 2008 i sota la codirecció del director d’aquest segon projecte, el professor Juli Ordeix Rigo. Aquest nou projecte s’inicia amb una primera part teòrica, continguda dins del primer volum, la qual reforça els conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació amb ARENA, ja vistos en l’anterior projecte. Complementant aquells considerats bàsics i els de més utilitat i finalitza introduint nous conceptes avançats. Els nous capítols de temàtica avançada, junt als primers més bàsics de la primera part són exercitats dins de la segona, formant el segon volum d’aquest projecte. El mateix requereix la participació activa de l’alumne, per tal de realitzar cadascun dels 89 exercicis pràctics que es plantegen i poder onsolidar l’aprenentatge teòric d’aquesta eina avançada de simulació fent consultes als apartats teòrics recomanats dins de cada exercici. La complexitat dels exercicis anirà augmentant gradualment i s’insisteix en seguir la metodologia presentada en el projecte per a realitzar-los tots de forma ordenada i ascendent. L’ alumne quan acabi la part pràctica, haurà consolidat tota la part teòrica i serà capaç d’exercir com analista per tal de generar els seus propis projecte de simulació.
By means of confocal laser scanning microscopy and indirect fluorescence experiments we have examined the behavior of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) within the nucleus as well as of a nuclear matrix protein (M(r) = 125 kDa) during a prolonged heat-shock response (up to 24 h at 42 degrees C) in HeLa cells. In control cells HSP70 was mainly located in the cytoplasm. The protein translocated within the nucleus upon cell exposure to hyperthermia. The fluorescent pattern revealed by monoclonal antibody to HSP70 exhibited several changes during the 24-h-long incubation. The nuclear matrix protein showed changes in its location that were evident as early as 1 h after initiation of heat shock. After 7 h of treatment, the protein regained its original distribution. However, in the late stages of the hyperthermic treatment (17-24 h) the fluorescent pattern due to 125-kDa protein changed again and its original distribution was never observed again. These results show that HSP70 changes its localization within the nucleus conceivably because it is involved in solubilizing aggregated polypeptides present in different nuclear regions. Our data also strengthen the contention that proteins of the insoluble nucleoskeleton are involved in nuclear structure changes that occur during heat-shock response.