1000 resultados para 331.2522
During the last two decades, skill mismatches have become one of the most important issues of policy concern in the EU (European Commission, 2008). Hence, the literature has stressed the necessity to reduce skill mismatches. We contribute to this literature by analyzing the impact of the transition from salaried employment to self-employment on self-reported skill mismatches. To do so, we resort to the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) covering the period 1994–2001. Using panel data, we track individuals over time and measure their self-reported skill mismatch before and after the transition. Our empirical findings indicate not only that the average self-employee is less likely to declare being skill-mismatched but also that those individuals who transit from salaried employment to self-employment reduce their probability of skill mismatches after the transition. Keywords: Self-employment, skill mismatches, salaried employment. JEL Classification: L26, J24, B23 __________________________
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Invocatio: I.J.N.
This study explored the ethnic identity among 331 emerging adults (144 mestizos and 187 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (México). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is much more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. Our aim was to compare the results of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) between the majority ethnic group and the minority group studied. Specifically, the following hypothesis was examined: adolescents who are members of the ethnic minority group (indigenous) will score significantly higher on ethnic identity than adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority group (mestizos). The results supported these hypothesis. We suggest that the effect of an intercultural educative model could explain these results
1816/11/26 (Numéro 331).
Keskustelua Putte Wilhelmssonin kirjoituksesta Tiede - puolesta vai vastaan? (Tieteessä tapahtuu 2/2010).
1874/07/29 (Numéro 2522).
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
The overallpurpose of this research is to develop knowledge about health and suffering in connection with serious cancer disease through the development of a contextual model describing how patients live their lives between the possibility of life and the necessity of death. The research takes its point of departure from a caring science perspective, and Gadamer's hermeneutical philosophy is chosen as the overall methodology. In addition to the caring science perspective, the existential philosophy of Kierkegaard constructs a framework of interpretation. The research consists of three empirical studies. In two of the studies 21 patients participated, whilst 8 nurses took part in the remaining study. The patients were seriously ill and the nurses had long experience of caring for seriously ill patients. Scientific conversations were used for data collection. The findings from the patient studies show that the relationship with one-self, others, God or the supernatural and nature, constitute the unit of meaning, in which the struggle between health and suffering takes place. This struggle takes the form of a dialectic movement between being delivered and being accommodated and confirmed. The patients strive, in their delivery, for health and integration, for being a self by being reconciled with one self. The patients are lonely in this struggle, as conversations related to existence and death seldom occurs with either the natural or the professional caregivers. Themes related to patients' death remain mainly unarticulated. The patients' life struggle appears on the existential level as a threefold struggle against time and annihilation, towards being accommodatedand confirmed and for restoration and reconciliation. Through the hermeneutic process the struggle at the ontological level appears as a struggle of the will between anxiety and love. The patients in this research experience their life's tragedy. A holistic interpretation of living under the pressure created between the possibility of life and the necessity of death appears to be a struggle for life in the veil of pensiveness. The nurses want to be involved in the patients' struggle, and they show a deep desire to support the dignity of the patients. The depth in the nurses' view of their responsibility for the patient as an entityof body, soul and spirit seems to be related to the nurses' understanding of life.
A utilização de gramíneas forrageiras em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária tem sido cada vez mais frequente no Brasil. Entretanto, alguns genótipos forrageiros podem hospedar fitonematoides, contribuindo para manter populações elevadas destes organismos no solo. Objetivando-se avaliar a reação de acessos e cultivares de Brachiaria spp. (B. ruziziensis, B. brizantha cvs. BRS Piatã e BRS Paiaguás, B. humidicola cv. BRS Tupi, e os genótipos B4 e HBGC 331) e Panicum maximum (cvs. Tanzânia-1 e Massai e os genótipos PM32, PM36, PM45 e PM46) à Pratylenchus brachyurus, realizou-se este trabalho. Como testemunhas utilizaram-se o milho BRS 2020 (suscetível) e milheto ADR 300 (resistente) à P. brachyurus. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, na Embrapa Gado de Corte, Campo Grande-MS, em blocos casualizados com sete repetições, de maio a setembro de 2011 e de março a maio de 2012. Utilizaram-se cinco plantas por vaso, que foram inoculadas com 1.000 espécimes de P. brachyurus. Após 90 dias, avaliaram-se as populações de nematoides na raiz e no solo, com a finalidade de obtenção da população final dos nematoides e o fator de reprodução (FR). Determinou-se ainda a reação dos genótipos em relação à porcentagem de redução do FR. Com exceção de B. humidicola cv. BRS Tupi, com FR de 0,98 e 0,44, no primeiro e segundo experimentos, respectivamente, todos os materiais avaliados permitiram a multiplicação do nematoide. Em relação à porcentagem de redução do FR, apenas a B. humidicola cv. BRS Tupi e o milheto ADR 300 foram classificados como moderadamente resistentes, com reduções de, no máximo 90,58% e 94,73%, no primeiro e segundo experimento, respectivamente. Entre os genótipos de forrageiras estudados a maioria mostrou-se suscetível à P. brachyurus, apesar de variação do grau de suscetibilidade entre os mesmos. Dessa forma, em áreas com histórico de presença de P. brachyurus, a B. humidicola cv. BRS Tupi pode ser indicada nos sistemas de integração e/ou em rotação de culturas, como estratégia de manejo para a redução populacional de P. brachyurus.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o interesse e o conhecimento sobre ética médica e bioética na graduação médica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e descritivo. Foram utilizados dois questionários auto-aplicáveis, um para docentes e outro para discentes, com questões sobre o interesse em ética médica e bioética e conhecimento sobre o Código de Ética Médica (CEM). RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 101 professores e 331 estudantes. O CEM brasileiro foi lido por 86,2% dos professores e 100% dos alunos. A importância dada à disciplina de ética médica, numa escala de 1 a 5, foi semelhante entre professores e estudantes (4,7 ± 0,7 vs. 4,5 ± 0,8; p = 0,086), enquanto o autoconhecimento sobre o tema foi maior no primeiro grupo (3,4 ± 0,9 vs. 3,2 ± 0,7; p = 0,017). De um total de nove questões avaliadas sobre o conhecimento do CEM, a média de acertos foi de 5,0 ± 1,9 questões para os professores e de 5,9 ± 1,5 para os acadêmicos (p < 0,001), sendo os acertos correlacionados positivamente com a leitura do código. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo fornece um panorama inédito sobre a percepção de professores e estudantes de Medicina sobre a ética médica e bioética, podendo servir para fundamentar a melhora do ensino dessa disciplina em nossas faculdades.
The focus of this study is to examine the role of police and immigrants’ relations, as less is known about this process in the country. The studies were approached in two different ways. Firstly, an attempt was made to examine how immigrants view their encounters with the police. Secondly, the studies explored how aware the police are of immigrants’ experiences in their various encounters and interactions on the street level. An ancillary aim of the studies is to clarify, analyse and discuss how prejudice and stereotypes can be tackled, thereby contributing to the general debate about racism and discrimination for better ethnic relations in the country. The data in which this analysis was based is on a group of adults (n=88) from the total of 120 Africans questioned for the entire study (n=45) police cadets and (n=6) serving police officers from Turku. The present thesis is a compilation of five articles. A summary of each article findings follows, as the same data was used in all five studies. In the first study, a theoretical model was developed to examine the perceived knowledge of bias by immigrants resulting from race, culture and belief. This was also an attempt to explore whether this knowledge was predetermined in my attempt to classify and discuss as well as analyse the factors that may be influencing immigrants’ allegations of unfair treatment by the police in Turku. The main finding shows that in the first paper there was ignorance and naivety on the part of the police in their attitudes towards the African immigrant’s prior experiences with the police, and this may probably have resulted from stereotypes or their lack of experience as well as prior training with immigrants where these kinds of experience are rampant in the country (Egharevba, 2003 and 2004a). In exploring what leads to stereotypes, a working definition is the assumption that is prevalent among some segments of the population, including the police, that Finland is a homogenous country by employing certain conducts and behaviour towards ethnic and immigrant groups in the country. This to my understanding is stereotype. Historically this was true, but today the social topography of the country is changing and becoming even more complex. It is true that, on linguistic grounds, the country is multilingual, as there are a few recognised national minority languages (Swedish, Sami and Russian) as well as a number of immigrant languages including English. Apparently it is vital for the police to have a line of communication open when addressing the problem associated with immigrants in the country. The second paper moved a step further by examining African immigrants’ understanding of human rights as well as what human rights violation means or entails in their views as a result of their experiences with the police, both in Finland and in their country of origin. This approach became essential during the course of the study, especially when the participants were completing the questionnaire (N=88), where volunteers were solicited for a later date for an in-depth interview with the author. Many of the respondents came from countries where human rights are not well protected and seldom discussed publicly, therefore understanding their views on the subject can help to explain why some of the immigrants are sceptical about coming forward to report cases of batteries and assaults to the police, or even their experiences of being monitored in shopping malls in their new home and the reason behind their low level of trust in public authorities in Finland. The study showed that knowledge of human rights is notably low among some of the participants. The study also found that female respondents were less aware of human rights when compared with their male counterparts. This has resulted in some of the male participants focussing more on their traditional ways of thinking by not realising that they are in a new country where there is equality in sexes and lack of respect on gender terms is not condoned. The third paper focussed on the respondents’ experiences with the police in Turku and tried to explore police attitudes towards African immigrant clients, in addition to the role stereotype plays in police views of different cultures and how these views have impacted on immigrants’ views of discriminatory policing in Turku. The data is the same throughout the entire studies (n=88), except that some few participants were interviewed for the third paper thirty-five persons. The results showed that there is some bias in mass-media reports on the immigrants’ issues, due to selective portrayal of biases without much investigation being carried out before jumping to conclusions, especially when the issues at stake involve an immigrant (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba, 2004a and 2004b). In this vein, there was an allegation that the police are even biased while investigating cases of theft, especially if the stolen property is owned by an immigrant (Egharevba, 2006a, Egharevba, 2006b). One vital observation from the respondents’ various comments was that race has meaning in their encounters and interaction with the police in the country. This result led the author to conclude that the relation between the police and immigrants is still a challenge, as there is rampant fear and distrust towards the police by some segments of the participating respondents in the study. In the fourth paper the focus was on examining the respondents’ view of the police, with special emphasis on race and culture as well as the respondents’ perspective on police behaviour in Turku. This is because race, as it was relayed to me in the study, is a significant predictor of police perception (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba and Hannikianen, 2005). It is a known scientific fact that inter-group racial attitudes are the representation of group competition and perceived threat to power and status (Group-position theory). According to Blumer (1958) a sense of group threat is an essential element for the emergence of racial prejudice. Consequently, it was essential that we explored the existing relationship between the respondents and the police in order to have an understanding of this concept. The result indicates some local and international contextual issues and assumptions that were of importance tackling prejudice and discrimination as it exists within the police in the country. Moreover, we have to also remember that, for years, many of these African immigrants have been on the receiving end of unjust law enforcement in their various countries of origin, which has resulted in many of them feeling inferior and distrustful of the police even in their own country of origin. While discussing the issues of cultural difference and how it affects policing, we must also keep in mind the socio-cultural background of the participants, their level of language proficiency and educational background. The research data analysed in this study also confirmed the difficulties associated with cultural misunderstandings in interpreting issues and how these misunderstandings have affected police and immigrant relations in Finland. Finally, the fifth paper focussed on cadets’ attitudes towards African immigrants as well as serving police officers’ interaction with African clients. Secondly, the police level of awareness of African immigrants’ distrustfulness of their profession was unclear. For this reason, my questions in this fifth study examined the experiences and attitudes of police cadets and serving police officers as well as those of African immigrants in understanding how to improve this relationship in the country. The data was based on (n=88) immigrant participants, (n=45) police cadets and 6 serving police officers from the Turku police department. The result suggests that there is distrust of the police in the respondents’ interaction; this tends to have galvanised a heightened tension resulting from the lack of language proficiency (Egharevba and White, 2007; Egharevba and Hannikainen, 2005, and Egharevba, 2006b) The result also shows that the allegation of immigrants as being belittled by the police stems from the misconceptions of both parties as well as the notion of stop and search by the police in Turku. All these factors were observed to have contributed to the alleged police evasiveness and the lack of regular contact between the respondents and the police in their dealings. In other words, the police have only had job-related contact with many of the participants in the present study. The results also demonstrated the complexities caused by the low level of education among some of the African immigrants in their understanding about the Finnish culture, norms and values in the country. Thus, the framework constructed in these studies embodies diversity in national culture as well as the need for a further research study with a greater number of respondents (both from the police and immigrant/majority groups), in order to explore the different role cultures play in immigrant and majority citizens’ understanding of police work.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to one’s career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a quantidade de energia para a produção de suínos, em ciclo completo, e o balanço energético do sistema com reaproveitamento dos resíduos gerados como biofertilizante, em área de pastagem, utilizando dados médios de cinco ciclos, em granja comercial no município de Diamantina - MG. Quantificou-se o coeficiente energético de cada componente envolvido no processo produtivo de suínos terminados, tratamento dos resíduos e produção de pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens, nas formas de ração, trabalho humano, energia elétrica, máquinas e equipamentos, combustíveis e lubrificantes, instalações, produção de suínos vivos e produção de Brachiaria decumbens. A quantidade média de energia para produzir 1 kg de suíno vivo foi de 53,35 MJ. De toda energia empregada no sistema, 76,03% (1.067.106,07 MJ) referem-se às entradas e 23,97% (331.400 MJ) às saídas, resultando em coeficiente de eficiência energética de 0,31. A energia transformada em suínos para abate correspondeu a 55,58% (184.200 MJ) das saídas, ao passo que a pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens assumiu o valor de 44,42% (147.200 MJ).