940 resultados para 3-d modeling


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El presente informe contiene los resultados del proceso de investigaci?n cualitativa realizado por una estudiante como requisito para optar al t?tulo profesional de Trabajadora Social. Con el fin de evidenciar el proceso de construcci?n de identidad de g?nero en hombres transexuales1 de Santiago de Cali y la incidencia de este proceso en las relaciones familiares; el documento se ha estructurado en cuatro (4) cap?tulos. En el primer cap?tulo encontrar?n el problema de investigaci?n, el cual incluye los antecedentes, la justificaci?n, la pregunta de investigaci?n, los objetivos generales y espec?ficos, la estrategia metodol?gica empleada y una reflexi?n en t?rminos de aciertos y desaciertos vividos durante la investigaci?n. Posteriormente, se le da entrada al marco contextual con el segundo cap?tulo, realizando descripciones hist?ricas, demogr?ficas, geogr?ficas y sociales del contexto donde se llev? a cabo la indagaci?n. Mientras que en el tercer cap?tulo se exponen los referentes conceptuales en los que se enmarca el presente informe final. Finalmente, en el cuarto cap?tulo por medio de cuatro subcap?tulos: 1) ?Cuerpos censurados?, 2) ?Siempre me han gustado ellas?, 3) ??D?nde encajo yo??, 4) ?Mi familia es una fortuna?, se presenta el an?lisis y hallazgos del proceso de investigaci?n sobre construcci?n de identidad de g?nero vivido por dos hombres transexuales de Santiago Cali. Seguidamente aparecen las conclusiones, las recomendaciones para y desde Trabajo Social, la bibliograf?a, la webgrafia consultadas y los anexos que contienen dos ?relatos literarios? con las historias de vida de los respectivos protagonistas de esta investigaci?n


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In many occupational settings an exposure to fungi occurs. Fungal exposure may occur for instance in the form of dermatocytes, yeasts or mold. Associated to the fungi themselves an exposure to cell wall components like ß(1 ? 3)-D-glucans, to mycotoxins or to microbial volatile compounds can occur. Health hazards may differ across species because fungi may produce different allergens and mycotoxins, and some species can infect humans. Occupational settings are often characterized by special exposure conditions with respect to duration, frequency and especially to the level of exposure resulting at least sometimes to high or very high fungal exposure. Because of these special conditions occupational settings are suitable for epidemiologic studies. However, the knowledge about occupational exposure to fungi and associated compounds like mycotoxins is still fragmentary and not well disseminated. An indication for a high fungal exposure is for instance the handling of dry natural products like grain, hay or herbal plants with a high specific surface and the tendency to release dust during handling. The fungal components often form the determinative part of such dusts and might be a vehicle to respiratory airways. The authors will present results of exposure measurements of occupational settings and exposure conditions which are only rarely investigated.


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This review evaluates the outcomes of intrastromal corneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation for the treatment of keratoconus considering a new grading system based on the preoperative visual impairment of the patient. Additionally, a five-year follow-up analysis of patients with stable and progressive keratoconus is performed in order to assess the long term stability of the surgical procedure. Corrected distance visual acuity decreased statistically significantly in patients with mild keratoconus (P < 0.01) but statistically significantly increased in all other grades (P < 0.05). The improvement in visual acuity and the decrease of keratometric and aberrometric values were stable throughout a long period of time in patients with stable keratoconus. In patients with progressive form keratoconus, a significant improvement was found immediately after the procedure, however clinically relevant regression greater than 3 D was observed at the end of the follow up period.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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This thesis is actually the composition of two separate studies aimed at further understanding the role of incomplete combustion products on atmospheric chemistry. The first explores the sensitivity of black carbon (BC) forcing to aerosol vertical location since BC has an increased forcing per unit mass when it is located above reflective clouds. We used a column radiative transfer model to produce globally-averaged values of normalized direct radiative forcing (NDRF) for BC over and under different types of clouds. We developed a simple column-weighting scheme based on the mass fractions of BC that are over and under clouds in measured vertical profiles. The resulting NDRF is in good agreement with global 3-D model estimates, supporting the column-weighted model as a tool for exploring uncertainties due to diversity in vertical distribution. BC above low clouds accounts for about 20% of the global burden but 50% of the forcing. We estimate maximum-minimum spread in NDRF due to modeled profiles as about 40% and uncertainty as about 25%. Models overestimate BC in the upper troposphere compared with measurements; modeled NDRF might need to be reduced by about 15%. Redistributing BC within the lowest 4 km of the atmosphere affects modeled NDRF by only about 5% and cannot account for very high forcing estimates. The second study estimated global year 2000 carbon monoxide (CO) emissions using a traditional bottom-up inventory. We applied literature-derived emission factors to a variety of fuel and technology combinations. Combining these with regional fuel use and production data we produced CO emissions estimates that were separable by sector, fuel type, technology, and region. We estimated year 2000 stationary source emissions of 685.9 Tg/yr and 885 Tg/yr if we included adopted mobile sources from EDGAR v3.2FT2000. Open/biomass burning contributed most significantly to global CO burden, while the residential sector, primarily in Asia and Africa, were the largest contributors with respect to contained combustion sources. Industry production in Asia, including brick, cement, iron and steel-making, also contributed significantly to CO emissions. Our estimates of biofuel emissions are lower than most previously published bottom-up estimates while our other fuel emissions are generally in good agreement. Our values are also universally lower than recently estimated CO emissions from models using top-down methods.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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This thesis considers a three- dimensional numerical model based on 3-D Navier— Stokes and continuity equations involving various wind speeds (North west), water surface levels, horizontal shier stresses, eddy viscosity, densities of oil and gas condensate- water mixture flows. The model is used to simulate the prediction of the surface movement of oil and gas condensate slicks from spill accident in the north coasts of Persian Gulf.


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The foot of Columbus Avenue in Sandusky, Ohio was the location of Lake Erie steamer service during the years from 1870 to 1930. As this picture shows hundreds of men and women have arrived and parked their automobiles and are preparing to board steamers for Lakeside, Kelleys Island, Cedar Point, and South Bass Island.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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International audience


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This paper deals with the development of an advanced parametrical modelling concept for packaging components of a 24 GHz radar sensor IC used in automotive driver assistance systems. For fast and efficient design of packages for system-in-package modules (SiP), a simplified model for the description of parasitic electromagnetic effects within the package is desirable, as 3-D field computation becomes inefficient due to the high density of conductive elements of the various signal paths in the package. By using lumped element models for the characterization of the conductive components, a fast indication of the design's signal-quality can be gained, but so far does not offer enough flexibility to cover the whole range of geometric arrangements of signal paths in a contemporary package. This work pursues to meet the challenge of developing a flexible and fast package modelling concept by defining parametric lumped-element models for all basic signal path components, e.g. bond wires, vias, strip lines, bumps and balls. © Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


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Branching tube flow is a common feature of many fields of science and technology, and occurs both in animate and inanimate systems [1]. The transport of aerosol particles is of particular importance in industrial flow networks but also for the respiratory tree [2]. In this analysis a 3-D numerical study is performed to investigate transport and deposition of aerosol particles in branching tubes. Bifurcation tubes designed according to Hess-Murray law [3] but with different branching angles are analyzed. This study covers cyclic flow conditions at frequencies of 0.25 Hz, 0.50 Hz and 0.75 Hz, Stokes numbers ranging between 0.03 and 0.25, and Reynolds numbers up to 3000.


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Comunicación presentada en las VII Jornadas Científicas de la SEPHE (Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico–Educativo) y el V Simposium de la Rede Iberoamericano para a Investigação e a Difusão do Patrimônio Histórico Educativo – RIDPHE-L, celebradas en Donostia-San Sebastián del 29 de junio a 1 de julio de 2016.


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Toppling analysis of a precariously balanced rock (PBR) can provide insights into the nature of ground motion that has not occurred at that location in the past and, by extension, realistic constraints on peak ground motions for use in engineering design. Earlier approaches have targeted simplistic 2-D models of the rock or modeled the rock-pedestal contact using spring-damper assemblies that require re-calibration for each rock. These analyses also assume that the rock does not slide on the pedestal. Here, a method to model PBRs in three dimensions is presented. The 3-D model is created from a point cloud of the rock, the pedestal, and their interface, obtained using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). The dynamic response of the model under earthquake excitation is simulated using a rigid body dynamics algorithm. The veracity of this approach is demonstrated by comparisons against data from shake table experiments. Fragility maps for toppling probability of the Echo Cliff PBR and the Pacifico PBR as a function of various ground motion parameters, rock-pedestal interface friction coefficient, and excitation direction are presented. The seismic hazard at these PBR locations is estimated using these maps. Additionally, these maps are used to assess whether the synthetic ground motions at these locations resulting from scenario earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are realistic (toppling would indicate that the ground motions are unrealistically high).