936 resultados para 2K-1C HYPERTENSION


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Observational studies demonstrate strong associations between deficient serum vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and cardiovascular disease. To further examine the association between vitamin D and hypertension (HTN), data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were analyzed to assess whether the association between vitamin D and HTN varies by sufficiency of key co-nutrients necessary for metabolic vitamin D reactions to occur. Logistic regression results demonstrate independent effect modification by calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A on the association between vitamin D and HTN. Among non-pregnant adults with adequate renal function, those with low levels of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D levels had 1.75 times the odds of HTN compared to those with sufficient vitamin D levels (p = <0.0001). Additionally, participants with low levels of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin D had 5.43 times the odds of HTN compared to those with vitamin D sufficiency (p = 0.0103).


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BACKGROUND AND AIM: The effects of portal hypertension in the small bowel are largely unknown. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess portal hypertension manifestations in the small bowel. METHODS: We compared, by performing enteroscopy with capsule endoscopy, the endoscopic findings of 36 patients with portal hypertension, 25 cirrhotic and 11 non-cirrhotic, with 30 controls. RESULTS: Varices, defined as distended, tortuous, or saccular veins, and areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern were significantly more frequent in patients with PTH. These two findings were detected in 26 of the 66 patients (39%), 25 from the group with PTH (69%) and one from the control group (3%) (P < 0.0001). Among the 25 patients with PTH exhibiting these patterns, 17 were cirrhotic and 8 were non-cirrhotic (P = 0.551). The presence of these endoscopic changes was not related to age, gender, presence of cirrhosis, esophageal or gastric varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, portal hypertensive colopathy, prior esophageal endoscopic treatment, current administration of beta-blockers, or Child-Pugh Class C. More patients with these endoscopic patterns had a previous history of acute digestive bleeding (72% vs. 36%) (P = 0.05). Active bleeding was found in two patients (5.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of varices or areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern are manifestations of portal hypertension in the small bowel, found in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients. The clinical implications of these findings, as regards digestive bleeding, are uncertain, although we documented acute bleeding from the small bowel in two patients (5.5%).


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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare but serious condition that causes progressive right ventricular (RV) failure and death. PH may be idiopathic, associated with underlying connective-tissue disease or hypoxic lung disease, and is also increasingly being observed in the setting of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The management of PH has been revolutionised by the recent development of new disease-targeted therapies which are beneficial in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), but can be potentially harmful in PH due to left heart disease, so accurate diagnosis and classification of patients is essential. These PAH therapies improve exercise capacity and pulmonary haemodynamics, but their overall effect on the right ventricle remains unclear. Current practice in the UK is to assess treatment response with 6-minute walk test and NYHA functional class, neither of which truly reflects RV function. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has been established as the gold standard for the evaluation of right ventricular structure and function, but it also allows a non-invasive and accurate study of the left heart. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the use of CMR in the diagnosis of PH, in the assessment of treatment response, and in predicting survival in idiopathic and connective-tissue disease associated PAH. In Chapter 3, a left atrial volume (LAV) threshold of 43 ml/m2 measured with CMR was able to distinguish idiopathic PAH from PH due to HFpEF (sensitivity 97%, specificity 100%). In Chapter 4, disease-targeted PAH therapy resulted in significant improvements in RV and left ventricular ejection fraction (p<0.001 and p=0.0007, respectively), RV stroke volume index (p<0.0001), and left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (p=0.0015). These corresponded to observed improvements in functional class and exercise capacity, although correlation coefficients between Δ 6MWD and Δ RVEF or Δ LVEDV were low. Finally, in Chapter 5, one-year and three-year survival was worse in CTD-PAH (75% and 53%) than in IPAH (83% and 74%), despite similar baseline clinical characteristics, lung function, pulmonary haemodynamics and treatment. Baseline right ventricular stroke volume index was an independent predictor of survival in both conditions. The presence of LV systolic dysfunction was of prognostic significance in CTD-PAH but not IPAH, and a higher LAV was observed in CTD-PAH suggesting a potential contribution from LV diastolic dysfunction in this group.


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La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile.


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Objective: To evaluate the association between Acculturation and hypertension among Asian Americans in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 600 Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese adults. Logistic regression was used to investigate the relationship between acculturation variables (years in the U.S., self-rated acculturation, self-rated English fluency) and hypertension, determined from a mean of 3 blood pressure readings taken on site. Results: Compared to those who resided in the U.S. for 0-5 years, individuals who resided for 6-10 years were about 60% less likely to have hypertension (aOR= 0.36; 95% CI: 0.12, 1.05; p-value=0.06). No significant association was observed between self-rated identity and hypertension. Compared to those with poor English fluency, those who speak “so-so” English have increased odds of hypertension (aOR=1.57; 95%CI: 0.93, 2.64; p-value= 0.09). Disaggregated analysis was conducted for Asian American subgroups, which showed differences in trends of acculturation and hypertension. Conclusion: Findings suggest an association between acculturation and hypertension, guiding future studies to investigate further into these observed effects. Some subgroup differences were observed among Asian American subgroups, potentially suggesting a subgroup-focused intervention.


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Objective: The aim of the study is to examine the distribution of integrated covariate and its association with blood pressure (BP) among children in Anhui province, China, and assess the predictive value of integrated covariate to children hypertension. Methods: A total of 2,828 subjects (1,588 male and 1,240 female) aged 7-17 years participated in this study. Height, weight, waistline, hipline and BP of all subjects were measured, obesity and overweight were defined by an international standard, specifying the measurement, the reference population, and the age and sex specific cut off points. High BP status was defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) > 95th percentile for age and gender. Results: Our results revealed that the prevalence of children hypertension was 11.03%, the SBP and DBP of obesity group were significantly higher than that of normal group. Anthropometric obesity indices such as body mass index (BMI) were positively correlated with SBP and DBP. Integrated covariate had a better performance than the single covariate in the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the cut-off value; the sensitivity and the specificity of the integrated covariate were 0.112, 0.577, 0.683, respectively. Conclusion: Integrated covariate is a simple and effective anthropometric index to identify childhood hypertension.


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Objective: The study was performed to investigate the association of interleukin 17 (IL 17) or angiotensin II (Ang II) with refractory hypertension risk in hemodialysis patients. Methods: Ninety hemodialysis patients were enrolled into this study, and those with hypertension were divided into two groups. The Easy-to-Control Hypertension group (ECHG) had fifty patients, while the refractory hypertension group (RHG) had forty patients. Twenty healthy individuals were recruited as the control group. IL17 and Ang II were determined using a human IL 17 / Ang II enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Serum IL 17 and Ang II concentrations in RHG patients were higher than those in ECHG patients. Results: Serum IL 17 and Ang II concentrations in both patient groups were higher than those in the control group. Linear regression analysis showed a positive correlation between IL 17 and Ang II. In multivariate regression analysis, we found that IL17 and Ang II were associated with refractory hypertension risk in hemodialysis patients. Conclusion: IL17 and Ang II were associated with refractory hypertension risk in hemodialysis patients. There was also a positive correlation between IL 17and Ang II.


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The prevalence of Arterial Hypertension (AHT) has increased worldwide and preventive measures areinsufficient since only one third of the population is being treated. AHT is the primary cause of morbidity andmortality in the world. In this article is presented the first study on hypertension levels of personnel of aDistance Education university based on the analysis of all medical consultations in the Costa Rican StateUniversity for Distance Education (Universidad Estatal a Distancia-UNED) as of December 15, 2007 (1,526medical files). The population studied ranges from 20 to 70 years of age and is comprised of residents of theGreater Metropolitan Area (Costa Rica) with varied socioeconomic and academic levels. The StatgraphicsCenturion XV software and the chi-square test were used to analyze variables such as treatment administered,sex, age, and type of work. Only 45 patients knew that they suffered from hypertension prior to theirconsultation with the university medical service and 136 were treated with Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide.The number of hypertensive patients is higher among those who have worked at the institution for more than 20years, especially in those holding higher positions. No marked differences were found between men andwomen. It is concluded that the existence of a university medical service has permitted faculty and staff tosatisfactorily control their blood pressure.


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Purpose: To investigate the distribution of methionine synthase A2756G (MSA2756G) in the hypertensive patients in northwest Chinese population. Methods: A total of 378 unrelated hypertensive patients attending Ningxia Peoples Hospital, Ningxia Province, China, were recruited for this study. We analyzed genotype by amplication - created restriction sites (ACRS) and polymerase chain reaction - restrict fragment length polymorphism (PCR - RFLP) in hypertensive patients, and inspected the relation of the genotype with hypertension by χ2 and t test. Results: The frequency of G allele was 10.25 % in the control group and 14.04 % in hypertension group; it was not statistically different (p > 0.05). In the male group, the frequency of allele G was 11.50 % in control group, and 8.79 % in hypertension group. There was no significant difference between control and hypertension groups (p > 0.05). In the female group, the frequency of allele G was 9.00 %, in control and 19.54 % in hypertension group (p < 0.05), while in the hypertension group, allele G was 8.79 % in males which is significantly lower (p < 0.05) than in females (19.54 %) . Conclusion: Allele G of MSA2756G is a risk factor for hypertension in female in this Chinese population of this study.


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OBJECTIVE: High-fat diet (HFD)-induced hypertension in rabbits is neurogenic because of the central sympathoexcitatory actions of leptin. Hypothalamic melanocortin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons are recognized as the major signalling pathways through which leptin exerts its central effects. In this study, we assessed the effects of specific antagonists and agonists to melanocortin and NPY receptors on HFD-induced sympathoexcitation and hypertension. METHODS: Rabbits were instrumented with intracerebroventricular cannula, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) electrode, and blood pressure telemetry transmitter. RESULTS: After 3 weeks HFD (13.5% fat, n = 12) conscious rabbits had higher RSNA (+3.8  nu, P = 0.02), blood pressure (+8.6  mmHg, P < 0.001) and heart rate (+15  b/min, P = 0.01), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the hypothalamus compared with rabbits fed a control diet (4.2% fat, n = 11). Intracerebroventricular administration of the melanocortin receptor antagonist SHU9119 reduced RSNA (-2.7  nu) and blood pressure (-8.5  mmHg) in HFD but not control rabbits, thus reversing 100% of the hypertension and 70% of the sympathoexcitation induced by a HFD. By contrast, blocking central NPY Y1 receptors with BVD10 increased RSNA only in HFD rabbits. Intracerebroventricular α-melanocortin stimulating hormone increased RSNA and heart rate (P < 0.001) in HFD rabbits but had no effect in control rabbits. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that obesity-induced hypertension and increased RSNA are dependent on the balance between greater activation of melanocortin signalling through melanocortin receptors and lesser activation of NPY sympathoinhibitory signalling. The amplification of the sympathoexcitatory effects of α-melanocortin stimulating hormone also indicates that the underlying mechanism is related to facilitation of leptin-melanocortin signalling, possibly involving chronic activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.


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Hypertension is mainly asymptomatic and remains undiagnosed until the disease progresses. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for hypertension in rural Bangladesh. Using a population-based cluster random sampling strategy, 3096 adults aged ⩾30 years were recruited from a rural district in Bangladesh. Data collected included two blood pressure (BP) measurements, fasting blood glucose, socio-demographic and anthropometric measurements. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP (SBP) ⩾140 mm Hg or diastolic BP (DBP) ⩾90 mm Hg or self-reported diagnosed hypertension. Logistic regression techniques were used for data analyses. The crude prevalence of hypertension was 40% (95% confidence interval (CI) 38-42%) of which 82% were previously undiagnosed. People from lower socio-economic status (SES) had a significantly higher percentage of undiagnosed hypertension compared with people with higher SES (P<0.001). There was no significant gender difference in severity of hypertension. Males with higher education level compared with no education had a higher prevalence of hypertension (odds ratio 2.34, 95% CI 1.49-3.69). Older age and waist circumference in both genders, and diabetes, lack of physical activity in females were found to be associated with higher prevalence of hypertension. Our research suggests the prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension was higher in the rural area in Bangladesh than that reported from the rural area in neighbouring India and China. Lower SES was associated with a higher risk of undiagnosed hypertension. Public health programs at the grass-roots level must emphasise the provision of primary care and preventive services in managing this non-communicable disease.


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BACKGROUND: Observational studies examining associations between hypertension and cancer are inconsistent. We explored the association of hypertension, graded hypertension and antihypertensive treatment with cancer incidence and mortality. METHOD: Eighty-six thousand five hundred and ninety-three participants from the Australian and New Zealand Diabetes and Cancer Collaboration were linked to the National Death Index and Australian Cancer Database. Cox proportional hazards models estimated hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for the association of treated and untreated hypertension with cancer incidence and mortality. RESULTS: Over a median follow-up of 15.1 years, 12 070 incident and 4350 fatal cancers were identified. Untreated and treated hypertension, compared with normotension, were associated with an increased risk for cancer incidence [hazard ratio 1.06, 95% CI (1.00-1.11) and 1.09 (1.02-1.16) respectively], and cancer mortality (1.07, 0.98-1.18) and (1.15, 1.03-1.28), respectively. When compared with untreated hypertension, treated hypertension did not have a significantly greater risk for cancer incidence (1.03, 0.97-1.10) or mortality (1.07, 0.97-1.19). A significant dose-response relationship was observed between graded hypertension and cancer incidence and mortality; Ptrend = 0.053 and Ptrend = 0.001, respectively. When stratified by treatment status, these relationships remained significant in untreated, but not in treated, hypertension. CONCLUSION: Hypertension, both treated and untreated, is associated with a modest increased risk for cancer incidence and mortality. Similar risks in treated and untreated hypertension suggest that the increased cancer risk is not explained by the use of antihypertensive treatment.


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Early detection of right ventricular (RV) involvement in chronic pulmonary hypertension (PH) is essential due to prognostic implications. T1 mapping by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has emerged as a noninvasive technique for extracellular volume fraction (ECV) quantification. We assessed the association of myocardial native T1 time and equilibrium contrast ECV (Eq-ECV) at the RV insertion points with pulmonary hemodynamics and RV performance in an experimental model of chronic PH. Right heart catheterization followed by immediate CMR was performed on 38 pigs with chronic PH (generated by surgical pulmonary vein banding) and 6 sham-operated controls. Native T1 and Eq-ECV values at the RV insertion points were both significantly higher in banded animals than in controls and showed significant correlation with pulmonary hemodynamics, RV arterial coupling, and RV performance. Eq-ECV values also increased before overt RV systolic dysfunction, offering potential for the early detection of myocardial involvement in chronic PH.