1000 resultados para 2003 EH1
This report highlights the achievements of the Division of Persons with Disabilities, especially new and innovative directions to improve the employment opportunities for Iowans with disabilities.
City of Perry, Auditor of State's Report on Reaudit for the Period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003
County Recorders Electronic Transaction Fees Under the Control of the State Treasurer and the Iowa County Recorders Association, Auditor of State's Report for the Period July 1, 2003 through September 30, 2005
This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.
This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.
In 2003, 60 young people participated in the Young Adult Roundtables (YARTs) in Davenport, Mason City, Sioux City, and Des Moines. YARTs participants represent a variety of backgrounds, cultures, identities, and experiences. Each YART has a facilitator and a mentor. The mentor is a CPG member. The youth participate in CPG work primarily to assure that youth voices are heard and youth needs addressed. The youth meet every other month for three hours. Youth completed an anonymous questionnaire during their first meeting of the year.
There were 33 new diagnoses of HIV infection reported in Iowa in the 4th quarter. Keeping in mind that more diagnoses will yet be reported for 2003, we have so far received reports of 79 Iowans who were newly diagnosed with HIV infection in 2003. Reports on persons diagnosed in the last quarter of the year will continue to trickle in through the end of March, but we’ll definitely be substantially below the 104 diagnoses we saw in 2002.
Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health
For much of American economic history, strength and manual dexterity could assure both a job and a reasonably comfortable standard of living. This is no longer the case as the industrial structure of American society has moved from agricultural to manufacturing to a service-producing economy. Today, we are changing the way we look at industries, jobs and, by extension, our economy. One of the responsibilities of Iowa Workforce Development is to study and report on those aspects of the economy that affect the working lives of Iowans – jobs, industrial employment, wages, and occupations. Condition of Employment 2003 is one of the vehicles we use to describe trends in the Iowa economy and the Iowa workplace.
Annual report for the Iowa Veterans Home
State University Audit Report
Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Nursing. Includes changes to rules,legislation and procedure during fiscal year 2004, as well as statistics pertaining to all aspects of board business: basic education, continuing education, enforcement, administration, financial report, and nursing demographics.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the determinants of opinions regarding tobacco control policies in the Swiss general population. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006 on a random sample of adult residents of Lausanne, Switzerland, aged 35-75 years (2601 women and 2398 men). Nine questions on smoking policies were applied. RESULTS: Ninety-five percent of responders supported policies that would help smokers to quit, 92% no selling of tobacco to subjects aged less than 16 years, 87% a smoking ban in public places and 86% a national campaign against smoking. A further 77% supported a total ban on tobacco advertising, 74% the reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies and 70% an increase in the price of cigarettes. A lower support was found for two non-evidence-based interventions total ban of tobacco sales (35%) and promotion of light cigarettes (22%). Never smokers, women, physically active subjects, teetotallers and subjects with lower educational level were more likely to favour stronger measures while no differences were found between age groups. Reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies was favoured more by current smokers and inactive subjects. CONCLUSION: The vast majority of responders supported the recommended tobacco control policies. Opinions regarding specific interventions vary according to the policy and subjects' characteristics.
Other Audit Reports - Reaudit
Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, a Division of the State of Iowa Department of Education, in partnership with seven other state agencies, applied for and was awarded funding for “Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities Through the Use of Intermediaries.” This Innovative State Alignment Grant is funded by the Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy. For clarity and brevity, the Iowa team chose to use “Improving Transition Outcomes” as the project name, thus providing the acronym ITO. Grant funding began October 1, 2003 with the possibility of renewal for five years.