999 resultados para 2000-2015
Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly: Comparative Analysis of Two Five-year Periods
Background:Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Brazil. The better understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Brazilian elderly population is essential to support more appropriate health actions for each region of the country.Objective:To describe and to compare geospatially the rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals living in Brazil by gender in two 5-year periods: 1996 to 2000 and 2006 to 2010.Methods:This is an ecological study, for which rates of mortality were obtained from DATASUS and the population rates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). An average mortality rate for cardiovascular disease in elderly by gender was calculated for each period. The spatial autocorrelation was evaluated by TerraView 4.2.0 through global Moran index and the formation of clusters by the index of local Moran-LISA.Results:There was an increase, in the second 5-year period, in the mortality rates in the Northeast and North regions, parallel to a decrease in the South, South-East and Midwest regions. Moreover, there was the formation of clusters with high mortality rates in the second period in Roraima among females, and in Ceará, Pernambuco and Roraima among males.Conclusion:The increase in mortality rates in the North and Northeast regions is probably related to the changing profile of mortality and improvement in the quality of information, a result of the increase in surveillance and health care measures in these regions.
Johannes Fromme; Norbert Meder; Nikolaus Vollmer
Bd. 1
Bd. 2
Anàlisi de les estadístiques d'ús de revistes electròniques contractades pel Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) durant el període 2000-2003. Es presenta l'evolució temporal i el grau de dispersió de l'ús com a marc del càlcul i l'avaluació del "guany consorcial", contemplat com el percentatge d'ús dels títols que anteriorment no eren subscrits en suport paper i que han estat contractats gràcies a les economies d'escala de la compra consorciada. El treball s'ha realitzat amb la intenció d'analitzar el període de canvi del suport paper al digital en les col· leccions de les biblioteques membres del CBUC, període en el que encara els usuaris mantenen accés en paper a col· leccions retrospectives i a algunes subscripcions vives, i en el que la comparació amb les col·leccions prèvies en paper es fa amb una proximitat cronològica acceptable.
We explore the determinants of usage of six different types of health care services, using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, years 1996-2000. We apply a number of models for univariate count data, including semiparametric, semi-nonparametric and finite mixture models. We find that the complexity of the model that is required to fit the data well depends upon the way in which the data is pooled across sexes and over time, and upon the characteristics of the usage measure. Pooling across time and sexes is almost always favored, but when more heterogeneous data is pooled it is often the case that a more complex statistical model is required.
Social exclusion can be defined as a process leading to a state of multiple functioning deprivations. Cross-sectional headcount ratios of social exclusion may overstate the extent of the problem if most individuals do not remain in the same state in successive years. To address this issue, we need to focus on mobility. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse changes in the individual levels of social exclusion focusing on the extent to which individuals change place in social exclusion distribution.