991 resultados para 1995_01210410 TM-38 4301706


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Institut für politische Wissenschaft Berlin: Informationen; beteiligt: Arcadius Rudolf L. Gurland, 1960-1962; 16 Briefe mit Beilagen zwischen Arcadius Rudolf L. Gurland und Max Horkheimer, 1954-1957; Briefwechsel zwischen Prof. Carlo Schmid und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 3 Briefe zwischen Prof. Wilhelm Hennis und Max Horkheimer, 1953;


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u.a.: Kritik an der "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik: Ueber die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens; Ueber das Fundament der Moral"; Auseinandersetzung mit der Ethik von Jean-Baptiste Antoine Monet de Lamarck; Erfahrungen in England mit Animal-Magnetism und Phrenologie; Corpus Iuris Civilis; Kritik an der Parerga und Paralipomena; Kapitalismuskritik; Auseinandersetzung mit dem Prinzip des Individuums in "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung"; Grenzen des Egoismus, Kastendenken im Buddhismus; Definition von Erscheinung; Christentum; Auseinandersetzung mit der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" von Immanuel Kant; Das Ding an Sich; Definition von Naturzusammenhang; Willensphilosophie; Bezug auf die "Deutsche Grammatik" von Jacob Grimm; Vergleich mit Baruch Spinoza; Naturwissenschaft; Rezeption der Philosophie von Angelus Silesius; Vorhaben einer eigenen kritischen Publikation zur Ethik Schopenhauers; Sexualität; Lebensverneinung; Praxis der Hegelianer und Herbatianer; Friedrich Schelling; Platon; Silesius;


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Wilhelm Rieger


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Vorbesitzer: Eduard Rüppell;


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Vorbesitzer: Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild;


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F02955


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Trägerband: 'Registrum. altare S.Agnetis 1510. N.18. Latula A'; Vorbesitzer: Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main


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1 Brief von Martin Got an Max Horkheimer, 06.12.1955; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an den Schweizerischen Bankverein (Zürich), 04.11.1955; 1 Brief von M. E. Constantacatos an Max Horkheimer, 09.09.1955; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Johannes Hirzel, 07.08.1955; 4 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Nicholas Jory; 3 Briefe zwischen Nicholas Jory und Frederick Pollock 1956; 1 Brief von Albert Rosenberg an Frederick Pollock, 03.05.1955; 1 Brief von dem Hotel Splendide (Lugano) an Max Horkheimer, 23.04.1955; 1 Brief von Barbara Lovett an Max Horkheimer, 17.03.1955; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Karl Banse (Sozialwissenschaftler), 01.02.1955;


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4 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Nicholas Jory; 3 Briefe zwischen Nicholas Jory und Frederick Pollock, 1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an die First National City Bank (New York), 27.04.1956; 1 Brief von dem Grand Hotel & Kurhaus (Bad Tarasp) an den "Gast", März 1956; 1 Brief von Franz Ollig an Frederick Pollock, 31.01.1956; 1 Brief von Erna Schroeter an Emmy Henne, 14.01.1956; 1 Brief von The State Bar of California (San Francisco) an Leo Salon, 21.11.1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Hans Moeller, 16.10.1956; 2 Briefe zwischen Frederick Pollock und Frederick J. Wild, 1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Alice H. Maier, 19.06.1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Leo Löwenthal, 16.06.1956; 1 Brief von dem Hotel "Zum Schützen" (München) an Frederick Pollock, 28.05.1956;


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Matthaeus Valentini


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Vorbesitzer: Michelangelo Gualandi;


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Matthaeus Valentini


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The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and its ligands are overexpressed in many human tumors, including bladder and pancreas, correlating with a more aggressive tumor phenotype and poor patient prognosis. We initiated the present study to characterize the heterogeneity of gefitinib responsiveness in a panel of human bladder and pancreatic cancer cell lines in order to identify the biological characteristics of EGFR-dependent proliferation that could be used to prospectively identify drug-sensitive tumors. A second objective was to elucidate how to best exploit these results by utilizing gefitinib in combination therapy. To these ends, we examined the effects of the EGFR antagonist gefitinib on proliferation and apoptosis in a panel of 18 human bladder cancer cell lines and 9 human pancreatic cancer cell lines. Our data confirmed the existence of marked heterogeneity in Iressa responsiveness with less than half of the cell lines displaying significant growth inhibition by clinically relevant concentrations of the drug. Gefitinib responsiveness was found to be p27 kip1 dependent as DNA synthesis was restored following exposure to p27siRNA. Unfortunately, Iressa responsiveness was not closely linked to surface EGFR or TGF-α expression in the bladder cancer cells, however, cellular TGF-α expression correlated directly with Iressa sensitivity in the pancreatic cancer cell lines. These findings provide the potential for prospectively identifying patients with drug-sensitive tumors. ^ Further studies aimed at exploiting gefitinib-mediated cell cycle effects led us to investigate if gefitinib-mediated TRAIL sensitization correlated with increased p27kip1 accumulation. We observed that increased TRAIL sensitivity following gefitinib exposure was not dependent on p27 kip1 expression. Additional studies initiated to examine the role(s) of Akt and Erk signaling demonstrated that exposure to PI3K or MEK inhibitors significantly enhanced TRAIL-induced apoptosis at concentrations that block target phosphorylation. Furthermore, combinations of TRAIL and the PI3K or MEK inhibitors increased procaspase-8 processing above levels observed with TRAIL alone, indicating that the effects were exerted at the level of caspase-8 activation, considered the earliest step in the TRAIL pathway. ^