1000 resultados para 195-1201A


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Foi avaliado o desenvolvimento de mudas de baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) em vasos, sob três níveis de sombreamento e quatro classes texturais do solo, no período de março a outubro de 2010, em Campo Grande-MS. Os tratamentos consistiram em 0%, 30% e 50% de sombreamento e solos de textura arenosa, média, argilosa e muito argilosa. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com medidas repetidas no tempo. Foram utilizadas três repetições e dez plantas por subparcela. Os níveis de sombreamento corresponderam aos tratamentos, e as diferentes classes texturais do solo, aos subtratamentos. As plantas foram avaliadas em intervalos de 15 dias após a emergência (DAE) até 195 DAE, sendo avaliadas quanto à altura (cm) de plantas, número de folhas e diâmetro do coleto (mm). Aos 195 DAE, também foram avaliadas a percentagem de sobrevivência, a área foliar e a massa seca de folha, caule e das raízes das plantas. Sob sombreamento, foram observados maiores valores de altura e área foliar. A altura de plantas foi de 32,09 cm e 31,21 cm planta-1 , e a área foliar foi de 639,24 cm² e 580,49 cm² planta-1 para os níveis de sombreamento de 50% e 30%, respectivamente. No solo de textura argilosa, os valores foram superiores na maioria das características avaliadas, seguido do solo com textura muito argilosa. A maior produção de massa seca de folha foi no solo com textura argilosa, com média de 7,28 g planta-1. A percentagem de sobrevivência das mudas no solo com textura arenosa foi inferior aos demais. Houve interação entre níveis de sombreamento e classes texturais do solo na massa seca de raízes, que foi maior (1,43 g kg-1 de solo) no solo de textura muito argilosa, no nível de 50% de sombreamento. As mudas de baru atingiram medidas de altura e diâmetro de coleto adequadas em todos os níveis de sombreamento e classes texturais do solo.


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Many ants forage in complex environments and use a combination of trail pheromone information and route memory to navigate between food sources and the nest. Previous research has shown that foraging routes differ in how easily they are learned. In particular, it is easier to learn feeding locations that are reached by repeating (e.g. left-left or right-right) than alternating choices (left-right or right-left) along a route with two T-bifurcations. This raises the hypothesis that the learnability of the feeding sites may influence overall colony foraging patterns. We studied this in the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger. We used mazes with two T-bifurcations, and allowed colonies to exploit two equidistant food sources that differed in how easily their locations were learned. In experiment 1, learnability was manipulated by using repeating versus alternating routes from nest to feeder. In experiment 2, we added visual landmarks along the route to one food source. Our results suggest that colonies preferentially exploited the feeding site that was easier to learn. This was the case even if the more difficult to learn feeding site was discovered first. Furthermore, we show that these preferences were at least partly caused by lower error rates (experiment 1) and greater foraging speeds (experiment 2) of foragers visiting the more easily learned feeder locations. Our results indicate that the learnability of feeding sites is an important factor influencing collective foraging patterns of ant colonies under more natural conditions, given that in natural environments foragers often face multiple bifurcations on their way to food sources.


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Because of their unique capacity to cross-present Ags to CD8(+) T cells, mouse lymphoid tissue-resident CD8(+) dendritic cells (DCs) and their migratory counterparts are critical for priming antiviral T cell responses. High expression of the dsRNA sensor TLR3 is a distinctive feature of these cross-presenting DC subsets. TLR3 engagement in CD8(+) DCs promotes cross-presentation and the acquisition of effector functions required for driving antiviral T cell responses. In this study, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the TLR3-induced antiviral program and cell-autonomous immunity in CD8(+) DC lines and primary CD8(+) DCs. We found that TLR3-ligand polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid and human rhinovirus infection induced a potent antiviral protection against Sendai and vesicular stomatitis virus in a TLR3 and type I IFN receptor-dependent manner. Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid-induced antiviral genes were identified by mass spectrometry-based proteomics and transcriptomics in the CD8(+) DC line. Nanostring nCounter experiments confirmed that these antiviral genes were induced by TLR3 engagement in primary CD8(+) DCs, and indicated that many are secondary TLR3-response genes requiring autocrine IFN-β stimulation. TLR3-activation thus establishes a type I IFN-dependent antiviral program in a DC subtype playing crucial roles in priming adaptive antiviral immune responses. This mechanism is likely to shield the priming of antiviral responses against inhibition or abrogation by the viral infection. It could be particularly relevant for viruses detected mainly by TLR3, which may not trigger type I IFN production by DCs that lack TLR3, such as plasmacytoid DCs or CD8(-) DCs.


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A disseminação de Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv), agente do cancro bacteriano da videira, ocorre, dentre outras formas, por meio de mudas e bacelos infectados. Foi estudada a obtenção de material propagativo livre do patógeno, testando a eficiência do tratamento de bacelos com termoterapia, bactericidas e sanitizantes. Os isolados de Xcv foram testados quanto à patogenicidade e realizado o teste de sensibilidade in vitro aos produtos, em diferentes concentrações. A erradicação de Xcv em bacelos de videira foi testada em experimentos com termoterapia (50ºC por 30 e 40 min; 53ºC por 5 e 10 min); bactericidas [oxitetraciclina+sulfato de cobre (150+2.000; 165+2.200; 180+2.400 e 195+2.600 mg L-1 de H2O) e oxitetraciclina (600; 700; 800 e 900 mg L-1)]; e sanitizantes [cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (600; 1.200; 1.800; 2.400 e 3.000 µL L-1); hipoclorito de sódio (5.000; 10.000; 20.000; 30.000 e 40.000 µL L-1) e cloreto de benzalcônio (125; 167;250; 334 e 500 µL L-1)]. Foram avaliados período de incubação, incidência e severidade da doença. O bactericida oxitetraciclina e os sanitizantes cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio e hipoclorito de sódio proporcionaram os maiores halos de inibição de Xcv in vitro. No entanto, apesar dos diversos tratamentos testados, não foi possível recomendar tratamento termoterápico ou produto que erradicasse Xcv de bacelos infectados. Porém, ficou confirmada a grande importância destes na disseminação do agente do cancro bacteriano da videira.


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Experimental models demonstrated that therapeutic induction of CD8 T cell responses may offer protection against tumors or infectious diseases providing that T cells have sufficiently high TCR/CD8:pMHC avidity for efficient Ag recognition and consequently strong immune functions. However, comprehensive characterization of TCR/CD8:pMHC avidity in clinically relevant situations has remained elusive. In this study, using the novel NTA-His tag-containing multimer technology, we quantified the TCR:pMHC dissociation rates (koff) of tumor-specific vaccine-induced CD8 T cell clones (n = 139) derived from seven melanoma patients vaccinated with IFA, CpG, and the native/EAA or analog/ELA Melan-A(MART-1)(26-35) peptide, binding with low or high affinity to MHC, respectively. We observed substantial correlations between koff and Ca(2+) mobilization (p = 0.016) and target cell recognition (p < 0.0001), with the latter independently of the T cell differentiation state. Our strategy was successful in demonstrating that the type of peptide impacted on TCR/CD8:pMHC avidity, as tumor-reactive T cell clones derived from patients vaccinated with the low-affinity (native) peptide expressed slower koff rates than those derived from patients vaccinated with the high-affinity (analog) peptide (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, we observed that the low-affinity peptide promoted the selective differentiation of tumor-specific T cells bearing TCRs with high TCR/CD8:pMHC avidity (p < 0.0001). Altogether, TCR:pMHC interaction kinetics correlated strongly with T cell functions. Our study demonstrates the feasibility and usefulness of TCR/CD8:pMHC avidity assessment by NTA-His tag-containing multimers of naturally occurring polyclonal T cell responses, which represents a strong asset for the development of immunotherapy.


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Com és que Jacint Verdaguer fou reconegut com a poeta nacional al Rosselló? Com és que Canigó tingué una recepció tan favorable de part rossellonesa? Què féu que els rossellonesos anomenessin Jacint Verdaguer el seu Mistral? És un mèrit indiscutible de Verdaguer haver provocat amb el poema Canigó el renaixement català al Rosselló i el desvetllament literari de la nostra llengua allí (Torrent, 1993: 195 i 202-203); tanmateix, abans que fos així l’èxit d’aquesta empresa no havia pas de semblar ben assegurat.


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It is known that differentiation of Th17 cells is promoted by activation of STAT3 and inhibited by activation of STAT1. Although both transcription factors are activated by several cytokines, including IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, each of these cytokines has a very different effect on Th17 differentiation, ranging from strong induction (IL-6) to strong inhibition (IL-27). To determine the molecular basis for these differences, we measured STAT3 and STAT1 activation profiles for IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, as well as for cytokine pairs over time. We found that the ratio of activated STAT3/activated STAT1 is crucial in determining whether cytokines promote or inhibit Th17 differentiation. IL-6 and IL-21 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios > 1, leading to the promotion of Th17 differentiation, whereas IL-27 or IL-6+IL-27 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios < 1, resulting in inhibition of Th17 differentiation. Consistent with these findings, we show that IL-27 induces sufficient p-STAT3 to promote Th17 differentiation in the absence of STAT1. Furthermore, IL-27-induced STAT1-deficient T cells were indistinguishable from bona fide highly proinflammatory Th17 cells because they induced severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis upon adoptive transfer. Our results suggest that the ratio of p-STAT3/p-STAT1 induced by a cytokine or cytokine pairs can be used to predict whether they induce a competent Th17-differentiation program.


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Abs bind to unprocessed Ags, whereas cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells recognize peptides derived from endogenously processed Ags presented in the context of class I MHC complexes. We screened, by ELISA, human sera for Abs reacting specifically with the influenza matrix protein (IMP)-derived peptide58-66 displayed by HLA-A*0201 complexes. Among 653 healthy volunteers, blood donors, and women on delivery, high-titered HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 complex-specific IgG Abs were detected in 11 females with a history of pregnancies and in 1 male, all HLA-A*0201(-). These Abs had the same specificity as HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66-specific cytotoxic T cells and bound neither to HLA-A*0201 nor the peptide alone. No such Abs were detected in HLA-A*0201(+) volunteers. These Abs were not cross-reactive to other self-MHC class I alleles displaying IMP58-66, but bound to MHC class I complexes of an HLA nonidentical offspring. HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 Abs were also detected in the cord blood of newborns, indicating that HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 Abs are produced in HLA-A*0201(-) mothers and enter the fetal blood system. That Abs can bind to peptides derived from endogenous Ags presented by MHC complexes opens new perspectives on interactions between the cellular and humoral immune system.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o rendimento da tomografia computadorizada torácica, em relação à mediastinoscopia, na detecção de metástases ganglionares mediastinais em pacientes portadores de carcinoma brônquico analisando o rendimento dessa e identificando as regiões mais problemáticas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisamos 195 pacientes portadores de carcinoma brônquico, buscando-se comparar os achados entre tomografia computadorizada torácica e mediastinoscopia com biópsia. RESULTADOS: Em relação às metástases nodais mediastinais, 33,9% tinham doença metastática ganglionar peribrônquica e/ou hilar ipsilateral, 46,1% possuíam metástases mediastinais ipsilaterais e/ou subcarinais e 20% apresentavam doença metastática mediastinal e/ou hilar contralateral, escalênica ou supraclavicular. As regiões com melhores valores de sensibilidade foram traqueobrônquica direita, paratraqueal direita alta e paratraqueal esquerda alta. As regiões nodais com melhores resultados de especificidade foram paratraqueal esquerda alta, paratraqueal direita alta e regiões traqueobrônquicas. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada torácica mostrou-se importante ferramenta diagnóstica na detecção de anormalidades em gânglios mediastinais; entretanto, a natureza neoplásica desses gânglios deve ser conferida por mediastinoscopia, ou até mesmo por toracotomia, a fim de que a correta decisão quanto ao tratamento possa ser tomada.


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Bark beetle outbreaks have a devastating effect on economically important forests worldwide, thus requiring extensive application of management control strategies. The presence of unmanaged protected areas in close proximity to managed forests can instigate concerns that bark beetle infestations may spread from unmanaged into managed stands. We studied the impact of differential management of forest stands on the dispersal dynamics of the European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, making use of inferential population genetics on mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Bayesian inferences of migration rates and a most parsimonious dispersal tree show that outgoing gene flow was consistently higher from managed to unmanaged areas. Reason for that is likely the thorough removal of potential breeding material in managed forests and thus the dispersal of the base stock beetles from these areas to unmanaged areas where breeding material is available. Our study suggests that the potential threat posed by unmanaged to managed forests in regard to I. typographus infestation needs to be carefully re-considered.


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Despite the overwhelming benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in curtailing viral load in HIV-infected individuals, ART does not fully restore cellular and humoral immunity. HIV-infected individuals under ART show reduced responses to vaccination and infections and are unable to mount an effective antiviral immune response upon ART cessation. Many factors contribute to these defects, including persistent inflammation, especially in lymphoid tissues, where T follicular helper (Tfh) cells instruct and help B cells launch an effective humoral immune response. In this study we investigated the phenotype and function of circulating memory Tfh cells as a surrogate of Tfh cells in lymph nodes and found significant impairment of this cell population in chronically HIV-infected individuals, leading to reduced B cell responses. We further show that these aberrant memory Tfh cells exhibit an IL-2-responsive gene signature and are more polarized toward a Th1 phenotype. Treatment of functional memory Tfh cells with IL-2 was able to recapitulate the detrimental reprogramming. Importantly, this defect was reversible, as interfering with the IL-2 signaling pathway helped reverse the abnormal differentiation and improved Ab responses. Thus, reversible reprogramming of memory Tfh cells in HIV-infected individuals could be used to enhance Ab responses. Altered microenvironmental conditions in lymphoid tissues leading to altered Tfh cell differentiation could provide one explanation for the poor responsiveness of HIV-infected individuals to new Ags. This explanation has important implications for the development of therapeutic interventions to enhance HIV- and vaccine-mediated Ab responses in patients under ART.


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Activation of the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor family, pyrin domain-containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome initiates an inflammatory response, which is associated with host defense against pathogens and the progression of chronic inflammatory diseases such as gout and atherosclerosis. The NLRP3 inflammasome mediates caspase-1 activation and subsequent IL-1β processing in response to various stimuli, including extracellular ATP, although the roles of intracellular ATP (iATP) in NLRP3 activation remain unclear. In this study, we found that in activated macrophages artificial reduction of iATP by 2-deoxyglucose, a glycolysis inhibitor, caused mitochondrial membrane depolarization, leading to IL-1β secretion via NLRP3 and caspase-1 activation. Additionally, the NLRP3 activators nigericin and monosodium urate crystals lowered iATP through K(+)- and Ca(2+)-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting a feedback loop between iATP loss and lowering of mitochondrial membrane potential. These results demonstrate the fundamental roles of iATP in the maintenance of mitochondrial function and regulation of IL-1β secretion, and they suggest that maintenance of the intracellular ATP pools could be a strategy for countering NLRP3-mediated inflammation.


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Bacterial programmed cell death and quorum sensing are direct examples of prokaryote group behaviors, wherein cells coordinate their actions to function cooperatively like one organism for the benefit of the whole culture. We demonstrate here that 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing-regulated low-molecular-weight excreted molecule, triggers autolysis by self-perturbing the electron transfer reactions of the cytochrome bc1 complex. HQNO induces specific self-poisoning by disrupting the flow of electrons through the respiratory chain at the cytochrome bc1 complex, causing a leak of reducing equivalents to O2 whereby electrons that would normally be passed to cytochrome c are donated directly to O2. The subsequent mass production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reduces membrane potential and disrupts membrane integrity, causing bacterial cell autolysis and DNA release. DNA subsequently promotes biofilm formation and increases antibiotic tolerance to beta-lactams, suggesting that HQNO-dependent cell autolysis is advantageous to the bacterial populations. These data identify both a new programmed cell death system and a novel role for HQNO as a critical inducer of biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance. This newly identified pathway suggests intriguing mechanistic similarities with the initial mitochondrial-mediated steps of eukaryotic apoptosis.