1000 resultados para 173


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Suomen harjumuodostumat ovat syntyneet Pohjois-Euroopan peittäneen mannerjäätikön reunan perääntymisen yhteydessä noin 10 000 vuotta sitten. Ainutkertaisia harjumuodostumia ei synny uusia ennen seuraavaa jääkautta. Harjuihin liittyy myös erityisiä muutoksille herkkiä elinympäristöjä, kuten paahderinteitä. Viimeisten sadan vuoden aikana ihmisen toiminta on alkanut vaikuttaa harjuihin, joihin kohdistuu nykyään erilaisia ja usein keskenään ristiriitaisia maankäyttöpaineita. Kaikkein voimakkaimmin harjuihin on vaikuttanut (ja vaikuttaa edelleen) maa-ainesten ottaminen, minkä myötä menetetään harjujen geologisia, biologisia ja maisemallisia arvoja. Pirkanmaan arvokkaimmat harjualueet, kuten myös suurimmat hiekka- ja soravarat, sijoittuvat Ikaalisista Tampereen kautta Pälkäneelle kulkevaan saumamuodostumajaksoon sekä Hämeenkyröstä Ruovedelle ja edelleen Mänttä-Vilppulan suuntaan kulkevaan Sisä-Suomen reunamuodostuman varrelle. Harjumuodostumien kartoitus ja inventointi on Suomessa aloitettu valtakunnallisella tasolla 1970-luvulla, ja maa-aineslain tultua voimaan 1980-luvulla rajattiin valtakunnalliseen harjujensuojeluohjelmana liitettävät harjualueet. Tämän jälkeen harjualueiden inventointityötä on tehty paikallisella tasolla maakunnissa. Arvokkaiden harjualueiden rajausten tavoitteena on säilyttää harjujen luonteenomaiset, geologiset, geomorfologiset, biologiset ja maisemalliset piirteet. Samalla pyritään säilyttämään muitakin erityisarvoja, kuten moninais- ja virkistyskäyttöarvoja. Pirkanmaan arvokkaiden harjujen rajauksista on laadittu kolme erilaista selvitystä vuosina 1990–2008. Lisäksi Pirkanmaan 1. maakuntakaavassa on esitetty omat rajauksensa geologisesti arvokkaille harjumuodostumille (ge1-alueet). Jokaisen selvityksen yhteydessä harjualueet (tai osa niistä) on rajattu uudelleen ja tuloksena on syntynyt useita keskenään ristiriitaisia rajauksia. Ongelmia syntyy, kun eri tahot tekevät päätöksiä käyttäen eri aikoina tehtyjä rajauksia. Tämän päivitystyön tavoitteena onkin tarkastella eri aikoina tehtyjen rajausten aiheuttama ristiriitoja ja luoda kaikille alueille uudet, yhtenäisiin kriteereihin perustuvat rajaukset. Tämän työn yhteydessä käytiin läpi kaikki 139 Pirkanmaalle sijoittuvaa arvokkaan harjualueen rajausta. Työssä käytettiin samaa arvoluokitusta (valtakunnallinen, maakunnallinen, paikallinen), kuin alkuperäisessä, vuonna 1990 julkaistussa Pirkanmaan harjuluonto -selvityksessä. Eniten ristiriitoja ja rajausmuutostarpeita esiintyi alueilla, joilla on harjoitettu maa-ainesten ottamista. Varsinaisten rajausmuutosten lisäksi tehtiin muutamia arvoluokitusmuutoksia, kolme aluetta poistettiin arvokkaiden alueiden joukosta kokonaan ja aineistoa täydennettiin neljällä uudella, aiemmin rajaamattomalla alueella. Arvokkaiden harjualueiden rajausten inventoinnin tarkistustyö on osa Pirkanmaalla vuosina 2012–2015 toteutettua pohjavesien suojelun ja kiviaineshuollon yhteensovittamishanketta (POSKI), joka on jatkoa osassa Pirkanmaata vuosina 1997–2000 toteutetulle POSKI-hankkeelle.


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Cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid insecticide, induces stress-like symptoms, increases c-fos immunoreactivity in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, and decreases innate immune responses in laboratory animals. Macrophages are key elements in cellular immune responses and operate at the tumor-host interface. This study investigated the relationship among cyhalothrin effects on Ehrlich tumor growth, serum corticosterone levels and peritoneal macrophage activity in mice. Three experiments were done with 10 experimental (single gavage administration of 3.0 mg/kg cyhalothrin daily for 7 days) and 10 control (single gavage administration of 1.0 mL/kg vehicle of cyhalothrin preparation daily for 7 days) isogenic BALB/c mice in each experiment. Cyhalothrin i) increased Ehrlich ascitic tumor growth after ip administration of 5.0 x 106 tumor cells, i.e., ascitic fluid volume (control = 1.97 ± 0.39 mL and experimental = 2.71 ± 0.92 mL; P < 0.05), concentration of tumor cells/mL in the ascitic fluid (control = 111.95 ± 16.73 x 106 and experimental = 144.60 ± 33.18 x 106; P < 0.05), and total number of tumor cells in the ascitic fluid (control = 226.91 ± 43.22 x 106 and experimental = 349.40 ± 106.38 x 106; P < 0.05); ii) increased serum corticosterone levels (control = 200.0 ± 48.3 ng/mL and experimental = 420.0 ± 75.5 ng/mL; P < 0.05), and iii) decreased the intensity of macrophage phagocytosis (control = 132.3 ± 19.7 and experimental = 116.2 ± 4.6; P < 0.05) and oxidative burst (control = 173.7 ± 40.8 and experimental= 99.58 ± 41.7; P < 0.05) in vitro in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. These data provide evidence that cyhalothrin simultaneously alters host resistance to Ehrlich tumor growth, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis function, and peritoneal macrophage activity. The results are discussed in terms of data suggesting a link between stress, HPA axis activation and resistance to tumor growth.


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Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a cytokine that belongs to the IL-1 family. Endometriosis is strongly associated with sub-fertility, and affects about 15% of women of reproductive age. IL-18 may favor the progression of endometriosis. The objective of the present study was to determine the concentration of IL-18 in the serum and peritoneal fluid of infertile women with endometriosis. Forty infertile and 25 fertile women were screened in a teaching hospital. Thirty-four infertile patients with minimal or mild endometriosis and 22 fertile controls were enrolled in the study. The primary outcome was the estimate of IL-18 levels and the secondary outcome was the correlation between serum and peritoneal levels of IL-18. There were no differences between the two groups regarding age, body mass index and levels of peritoneal fluid IL-18 (mean ± SD): 290.85 ± 173.02 pg/mL for infertile women vs 374.21 ± 330.15 pg/mL for controls; or serum IL-18: 391.07 ± 119.71 pg/mL for infertile women vs 373.42 ± 129.11 pg/mL for controls. However, a positive association was found between serum and peritoneal IL-18 levels in patients with endometriosis: r = 0.794, P = 0.0001. All measurements were carried out at the same time by the Human IL-18 Immuno Assay ELISA kit (MBL Co. Ltd., Japan). The present study did not find evidence supporting the hypothesis that IL-18 levels are associated with infertility in women with minimal and mild endometriosis, although a positive correlation was detected in these women between peritoneal and serum levels of IL-18.


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We investigated the contribution of the duration of overdistention (DOD) to rat bladder function and morphology and explored its possible molecular mechanisms. Bladder overdistention was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) by an infusion of saline. Forty rats were divided into 5 groups submitted to different DOD, i.e., 1, 2, 4, and 8 h, and control. Bladder function was evaluated by cystometry. Morphological changes were observed by light and transmission electron microscopy. Compared to control (44.567 ± 3.472 cmH2O), the maximum detrusor pressure of groups with 2-, 4- and 8-h DOD decreased significantly (means ± SEM): 32.774 ± 3.726, 31.321 ± 2.847, and 29.238 ± 3.724 cmH2O. With the increase of DOD, inflammatory infiltration and impairment of ultrastructure were more obvious in bladder tissue. Compared to control (1.90 ± 0.77), the apoptotic indexes of groups with 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-h DOD increased significantly (6.47 ± 2.10, 10.66 ± 1.97, 13.91 ± 2.69, and 18.33 ± 3.28%). Compared to control (0.147 ± 0.031/0.234 ± 0.038 caspase 3/β-actin and Bax/Bcl-2 ratios), both caspase 3/β-actin and Bax/Bcl-2 ratios of 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-h DOD increased significantly (0.292 ± 0.037/0.508 ± 0.174, 0.723 ± 0.173/1.745 ± 0.471, 1.104 ± 0.245/4.000 ± 1.048, and 1.345 ± 0.409/8.398 ± 3.332). DOD plays an important role in impairment of vesical function and structure. With DOD, pro-apoptotic factors increase and anti-apoptotic factors decrease, possibly contributing to the functional deterioration and morphological changes of the bladder.


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Nonsyndromic oral clefts (NSOC) are the most common craniofacial birth defects in humans. The etiology of NSOC is complex, involving both genetic and environmental factors. Several genes that play a role in cellular proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis have been associated with clefting. For example, variations in the homeobox gene family member MSX1, including a CA repeat located within its single intron, may play a role in clefting. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between MSX1CA repeat polymorphism and NSOC in a Southern Brazilian population using a case-parent triad design. We studied 182 nuclear families with NSOC recruited from the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre in Southern Brazil. The polymorphic region was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and analyzed by using an automated sequencer. Among the 182 families studied, four different alleles were observed, at frequencies of 0.057 (175 bp), 0.169 (173 bp), 0.096 (171 bp) and 0.67 (169 bp). A transmission disequilibrium test with a family-based association test (FBAT) software program was used for analysis. FBAT analysis showed overtransmission of the 169 bp allele in NSOC (P=0.0005). These results suggest that the CA repeat polymorphism of theMSX1 gene may play a role in risk of NSOC in populations from Southern Brazil.


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Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, O-P4.


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Vegetable oils are the richest dietary sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E determination levels in foods are of great importance to adjust the ingestion of nutrients by the population. The purpose of this paper is to determine the concentration of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol in vegetable oils and compare the alpha-tocopherol value to the nutritional requirement of vitamin E. The analysis was performed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The values expressed as mg/kg for alpha and gamma-tocopherol were, respectively, 120.3±4.2 and 122.0±7.9 in canola oil; 432.3±86.6 and 92.3±9.5 in sunflower oil; 173.0±82.3 and 259.7±43.8 in corn oil; 71.3±6.4 and 273.3±11.1 in soybean oil. A significant difference was encountered between the alpha-tocopherol concentrations in vegetable oils. Similar results were found for gamma-tocopherol, except for corn and soybean oils. It was concluded that the soybean oil was not considered a source of vitamin E. The canola and corn oils were considered sources, and the sunflower oil was considered an excellent source.


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TtT Lauri Kokkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspolitiikan alaan kuuluva väitöskirja "Työntekijät julkisten sairaaloiden rakennemuutostarpeiden synnyttäjinä ja rakennemuutosten seurausten kokijoina" tarkastettiin 11.1.2013 Tampereen yliopistossa.


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Introdução: A doença renal crônica (DRC) constitui importante problema de saúde pública mundial. Contudo, dados sobre prevalência e comorbidades são escassos no Brasil. Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à DRC em pacientes internados em um hospital universitário. Métodos: Foram selecionados, aleatoriamente, 826 prontuários de pacientes internados em clínica médica. A DRC foi baseada no diagnóstico médico descrito no prontuário. Foram coletadas informações clínico-demográficas e feitas comparações entre pacientes com e sem DRC. Resultados: A prevalência de DRC foi 12,7%. Os pacientes com DRC se distinguiram daqueles sem a doença (p < 0,05) por terem companheiro (59,8% vs. 47,3%); idade mais elevada (65,8 ± 15,6 vs. 55,3 ± 18,9 anos); mais comorbidades como hipertensão arterial (75,2% vs. 46,3%), diabetes (49,5% vs. 22,4%), dislipidemia (23,8% vs. 14,9%), infarto do miocárdio (14,3% vs. 6,0%) e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (18,1% vs. 4,3%); maior período de internação (11 (8-18) vs. 9 (6-12) dias) e; mais óbitos (12,4% vs. 1,4%). A análise de regressão logística indicou associação independente (OR, odds ratio; IC, intervalo de confiança de 95%) da DRC com idade (OR 1,019, IC 1,003-1,036), hipertensão arterial (OR 2,032, IC 1,128-3,660), diabetes (OR 2,097, IC 1,232-3,570) e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (OR 2,665, IC 1,173-6,056). Conclusão: A prevalência de DRC em pacientes internados em clínica médica foi alta, sendo estes pacientes clinicamente mais complexos, visto apresentarem idade mais elevada e maior número de comorbidades, refletindo em maior risco de óbito durante internação hospitalar.


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Resumo Introdução: A proteinúria pós-transplante renal tem incidência variável, sendo um fator de risco cardiovascular e para a sobrevida do enxerto. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de PTN pós-Tx em receptores de um único centro e fatores associados. Métodos: A prevalência de PTN foi avaliada segundo a definição ≥ 500 mg/24 hs. Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: grupo A, < 500 mg, B, 500-1000 mg e C, > 1000 mg. Foi testada a associação entre PTN pós-Tx e: idade/gênero do doador e receptor, tipo de doador, função retardada do enxerto, rejeição aguda, HAS e creatinina. As variáveis com valor de p < 0,20 na analise bivariada foram incluídas em modelo de regressão logística multivariado. Resultados: Foram avaliados 173 receptores, idade média 39 anos, 57,2% sexo masculino e 60,7% doador falecido. A prevalência de PTN pós-Tx foi de 24,3%. A distribuição dos pacientes foi de 75,7% para o grupo A, 15,6% para o grupo B e 8,7% para o grupo C. Foram associados a uma maior chance de PTN ≥ 500 mg/24hs: o sexo masculino do receptor, o doador falecido e a HAS pós-Tx. A creatinina aos 12 meses foi significativamente maior nos pacientes com PTN. 62% dos pacientes com PTN ≥ 500 mg/24 hs receberam tratamento com IECA/BRA. Conclusão: A prevalência de PTN pós-Tx renal foi 24,3% segundo a definição utilizada. O sexo masculino do receptor, o doador vivo e a HAS estiveram associadas à maior chance de PTN pós-Tx. O bloqueio do sistema renina-angiotensina deve ser intensificado.


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