1000 resultados para 133-825B
Objective: To determine the relationships between eccentric hip and knee torques, symptom severity and functional capacity in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design: Within-subject correlational study. Setting: University biomechanics laboratory. Participants: 10 females diagnosed with PFPS. Main outcome measures: Eccentric strength of the hip abductors and lateral rotators, and knee extensors were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer. A 10-cm visual analog scale was used to determine usual knee pain in the last week. The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) was used to determine the functional capacity of the patients. Results: The study found that the greater the eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques, the higher the functional capacity of the patients (p = 0.02, r = 0.72; p = 0.02, r = 0.72). It was also shown that the greater hip lateral rotator torque, the less the usual pain reported in the last week (p = 0.004, r = -0.84). Despite the lack of statistical significance (p = 0.11), it was also found a modest negative relationship between the eccentric knee extensor torque and the usual pain reported in the last week (r = -0.56) that was considered clinically meaningful (d = 1.4). Conclusions: This study showed that eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques were associated with functional capacity and pain level in females with PFPS. Further investigations should be carried out to verify the effects of an intervention program focused on the eccentric action of these muscles with respect to the symptoms in patients with PFPS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
From September 2000 to January 2002, a serologic survey was conducted in a population of free-ranging Brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) inhabiting Emas National Park and surrounding areas in Goias state. central Brazil, as part of an ecologic study. Ten tapirs were immobilized with a tiletamine-zolazepam combination. and blood samples were collected. All sera were negative for Leptospira spp.. Brucella abortus, and equine infectious anemia; and one of 10 animals was positive for Toxoplasma goudii. This report represents the first serologic survey for selected infectious diseases in a free-ranging population or Brazilians tapirs in central Brazil.
There has been limited investigation of parturition in the bitch and there is little information published on clinical and obstetrical examination other than opinion and anecdote. While there are substantial data on haemodynamic and vascular changes during normal parturition in humans, little is known about the physiological events in the dog. This study was aimed at maternal haemodynamic changes occurring during normal parturition and to investigate how these were modified in bitches with dystocia (DYST) treated either medically or via assisted delivery and caesarean operation. Three groups of 10 bitches were investigated; those with normal parturition, those with DYST corrected by manipulative assistance or caesarean operation and those with uterine inertia treated by oxytocin administration. Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, electrocardiogram and blood glucose concentration were measured pre-partum, intra-partum, immediately after parturition and 1 h later. Heart rate was high at all times throughout the study and the majority of bitches had normal sinus rhythm. Blood pressure was generally within the normal range, and although systolic and diastolic blood pressure was highest during the intra-partum period and sometimes during the immediate post-partum period, there were no significant differences between groups. All bitches had blood glucose concentrations within the normal range throughout the study although pre-partum concentrations were statistically lower than many of the other time periods. The study provides useful physiological data that will facilitate monitoring and clinical management of bitches throughout normal parturition and DYST.
Pericoronal lesions are undesirable for dental eruption, and they are always associated with unerupted teeth. Pericoronal lesions are common and are usually treated by extraction of the permanent tooth. Pericoronal hamartoma is a special type of pericoronal lesion, and little information about it is available in the orthodontic literature. This report presents a patient with pericoronal hamartoma on the mandibular left permanent first molar who had orthodontic treatment. Because of the similarity of the radiographic radiolucency of pericoronal hamartoma and other lesions, a differential diagnosis must be made to avoid extraction of permanent teeth.
Introduction: The objectives of this investigation were to compare the initial cephalometric characteristics of complete Class II Division 1 malocclusions treated with 2 or 4 premolar extractions and to verify their influence on the occlusal success rate of these treatment protocols. Methods: A sample of 98 records from patients with complete Class II Division 1 malocclusion was divided into 2 groups with the following characteristics: group 1 consisted of 55 patients treated with 2 maxillary first premolar extractions at an initial mean age of 13.07 years; group 2 included 43 patients treated with 4 premolar extractions, with an initial mean age of 12.92 years. Initial and final occlusal statuses were evaluated on dental casts with Grainger`s treatment priority index (TPI), and the initial cephalometric characteristics were obtained from the pretreatment cephalograms. The initial cephalometric characteristics and the initial and final occlusal statuses of the groups were compared with the t test. A multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of all variables in the final TPI. Results: The 2-premolar extraction protocol provided a statistically smaller TPI and consequently a better occlusal success rate than the 4-premolar extraction protocol. The 4-premolar extraction group had statistically smaller apical base lengths, more vertical facial growth patterns, and greater hard- and soft-tissue convexities at pretreatment than the 2-premolar extraction group. However, the multiple regression analysis showed that only the extraction protocol was significantly associated with the final occlusal status. Conclusions: The initial cephalometric characteristics of the groups did not influence the occlusal success rate of these 2 treatment protocols.
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the occlusal outcomes and the efficiency of 1-phase and 2-phase treatment protocols in Class II Division 1 malocclusions. Treatment efficiency was defined as a change in the occlusal characteristics in a shorter treatment time. Methods: Class II Division 1 subjects ( n = 139) were divided into 2 groups according to the treatment protocol for Class II correction. Group 1 comprised 78 patients treated with a 1-phase treatment protocol at initial and final mean ages of 12.51 and 14.68 years. Group 2 comprised 61 patients treated with a 2-phase treatment protocol at initial and final mean ages of 11.21 and 14.70 years. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken at the pretreatment stage to evaluate morphological differences in the groups. The initial and final study models of the patients were evaluated by using the peer assessment rating index. Chi-square tests were used to test for differences between the 2 groups for categorical variables. Variables regarding occlusal results were compared by using independent t tests. A linear regression analysis was completed, with total treatment time as the dependent variable, to identify clinical factors that predict treatment length for patients with Class II malocclusions. Results: Similar occlusal outcomes were obtained between the 1-phase and the 2-phase treatment protocols, but the duration of treatment was significantly shorter in the 1-phase treatment protocol group. Conclusions: Treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusions is more efficient with the 1-phase than the 2-phase treatment protocol.
Introduction: In this study, we evaluated the influence of intrusion mechanics with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee on root resorption of the maxillary and mandibular incisors. Methods: A sample of 60 patients with Class I and Class II Division 1 malocclusions having nonextraction treatment was divided into 2 groups with the following characteristics: group 1 comprised 30 deepbite patients, treated with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee intrusion mechanics, with an initial mean age of 12.8 +/- 1.23 years (range, 10.01-15.32 years), and group 2 comprised 30 patients with normal overbite treated without intrusion mechanics, with an initial mean age of 12.87 +/- 1.43 years ( range, 10.02-15.36 years). Pretreatment and posttreatment periapical radiographs were used to evaluate root resorption. The groups were compared by using the Mann-Whitney U test. Correlation between root resorption and tooth movement was investigated with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The deepbite group treated with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee had statistically greater root resorption ( 1.87) than the normal overbite group ( 1.54), at P=.017. Changes in overbite and vertical displacements of the maxillary central incisor apices had significant correlations to root resorption ( r = 0.30, P =.019; r = 0.27, P =.037, respectively). Conclusions: Accentuating and reversing the curve of Spee in the archwires to correct deep overbite causes more root resorption than nonintrusive mechanics.
Despite numerous, generally unsuccessful attempts to reintroduce threatened Australian mammals, the factors leading to their failure have not been fully clarified, although predator control would appear to be of paramount importance. An experimental approach was taken in attempting to establish a population of bridled nailtail wallabies ih an area of apparently suitable habitat and low fox density, but on the edge of the species' former range. The 133 wallabies released since late 1996 comprised four groups captive-bred animals, wild caught from the single remaining wild population, animals that were captive bred and acclimatised at the translocation site in a 10 ha predator-proof enclosure, and animals which had been bred in the enclosure. Survival was highest in those bred in the enclosure and highly variable among captive-bred animals. Survival estimates for wild recruits suggested the population would maintain a positive rate of increase under prevailing environmental conditions. Spotlighting surveys suggested the population had increased to approximately 400 animals by late 1999. Above average rainfall during 1996-1999 and no apparent predation suggests caution in describing the translocation as a success. Ongoing monitoring is critical, because it A uncertain ho v the population will cope with drought and inevitable predation events, and whether the population will expand and persist outside of limited preferred habitat. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seedborne peanut viruses pose important constraints to peanut production and safe movement of germ plasm. They also pose a risk of accidental introduction into previously disease-free regions. We have developed reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays based on identical cycling parameters which identified peanut stripe, Peanut mottle, Peanut stunt, and Cucumber mosaic viruses through production of specific DNA fragments of 234 bp, 327 bp, 390 bp, and 133 bp, respectively. Assay sensitivity in the picogram range was achieved. The two potyviruses and two cucumoviruses could be differentiated using duplex RT-PCR assays. These assays should be useful for testing peanut leaves or seeds for virus identification in epidemiological studies, seed testing or in post-entry quarantine.
Background: Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) have always posed difficulties for the diagnosis of an acute abdomen. The aim of the present study was to define this problem retrospectively at Princess Alexandra Hospital and to assess the results of treatment for these patients. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted of 133 SCI patients admitted with an acute abdomen in the 16 years prior to this analysis at the Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) of Princess Alexandra Hospital. There were 21 patients who conformed to the study criteria. All the patients had sustained traumatic SCI at or above the level of T11, more than 1 month prior to admission. Results: There were 13 male and eight female patients. The time lapse between SCI and the onset of an acute abdomen ranged from 1.5 months to 27 years. The age range was 26-79 years. The majority of patients had C6 injuries (six patients). There were 18 patients with injury levels above T6 and three patients with injuries below this level. The time taken to diagnose the cause of the acute abdomen ranged between 1 day and 3 months. Investigations were found to be useful in making the diagnoses in 61.9% of cases. There were 14 patients who had surgical interventions. Five patients had surgical complications and there were two deaths in the study. The length of follow up was 1-132 months. The mortality in the study was 9.5%. Conclusion: An aggressive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the acute abdomen in SCI patients with suspicious symptoms is recommended. A high index of suspicion should be maintained in those patients with pre-existing SCI who present with abdominal trauma.
Este livro re??ne as dez iniciativas premiadas no 16?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. Nesta 16?? edi????o, o Concurso conta com os apoios da Embaixada da Fran??a, da Embaixada da Noruega, da Ag??ncia de Coopera????o Internacional Alem?? (GIZ) e da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o (ABC), que premiam os primeiros colocados com visitas t??cnicas. A ENAP tamb??m premia os vencedores com vagas nos cursos de Especializa????o em Gest??o P??blica e Desenvolvimento Gerencial , publica????es da Escola, livro contendo os relatos das iniciativas, certificado, divulga????o no Banco de Solu????es do s??tio do Concurso, assinatura de um ano da Revista do Servi??o P??blico (RSP) e Selo Inova????o
O controle de infec????es hospitalares (CIH) implica a????es complexas e multifacetadas, representando um observat??rio privilegiado das pr??ticas de gest??o. Relata-se aqui o desenvolvimento de ambiente de informa????es gerenciais no Hospital de Cl??nicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e seu impacto na institui????o. A tecnologia da informa????o permitiu a cria????o de interface ??nica e a an??lise dos diferentes indicadores epidemiol??gicos de forma intuitiva. Foi desenvolvido um banco de dados orientados a assuntos que permitissem a vis??o multidimensional dos indicadores e a comparabilidade externa. Houve mudan??a no perfil de a????o dos profissionais de CIH n??o apenas pela redu????o do tempo e do trabalho gastos com a coleta exclusiva dos dados, mas principalmente pela interven????o direta nos processos assistenciais. Entre outros exemplos, houve redu????o nas taxas hiperend??micas de infec????o associadas ?? ventila????o mec??nica, com impacto sist??mico
Relat??rio de Gest??o do exerc??cio de 2012 apresentado aos ??rg??os de controle interno e externo como presta????o de contas anual a que esta Unidade est?? obrigada nos termos do art. 70 da Constitui????o Federal, elaborado de acordo com as disposi????es da IN TCU n?? 63/2010, da DN TCU n?? 119/2012, da Portaria TCU n?? 150/2012 e das orienta????es do ??rg??o de controle interno (Portaria CGU n?? 133/2013)
O Projeto de Fortalecimento da Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas de Inclus??o Social do Governo Federal Brasileiro, apresentado pela ENAP ?? AECI em 2006, visa promover processos de inclus??o social de grupos que vivem em situa????o de extrema vulnerabilidade. Nos 36 meses de dura????o do projeto a qualidade dos servi??os prestados pelas redes de atendimento p??blica e privada aos idosos, pessoas com defici??ncia e benefici??rios do sistema de previd??ncia social, dever?? ser incrementada. Para isso, pretende-se melhorar a regulamenta????o dos servi??os de aten????o a estes grupos sociais, melhorar a forma????o dos gestores e operadores p??blicos e privados destes servi??os, melhorar o acesso ??s informa????es, aumentar o compromisso dos estados e munic??pios e da rede de aten????o a estes grupos sociais, agilizar a resposta da administra????o perante as solicita????es dos cidad??os e melhorar a rede de atendimento
Relat??rio de Gest??o do exerc??cio de 2013 apresentado aos ??rg??os de controle interno e externo como presta????o de contas anual a que esta Unidade est?? obrigada nos termos do art. 70 da Constitui????o Federal, elaborado de acordo com as disposi????es da IN TCU n?? 63/2010, da DN TCU n?? 127/2013, da Portaria TCU n?? 175/2013 e das orienta????es do ??rg??o de controle interno (Portaria CGU n?? 133/2013)