980 resultados para Áreas variáveis de afluência (AVA)


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This study aimed to quantify the litter and nutrients amount and to estimate the decomposition rate in areas of mesophytic forest and 'Cerradao' in the Ecological Station of Pirapitinga. To evaluate litter and nutrients devolution 10 conic litter traps were randomly distributed in an area 0.1 ha in each area of study, with monthly evaluations. The litter decomposition in the areas of study was evaluated by using litter bags. The total production of litter was 2.50 and 2.92 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) for mesophytic forest and 'Cerradao' areas, respectively. The nutrients devolution importance order was nitrogen> potassium> phosphorus. The mesophytic forest showed more homogeneous distribution of litter fall over the year and higher values of total annual litter and nutrients, the highest values were observed at the dry season. The half-life decomposition of leaf litter was equivalent between areas, about 161 days in the mesophytic forest area and 173 in 'Cerradao' area.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de simulação econômica, a viabilidade de aquisição de um silo-secador, para pequenas propriedades rurais, tendo como referências as opções de terceirizar o processo de secagem/armazenagem ou a comercialização do milho úmido. em virtude da alta diversificação encontrada nas pequenas propriedades rurais, a simulação foi realizada considerando-se diferentes tamanhos de áreas exploradas com milho (10; 20; 30 e 40 ha), níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) e preços por saca de milho (R$ 13,03; R$ 19,69 e R$ 34,29), no Estado de São Paulo. Comparando as rentabilidades obtidas, notou-se a superioridade da receita líquida na aquisição do silo secador nas áreas de produção de 20 ha com produtividade de 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1, 30 ha e 40 ha nos vários níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) sempre que o preço de mercado da saca de milho cobriu os custos anuais do sistema. A terceirização da secagem/armazenagem apresentou-se como a melhor alternativa nas áreas de 10 ha (todas as produtividades) e 20 ha (produtividade de 3.900 kg ha-1). A comercialização do produto úmido nunca se constituiu na opção mais rentável.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho, desenvolver modelos de programação não-linear para sistematização de terras, aplicáveis para áreas com formato regular e que minimizem a movimentação de terra, utilizando o software GAMS para o cálculo. Esses modelos foram comparados com o Método dos Quadrados Mínimos Generalizado, desenvolvido por Scaloppi & Willardson (1986), sendo o parâmetro de avaliação o volume de terra movimentado. Concluiu-se que, ambos os modelos de programação não-linear desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa mostraram-se adequados para aplicação em áreas regulares e forneceram menores valores de movimentação de terra quando comparados com o método dos quadrados mínimos.


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Foi desenvolvido um conjunto de equipamentos com o objetivo de mapear as áreas infestadas por macrófitas aquáticas, auxiliando operações de manejo mecânico, as quais são realizadas por uma colhedora desenvolvida especificamente para essa finalidade. O conjunto de equipamentos foi constituído por um GPS com programa de correção diferencial, acoplado a um palmtop, um sistema com dois teclados ligados em dataloggers e um transdutor de deslocamento linear LT. O GPS, através do palmtop, proporcionava o mapeamento da área de deslocamento, auxiliando o operador na movimentação da máquina, otimizando a operação e evitando, dessa forma, a sobreposição das faixas de coleta na área a ser manejada. Um dos teclados monitorava a movimentação e operação da colhedora, além da presença de obstáculos, como tocos e bancos de areia, enquanto o outro gerava dados sobre a presença de determinada espécie de planta, como E. densa, E. najas e C. demersum, além do nível de infestação destas plantas. O transdutor, instalado na plataforma frontal da colhedora, se movimentava linearmente, gerando informações sobre a profundidade da coleta realizada. Dessa forma, pôde-se observar que o desenvolvimento desse conjunto de equipamentos foi de grande utilidade e auxiliou a operação de controle mecânico de áreas infestadas por macrófitas aquáticas imersas, possibilitando, assim, o planejamento de operações de manejo e controle subseqüentes.


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A distribuição radicular de duas cultivares de aspargo (New Jersey 220 e UC 157 F1), irrigadas por aspersão convencional, foi avaliada durante o ano de 1997 em solos de textura arenosa, em plantio experimental e comercial, respectivamente, nos Projetos de Irrigação de Bebedouro e Senador Nilo Coelho, em Petrolina (PE). O objetivo foi obter informações do sistema radicular do aspargo, empregando-se os métodos do monolito e do perfil de solo auxiliado pela análise de imagens digitais, para o manejo de solo e água nesse cultivo. Na área experimental, a maior parte da matéria seca, área e comprimento de raízes no perfil de solo e densidade de comprimento radicular foram encontradas até a profundidade de 0,4 m nas duas cultivares, enquanto que na comercial a maior parte da área e comprimento de raízes no perfil do solo estendeu-se até a profundidade de 0,6 m (cv. New Jersey 220). Nesses dois plantios, as raízes das cultivares atingiram a profundidade de 1 m. Na área experimental, a massa seca, a área e o comprimento no perfil de solo, e a densidade de comprimento radicular nas cultivares concentraram-se até a distância de 0,6 m à linha de plantas. No intervalo de diâmetro (d) de raízes 2de raízes variou entre 2,4 e 2,6 mm (cv. New Jersey 220) e 2,4 e 3,6 mm (cv. UC 157 F1). As estimativas da distribuição e do diâmetro radicular apresentaram similaridades considerando os métodos empregados.


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Realizou-se este experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta dos porta-enxertos de videira IAC 313 Tropical e IAC 572 Jales a diferentes níveis de alumínio em solução nutritiva. A condução do experimento foi realizada em condições de casa-de-vegetação do Departamento de Produção Vegetal/Área de Horticultura, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP/Botucatu. Utilizaram-se cinco níveis de alumínio, a saber: 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 mg L-1. Após a aplicação dos tratamentos, realizaram-se coletas a cada 15 dias para obtenção das variáveis fisiológicas. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de parcelas subdivididas, inteiramente casualizado e com 3 repetições. Avaliaram-se as variáveis: taxa de crescimento absoluto e relativo, razão de massa foliar e relação parte aérea/raízes. Concluiu-se que o porta-enxerto IAC 572 Jales, quando submetido ao nível de 10mg Al L-1 na solução, apresentou maior taxa de crescimento absoluto e relativo, e maior redistribuição de massa seca das folhas para o restante da planta, ao passo que o porta-enxerto IAC 313 Tropical, quando submetido a esse nível de alumínio, apresentou um decréscimo acentuado nessas variáveis.


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This paper presents an evaluative study about the effects of using a machine learning technique on the main features of a self-organizing and multiobjective genetic algorithm (GA). A typical GA can be seen as a search technique which is usually applied in problems involving no polynomial complexity. Originally, these algorithms were designed to create methods that seek acceptable solutions to problems where the global optimum is inaccessible or difficult to obtain. At first, the GAs considered only one evaluation function and a single objective optimization. Today, however, implementations that consider several optimization objectives simultaneously (multiobjective algorithms) are common, besides allowing the change of many components of the algorithm dynamically (self-organizing algorithms). At the same time, they are also common combinations of GAs with machine learning techniques to improve some of its characteristics of performance and use. In this work, a GA with a machine learning technique was analyzed and applied in a antenna design. We used a variant of bicubic interpolation technique, called 2D Spline, as machine learning technique to estimate the behavior of a dynamic fitness function, based on the knowledge obtained from a set of laboratory experiments. This fitness function is also called evaluation function and, it is responsible for determining the fitness degree of a candidate solution (individual), in relation to others in the same population. The algorithm can be applied in many areas, including in the field of telecommunications, as projects of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. In this particular work, the presented algorithm was developed to optimize the design of a microstrip antenna, usually used in wireless communication systems for application in Ultra-Wideband (UWB). The algorithm allowed the optimization of two variables of geometry antenna - the length (Ls) and width (Ws) a slit in the ground plane with respect to three objectives: radiated signal bandwidth, return loss and central frequency deviation. These two dimensions (Ws and Ls) are used as variables in three different interpolation functions, one Spline for each optimization objective, to compose a multiobjective and aggregate fitness function. The final result proposed by the algorithm was compared with the simulation program result and the measured result of a physical prototype of the antenna built in the laboratory. In the present study, the algorithm was analyzed with respect to their success degree in relation to four important characteristics of a self-organizing multiobjective GA: performance, flexibility, scalability and accuracy. At the end of the study, it was observed a time increase in algorithm execution in comparison to a common GA, due to the time required for the machine learning process. On the plus side, we notice a sensitive gain with respect to flexibility and accuracy of results, and a prosperous path that indicates directions to the algorithm to allow the optimization problems with "η" variables


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The limits to inform is about the character stico of basic, quimica, mineralogical and mechaniques of matlaughed material used in the manufacturing process the product certified in economic region the Cariri, specifically in the city of Crato, Ceará state, motivated the development of this work, since in this region the exist ing economic context that a general appear as important in the production chains. Were made twentyfive soils-test specimen collection and the study was performed to differentiate the mat laugh materials of variaveis processing of mathing raw materials in the factory The product mica monkeys by extrusion and pressing. The results were obtained ap s as analyzes: grain size, index of plasticity, fluoresce incidence X-ray difration the X-ray, and analyzes thermicals and properties technological. through s of curves gresifica returned to was a comparison between the retro the linear, absorb to water, porosity and bulk density. the results show that the excellent distribution and character acceptable available for the processing of the structure color dark red. needing, therefore, of the mixture of a less plastic clay with thick granulation, that works as plasticity reducer. In spite of the different resignation forms for prensagem and extrusion, the characteristics of absorption of water and rupture tension the flexing was shown inside of the patterns of ABNT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da deposição da calda de pulverização em plantas de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Bidens pilosa L. e de Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc. presentes na linha e entrelinha da cultura. Foi utilizado como traçador o corante Azul Brilhante FDC-1 (500 ppm). Utilizaram-se cinco pontas de pulverização: jato plano (XR 110015 VS e XR 11002 VS), jato plano duplo (TJ60 11002 VS) e jato cônico (TX-6 VS e TX-8 VS) e dois volumes de aplicação 150 e 200 L ha-1. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições. Foram amostradas 25 plantas em cada parcela/repetição, de plantas de feijão e plantas daninhas presentes na linha e na entrelinha da cultura. Após a aplicação, as plantas foram coletadas e lavadas em água destilada para quantificação do traçador em espectrofotômetro. Os dados ajustaram-se à curva de regressão pelo modelo de Gompertz. Os resultados evidenciaram que: para as plantas de feijão as pontas XR 110015 e TJ60 proporcionaram as deposições mais uniformes, nos volumes de 150 e 200 L ha-1, respectivamente; a ponta TX-6 no volume de 150 L ha-1 apresentou melhor uniformidade de distribuição para ambas as espécies de plantas daninhas presentes na linha da cultura; para as plantas daninhas presentes na entrelinha, no volume de 150 L ha-1, destacaram-se as pontas XR 110015 e TJ60 11002 para B. pilosa e B. plantaginea, respectivamente, no volume de 200 L ha-1 destacou-se a ponta TX-8 para ambas as espécies.


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Among the main challenges in the beer industrial production is the market supply at the lowest cost and high quality, in order to ensure the expectations of customers and. consumers The beer fermentation stage represents approximately 70% of the whole time necessary to its production, having a obligatoriness of strict process controls to avoid becoming bottleneck in beer production. This stage is responsible for the formation of a series of subproducts, which are responsible for the composition of aroma/bouquet existing in beer and some of these subproducts, if produced in larger quantities, they will confer unpleasant taste and odor to the final product. Among the subproducts formed during the fermentation stage, total vicinal diketones is the main component, since it is limiting for product transfusion to the subsequent steps, besides having a low perception threshold by the consumer and giving undesirable taste and odor. Due to the instability of main raw materials quality and also process controls during fermentation, the development of alternative forms of beer production without impacting on total fermentation time and final product quality is a great challenge to breweries. In this work, a prior acidification of the pasty yeast was carried out, utilizing for that phosphoric acid, food grade, reducing yeast pH of about 5.30 to 2.20 and altering its characteristic from flocculent to pulverulent during beer fermentation. An increase of six times was observed in amount of yeast cells in suspension in the second fermentation stage regarding to fermentations by yeast with no prior acidification. With alteration on two input variables, temperature curve and cell multiplication, which goal was to minimize the maximum values for diketones detected in the fermenter tank, a reduction was obtained from peak of formed diacetyl and consequently contributed to reduction in fermentation time and total process time. Several experiments were performed with those process changes in order to verify the influence on the total fermentation time and total vicinal diketones concentration at the end of fermentation. This experiment reached as the best production result a total fermentation time of 151 hours and total vicinal diketone concentration of 0.08 ppm. The mass of yeast in suspension in the second phase of fermentation increased from 2.45 x 106 to 16.38 x 106 cells/mL of yeast, which fact is key to a greater efficiency in reducing total vicinal diketones existing in the medium, confirming that the prior yeast acidification, as well as the control of temperature and yeast cell multiplication in fermentative process enhances the performance of diketones reduction and consequently reduce the total fermentation time with diketones concentration below the expected value (Max: 0.10 ppm)


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A recuperação de áreas degradadas é um processo lento e requer a adição de resíduos orgânicos como condicionador das propriedades físicas do solo. O lodo de esgoto apresenta elevados teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e nutrientes e, portanto, tem alto potencial para utilização nessas áreas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adição de lodo de esgoto na recuperação das características físicas de um solo degradado (Neossolo Quartzarênico) plantado com espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica, na Fazenda Entre-Rios, pertencente à Cia. Suzano Bahia Sul de Papel e Celulose, na região de Itatinga-SP. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por seis doses de lodo de esgoto (0, 2,5, 5, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1), mais um que recebeu a adubação química. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto, para recuperação de áreas degradadas, aumentou os agregados do solo conforme o aumento das doses de lodo, até 12 meses após sua aplicação. As porosidades (macro, micro e total) do solo foram aumentadas com as maiores doses de lodo de esgoto até seis meses após sua aplicação; apenas a microporosidade foi aumentada até 12 meses após a aplicação. Houve aumento da umidade do solo em função do aumento das doses de lodo no solo até seis meses após a aplicação.


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In semiarid region of northeast Brazil, the majority of reservoirs used for public supply has suffered degradation of water quality affected by diffuse pollution from agricultural and livestock areas of the watershed and by hydrologic regime peculiar to the region, characterized by a rainy season with higher volumes stored in reservoirs and a dry season with a reduction in water level due to high evaporation and increase of eutrophication. The Dourado reservoir, located in Currais Novos city, semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is one example of a water supply reservoir that can have degradation of water quality and impracticability of their use, due to the high external input of nutrients from non-point sources of watershed during the rainy season and increasing of eutrophication due to decrease the stored volume during the dry period. This study aimed to investigate and quantify diffuse pollution and the hydrologic regime of semiarid region in order to establish standards regarding the water quality of Dourado reservoir. The study period was between the months of May 2011 to March 2012. The diffuse pollution was quantified in terms of watershed from the mass balance of phosphorus in the reservoir, as in relation to areas under different types of land use within the riparian zone of the reservoir from the assessment of soil chemical properties and losses of phosphorus in each area. The influence of hydrological regime on water quality of the reservoir was evaluated from the monthly monitoring of the morphometric, meteorological and limnological features throughout the study period. The results showed that the reservoir has received a high load of phosphorus coming from the drainage basin and presents itself as a system able to retain some of that load tributary, giving an upward trend of the eutrophication process. Diffuse pollution by nutrients from areas under different types of land use within the riparian zone of the reservoir was higher in areas under the influence of livestock, being this area considered a potential diffuse source of nutrients to the reservoir. Regarding the water regime during the rainy season the reservoir was characterized by high concentrations of nutrients and small algal biomass, while in the dry season the reduction of volume and increase of the water retention time of the reservoir, contributing to the excessive growth algal biomass, favoring an increase in eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. In synthesis the water quality of Dourado reservoir is directed by diffuse pollution coming from the drainage basin and the hydrological regime of the peculiar semiarid region, where the rainy season is characterized by high input of allochthonous compounds from the tributaries and erosion of the soil in the reservoir riparian zone, and the dry season characterized by reducing the storage volume due to high evaporation, high residence time of water and consequent degradation of water quality due to the increase of eutrophication process


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With the need to deploy management and monitoring systems of natural resources in areas susceptible to environmental degradation, as is the case of semiarid regions, several works have been developed in order to find effective models and technically and economically viable. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the daily actual evapotranspiration (ETr) through the application of the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL), from remote sensing products, in a semiarid region, Seridó of the Rio Grande do Norte, and do the validation of these estimates using ETr values obtained by the Penman-Monteith (standard method of the Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO). The SEBAL is based on energy balance method, which allows obtaining the vertical latent heat flux (LE) with orbital images and, consequently, of the evapotranspiration through the difference of flows, also vertical, of heat in the soil (G), sensitive heat (H) and radiation balance (Rn). The study area includes the surrounding areas of the Dourado reservoir, located in the Currais Novos/RN city. For the implementation of the algorithm were used five images TM/Landsat-5. The work was divided in three chapters in order to facilitate a better discussion of each part of the SEBAL processing, distributed as follows: first chapter addressing the spatio-temporal variability of the biophysical variables; second chapter dealing with spatio-temporal distribution of instant and daily radiation balance; and the third chapter discussing the heart of the work, the daily actual evapotranspiration estimation and the validation than to the study area


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of collect time (day and night) on ant fauna attracted to baits in areas of Eucalyptus cloeziana (Myrtaceae) and cerrado. The ants were collected in Fazenda Boa Vista, Mannesmann Fi-El Florestal Ltda, Paineiras, Minas Gerais State. Eigthteen sample units were collected: 12 in E. cloezina and six in cerrado. Each sample unit consisted of three plots (25 x 35 m each). The plot consisted of 34 baits distributed in a grid pattern at 5 m intervals. The sampling was carried out in the diurnal and nocturnal period. The results obtained revealed that both type of vegetation (cerrado x Eucalyptus) and the collect time (day x night) had a significative influence on the epigaeic ant fauna. The ordination (DCA) indicated that collect time effect was more important to fauna structuration than the vegetation effect. Brachymyrmex sp.1, Brachymyrmex sp.2, Camponotus crassus Mayr, Camponotus rufipes (Fabricius), Cephalotes pusillus (Klug) and Ectatomma brunneum Smith were indicator species of nocturnal period, and Camponotus renggeri Emery, Camponotus atriceps (Smith), Camponotus melanoticus Emery and Paratrechina sp.1 were indicators of nocturnal period.