868 resultados para [Marguerite] de Navarre
La crisis como coyuntura y tránsito a una nueva situación, y el cambio social que parece conllevar, lejos de ser un fenómeno exclusivamente actual, viene acompañando a los museos españoles desde décadas atrás, debido a indecisiones, faltas de planificación, cambios políticos y de estrategias de funcionamiento. Pero será a partir de la Transición democrática, y la década de 1980, en que comenzará a fraguarse la llamada “burbuja” de los museos, que estalla bajo el “efecto Guggenheim” a finales del siglo XX, seguida de la merma de presupuestos oficiales para el sostenimiento del sistema museístico que trae como consecuencia la tan mencionada “crisis” económica desde aproximadamente 2008. El artículo examina esta situación y advierte de que el momento delicado que viven los museos en la actualidad es ocasión para replantearse su futuro y adaptarse a una nueva realidad cambiante. El Museo Etnológico de Navarra “Julio Caro Baroja” constituye un caso de adaptación a tales circunstancias.
De nombreuses dames de la cour d'Anjou ont exercé un mécénat littéraire et bibliophilique important à la cour d'Anjou. Parmi elles se trouvent Marie de Blois (v. 1340-1404), Yolande d'Aragon (1381-1442), Isabelle de Lorraine (v. 1400-1453), Jeanne de Laval (1433-1498) et Marie de Clèves (1426-1487). Le mécénat de ces femmes, parentes, épouses ou amies de René d'Anjou, est ici abordé à travers les documents d'archives et les manuscrits conservés qui attestent d'un intérêtréel et constant pour l'art du livre et de l'enluminure et pour la littérature en vogue à la cour. Une attention toute particulière est réservée au Pèlerinage de Vie humaine de Guillaume de Digulleville dont la version rimée, et plus tard la version en prose commandée par Jeanne de Laval, n'a cessé de captiver le lectorat féminin et notamment Marguerite d'Anjou, Blanche d'Anjou et Guyonne de Beauvau
Le 23 octobre 1950, M. Paul Villeneuve fondait la Caisse d'établissement de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, coopérative d'épargne et crédit, première institution du genre au Canada. Cette formule séduisante allait entraîner dans son orbite l'ensemble des régions de la belle province et donnerait naissance à la Fédération des Caisses d'établissement du Québec. Jusqu'ici, personne n'avait entrepris de retracer la vie de M. Paul Villeneuve. D'ailleurs, sa vie active fut courte puisqu'une grave maladie, survenue au tout début de la cinquantaine, freinait la course de ce bâtisseur. La rareté des documents dépeignant celui-ci frappe dès l'abord. Son maniement habile des précautions oratoires transparaît dans l'unique copie qui nous soit restée de l'un de ses nombreux discours (Il s'agit de l'allocution présentée lors du 50e anniversaire de la Caisse populaire de Lévis). On repère d'autres traces de son passage dans quelques périodiques comme La Terre de chez nous et dans des procès-verbaux de l'Union catholique des cultivateurs, de la Caisse populaire de Vaudreuil et des trois Caisses d'établissement qu'il a fondées. M. Paul-Émile Doré mentionne sa contribution dans son essai de maîtrise en coopération intitulé: Les Caisses d'établissement et le crédit agricole (1986). Malheureusement, aucune correspondance ou article de journal n'émanait de cet homme au charisme remarquable; aussi, les personnes l'ayant connu s'avéraient des plus susceptibles de nous renseigner de manière pertinente sur ce captivant personnage. Quelques-unes se sont rendues à l'invitation: c'est le cas de ses enfants Marguerite, Jeanne, François et de son gendre, M. Edgar Marcoux. De précieux collaborateurs de M. Villeneuve, MM. Joseph-Edouard Carrière et Lazare Rozon, nous ont gracieusement accordé de leur temps, tout comme M. Paul-Emile Doré, membre fondateur de la Caisse d'établissement du Saguenay-Lac St-Jean (la plus vieille Caisse d'établissement à l'heure actuelle, celle de Vaudreuil-Soulanges s'étant fusionnée à la Caisse populaire de Vaudreuil).
El artículo 1051 del Código civil atribuye al testador una facultad para prohibir la partición de la herencia. Por otra parte, conforme al artículo 400 del Código civil, se admite también un acuerdo entre los partícipes de la comunidad hereditaria para preservarla indivisa. En ambos casos existe una prohibición de dividir la herencia, una situación que se reconoce también en otros Derechos de nuestro ordenamiento como el navarro, el catalán y el aragonés.
4. The count of Monte Cristo / illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett -- 5. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 6. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 7. The Brigand : a romance of the reign of Don Carlos and Black the story of a dog / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 8. Ascanio : a romance of the reign of Francis First / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 9. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 10. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 11. The page of the Duke of Savoy : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Frank T. Merrill -- 12. The horoscope : a romance of the reign of Francois ll. and tales of the caucasus / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 13. Marguerite de Valois : a romance of the reign of Charles lX. / illustrated by Félix Oudart -- 14. La Dame de Monsoreau : a romance of the reign of Henry lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 15. The fourty-five : a romance of the reign of Henri lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 16. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 17. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 20. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 21. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 22. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett --23. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 24. Sylvandire : a romance of the time of Louis XlV. and The Woman with the Velvet Necklace : a romance of the Revolution / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 25. The war of women : a romance of the Fronde / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 26. Le Chevalier D'Harmental : a romance of the regency of Philippe, Duc D'Orléans / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 27. The Regents daughter and the black tulip / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 28. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 29. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 30. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 31. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 32. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 33. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 34. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 35. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 36. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 37. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 38. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 39. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 40. The Chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by E. Abot -- 41. The companions of Jehu : a romance of the consulate under Napoleon / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden and F. T. Merrill -- 42. The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 43.The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 44. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 45. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett.
[EN] Project Work has been acknowledged as an efficient medium for language learning for more than two decades (Stoller, 2006) according to the numerous successful applications of project-based programmes that have been reported. In spite of the lack of sufficient controlled studies to assess the benefits of project work, and the existence of some studies giving evidence of students discontent with project work, the reports given by second language (SL) and foreign language students (FL) who have experienced project based instruction give support to the success attributed to project-based learning, as they recognised having improved language skills, learnt content, developed real life skills, as well as gained in self-confidence and motivation (Sierra, 2008 and 2011; Stoller, 2006). The aim of the present study is to explore some key issues involved in implementing a project-based programme focusing on the students’ perceptions of learning gains, their views on the collaborative assessment scheme used in the programme, and the students’ overall evaluations of the implementation of project work in a post-compulsory secondary education context in Navarre, Spain, with students learning Basque as a second language. A group of 12 students enrolled in a project work based programme participated in the study. Results showed that the students’ perceptions were very positive concerning doing projects, learning gains and group work, although more grammar instruction and teacher-fronted activities were requested by the students. However, the collaborative assessment process and the use of a Notebook/Diary as a reflection tool bore mixed evaluations.
In order to increase our knowledge about sediment transport in the bay and maritime part of the River of Morlaix (Finistère), measurernènts have been perforrned on site. This report gives the granulometrical and physical parameters of the sediments as weIl as the hydrodynamics, used for a model of particulate transport in the area. The rnodel and its application will be published later
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option formation.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option formation.
A metodologia de camada fina de células foi utilizada com sucesso para indução de embriogênese somática em região do meristema apical de plantas de pupunha mantidas em casa-de-vegetação. O efeito de três fontes de carbono: sacarose, glicose e manitol na indução de embriogênese somática foi avaliado. Embriões somáticos foram observados após a indução apenas nos meios contendo sacarose ou glicose em igual proporção.
Calophyllum brasiliense é uma espécie arbórea com sistema de propagação natural limitada. A germinação in vitro pode ser uma alternativa para obtenção de plântulas de qualidade. Sementes foram mantidas em água antes da desinfestação e comparadas com sementes controle (não imersas), sem diferença entre os tratamentos. HgCl2 usado durante a desinfestação reduziu a contaminação das culturas. A contaminação fúngica foi reduzida com fungicida adicionado ao meio (23 para 6,4%), mas a porcentagem de bactérias foi aumentada (24 para 36%). Em outro experimento, as sementes foram imersas em plant preservative mixture (PPM?) antes da desinfestação. Combinando a imersão por 48 h e 2 mL L-1 no meio de cultura, a contaminação foi de 6%. A imersão das sementes em GA3 antes da desinfestação reduziu a formação de raízes conforme a concentração foi aumentada. A germinação e o IVG foram reduzidos, respectivamente, de 72% e 0,129 (24 h) para 60% e 0,092 (48 h), de acordo com o tempo de exposição a GA3. Após 90 dias em meio de multiplicação contendo benzilaminopurina, o número médio de brotações por segmento nodal foi 3,4. A germinação in vitro de C. brasiliense é viável em meio WPM sem sacarose, com até 93,3% de sobrevivência.
My thesis investigates the forms, modalities and issues related to the notion of 'silence' in the texts and poetics of Virginia Woolf, Marguerite Duras, Georges Perec and Gianni Celati. This study relates to the 20th century European context and is set within the framework of music-literary studies, since silence is an acoustic phenomenon that concerns the whole word, thus also the written word. The material is structured according to a distribution that firstly involves the construction of a methodological framework that employs music-literary studies, the philosophy of language, the aesthetics of reception and psychoanalytic trauma studies; secondly, an analysis of some of the autobiographical works of the mentioned writers was undertaken, with a particular focus on the notion of trauma associated with silence; thirdly, the focus was placed on the theme of silence in the novelistic and fictional writings of the same authors; finally, a reflection on the poetics and aesthetics of silence was proposed. This study, which brings together several perspectives on silence, aims to shed light, through a comparative and transmedial approach, on the necessity of silence that is inherent in the word, and not a phenomenon opposed to it.