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The core samples of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (including Indian and Pacific type) recovered from the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) area near the Australian Antarctic Discordance during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187 were studied using rock magnetism, mineralogy, and petrography methods. On the basis of thermomagnetic analyses and low-temperature magnetometry, the dominant magnetic carrier in most of the basalt samples (pillow basalts) is characterized as titanomaghemite, which presumably formed by low-temperature oxidation of primary titanomagnetite. Some samples from unaltered massive basalts contain nearly unoxidized titanomagnetite as the main magnetic mineral. A metadiabase sample showing greenschist facies metamorphism contains magnetic minerals dominated by magnetite. The pillow basalts contain titanomaghemite ranging from stable single-domain to pseudosingle-domain (PSD) grains, and the majority are characterized by a single stable component of remanence. The massive basalts show hysteresis features of larger PSD grains and contain a very low coercivity remanence. The values of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of the samples in this SEIR area are on the same order as those of other oceanic ridge basalts. They show a general decreasing trend of NRM with increasing crust age. However, the values of NRM show no correlation either with the tectonic zonations (Zone A vs. Zone B) or with the mantle provinces (Pacific vs. Indian types).
Geotechnical properties of sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 164 are presented as: (1) normalized shipboard strength ratios from the Cape Fear Diapir, the Blake Ridge Diapir, and the Blake Ridge; and (2) Atterberg limit, vane shear strength, pocket-penetrometer strength, and constant-rate-of-strain consolidation results from Hole 995A, located on the Blake Ridge. This study was conducted to understand the stress history in a region characterized by high sedimentation rates and the presence of gas hydrates. Collectively, the results indicate that sediment from the Blake Ridge exhibits significant underconsolidated behavior, except near the seafloor. At least 10 m of additional overburden was removed by erosion or mass wasting at Hole 993A on the Cape Fear Diapir, compared to nearby sites.
Contents of labile (acid-soluble) sulfides were determined in the upper layer of bottom sediments at 80 stations on the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea. Maximum values of this parameter occurred in black mud accumulated in zones of intense pollution in the Gelendzhik and Tsemess bays and in shelf areas adjacent to large health resort objects and to seaports. Contents of acid-soluble sulfides in sediments varied from 400 to 900 mg S/dm**3 of wet mud. In zones of moderate pollution they varied from 200 to 400 mg S/dm**3. Rate of sulfate reduction was 10-40 mg S/dm**3 of wet sediment per day. Obtained data show that accumulation of labile sulfides in the upper layer of shelf bottom sediments is directly related to anthropogenic pollution and is one of the most hazardous environmental aftereffects.
This data report describes the results of post-Leg 172 sampling of Sites 1054, 1055, and 1063 for two purposes: to investigate the climatic significance of red-colored intervals in the hemipelagic sediments cored during Leg 172 and to better understand the stratigraphy and chronology of Carolina Slope Sites 1054 and 1055. Gravity cores collected from the Carolina Slope on site survey cruise Knorr 140/2 show very high rates of sedimentation during the Holocene and lower rates during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Because of the high rates, many of the sediments in the recovered cores never reached the LGM. In other cores, it is possible that deglacial oscillations have been mistaken for the LGM. Although radiocarbon dating could solve that problem, some of the gravity cores are at or very close to the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, and it is useful to compare the isotope stratigraphies among them before proceeding with dating. Furthermore, some of the site survey cores have red-colored intervals and others do not, even though there is some indication they are time equivalent. Either the stratigraphy is wrong, diagenesis has affected the color of the sediment, or red sediment is carried to some sites but not to others that differ in depth by only a few hundred meters.
Seismic reflection studies in the maar lake Laguna Potrok Aike (51°58? S, 70°23? W) revealed an erosional unconformity associated with a sub-aquatic lake-level terrace at a water depth of 30m. Radiocarbon-dated, multi-proxy sediment studies of a piston core from this location indicate that the sediment below this discontinuity has an age of 45kyr BP (Oxygen Isotope Stage 3), and was deposited during an interval of high lake level. In comparison to the Holocene section, geochemical indicators of this older part of the record either point towards a different sediment source or to a different transport mechanism for Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 sediments. Holocene sedimentation started again before 6790cal. yr BP, providing a sediment record of hydrological variability until the present. Geochemical and isotopic data indicate a fluctuating lake level until 5310cal. yr BP. During the late Holocene the lake level shows a receding tendency. Nevertheless, the lake level did not drop below the 30m terrace to create another unconformity. The geochemical characterization of volcanic ashes reveals evidence for previously unknown explosive activity of the Reclús and Mt. Burney volcanoes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3.
A high-resolution multiproxy geochemical approach was applied to the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike in an attempt to reconstruct moist and dry periods during the past 16 000 years in southeastern Patagonia. The age-depth model is inferred from AMS 14C dates and tephrochronology, and suggests moist conditions during the Lateglacial and early Holocene (16 000-8700 cal. BP) interrupted by drier conditions before the beginning of the Holocene (13 200-11 400 cal. BP). Data also imply that this period was a major warm phase in southeastern Patagonia and was approximately contemporaneous with the Younger Dryas chronozone in the Northern Hemisphere (12 700-11 500 cal. BP). After 8650 cal. BP a major drought may have caused the lowest lake level of the record. Since 7300 cal. BP, the lake level rose and was variable until the 'Little Ice Age', which was the dominant humid period after 8650 cal. BP.
The first data on chemical composition of nonreef-building non-zooxanthellate deep-sea corals presented in this publication allow us to identify following tendencies manifested in the biomineralization process. Comparison of concentration levels of some chemical elements in scleractinian corals and ambient ocean waters suggests that corals do not accumulate K in the process of biomineralization and weakly accumulate Mg, whereas Ca, Sr, Si, Al, Ti, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Fe are concentrated in skeletons of corals with enrichment coefficients of 10**3 to 10**7. Correlations between components contained in the skeletons of scleractinian corals suggest that the source of Al, Si, Fe, and Ti in them is the clayey constituent of bottom sediments and zooplankton, while trace elements are likely accumulated via bioassimilation from seawater. Such elements as Mn, Sr, Pb, and Cd can structurally substitute Ca in calcite and aragonite. Variations in concentrations of the elements in coral skeletons depending on their habitat depths are fairly significant. As could be expected Ca and Mg concentrations are prone to decrease with depth (R = -0.55 and -0.51, respectively), which can possibly be caused by partial dissolution of carbonate skeletons with increasing depth, whereas the Sr/Ca ratio does not depend on depth.
The paper presents data on the Nd-Sr systematics of magmatic rocks of the Khaidaiskii Series of the Anginskaya Formation in the Ol'khon region, western Baikal area, and rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. Geochemical characteristics of these rocks are identical and testify to their arc provenance. At the same time, the epsilon(t)Nd of rocks of the Khaidaiskii Series in the Ol'khon area has positive values, and the data points of these rocks plot near the mantle succession line in the epsilon(t)Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram, whereas the epsilon(t)Nd values of rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation are negative, and the data points of these rocks fall into the fourth quadrant in the epsilon(t)Nd -87Sr/86Sr diagram. This testifies to a mantle genesis of the parental magmas of the Khaidaiskii Series and to the significant involvement of older crustal material in the generation of the melts that produced the orthorocks on the eastern shore of the lake. These conclusions are corroborated by model ages of magmatic rocks in the Ol'khon area (close to 1 Ga) and of rocks of the Talanchanskaya Formation (approximately 2 Ga). The comparison of our data with those obtained by other researchers on the Nd-Sr isotopic age of granulites of the Ol'khon Group and metavolcanics in various structural zones in the northern Baikal area suggests, with regard for the geochemistry of these rocks, the accretion of tectonic nappes that had different isotopic histories: some of them were derived from the mantle wedge and localized in the island arc itself (magmatic rocks of the Anginskaya Formation) or backarc spreading zone (mafic metamagmatic rocks of the Ol'khon Group), while others were partial melts derived, with the participation of crustal material, from sources of various age (metagraywackes in the backarc basin in the Ol'khon Group and the ensialic basement of the island arc in the Talanchanskaya Formation).