992 resultados para writers


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En la Argentina del Centenario de la Revolución de Mayo, al tiempo que se recorta la especificidad de la labor intelectual en relación con el área de las actividades del “espíritu” y se especializan las funciones de la política estatal, emerge una nueva representación de la cultura nacional como espacio de intervenciones estratégicas dirigidas a atender tanto de las nuevas necesidades del Estado oligárquico en crisis como los requerimientos de los escritores que aspiran a la autonomía profesional. La convergencia de las respuestas de los escritores involucrados en esta nueva alianza con el Estado no responde a una coartación de su autonomía, sino a la coincidencia entre los interrogantes que el Estado les formula y las preguntas que, desde la situación histórica específica de la actividad literaria, han venido planteándose.


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Este ensayo examina el significado y la función de la literatura escrita y leída desde la experiencia de la negritud en Ecuador, especialmente en lo que se refiere al ejemplo de Nelson Estupiñán Bass (1912-2002), a quien se considera uno de los principales escritores afroecuatorianos. Parte del problema que se analiza tiene que ver con cómo identificar el contexto social en el cual se lee la producción literaria de Estupiñán. De ahí, el análisis se mueve entre la llamada ciudad letrada y las áreas rurales del norte de Esmeraldas donde varias comunidades luchan por tomar control de sus propias representaciones. Por lo tanto, la pregunta que emerge tiene que ver con el rol conflictivo de un escritor afroesmeraldeño que pretende articular e interpretar las necesidades, los intereses y las historias que definen a los habitantes de la provincia de Esmeraldas mientras asume una posición jerárquica de un intelectual socialmente comprometido que, inconsciente y paradójicamente, deja sin voz a aquellas comunidades que, durante siglos, han hablado por medio de sus mayores y ancestros.


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En las primeras décadas del siglo XX, la Argentina sufrió un desajuste económico y social respecto del plan estratégico de 1880. Los acontecimientos históricos rompieron el modelo de la prosperidad infinita y pusieron de manifiesto la disolución del ser nacional en revueltas militares, fraude electoral, corrupción, caudillismo y brechas profundas entre regiones y clases sociales. Hacia 1930, la escritura de Roberto Artl se presenta como un cuestionamiento acerca de los límites del proyecto modernizador y de las instancias más significativas del mandato de progreso histórico. Los personajes de sus ficciones le permiten al escritor proyectar una interpretación no solo de su ser caído y angustiado, sino también del sujeto desligado de aquella sociabilidad propuesta por la generación de los románticos y que en 1880 parecía determinar una identidad estable, según reglas aparentemente seguras. El escritor posee la visión de que 1930 es el momento histórico que exige otro estatuto de lo real. El efecto de lectura de la obra de Arlt reside en la manipulación indefinida del lenguaje literario a través de la propuesta de personajes anclados en la percepción de un mundo que los excluye y de una peripecia narrativa que devela la descentración de la Historia como relato total. Consecuentemente, su eficacia es impactar y movilizar el cuerpo social a través de la producción imaginaria como una versión literaria de la Historia.


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El surrealismo, nacido en los años 20, y arribado pronto al Paraguay con revistas literarias extranjeras (aunque no por sus textos fundacionales, sino por producciones de escritores aledaños al movimiento), no tuvo relevancia en la escena de la poesía paraguaya hasta lograr instalarse dos décadas más tarde, evidente o subrepticiamente, en el quehacer poético nacional. La intención de este ensayo es mostrar cuáles fueron las condiciones necesarias para que este movimiento influyera en la literatura paraguaya, específicamente en la poesía, y de qué modo esta influencia logró que la poesía fuera lo que naturalmente debía ser: paraguaya y actual. A la par, insertos a lo largo del ensayo, se incluyen suficientes textos para mostrar la evolución de este proceso, y para dar además una mínima antología –obligada tal vez por lo recóndito del tema.


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El autor explora el efecto poético, en el caso de los vanguardistas peruanos, que tiene la inclusión de palabras extranjeras en un texto literario. Puesto que se trata de palabras ininteligibles o apenas inteligibles, tal uso remite al tipo de afasia como desorden del eje metafórico, que afecta la similitud/diferencia del lenguaje. Lauer se pregunta por qué los poetas vanguardistas recurrieron al uso de palabras de origen extranjero. En este sentido, interesa al autor destacar los cruces entre modernidad, “tecno terminología” y “extranjería del discurso”, entre cosmopolitismo y conocimiento local. Sostiene Lauer que adoptar una palabra de otro idioma “expresa el deseo de cortar con las fuentes mismas de una tradición, y constituye una crítica a una sensibilidad dada”. El autor indaga en torno a los usos poéticos de palabras de origen extranjero, desde una visión que atiende los sentidos que ellas despliegan, así como también sus aspectos gráficos, sonoros y comunicacionales.


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El artículo pasa revista a la carrera literaria de uno de los más grandes escritores guayaquileños del período posterior a la Generación del Treinta: Rafael Díaz Ycaza. Extraordinario cuentista, el autor se inicia con una deuda realista muy cercana a sus predecesores, pero, poco a poco, se va dando una transición hacia lo poético y lo fantástico, sin desprenderse nunca del realismo, en sus penetrantes análisis de problemáticas cercanas a su entorno: la aventura marítima, el enfrentamiento con la muerte, la obsesión del suicidio – perceptibles en algunos de sus mejores títulos, entre ellos “Rosamel” y “Las equivocaciones”. Poeta de notables calidades, está en más de una ocasión a la misma altura de sus grandes contemporáneos: David Ledesma Vásquez, Ileana Espinel Cedeño y Fernando Cazón Vera, los nombres sobresalientes de la lírica de su ciudad (Guayaquil). Los temas son cercanos a los de su narrativa, pero predomina su canto a la ciudad, que se da en diferentes momentos creativos.


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This major curated exhibition, publication and events builds on Rowlands’ curatorial research. Working in collaboration with co-curators Martin Clark, Artistic Director, Tate St Ives and Michael Bracewell, cultural historian, the exhibition sought to explore new narratives within British art. The innovative curatorial methodology developed from a fiction found in the infamous novel, The Dark Monarch by Sven Berlin, Gallery Press 1962. The research sought specific archival and collection work that allowed thematic strands to emerge that represented influences across generations. The exhibition features two-hundred artworks, from the Tate Collection, archives and other significant British public and private collections. It examines the development of early Modernism, in the UK, as well as the reappearance of esoteric and arcane references in a significant strand of contemporary art practice. Historical works from Samuel Palmer, Graham Sutherland, Henry Moore and Paul Nash are shown alongside contemporary artists including Derek Jarman, Cerith Wyn Evans, Eva Rothschild, Linder and John Russell. The exhibition includes a key work by Damien Hirst ¬ the first time he has been shown at Tate St Ives and a number of contemporary commissions. The Dark Monarch publication extended the discourse of the research critically examining the tension between progressive modernity and romantic knowledge, the book focuses on the way that artworks are encoded with various histories - geological, mythical and magical. Essays examine magic as a counterpoint to modernity’s transparency and rational progress, but also draw out the links modernity has with notions such as fetishism, mana, totem, and the taboo. Often viewed as counter to Modernism, this collection of essays suggest that these products of illusion and delusion in fact belong to modernity. Drawing together 15 different writers commissioned to explore magic as a counterpoint of liberal understanding of modernity, drawing out links that modernity has with notions of fetish, taboo and occult philosophy. Including essays by Marina Warner, Ilsa Colsell, Philip Hoare, Chris Stephens, Jennifer Higgie and Morrissey.


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Major General Orde Wingate (1903–44) was the most controversial British military commander of the Second World War, due to his idiosynchratic leadership style, which led some to question his sanity, and his fiercely pro-Zionist stance. More than sixty years after his death he still splits opinion amongst soldiers, academics and writers.


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This paper focuses upon a comparatively overlooked issue with regard to the scope of self-defence in international law: whether the subjective ‘psychological’ positions of the states concerned in a dispute involving the use force have any impact upon the lawfulness of an action avowedly taken in self-defence. There exists a long standing conception that the motives of a state responding in self-defence are relevant to the lawfulness of that response. The purity (or impurity) of a state's motive forms the basis of a distinction for many writers between a lawful self-defence action and an unlawful armed reprisal. Similarly, in recent decisions of the ICJ, the implication has been that the subjective intention of the attacking state may be relevant to the question of whether the attack perpetrated by that state can trigger the right of self-defence. The conclusion is reached here that the lawfulness of an avowed self-defence action should be premised upon objective criteria alone. Moreover, this reflects the law as it is in fact applied in practice. It is argued that the subjective ‘psychological’ position of either the responding or attacking state has no place in the final analysis of whether an action in self-defence was lawful or unlawful.


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The academic discipline of television studies has been constituted by the claim that television is worth studying because it is popular. Yet this claim has also entailed a need to defend the subject against the triviality that is associated with the television medium because of its very popularity. This article analyses the many attempts in the later twentieth and twenty-first centuries to constitute critical discourses about television as a popular medium. It focuses on how the theoretical currents of Television Studies emerged and changed in the UK, where a disciplinary identity for the subject was founded by borrowing from related disciplines, yet argued for the specificity of the medium as an object of criticism. Eschewing technological determinism, moral pathologization and sterile debates about television's supposed effects, UK writers such as Raymond Williams addressed television as an aspect of culture. Television theory in Britain has been part of, and also separate from, the disciplinary fields of media theory, literary theory and film theory. It has focused its attention on institutions, audio-visual texts, genres, authors and viewers according to the ways that research problems and theoretical inadequacies have emerged over time. But a consistent feature has been the problem of moving from a descriptive discourse to an analytical and evaluative one, and from studies of specific texts, moments and locations of television to larger theories. By discussing some historically significant critical work about television, the article considers how academic work has constructed relationships between the different kinds of objects of study. The article argues that a fundamental tension between descriptive and politically activist discourses has confused academic writing about ›the popular‹. Television study in Britain arose not to supply graduate professionals to the television industry, nor to perfect the instrumental techniques of allied sectors such as advertising and marketing, but to analyse and critique the medium's aesthetic forms and to evaluate its role in culture. Since television cannot be made by ›the people‹, the empowerment that discourses of television theory and analysis aimed for was focused on disseminating the tools for critique. Recent developments in factual entertainment television (in Britain and elsewhere) have greatly increased the visibility of ›the people‹ in programmes, notably in docusoaps, game shows and other participative formats. This has led to renewed debates about whether such ›popular‹ programmes appropriately represent ›the people‹ and how factual entertainment that is often despised relates to genres hitherto considered to be of high quality, such as scripted drama and socially-engaged documentary television. A further aspect of this problem of evaluation is how television globalisation has been addressed, and the example that the issue has crystallised around most is the reality TV contest Big Brother. Television theory has been largely based on studying the texts, institutions and audiences of television in the Anglophone world, and thus in specific geographical contexts. The transnational contexts of popular television have been addressed as spaces of contestation, for example between Americanisation and national or regional identities. Commentators have been ambivalent about whether the discipline's role is to celebrate or critique television, and whether to do so within a national, regional or global context. In the discourses of the television industry, ›popular television‹ is a quantitative and comparative measure, and because of the overlap between the programming with the largest audiences and the scheduling of established programme types at the times of day when the largest audiences are available, it has a strong relationship with genre. The measurement of audiences and the design of schedules are carried out in predominantly national contexts, but the article refers to programmes like Big Brother that have been broadcast transnationally, and programmes that have been extensively exported, to consider in what ways they too might be called popular. Strands of work in television studies have at different times attempted to diagnose what is at stake in the most popular programme types, such as reality TV, situation comedy and drama series. This has centred on questions of how aesthetic quality might be discriminated in television programmes, and how quality relates to popularity. The interaction of the designations ›popular‹ and ›quality‹ is exemplified in the ways that critical discourse has addressed US drama series that have been widely exported around the world, and the article shows how the two critical terms are both distinct and interrelated. In this context and in the article as a whole, the aim is not to arrive at a definitive meaning for ›the popular‹ inasmuch as it designates programmes or indeed the medium of television itself. Instead the aim is to show how, in historically and geographically contingent ways, these terms and ideas have been dynamically adopted and contested in order to address a multiple and changing object of analysis.