921 resultados para verbal reasoning
Short-term and long-term retention of experimentally presented words were compared in a sample of 33 healthy normal volunteers by the [15O]H2O method with positron emission tomography (PET). The design included three conditions. For the long-term condition, subjects thoroughly studied 18 words 1 week before the PET study. For the short-term condition, subjects were shown another set of 18 words 60 sec before imaging, with instructions to remember them. For the baseline condition, subtracted from the two memory conditions, subjects read a third set of words that they had not previously seen in the experiment. Similar regions were activated in both short-term and long-term conditions: large right frontal areas, biparietal areas, and the left cerebellum. In addition, the short-term condition also activated a relatively large region in the left prefrontal region. These complex distributed circuits appear to represent the neural substrates for aspects of memory such as encoding, retrieval, and storage. They indicate that circuitry involved in episodic memory has much larger cortical and cerebellar components than has been emphasized in earlier lesion studies.
Robert Kennedy's announcement of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in an Indianapolis urban community that did not revolt in riots on April 4, 1968, provides one significant example in which feelings, energy, and bodily risk resonate alongside the articulated message. The relentless focus on Kennedy's spoken words, in historical biographies and other critical research, presents a problem of isolated effect because the power really comes from elements outside the speech act. Thus, this project embraces the complexities of rhetorical effectivity, which involves such things as the unique situational context, all participants (both Kennedy and his audience) of the speech act, aesthetic argument, and the ethical implications. This version of the story embraces the many voices of the participants through first hand interviews and new oral history reports. Using evidence provided from actual participants in the 1968 Indianapolis event, this project reflects critically upon the world disclosure of the event as it emerges from those remembrances. Phenomenology provides one answer to the constitutive dilemma of rhetorical effectivity that stems from a lack of a framework that gets at questions of ethics, aesthetics, feelings, energy, etc. Thus, this work takes a pedagogical shift away from discourse (verbal/written) as the primary place to render judgments about the effects of communication interaction. With a turn to explore extra-sensory reasoning, by way of the physical, emotional, and numinous, a multi-dimensional look at public address is delivered. The rhetorician will be interested in new ways of assessing effects. The communication ethicist will appreciate the work as concepts like answerability, emotional-volitional tone, and care for the other, come to life via application and consideration of Kennedy's appearance. For argumentation scholars, the interest comes forth in a re-thinking of how we do argumentation. And the critical cultural scholar will find this story ripe with opportunities to uncover the politics of representation, racialized discourse, privilege, power, ideological hegemony, and reconciliation. Through an approach of multiple layers this real-life tale will expose the power of the presence among audience and speaker, emotive argument, as well as the magical turn of fate which all contributes the possibility of a dialogic rhetoric.
The aim of this research is to identify aspects that support the development of prospective mathematics teachers’ professional noticing in a b-learning context. The study presented here investigates the extent to which prospective secondary mathematics teachers attend and interpret secondary school students’ proportional reasoning and decide how to respond. Results show that interactions in an on-line discussion improve prospective mathematics teachers’ ability to identify and interpret important aspects of secondary school students’ mathematical thinking.
I propose a method to study interactional ironic humorous utterances in Spanish. In GRIALE research group consider this method can be applied to humorous ironic utterances in different textual genres, from the violation of conversational principles. Futhermore, we present the General Theory of Verbal Humor proposed by Attardo that it will be taken in our analysis. Therefore, I study irony and humor in examples of conversations from Peninsular Spanish real sample corpuses (COVJA, Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales [Corpus of Colloquial Conversations] and CREA, Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual [Reference Corpus of Present-Day Spanish]). In this article, I will focus on the application of this theory to humorous ironic statements which arise in conversation and examine the effects caused by them, which will additionally verify if irony and humor coexist in the same conversational exchange with a communicative aim and conversational strategies.
Este trabajo constituye un estudio sobre el humor verbal en niños y niñas de 4.º curso de Educación Primaria (9-10 años). Tres grandes vías articulan el análisis. En primer lugar, el debate sobre las presuntas diferencias de género en la interpretación y el uso del humor verbal obtiene un interés especial en el caso de los niños, dado su menor nivel de «contaminación» por las convenciones y prejuicios sociales. En segundo lugar, se detecta la práctica ausencia de estudios sobre el humor infantil desde el punto de vista lingüístico, ya que el grueso de las investigaciones sobre el tema proviene de la psicología evolutiva. En tercer lugar, la etapa de edad objeto de este estudio responde a un periodo crucial en el desarrollo lingüístico y, especialmente, metalingüístico del niño.
La Comunicación NO Verbal (CNV) es un tipo de comunicación que no siempre se incluye como tal en las competencias y objetivos de las titulaciones académicas y que a menudo se considera sólo desde un punto de vista teórico. Pero, en el ámbito laboral, se exige a los profesionales que sepan controlar a su favor la CNV, en especial a los profesionales de la salud, por el posible impacto sobre el paciente. Mediante formulario on-line, se pidió a los estudiantes matriculados en titulaciones relacionadas y no relacionadas con la sanidad, que valorarán el papel de la CNV en diferentes situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Participaron estudiantes universitarios: U. de Alicante y U. Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), y de Formación Profesional: IES Leonardo da Vinci (Alicante) e INS Gabriela Mistral (Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona). Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes universitarios consideran más importante y valoran mejor la CNV que los de Formación Profesional. Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre estudiantes de titulaciones sanitarias y no sanitarias en ninguno de los dos niveles académicos. Ante estos resultados hacemos una llamada a la reflexión sobre la importancia que debería adquirir la práctica de la CNV en las titulaciones sanitarias.
Folio-sized leaf containing a handwritten disputation on reasoning. The disputation begins with the question: "Whether the Faculty of reasoning is improved by a Knowledge of Syllogym?"