970 resultados para vacuum melting


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Practical applications of vacuum as an insulator necessitated determining the low-pressure breakdown characteristics of long gap lengths of a point-plane electrode system. The breakdown voltage has been found to vary as the square root of the gap length. Further, with the point electrode as the anode, the values of the breakdown voltages obtained have been found to be larger than those obtained with a plane-parallel electrode system at a corresponding gap length. By applying the theory of the anode heating mechanism as the cause for breakdown, the results have been justified, and by utilizing a field efficiency factor which is the ratio of the average to maximum field, an empirical criterion has been developed. This criterion helps in calculating the breakdown voltage of a nonuniform gap system by the knowledge of the breakdown voltage of a plane-parallel electrode system.


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An application that translates raw thermal melt curve data into more easily assimilated knowledge is described. This program, called ‘Meltdown’, performs a number of data remediation steps before classifying melt curves and estimating melting temperatures. The final output is a report that summarizes the results of a differential scanning fluorimetry experiment. Meltdown uses a Bayesian classification scheme, enabling reproducible identification of various trends commonly found in DSF datasets. The goal of Meltdown is not to replace human analysis of the raw data, but to provide a sensible interpretation of the data to make this useful experimental technique accessible to naïve users, as well as providing a starting point for detailed analyses by more experienced users.


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Al-10.98 pct Si-4.9 pct Ni ternary eutectic alloy was unidirectionally solidified at growth rates from 1.39μm/sec to 6.95μm/sec. Binary Al-Ni and Al-Si eutectics prepared from the same purity metals were also solidified under similar conditions to characterize the growth conditions under the conditions of present study. NiAl3 phase appeared as fibers in the binary Al-Ni eutectic and silicon appeared as irregular plates in the binary Al-Si eutectic. However, in the ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloy both NiAl3 and silicon phases appeared as irregular plates dispersed in α-Al phase, without any regular repctitive arrangement. The size and spacing of NiAl3 and Si platelets in cone shaped colonies decreased with an increase in the growth rate of the ternary eutectic. Examination of specimen quenched during unidirectional solidification indicated that the ternary eutectic grows with a non-planar interface with both Si and NiAl3 phases protruding into the liquid. It is concluded that it will be difficult to grow regular ternary eutectic structures even if only one phase has a high entropy of melting. The tensile strength and modulus of unidirectionally solidified Al-Si-Ni eutectic was lower than the chill cast alloys of the same composition, and decreased with a decrease in growth rate. Tensile modulus and strength of ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloys was greater than binary Al-Si eutectic alloy under similar growth conditions, both in the chill cast and in unidirectionally solidified conditions.


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Vehicles affect the concentrations of ambient airborne particles through exhaust emissions, but particles are also formed in the mechanical processes in the tire-road interface, brakes, and engine. Particles deposited on or in the vicinity of the road may be re-entrained, or resuspended, into air through vehicle-induced turbulence and shearing stress of the tires. A commonly used term for these particles is road dust . The processes affecting road dust emissions are complex and currently not well known. Road dust has been acknowledged as a dominant source of PM10 especially during spring in the sub-arctic urban areas, e.g. in Scandinavia, Finland, North America and Japan. The high proportion of road dust in sub-arctic regions of the world has been linked to the snowy winter conditions that make it necessary to use traction control methods. Traction control methods include dispersion of traction sand, melting of ice with brine solutions, and equipping the tires with either metal studs (studded winter tires), snow chains, or special tire design (friction tires). Several of these methods enhance the formation of mineral particles from pavement wear and/or from traction sand that accumulate in the road environment during winter. When snow and ice melt and surfaces dry out, traffic-induced turbulence makes some of the particles airborne. A general aim of this study was to study processes and factors underlying and affecting the formation and emissions of road dust from paved road surfaces. Special emphasis was placed on studying particle formation and sources during tire road interaction, especially when different applications of traction control, namely traction sanding and/or winter tires were in use. Respirable particles with aerodynamic diameter below 10 micrometers (PM10) have been the main concern, but other size ranges and particle size distributions were also studied. The following specific research questions were addressed: i) How do traction sanding and physical properties of the traction sand aggregate affect formation of road dust? ii) How do studded tires affect the formation of road dust when compared with friction tires? iii) What are the composition and sources of airborne road dust in a road simulator and during a springtime road dust episode in Finland? iv) What is the size distribution of abrasion particles from tire-road interaction? The studies were conducted both in a road simulator and in field conditions. The test results from the road simulator showed that traction sanding increased road dust emissions, and that the effect became more dominant with increasing sand load. A high percentage of fine-grained anti-skid aggregate of overall grading increased the PM10 concentrations. Anti-skid aggregate with poor resistance to fragmentation resulted in higher PM levels compared with the other aggregates, and the effect became more significant with higher aggregate loads. Glaciofluvial aggregates tended to cause higher particle concentrations than crushed rocks with good fragmentation resistance. Comparison of tire types showed that studded tires result in higher formation of PM emissions compared with friction tires. The same trend between the tires was present in the tests with and without anti-skid aggregate. This finding applies to test conditions of the road simulator with negligible resuspension. Source and composition analysis showed that the particles in the road simulator were mainly minerals and originated from both traction sand and pavement aggregates. A clear contribution of particles from anti-skid aggregate to ambient PM and dust deposition was also observed in urban conditions. The road simulator results showed that the interaction between tires, anti-skid aggregate and road surface is important in dust production and the relative contributions of these sources depend on their properties. Traction sand grains are fragmented into smaller particles under the tires, but they also wear the pavement aggregate. Therefore particles from both aggregates are observed. The mass size distribution of traction sand and pavement wear particles was mainly coarse, but fine and submicron particles were also present.


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We study the vortex matter phase diagram of a layered superconductor in the presence of columnar pinning defects, tilted with respect to the normal to the layers. We use numerical minimization of the free energy written as a functional of the time-averaged vortex density of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form, supplemented by the appropriate pinning potential. We study the case where the pin density is smaller than the areal vortex density. At lower pin concentrations, we find, for temperatures of the order of the melting temperature of the unpinned lattice, a Bose glass type phase which at lower temperatures converts, via a first-order transition, to a Bragg glass, while, at higher temperatures, it crosses over to an interstitial liquid. At somewhat higher concentrations, no transition to a Bragg glass is found even at the lowest temperatures studied. While qualitatively the behavior we find is similar to that obtained using the same procedures for columnar pins normal to the layers, there are important and observable quantitative differences, which we discuss.


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Four new ternary copper(II) complexes of alpha-amino acid having polypyridyl bases of general formulation [Cu(L-ala)(B)(H2O)](X)(1-4), where L-ala is L-alanine, B is an N,N-donor heterocyclic base, viz. 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, 2) and 5,6-phenanthroline dione (dione, 3), dipyrido[3,2:2',3'-f] quinoxaline (dpq, 4), and X = ClO4-/NO3- are synthesized, characterized by various spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic methods. The complexes show a distorted square-pyramidal (4 + 1) CuN3O2 coordination geometry. The one-electron paramagnetic complexes (1-4) display a low energy d-d band near 600 nm in aqueous medium and show a quasi-reversible cyclic voltammetric response due to one-electron Cu(II)/Cu(I) reduction near - 100 mV (versus SCE) in DMF-0.1 M TBAP. Binding interactions of the complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) were investigated by UV-Vis absorption titration, ethidium bromide displacement assay, viscometric titration experiment and DNA melting studies. All the complexes barring the complexes 1 and 3 are avid binder to the CT-DNA in the DNA minor groove giving an order: 4 > 2 >>>1, 3. The complexes 2 and 4 show appreciable chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent. Hydroxyl radical was investigated to be the DNA cleavage active species. Control experiments in the presence of distamycin-A show primarily minor groove-binding propensity for the complexes 2 and 4 to the DNA.


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The preparation and thermal decomposition of lithium and magnesium perchlorate ammines have been investigated. The catalytic effect of these ammines on AP decomposition has been studied. The catalytic effect of lithium and magnesium salts on AP decomposition has been attributed to the formation of the metal perchlorate ammine intermediate. In the case of a magnesium salt: AP mixture, the melting of the magnesium perchlorate monoammine intermediate seems to play an important role in catalysing the decomposition.


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The c-Fos–c-Jun complex forms the activator protein 1 transcription factor, a therapeutic target in the treatment of cancer. Various synthetic peptides have been designed to try to selectively disrupt the interaction between c-Fos and c-Jun at its leucine zipper domain. To evaluate the binding affinity between these synthetic peptides and c-Fos, polarizable and nonpolarizable molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted, and the resulting conformations were analyzed using the molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM/GBSA) method to compute free energies of binding. In contrast to empirical and semiempirical approaches, the estimation of free energies of binding using a combination of MD simulations and the MM/GBSA approach takes into account dynamical properties such as conformational changes, as well as solvation effects and hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions. The predicted binding affinities of the series of c-Jun-based peptides targeting the c-Fos peptide show good correlation with experimental melting temperatures. This provides the basis for the rational design of peptides based on internal, van der Waals, and electrostatic interactions.


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Several metal complexes of three different functionalized salen derivatives have been synthesized. The salens differ in terms of the electrostatic character and the location of the charges. The interactions of such complexes with DNA were first investigated in detail by UV−vis absorption titrimetry. It appears that the DNA binding by most of these compounds is primarily due to a combination of electrostatic and other modes of interactions. The melting temperatures of DNA in the presence of various metal complexes were higher than that of the pure DNA. The presence of additional charge on the central metal ion core in the complex, however, alters the nature of binding. Bis-cationic salen complexes containing central Ni(II) or Mn(III) were found to induce DNA strand scission, especially in the presence of co-oxidant as revealed by plasmid DNA cleavage assay and also on the basis of the autoradiogram obtained from their respective high-resolution sequencing gels. Modest base selectivity was observed in the DNA cleavage reactions. Comparisons of the linearized and supercoiled forms of DNA in the metal complex-mediated cleavage reactions reveal that the supercoiled forms are more susceptible to DNA scission. Under suitable conditions, the DNA cleavage reactions can be induced either by preformed metal complexes or by in situ complexation of the ligand in the presence of the appropriate metal ion. Also revealed was the fact that the analogous complexes containing Cu(II) or Cr(III) did not effect any DNA strand scission under comparable conditions. Salens with pendant negative charges on either side of the precursor salicylaldehyde or ethylenediamine fragments did not bind with DNA. Similarly, metallosalen complexes with net anionic character also failed to induce any DNA modification activities.


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In an attempt to identify the arginine residue involved in binding of the carboxylate group of serine to mammalian serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a highly conserved Arg-401 was mutated to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme had a characteristic visible absorbance at 425 nm indicative of the presence of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as an internal aldimine with a lysine residue. However, it had only 0.003% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. It was also unable to perform reactions with glycine, beta-phenylserine or d-alanine, suggesting that the binding of these substrates to the mutant enzyme was affected. This was also evident from the interaction of amino-oxyacetic acid, which was very slow (8.4x10(-4) s-1 at 50 microM) for the R401A mutant enzyme compared with the wild-type enzyme (44.6 s-1 at 50 microM). In contrast, methoxyamine (which lacks the carboxy group) reacted with the mutant enzyme (1.72 s-1 at 250 microM) more rapidly than the wild-type enzyme (0.2 s-1 at 250 microM). Further, both wild-type and the mutant enzymes were capable of forming unique quinonoid intermediates absorbing at 440 and 464 nm on interaction with thiosemicarbazide, which also does not have a carboxy group. These results implicate Arg-401 in the binding of the substrate carboxy group. In addition, gel-filtration profiles of the apoenzyme and the reconstituted holoenzyme of R401A and the wild-type enzyme showed that the mutant enzyme remained in a tetrameric form even when the cofactor had been removed. However, the wild-type enzyme underwent partial dissociation to a dimer, suggesting that the oligomeric structure was rendered more stable by the mutation of Arg-401. The increased stability of the mutant enzyme was also reflected in the higher apparent melting temperature (Tm) (61 degrees C) than that of the wild-type enzyme (56 degrees C). The addition of serine or serinamide did not change the apparent Tm of R401A mutant enzyme. These results suggest that the mutant enzyme might be in a permanently 'open' form and the increased apparent Tm could be due to enhanced subunit interactions.


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Zinc micro and nanostructures were synthesized in vacuum by condensing evaporated zinc on Si substrate at different gas pressures. The morphology of the grown Zn structures was found to be dependent on the oxygen partial pressure. Depending on oxygen partial pressure it varied from two-dimensional microdisks to one-dimensional nanowire. The morphology and structural properties of the grown micro and nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the grown Zn nanowires have shown that they exhibit core/shell-like structures, where a thin ZnO layer forms the shell. A possible growth mechanism behind the formation of different micro and nanostructures has been proposed. In addition, we have synthesized ZnO nanocanal-like structures by annealing Zn nanowires in vacuum at 350 °C for 30 min.


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Investigations on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb) confined inside sol-gel template synthesized silica nanotubes (SNTs) have been discussed here. Immobilization of hemoglobin inside SNTs resulted in the enhancement of direct electron transfer during an electrochemical reaction. Extent of influence of nanoconfinement on protein activity is further probed via ligand binding and thermal stability studies. Electrochemical investigations show reversible binding of n-donor liquid ligands, such as pyridine and its derivatives, and predictive variation in their redox potentials suggests an absence of any adverse effect on the structure and function of Hb confined inside nanometer-sized channels of SNTs. Immobilization also resulted in enhanced thermal stability of Hb. The melting or denaturation temperature of Hb immobilized inside SNTs increase by approximately 4 degrees C as compared with that of free Hb in solution.


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Achieving stabilization of telomeric DNA in G-quadruplex conformation by Various organic compounds has been an important goal for the medicinal chemists seeking to develop new anticancer agents. Several compounds are known to stabilize G-quadruplexes. However, relatively few are known to induce their formation and/or alter the topology, of the preformed quadruplex DNA. Herein, four compounds having the 1,3-phenylene-bis(piperazinyl benzimidazole) unit as a basic skeleton have been synthesized, and their interactions with the 24-mer telomeric DNA sequences from Tetrahymena thermophilia d(T(2)G(4))(4) have been investigated using high-resolution techniques Such as circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry, CD melting, emission spectroscopy, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The data obtained, in the presence of one of three ions (Li+, Na+, or K+), indicate that all the new compounds have a high affinity for G-quadruplex DNA, and the strength of the binding with G-quadruplex depends on (1) phenyl ring substitution, (ii) the piperazinyl side chain, and (iii) the type of monovalent cation present in the buffer. Results further Suggest that these compounds are able to abet the conversion of the Intramolecular quadruplex into parallel stranded intermolecular G-quadruplex DNA. Notably, these compounds are also capable of inducing and stabilizing the parallel stranded quadruplex from randomly structured DNA in the absence of any stabilizing cation. The kinetics of the structural changes Induced by these compounds could be followed by recording the changes in the CD signal as a function of time. The implications of the findings mentioned above are discussed in this paper.


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In this article, the effect of two solvents, namely dimethyl formamide (DMF) and N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), on the dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbonanotubes (MNCNT) filled structural adhesive grade epoxy nanocomposites was studied. The solvents were used mainly to reduce the viscosity of the resin system to effectively disperse the nanofiller. The dispersion was carried out under vacuum using high energy sonic waves. SEM was undertaken to study the dispersion effectiveness. Electrical resistivity, tensile properties, and glass transition of the nanocomposites were studied. Between DMF and NMP, the former proved better in terms of dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. Addition of MWCNT into AV138M resulted in an increase in glass transition temperature irrespective of the solvent used and in both cases percolation threshold was found with respect to reduction in electrical resistivity of the nanocomposites. Less agglomeration and hence better interaction between CNT and epoxy was observed in the samples prepared using DMF compared with that using NMP.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic properties of nanowires of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 (PCBMO) are studied and compared with those of the bulk material. PCBMO nanowires with diameter of 80-90 nm and length of similar to 3.5 mu m were synthesized by a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method and the bulk sample was prepared following a solid-state reaction route. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The bulk PCBMO manganite exhibits charge order at 230 K along with a ferromagnetic transition at 110 K. However, superconducting quantum interference device measurements on the PCBMO nanowires show a complete `melting' of charge ordering and a ferromagnetic transition at 115 K. This result is confirmed by the EPR intensity behavior as well. However, the EPR line width, which is reflective of the spin dynamics, shows a shallow minimum for nanowires at the temperature corresponding to the charge-ordering transition, i.e., 230 K. We interpret this result as an indication of the presence of charge-ordering fluctuations in the nanowires even though the static charge order is absent, thus heralding the occurrence of charge order in the bulk sample.