1000 resultados para ureia revestida com polímero


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as características morfogenéticas e estruturais do capim-Tanzânia, a produção de forragem, as perdas de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização, reservas orgânicas e a avaliação do sistema radicular sob doses de nitrogênio sob pastejo. O experimento foi instalado na área Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, encontravam-se as doses de N (0, 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) e, nas sub-parcelas, as estações do ano. As perdas de N por volatilização foram quantificadas depois da adubação N (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias). As amostragens das raízes foram realizadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. A aplicação do fertilizante N na pastagem foi parcelada em três aplicações. A produção de massa seca total e de lâmina foliar de forragem respondeu linearmente até 282 kg ha-1 de N na estação do verão. A adubação nitrogenada exerce efeito positivo nas taxas de alongamento e aparecimento foliar, e no número de folhas vivas em plantas de capim-Tanzânia nas estações da primavera e verão. Elevadas adubações nitrogenadas associada a intervalos menores de pastejo promovem uma maior porcentagem de lâmina foliar; no manejo de pastos de capim-Tanzânia sob lotação rotacionada com altura de 70 cm na entrada dos animais para o pastejo e saída com 30 cm de altura do resíduo. A interação entre o nível de adubação e o período depois da aplicação de uréia foi significativa para a variável volatilização acumulada de N-NH3. A aplicação da uréia acarreta perdas percentuais mais elevadas de N nos três primeiros dias após a aplicação. A perda média acumulada de N-NH3 no período para as três estações do ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The properties of the hot melt adhesive pressure sensitive (HMPSA) using an elastomer as a base polymer a copolymer of styrene and butadiene (SBS) and variation of tackifiers resins such as hydrocarbon resins and hydrogenated hydrocarbon were investigated. The formulations were prepared by mixing process within shear. The adhesives prepared were evaluated in test Brookfield viscosity and softening point Ring and Ball to compare the formulations and the influence of variations in raw materials. Infrared analyzes were performed to detect the reactions between the inputs and investigate the chemical interactions of the same properties of the adhesive. In thermal analysis, the assay was performed thermogravimetry (TG) and diferencial exploratory calorimetry (DSC). Were investigated the parameters of the tensile test on each of the formulations. Finally, were analysed comparatively the basic formulations of adhesives with their respective raw materials


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Zidovudine (AZT) is the drug most commonly used in AIDS treatment, isolated or in combination with other antiretroviral agents, but it has certain limitations due to its therapeutic dose-dependent haematological toxicity. In addition, it has low oral bioavailability, since it undergoes pre-systemic metabolism. The nasal route has been used as an alternative route for drug administration, because it can promote its direct absorption to blood circulation, avoiding hepatic metabolism. However, this route presents as a factor limiting the mucociliary clearance mechanisms that remove quickly the formulation of the nasal cavity. To prolong the residence time of formulations, in this direction, has been proposed the development of mucoadhesive systems. Among the various existing systems, the use of chitosan (QS), as mucoadhesive polymer, has been widely exploited in the preparation of nanoparticles (NPs). The objective of this study was to develop and characterize QS’s NPs for intranasal administration of AZT. For both NPs have been developed by ionic crosslinking of QS with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP). These NPs were characterized by studies of particle size distribution, zeta potential, morphology, mucoadhesion tests, assessing the ability of encapsulation of the drug and permeation profile of AZT. The evaluation of AZT in the NPs was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Mucoadhesion measures were made using a texture analyzer, using a mucin disk and porcine mucous membrane , and permeation assay were conducted using porcine nasal mucous membrane adapted to the Franz cell. These results suggest that the systems in hand have great potential for nasal AZT administration


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After the isolation of Helicobacter pylori from an injury at the stomach mucosa by Marshall and Wareen, work that was recognized with the Nobel Prize of Medicine or Physiology in 2005, many other works showed the relationship between the presence of H. pylori and diseases at the digestive system, such as gastritis, gastric, duodenal and peptic ulcer, and stomach cancer. The 13C-Urea Breath Test - 13C-UBT is a non-invasive diagnostic method that utilizes the breath of a patient to determine the presence of H. pylori through stable isotopes. This work aimed to find an ideal 13C-UBT Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectroscopy cut-off value (a threshold between positive and negative) to diagnose H. pylori infection at Brazilian population. Patients were selected at the UNESP-Botucatu Clinical Hospital Endoscopy Section. With these results it was possible to indicate that the best cut-off value is between 2.5 to 6 ‰ of Delta Over Baseline (DOB)


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This work intends to investigate the biodegradation of the polymers and blend films of polypropylene (PP) and poly(hidroxybutirate-valerate) (PHBV), after UV radiation to facilitate the PP degradation, which is a polymer with long chains difficult to degrade by biological agents present in the environment. This polymer is outstanding by its mechanical properties and versatility of industrial and commercial use and the PHBV by its quick biodegradability in the environment. Blends of these materials could to present a commitment between mechanical properties and biodegradability to execute its function and after the discard to have lesser lifetime in the garbage landfills. Another aspect of this work is the controlling effect of PP on PHBV, influencing its degradation time


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During the twentieth century the inorganic electronics was largely developed being present in various industrial equipment or household use. However, at the end of that century were verified electronic properties in organic compounds, giving rise to the field of organic electronics. Since then, the physical properties of elementary devices such as diodes and organic transistors have been studied. In this work was studied the properties of diode devices fabricated with a semiconductor polymer, the poly-o-methoxyaniline (POMA). Devices containing electrodes of Au and Al were fabricated with semiconductor polymer of different doping levels. We found that the rectifying behavior for the heterojunctions metal/polimer are reached only for high doping level (with conductivity greater than 1,77. 10-9 S / cm), which gives the devices characteristic of a Schottky diode. The rectifying behavior was observed for electric fields of low magnitude, below the operating field (~ 600 V/cm), while for electric field greater than 600 V/cm the a linear behavior I vs.V was obtained. We determined that this Ohmic behavior arises from the charge transport over the volume of the semiconductor material after the lowering of the metal/semiconductor barrier. In devices with weakly doped semiconductor, the electrical resistance of the volume becomes high and the process of charge transportation is dominated by the volume, for any intensity of the applied electric field


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS) é uma doença causada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e acomete milhões de indivíduos pelo mundo todo. Para seu tratamento, utilizam-se antirretrovirais em associação ou isoladamente, e um dos mais utilizados é a zidovudina, 3’-azido-3’-desoxitimidina (AZT). Porém, sua baixa biodisponibilidade causada pela elevada taxa de metabolização hepática e baixa capacidade de permeação através das membranas biológicas, resulta na necessidade de administração de elevadas doses do fármaco, várias vezes ao dia, o que acaba gerando níveis plasmáticos tóxicos e, consequentemente, efeitos colaterais graves e desconforto ao paciente. Sendo assim existe a necessidade de uma otimização das formulações orais contendo AZT. Os sistemas de liberação de fármacos com propriedades mucoadesivas podem ser uma alternativa para melhorar as propriedades biofarmacêuticas, pois permitem o contato íntimo do fármaco com a mucosa intestinal e por um tempo prolongado, o que pode melhorar a biodisponibilidade de determinados fármacos, como o AZT. As dispersões sólidas (DS) são um tipo de sistema de liberação de fármaco que visam melhorar a biodisponibilidade de fármacos com baixa biodisponibilidade. Para desenvolvimento destes sistemas, vários materiais poliméricos podem ser utilizados, dentre eles o ftalato de hidroxipropil metilcelulose (HPMCP), com propriedade gastrorresistentes e mucoadesiva e o glicolato sódico de amido (GSA), que é um polímero intumescível e mucoadesivo. No desenvolvimento do trabalho as dispersões foram preparadas a partir da técnica de evaporação do solvente, contendo AZT, GSA e HPMCP nas proporções 1:5:7,5, 1:5:10 e 1:5:15, respectivamente, sendo obtidas com êxito a partir da técnica escolhida. A análise granulométrica e as fotomicrografias das amostras demonstraram uma redução no tamanho das partículas. A análise da mucoadesão ...


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O desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação de fármacos tem sido muito utilizado com o intuito de melhorar as propriedades biofarmacêuticas de fármacos. Sistemas de liberação controlada oferecem inúmeras vantagens quando comparados aos sistemas convencionais, o que os tornam candidatos promissores para a melhora da terapia de diversas doenças. Para o desenvolvimento destes sistemas, várias estratégias utilizam polímeros para modificar as propriedades farmacotécnicas das substâncias e partículas, com o objetivo de melhorar o direcionamento dos fármacos, bem como sua ação e toxicidade. Dentre estes polímeros, os mais utilizados são os polissacarídeos, por serem amplamente disponíveis e de baixo custo. São encontrados na natureza, em fontes diversas, como plantas, algas, microorganismos e animais. O dextrano, um polímero produzido por microorganismos, bem como seus derivados, têm recebido bastante atenção devido às suas características, como baixa toxicidade e alta degradabilidade enzimática, as quais o torna viável para o carreamento de fármacos. Com o dextrano é possível preparar sistemas de liberação controlada, uma vez que é possível se obter hidrogéis a partir dele, sem a utilização de reticulantes químicos. Hidrogéis são redes poliméricas tridimensionais hidrofílicas, que absorvem grande quantidade de água ou fluido biológico sem se dispersarem, o que denota a capacidade de intumescimento. Em sistemas de liberação baseados em hidrogéis, o perfil de intumescimento é uma característica de grande importância, pois pode modificar a propriedade de transporte do fármaco. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade da produção de hidrogéis de dextrano de diferentes pesos moleculares, para modular a liberação do fármaco praziquantel, utilizado no tratamento da esquistossomose... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study presents the development of a business plan to assist in decision making. The feasibility of a new plant capable of producing a polymer known as naphthalene sulfonate is being studied. CSN National Steel Company operates in several areas and encourages employees to seek innovation, supports and assists in the development of this project. This study also discusses entrepreneurship and its expansion into the enterprise corporate entrepreneurship. Explaining the importance and the role in large companies. The business plan is a great tool and demonstrated, mainly in the marketing plan, evidences of project feasibility


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Chitosan is a natural biodegradable polymer with great potential for pharmaceutical applications due to its biocompatibility, high charge density , nontoxicity and mucoadhesion. Gel formation can be obtained by the interactions of chitosans with low molecular counterions such as polyphosphates, sulphates and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. This gelling property of chitosan allows a wide range of applications such as coating of pharmaceuticals and food products, gel entrapment of biochemicals, whole cells, microorganisms and algae. One of its main applications is the synthesis of microspheres for coating of pharmaceuticals , magnetic particles an other substances. In such a way, we can build targeted drug delivery systems. In the present work, we applied the method of spraying and coagulation. The resulting microspheres, then, were characterized by optical microscopy


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The research aimed to produce sheets of particles with waste processing of Eucalyptus sp bonded with urea-formaldehyde and evaluate the effect of pressure variation in the quality of the boards produced. To do so, the Boards made were divided into two treatments depending on the pressing pressure of 30 to 40 kgf / cm². Once pressings, climatized, the particleboards have been sectioned in test samples, and underwent physical-mechanical tests for determining density, swelling and water absorption, modulus of rupture and elasticity in static bending and internal linking. The particleboards pressed at 40 kgf / cm ² showed the best results


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In this work, air dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operating at two different frequencies (60 Hz and 17 kHz) was used to improve surface properties of polypropylene (PP). The changes in surface hydrophilicity were investigated by contact angle measurements. The modifications in chemical composition of PP surface were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The PP roughness were analyzed before and after the DBD treatment using atomic force microscopy (AFM). In order to compare the results obtained at different frequencies, the analyses are presented as a function of the deposited energy density. The results show that both DBD treatments led to formation of low-molecular weight oxidized material (LMWOM). It tends to agglomerate into small mounts on the surface, as shown by AFM analyses. These structures are weakly bounded to the surface and can be easily removed by rinsing in polar solvents. After washing the DBD-treated samples, the PP partially recovers its original wetting characteristics. This suggests that oxidation also occurred at deeper and more permanent levels on the PP samples. Comparing both DBD treatments, the 17 kHz process was found to be more efficient in introducing oxygen groups to the PP surface


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In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed