977 resultados para uniform dissipativeness


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Time- and position-resolved synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering data were acquired from samples of two Australian coal seams: Bulli seam (Bulli 4, Ro=1.42%, Sydney Basin), which naturally contains CO2 and Baralaba seam (Ro=0.67%, Bowen Basin), a potential candidate for sequestering CO2. This experimental approach has provided unique, pore-size-specific insights into the kinetics of CO2 sorption in the micro- and small mesopores (diameter 5 to 175 Å) and the density of the sorbed CO2 at reservoir-like conditions of temperature and hydrostatic pressure. For both samples, at pressures above 5 bar, the density of CO2 confined in pores was found to be uniform, with no densification in near-wall regions. In the Bulli 4 sample, CO2 first flooded the slit pores between polyaromatic sheets. In the pore-size range analysed, the confined CO2 density was close to that of the free CO2. The kinetics data are too noisy for reliable quantitative analysis, but qualitatively indicate faster kinetics in mineral-matter-rich regions. In the Baralaba sample, CO2 preferentially invaded the smallest micropores and the confined CO2 density was up to five times that of the free CO2. Faster CO2 sorption kinetics was found to be correlated with higher mineral matter content but, the mineral-matter-rich regions had lower-density CO2 confined in their pores. Remarkably, the kinetics was pore-size dependent, being faster for smaller pores. These results suggest that injection into the permeable section of an interbedded coal-clastic sequence could provide a viable combination of reasonable injectivity and high sorption capacity.


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Planning techniques for large scale earthworks have been considered in this article. To improve these activities a “block theoretic” approach was developed that provides an integrated solution consisting of an allocation of cuts to fills and a sequence of cuts and fills over time. It considers the constantly changing terrain by computing haulage routes dynamically. Consequently more realistic haulage costs are used in the decision making process. A digraph is utilised to describe the terrain surface which has been partitioned into uniform grids. It reflects the true state of the terrain, and is altered after each cut and fill. A shortest path algorithm is successively applied to calculate the cost of each haul, and these costs are summed over the entire sequence, to provide a total cost of haulage. To solve this integrated optimisation problem a variety of solution techniques were applied, including constructive algorithms, meta-heuristics and parallel programming. The extensive numerical investigations have successfully shown the applicability of our approach to real sized earthwork problems.


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In Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd v Gooden [2014] QDC 22 Reid DCJ considered the interaction of the procedures under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld)relating to disclosure by parties to a proceeding and the subpoena process, in the context of a proceeding commenced by originating application.


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Introduction This study investigates uncertainties pertaining to the use of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) in radiotherapy dosimetry. The sensitivity of the luminescent material is related to the density of recombination centres [1], which is in the range of 1015–1016 cm-3. Because of this non-uniform distribution of traps in crystal growth the sensitivity varies substantially within a batch of dosimeters. However, a quantitative understanding of the relationship between the response of an OSLD and its sensitive volume has not yet been investigated or reported in literature. Methods In this work, OSLDs are scanned with a MicroCT scanner to determine potential sources for the variation in relative sensitivity across a selection of Landauer nanoDot dosimeters. Specifically, the correlation between a dosimeters relative sensitivity and the loading density of Al2O3:C powder was determined. Results When extrapolating the sensitive volume’s radiodensity from the CT data, it was shown that there is a non-uniform distribution incrystal growth as illustrated in Fig. 1. A plot of voxel count versus the element-specific correction factor is shown in Fig. 2 where each point represents a single OSLD. A line was fitted which has an R2-value of 0.69 and a P-value of 8.21 9 10-19. This data shows that the response of a dosimeter decreases proportionally with sensitive volume. Extrapolating from this data, a quantitative relationship between response and sensitive volume was roughly determined for this batch of dosimeters. A change in volume of 1.176 9 10-5 cm3 corresponds to a 1 % change in response. In other words, a 0.05 % change in the nominal volume of the chip would result in a 1 % change in response. Discussion and conclusions This work demonstrated that the amount of sensitive material is approximately linked to the total correction factor. Furthermore, the ‘true’ volume of an OSLD’s sensitive material is, on average, 17.90 % less than that which has been reported in literature, mainly due to the presence of air cavities in the material’s structure. Finally, the potential effects of the inaccuracy of Al2O3:C deposition increases with decreasing chip size. If a luminescent dosimeter were manufactured with a smaller volume than currently employed using the same manufacturing protocol, the variation in response from chip to chip would more than likely exceed the current 5 % range.


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Numerical simulations of thermomagnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids placed in a micro-gravity condition (g nearly 0) and under a uniform vertical gradient magnetic field in an open ended square enclosure with ramp heating temperature condition applied on a vertical wall is investigated in this study. In presence of the strong magnetic gradient field thermal convection of the paramagnetic fluid might take place even in a zero-gravity environment as a direct consequence of temperature differences occurring within the fluid. The thermal boundary layer develops adjacent to the hot wall as soon as the ramp temperature condition is applied on it. There are two scenario that can be observed based on the ramp heating time. The steady state of the thermal boundary layer can be reached before the ramp time is finished or vice versa. If the ramp time is larger than the quasi-steady time then the thermal boundary layer is in a quasi-steady mode with convection balancing conduction after the quasi-steady time. Further increase of the heat input simply accelerates the flow to maintain the proper thermal balance. Finally, the boundary layer becomes completely steady state when the ramp time is finished. Effects of magnetic Rayleigh number, Prandtl number and paramagnetic fluid parameter on the flow pattern and heat transfer are presented.


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In La Spina v Macdonnells Law [2014] QSC 44 the Queensland Court of Appeal set aside a judgment entered in circumstances where the appellant had not been given the requisite notice of the application under r31 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld)(UCPR). The court found there had been a denial of natural justice. The court also considered whether in any event the entry of judgment in the circumstances was a proper exercise of the powers which may be exercised on an application for directions under r743H of the UCPR.


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The continuum model is a key paradigm describing the behavior of electromechanical transients in power systems. In the past two decades, much research work has been done on applying the continuum model to analyze the electromechanical wave in power systems. In this work, the uniform and non-uniform continuum models are first briefly described, and some explanations borrowing concepts and tools from other fields are given. Then, the existing approaches of investigating the resulting wave equations are summarized. An application named the zero reflection controller based on the idea of the wave equations is next presented.


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Balancing the competing interests of autonomy and protection of individuals is an escalating challenge confronting an ageing Australian population. Legal and medical professionals are increasingly being asked to determine whether individuals are legally capable to make their own testamentary, financial and/or personal/health care decisions. Diseases such as dementia impact upon cognition which necessitates collaboration between the legal and medical professions to satisfactorily assess the effect of such mentally disabling conditions upon legal competency. Terminological and methodological differences exist between the two professions when assessing capacity in this context which subsequently create miscommunication and misunderstanding. Consequently, it is not necessarily a simple solution for a legal professional to seek the opinion of a medical practitioner. Exacerbating the situation is the fact that no consistent and transparent capacity assessment paradigm currently exists in Australia. Assessments are instead being undertaken on an ad hoc basis dependent upon the skill set of the legal and/or medical professionals involved. A qualitative study seeking the views of legal and medical professionals who practise in this area has been conducted. This incorporated a review of the relevant literature and surveys which informed the semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 legal and 20 medical practitioners. Practitioners were asked whether there is a standard approach to assessment and whether national guidelines would assist. The general consensus was that uniform guidelines would be advantageous. The research also canvassed practitioner views as to the state of the relationship between the professions when assessing capacity. Three promising practices have emerged from this research: first, is the need for the development of national guidelines and supporting principles to satisfactorily assess capacity; second, is the possibility of strengthening the relationship between legal and medical professionals to assist in the satisfactory assessment of legal capacity; and third, the need for increased community education.


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In Century Drilling Limited v Gerling Australia Insurance Company Pty Limited [2004] QSC 120 Holmes J considered the application of a number of significant rules impacting on the obligation to disclose under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999


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In Pollock v Thiess Pty Ltd, McMeekin J considered two applications for the withdrawal of deemed admissions. The judgment provides important guidance on pleadings and deemed admissions under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld).


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INEX investigates focused retrieval from structured documents by providing large test collections of structured documents, uniform evaluation measures, and a forum for organizations to compare their results. This paper reports on the INEX 2008 evaluation campaign, which consisted of a wide range of tracks: Ad hoc, Book, Efficiency, Entity Ranking, Interactive, QA, Link the Wiki, and XML Mining.


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Invasion of extracellular matrices is crucial to a number of physiological and pathophysiological states, including tumor cell metastasis, arthritis, embryo implantation, wound healing, and early development. To isolate invasion from the additional complexities of these scenarios a number of in vitro invasion assays have been developed over the years. Early studies employed intact tissues, like denuded amniotic membrane (1) or embryonic chick heart fragments (2), however recently, purified matrix components or complex matrix extracts have been used to provide more uniform and often more rapid analyses (for examples, see the following integrin studies). Of course, the more holistic view of invasion offered in the earlier assays is valuable and cannot be fully reproduced in these more rapid assays, but advantages of reproducibility among replicates, ease of preparation and analysis, and overall high throughput favor the newer assays. In this chapter, we will focus on providing detailed protocols for Matrigel-based assays (Matrigel=reconstituted basement membrane; reviewed in ref. (3)). Matrigel is an extract from the transplantable Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm murine sarcoma that deposits a multilammelar basement membrane. Matrigel is available commercially (Becton Dickinson, Bedford, MA), and can be manipulated as a liquid at 4°C into a variety of different formats. Alternatively, cell culture inserts precoated with Matrigel can be purchased for even greater simplicity.


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In C & E Pty Ltd v Corrigan [2006] QCA 47, the Queensland Court of Appeal considered whether r103 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules applied to the service of an application to set aside a statutory demand under s459G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The decision provides analysis and clarification of an issue that has clearly been one of some uncertainty.


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In Pacific Century Production Pty Ltd v Netafirm Australia Pty Ltd [2004] QSC 043 the court was asked for the first time to consider the application of rule 229(1)(b) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (the UCPR)


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The Uniform Civil Procedure Rules have brought significant changes to the rules of pleading. The rules place a heavy emphasis on 'truth in pleading', and early identification of the true issues between the parties. There are now a number of pleading rules dealing with specific issues. The changes in the rules are most significant with respect to the level of particulars required for pleading damages, and the facts that must be pleaded in defences. In this article the rules of pleading are examined and contrasted with the rules applicable before the commencement of the UCPR.