856 resultados para twitter, conversation retrieval
The effect of sheep digestion and mastication on Malva parviflora L. seed transmission, viability and germination was investigated. Mature M. parviflora seeds were subjected to 2 seed treatments: 'scarified', where the hard seed coat was manually cut to allow inhibition, and 'unscarified', where the hard seed coat was not cut. Seeds were placed directly into the rumen of fistulated sheep and removed at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of rumen digestion. After 12 h of in sacco exposure to digestion in the rumen, the germination of seeds that were initially scarified dropped from 99.2 to 1.4% and longer exposure periods produced no germinable seeds. In contrast, seeds that were unscarified when placed in the rumen produced over 92% germination regardless of in sacco digestion time, although manual scarification after retrieval was essential to elicit germination. In a second experiment, unscarified seeds (29000) were fed in a single meal to fistulated sheep and feces were collected at regular intervals between 6 and 120 h after feeding. Fecal subsamples were taken to determine number of seeds excreted, seed germination on agar and seed germination from feces. Major seed excretion in the feces commenced after 12 h and continued until 144 h, with peaks between 36 and 72 h after consumption. Although mastication and gut passage killed the majority of unscarified seeds, about 20% were recovered intact and over 90% of these recovered seeds were viable and could, thus, potentially form an extensive seed bank. A few excreted seeds (1%) were able to germinate directly from feces, which increased to a maximum of 10% after subsequent dry summer storage (3 months). Through information gained in this study, there is a potential to utilise livestock in an integrated weed management program for the control of M. parviflora, provided additional measures of weed control are in place such as holding periods (> 7 days) for movement of livestock from weed infested areas.
Minimal perfect hash functions are used for memory efficient storage and fast retrieval of items from static sets. We present an infinite family of efficient and practical algorithms for generating order preserving minimal perfect hash functions. We show that almost all members of the family construct space and time optimal order preserving minimal perfect hash functions, and we identify the one with minimum constants. Members of the family generate a hash function in two steps. First a special kind of function into an r-graph is computed probabilistically. Then this function is refined deterministically to a minimal perfect hash function. We give strong theoretical evidence that the first step uses linear random time. The second step runs in linear deterministic time. The family not only has theoretical importance, but also offers the fastest known method for generating perfect hash functions.
Evidence for expectancy-based priming in the pronunciation task was provided in three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, a high proportion of associatively related trials produced greater associative priming and superior retrieval of primes in a subsequent test of memory for primes, whereas high- and low-proportion groups showed comparable repetition benefits in perceptual identification of previously presented primes. In Experiment 2, the low-proportion condition had few associatively related pairs hut many identity pairs. In Experiment 3, identity priming was greater in a high- than a low-identity proportion group, with similar repetition benefits and prime retrieval responses for the two groups. These results indicate that when the prime-target relationship is salient, subjects strategically vary their processing of the prime according to the nature of the prime-target relationship.
Catheter migration or catheter fracture and consequent migration of a fragment is a rare complication that occurs in 1% of the patients. Despite the low incidence, embolization may cause severe and potentially fatal complications, with the mortality rates varying between 24 and 60%. The gold standard treatment for this condition is the extraction of the fragmented catheter by the intravascular percutaneous route, through the common femoral vein. If it is not available, the extraction procedure must be performed through an alternative access. This article describes a fully successful removal of a fragmented catheter by percutaneous intravascular access obtained through the right subclavian vein.
This article seeks to examine the complex nature of pretence as portrayed in a popular UK children's television puppet show. Central to the various theoretical concerns with make-believe philosophical, psychological and lucid - has been the phenomenological axis of the 'real-imaginary'. Because of the serial types of transformations undertaken by characters in the programme and the reliance placed on natural models of conversation, the problematic nature of this core boundary is highlighted. Despite its overt status as a fictional representation of animal behaviour, the very animality of the puppets is rendered opaque as their identities as children are linguistically accomplished. As a consequence we argue that the show as a piece of representational art is structured by moral and behavioural dictates typical of conventional adult-child interaction.
Many lines of evidence indicate that theta rhythm, a prominent neural oscillatory mode found in the mammalian hippocampus, plays a key role in the acquisition, processing, and retrieval of memories. However, a predictive neurophysiological feature of the baseline theta rhythm that correlates with the learning rate across different animals has yet to be identified. Here we show that the mean theta rhythm speed observed during baseline periods of immobility has a strong positive correlation with the rate at which rats learn an operant task. This relationship is observed across rats, during both quiet waking (r=0.82; p<0.01) and paradoxical sleep (r=0.83; p<0.01), suggesting that the basal theta frequency relates to basic neurological processes that are important in the acquisition of operant behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: EUS is being increasingly utilized for the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis and microlithiasis, especially in patients with biliary colic. Simultaneously, there is also a rising interest in the use of EUS for therapeutic interventions. Objectives: Our goal was to assess the effectiveness of EUS-directed common bile duct (CBD) stone removal to compare its safety and effectiveness with ERCP-directed intervention. Design: interim results of a prospective, randomized, single-center blinded clinical trial. Setting: A single tertiary care referral center. Patients: Fifty-two patients with uncomplicated CBD stones were prospectively randomized to CBD cannulation and stone removal under EUS or ERCP guidance. Main Outcome Measurements and Interventions: Primary outcome measure was the rate of successful cannulation of the CBD. Secondary Outcome measures included Successful removal of stones and overall complication rates. Results: CBD cannulation followed by stone extraction was successful in 23 of 26 patients (88.5%) in the EUS group (1) versus 25 of 26 patients (96.2%) in the ERCP group (11) (95% CI, -27.65%, 9.88%). Overall, there were 3 complications in the EUS group and 4 complications in the ERCP group. Limitation: The current study is an interim report from a single center report and performed by a single operator. Conclusions: Our preliminary analysis indicates that Outcomes following EUS-guided CBD stone retrieval are equivalent to those following ERCP EUS-related adverse events are similar to those following ERCP. ERCP and EUS-guided stone retrieval appears to be equally effective for therapeutic interventions of the bile duct. Additional studies are required to validate these preliminary results and to determine predictors of success of EUS-guided stone removal. (Gastrointest Endosc 2009;69:238-43.)
According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the elderly population grew 47.8% in the last decade in Brazil. A portion of this population has severe and/or profound hearing loss and do not benefit from conventional hearing aids. Thus, the use of cochlear implant is required. Aim: To analyze the benefits of cochlear implants in the elderly based on the comparison of primary auditory thresholds before and after the operation, discrimination of sentences in speech and in talking on the telephone. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study, analyzing medical records from patients aged over 60 years, users of cochlear implant for at least 1 year. Results: Fourteen medical records were analyzed. Mean age of patients was 63.07 years. The mean pure tone thresholds between 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz and 4kHz before the implantation was 113dBHL. None of the patients, before operation, could discriminate sentences in open sets and only 3 scored 17% in closed sets sentence recognition. After one year of implantation, the mean sound field thresholds reached 34dBHL, and open set sentences recognition of 93.57%, while 71% of the patients had become able to have a conversation on the telephone. Conclusion: The elderly users of cochlear implant showed important outcomes, with significant improvement in understanding in the open set and in using the telephone.
Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) are ubiquitous enzymes involved in membrane fatty acid metabolism and intracellular signalling. Recent studies have shown that PLA(2) subtypes are implicated in the modulation of pathways related to memory acquisition and retrieval. We investigated the effects of cognitive training on platelet PLA(2) activity in healthy elderly individuals. Twenty-three cognitively unimpaired older adults were randomly assigned to receive memory training or standard outpatient care only. Both groups were cognitively assessed by the same protocol, and the experimental group (EG) underwent a four-session memory training intervention. Pre- and post-test measures included prose and list recall, WAIS-III digit symbol, strategy use measures and platelet PLA(2) group activity. After cognitive training, patients in the EG group had significant increase in cytosolic, calcium-dependent PLA(2) (cPLA(2)), extracellular (or secreted), calcium-dependent PLA(2) (sPLA(2)), total platelet PLA(2) activity, and significant decrease in platelet calcium-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)) activity. Our results suggest that memory training may have a modulating effect in PLA(2)-mediated biological systems associated with cognitive functions and neurodegenerative diseases. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare cryopreservation of mature human oocytes with slow-rate freezing and vitrification and determine which is most efficient at establishing a pregnancy. Design: Prospective randomized. Setting: Academically affiliated, private fertility center. Patient(s): Consenting patients with concerns about embryo cryopreservation and more than nine mature oocytes at retrieval were randomized to slow-rate freezing or vitrification of supernumerary (more than nine) oocytes. Intervention(s): Oocytes were frozen or vitrified, and upon request oocytes were thawed or warmed, respectively. Main Outcome Measure(s): Oocyte survival, fertilization, embryo development, and clinical pregnancy. Result(s): Patient use has resulted in 30 thaws and 48 warmings. Women`s age at time of cryopreservation was similar. Oocyte survival was significantly higher following vitrification/warming (81%) compared with freezing/thawing (67%). Fertilization was more successful in oocytes vitrified/warmed compared with frozen/thawed. Fertilized oocytes from vitrification/warming had significantly better cleavage rates (84%) compared with freezing/thawing (71%) and resulted in embryos with significantly better morphology. Although similar numbers of embryos were transferred, embryos resulting from vitrified oocytes had significantly enhanced clinical (38%) pregnancy rates compared with embryos resulting from frozen oocyte (13%). Miscarriage and/or spontaneous abortion rates were similar. Conclusion(s): Our results suggest that vitrification/warming is currently the most efficient means of oocyte cryopreservation in relation to subsequent success in establishing pregnancy. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 94: 2088-95. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas is an uncommon but distinctive pancreatic neoplasm with low metastatic potential [1]. Therefore, whenever feasible, an organ-preserving operation should be performed. As previously reported, women with solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas may be best treated by more conservative procedures [2]. Recently, laparoscopic pancreatic resections became more common and are being performed in highly specialized centers. There are only six cases of laparoscopic resection for solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas published in the English literature and, to our knowledge, laparoscopic resection of uncinate process of the pancreas has never been reported [3-6]. This video demonstrates the technical aspects of a totally laparoscopic resection of the uncinate process of the pancreas in a patient with solid pseudopapillary neoplasm. A 26-year-old woman with a 4-cm solid pseudopapillary pancreatic neoplasm was referred for surgical treatment. According to preoperative echoendoscopy, there was a safe margin between neoplasm and main pancreatic duct. The patient was placed in supine position with the surgeon standing between her legs. Four trocars, one 10-mm and three 5-mm, were used. At inspection, the inferior vena cava, transverse colon, duodenum, and pancreas are clearly identified. A Kocher maneuver was performed with complete exposure of pancreatic head and uncinate process. The uncinate process was dissected from the superior mesenteric vein and venous branches were divided between metallic clips or by use of laparoscopic coagulation shears (LCS; Ethicon Endo Surgery Industries, Cincinnati, OH, USA). Blood supply of the duodenum was preserved by ligature of small pancreatic branches from inferior pancreatoduodenal artery. Transection of pancreatic parenchyma was performed using laparoscopic coagulation shears, which is an effective tool for cutting the pancreas [7, 8]. Surgical specimen was removed through a suprapubic incision inside a retrieval bag. A hemostatic absorbable tissue (Surgicel; Ethicon Inc., Cincinnati, OH) was placed in the cutting pancreatic surface, and one round 19F Blake abdominal drain (Ethicon) was left in place. Operative time was 180 minutes and blood loss estimated in 40 ml with no blood transfusion. Hospital stay was 4 days. The patient did not have postoperative pancreatitis or pancreatic leakage, and the abdominal drain was removed on the tenth postoperative day. Final pathology confirmed the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas with free surgical margins. The patient was well and asymptomatic 2 months after the procedure. Laparoscopic resection of uncinate process of the pancreas is safe and feasible and should be considered for patients suffering from pancreatic neoplasms.
Objective: To describe a subinguinal technique of microsurgical testicular biopsy performed during subinguinal varicocelectomy in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. Design: Prospective clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory at tertiary care hospital. Male infertility section, department of urology, at tertiary care hospital. Patient(s): Ten azoospermic men with clinical varicocele. Intervention(s): Subinguinal microsurgical testicular biopsy and microsurgical varicocele repair. Main Outcome Measure(s): Safety, feasibility, and effectiveness of subinguinal testicular biopsy during varicocele repair. Result(s): All testes were easily delivered through the subinguinal incision, and testicular biopsies were successfully performed under microscopic view. After a median follow-up of 9 months, none of the patients had any discomfort, pain, or presented with testicular atrophy. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. There was no incidence of wound infection or scrotal hematoma. Conclusion(s): The subinguinal approach is a safe and effective option for testicular biopsy during varicocele repair in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. This technique may be an attractive alternative to traditional biopsy because it obviates scrotal violation. (Fertil Steril (R) 2009;91:925-8. (c) 2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Experience with laparoscopic liver resections has increased in recent years, and so have the number of patients operated on by minimally invasive techniques. Specimen extraction is an important step of laparoscopic liver resection. The size of the specimen, is Usually a limitation for the use Of laparoscopy. The aim of this paper is to describe a new technique combining Pfannenstiel suprapubic incision and obstetric forceps to remove a large specimen from laparoscopic liver resections. The present technique allows an expeditious extraction of intact specimens, even huge ones, through a standard suprapubic Pfannenstiel incision. This technique has additional functional and cosmetic advantages over other techniques of specimen retrieval. We believe that the described technique is feasible, can be easily and rapidly performed, and facilitates laparoscopic liver resection by reducing the technical difficulties for specimen removal and may also be used in other abdominal laparoscopic interventions that deal with large surgical specimens.
To evaluate the meiotic spindle and chromosomal distribution of in vitro-matured oocytes from infertile nonobese women with PCOS and male or tubal causes of infertility (controls), and to compare in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between groups. Seventy four patients (26 with PCOS and 48 controls) undergoing stimulated cycles of oocyte retrieval for ICSI were selected prospectively. Thirteen PCOS patients and 27 controls had immature oocytes retrieved submitted to IVM. After IVM, oocytes showing extrusion of the first polar body were fixed and processed for evaluation of the meiotic spindle and chromosome distribution by immunofluorescence microscopy. There were no differences between PCOS and control groups with respect to IVM rates (50.0% and 42.9%, respectively) nor the percentage of meiotic abnormalities in metaphase II oocytes (35.3% and 25%, respectively). In vitro-matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles of nonobese PCOS did not have an increased ratio of meiotic abnormalities.