918 resultados para tree biomass
Background: Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease associated with poor areas of urban settings of developing countries and early diagnosis and prompt treatment may prevent disease. Although rodents are reportedly considered the main reservoirs of leptospirosis, dogs may develop the disease, may become asymptomatic carriers and may be used as sentinels for disease epidemiology. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) combined with spatial analysis techniques allows the mapping of the disease and the identification and assessment of health risk factors. Besides the use of GIS and spatial analysis, the technique of data mining, decision tree, can provide a great potential to find a pattern in the behavior of the variables that determine the occurrence of leptospirosis. The objective of the present study was to apply Geographical Information Systems and data prospection (decision tree) to evaluate the risk factors for canine leptospirosis in an area of Curitiba, PR.Materials, Methods & Results: The present study was performed on the Vila Pantanal, a urban poor community in the city of Curitiba. A total of 287 dog blood samples were randomly obtained house-by-house in a two-day sampling on January 2010. In addition, a questionnaire was applied to owners at the time of sampling. Geographical coordinates related to each household of tested dog were obtained using a Global Positioning System (GPS) for mapping the spatial distribution of reagent and non-reagent dogs to leptospirosis. For the decision tree, risk factors included results of microagglutination test (MAT) from the serum of dogs, previous disease on the household, contact with rats or other dogs, dog breed, outdoors access, feeding, trash around house or backyard, open sewer proximity and flooding. A total of 189 samples (about 2/3 of overall samples) were randomly selected for the training file and consequent decision rules. The remained 98 samples were used for the testing file. The seroprevalence showed a pattern of spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area, without agglomeration of reagent animals. In relation to data mining, from 189 samples used in decision tree, a total of 165 (87.3%) animal samples were correctly classified, generating a Kappa index of 0.413. A total of 154 out of 159 (96.8%) samples were considered non-reagent and were correctly classified and only 5/159 (3.2%) were wrongly identified. on the other hand, only 11 (36.7%) reagent samples were correctly classified, with 19 (63.3%) samples failing diagnosis.Discussion: The spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area showed that all the animals in the area are at risk of contamination by Leptospira spp. Although most samples had been classified correctly by the decision tree, a degree of difficulty of separability related to seropositive animals was observed, with only 36.7% of the samples classified correctly. This can occur due to the fact of seronegative animals number is superior to the number of seropositive ones, taking the differences in the pattern of variable behavior. The data mining helped to evaluate the most important risk factors for leptospirosis in an urban poor community of Curitiba. The variables selected by decision tree reflected the important factors about the existence of the disease (default of sewer, presence of rats and rubbish and dogs with free access to street). The analyses showed the multifactorial character of the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different supplementation levels of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus biomass on the performance and pigmentation of broilers. Cobb broilers were raised in pens and were fed a sorghum-based diet until 35 days of age. At the 36th day of age, ninety-six birds were randomly distributed to four treatments consisting of experimental diets with different supplementation levels of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus biomass (0, 75, 150 and 300 ppm) added to the finisher basal diet, which were given for seven days. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with four treatments, four replicates and six broilers per parcel. Birds and diets were weighed at the 36th and at the 42nd day of age for performance analysis. There was no significant effect on broiler feed intake. Significant differences in weight gain and feed conversion were seen between the control group and the groups supplemented with 75 and 150 ppm. The treatment with the highest supplementation level and the control group had best weight gain and feed conversion. Color analysis showed that R. gelatinosus biomass supplementation resulted in more yellow breast skin and increased darkening and color purity in breast and thigh meat of broilers, but had no effect on lightness or color purity of breast and thigh skins.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Casearia sylvestris Sw. is a widespread neotropical tree utilized in popular medicine. Recent research ranked Casearia as one of the most promising genus in the search of drugs against cancer. Despite its wide distribution and pharmacological importance, no microsatellite markers have yet been developed for this genus. In this study, we provide 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci specifically designed for C. sylvestris, used to analyse 90 individuals distributed in two populations from São Paulo state, Brazil. on average, 12.3 alleles per locus were identified, showing the ability of the markers to detect microsatellite polymorphism in this species.
The seasonal variation of the periphytic community attached to an artificial substratum (glass tubes) was studied during two different periods in a lagoon connected to the Paranapanema River, the main tributary of the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo-Brazil). An analysis of dry weight, ash free dry weight, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin and primary productivity of periphyton was carried out. The first experiment lasted from August to December 1993, the second from February to June 1994. Tubes were removed after 7, 14, 21, 28, 60, 90 and 119 days of incubation. In the 1st experiment, the periphytic community reached a higher biomass after the 4th week of colonization (28th day), in the 2nd experiment after the 2nd week (14th day). This discrepancy is related to seasonal differences in environmental factors (water temperature, nutrients concentrations and water discharge) that determine initial colonization. After the first stages of colonization, the biomass and primary productivity of periphyton reached their maximum values after the 60th day of incubation. In both experiments, three developmental phases could be discerned. In the initial phase, an exponential growth was observed. In the second phase, the bioderm reached its maximum biomass and productivity. In the third phase, a decrease of biomass and productivity occurred.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estimating fungal growth is important in processes of soil bioremediation. It has been demonstrated that ergosterol is a good indicator of fungal biomass in solid substrata. In the present study were evaluated the effects upon the ergosterol rate of Lentinus crinitus Berk. and Psilocybe castanella Peck through the culture conditions of these fungi, which are evaluated for the bioremediation of soils contaminated by organochlorates. A good correlation between fungal biomass and ergosterol was observed for both species. The culture conditions did not influence the ergosterol rate of L. crinitus. Yet the ergosterol rate of P. castanella was influenced from 35 days of culture and when grown in the presence of 15.00 g hexachlorobenzene l(-1) of culture medium. So it is possible to estimate growth of both species using ergosterol as indicator in processes of soil bioremediation since the influences observed in the ergosterol rate of P. castanella are considered.
The palm Euterpe edulis Mart. is one of the dominant tree species in the Atlantic rainforest and considered a key resource for many frugivorous birds. We compared the reproductive phenology of E. edulis in three types of Atlantic rainforest (two lowland forests, restinga and coastal-plain, and a premontane forest) on Cardoso Island (Cananeia, São Paulo, Brazil), aiming to answer the following questions: (i) whether the reproduction of E. edulis is annual and seasonal across the years in the three forest types studied; (ii) what are the environmental factors influencing the reproductive phenology of E. edulis; and (iii) how does the timing of fruiting and fruit production of E. edulis vary among the three forest types? We evaluated the presence of flowers and fruits (immature, unripe and ripe) from August 2001 to July 2004 in 150 individuals (50 per forest), and estimated the number of infructescences with ripe fruits and the production of fruits and seeds by collecting them on the forest floor in the three forest types. Flowering and fruiting of E. edulis were annual and significantly seasonal in the three forest types, with a high synchrony of flowering and medium to low synchrony of fruiting. Flowering peaked in November and December, and immature and unripe fruits peaked in January and March, all during the rainy season. Immature and unripe fruit phases were correlated with the daylength, precipitation and temperature, important factors for fruits development. Ripe fruits peaked in April and May, in the less rainy season, with significant differences in the mean dates among forests. The number of infructescences with ripe fruits and the biomass of fruits and seeds collected on the ground also differed significantly among the forest types, being greater in the restinga and coastal plain forests, respectively. Differences in productivity were related to palm density in each area and the soil fertility. The complementary fruiting pattern of E. edulis in the forests studied may affect the distribution and abundance of certain frugivorous bird species that feed on their fruits.
The influence of a population of the understorey woody bamboo Merostachys riedeliana and different flooding regimes on tree community dynamics in a section of tropical semideciduous forest in South-Eastern Brazil was examined. A forest section with an area of 1.6 ha composed of 71 adjacent plots was located on a slope ending at the river margin. The section was divided into five topographical sectors according to the mean duration of river floods. In 1991 and 1998 all trees with a diameter at the base of the trunk greater than or equal to 5 cm were measured, identified and tagged, and all live bamboo culms were counted. Annualised estimates of the rates of tree mortality and recruitment, gain and loss of tree basal area, and change in bamboo density were calculated for each of the 71 plots and five topographical sectors as well as for diameter classes and tree species. To segregate patterns arising from spatially autocorrelated events, geostatistical analyses were used prior to statistical comparisons and correlations. In general, mortality rates were not compensated by recruitment rates but there was a net increase in basal area in all sectors, suggesting that the tree community as a whole was in a building phase. Tree community dynamics of the point bar forest (Depression and Levee sectors) differed from that of the upland forest (Ridgetop, Middle Slope and Lower Slope sectors) in the extremely high rates of gain in basal area. The predominant and specialised species, Inga vera and Salix humboldtiana, are probably favoured by relaxed competition in an environment stressed by long-lasting floods. In the upland forest, mortality rates were highest at the Middle Slope, particularly for smaller trees, while recruitment rates were lowest. As bamboo clumps were concentrated in this sector, the locally higher instability in the tree community probably resulted from the direct interference of bamboos. The density of bamboo culms in the upland forest was negatively correlated with the rates of tree recruitment and gain in basal area, and positively correlated with tree mortality rates. Bamboos therefore seemed to restrict the recruitment, growth and survival of trees.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata (angico-do-cerrado), uma leguminosa arbórea, forma associações simbióticas com bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio (rizóbios) e com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da inoculação de fungos micorrízicos e rizóbios no crescimento inicial de plantas de angico-do-cerrado, crescidas em solo autoclavado e em solo não autoclavado com e sem inoculação, foi desenvolvido um experimento em casa de vegetação, utilizando raízes micorrizadas de milho e uma mistura de isolados de rizóbios como inoculantes. O crescimento das plantas foi influenciado positivamente pela concomitante inoculação do fungo micorrízico e do rizóbio, tendo as plantas desse tratamento apresentado biomassa cerca de 60 % maior do que o controle no décimo mês. A inoculação de apenas um dos microssimbiontes, entretanto, não provocou diferença na produção de biomassa das plantas. A percentagem de colonização micorrízica foi significativamente mais alta e o número de nódulos maior nas raízes das plantas crescidas no solo não autoclavado, ocasionados pela população de fungos e rizóbios nativos. Nesse tratamento, houve pequeno acúmulo de matéria no xilopódio, provavelmente em virtude do dreno fotossintético por parte dos microssimbiontes, e a concentração de P na parte aérea e xilopódio dessas plantas foi cerca de 1,2 e 8 vezes maior, respectivamente, por causa da colonização micorrízica.
A estrutura horizontal e vertical do componente arbóreo foi investigada em um trecho de Floresta Atlântica baixo-montana através de um levantamento fitossociológico em dois blocos amostrais de 0,99 ha cada no Parque Estadual Intervales. Todos os indivíduos com DAP > 5 cm foram registrados. Foram amostrados 3.078 indivíduos distribuídos em 172 espécies. O índice de diversidade de Shannon foi de H' = 3,85 nat.ind.-1. A família Myrtaceae se destacou tanto em número de espécies (38) quanto em número de indivíduos (745) no levantamento. Euterpe edulis Mart. teve o maior valor de importância (33,98%), abrangendo 21,8% do total de indivíduos registrados. O índice de similaridade quantitativo foi maior do que o qualitativo, mostrando pouca variação estrutural entre os blocos amostrais, mas a grande quantidade de espécies pouco abundantes, resultou em pronunciadas diferenças florísticas entre eles. Uma análise de correspondência retificada (DCA) gerou três estratos verticais arbitrários. O estrato A (> 26 m) teve a menor densidade e foi bem representado pelas espécies Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. e Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. O estrato B (8 m < h < 26 m) mostrou a maior riqueza e diversidade florística, e o estrato C (< 8 m) a maior densidade. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi e Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral foram bem representadas nos estratos B e C da floresta. A existência de estratos verticais em florestas tropicais é discutida, recomendando-se o uso da DCA para estudos da estratificação vertical em outras florestas tropicais.